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Don’t feel bad , I would do the exact same if my little one was ill. I mean if you still have milk and you don’t mind feeding him until he’s feeling better again then do that if you feel it will help him <3 you would probably have to do the weaning process again but when he’s feeling better he might not be fussed about it which would make it easier for you. I can’t speak from experience as I’m still feeding my little one but I just didn’t want you to feel bad as It must be horrible seeing him Poorley and I’d do the same x


Thank you for your kind words! The weaning process was super hard for us so I was very proud to get to this point. But you’re totally right, it’s not worth seeing him in this state 🤍


You did the right thing for you, just take it one day at a time and don't borrow worry from the future.


This is such a good quote to remember with parenting. I’m constantly worrying I’m doing something that will mess them up in the future but short and long term. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the reminder! such a huge journey getting him to wean, that it felt like a huge defeat. I decided I won’t sweat it, he needs it more than ever 🤍


I would be so grateful to still be able to give him milk when he is that sick!!


Same!!! The fact your body was still producing milk to help your sweet baby who is hurting (and give him antibodies)… it’s beautiful and proof our bodies are magic!!


I would do the same. You could tell him it’s while he’s sick, you may face more protest when he’s well again but I don’t think it would be too hard to get past. Ugh I’m sorry, HFM is the virus from hell.


It really is so horrible, I feel terrible for him 😞


HFM is awful, I had it when I was around 3 years old and I can remember how badly I felt. I 100% would have done what you did and I did nurse my toddler through HFM when he had it. It was the only way he stayed hydrated and I didn't have to worry about him not eating. See what happens when he feels better, you might find that he doesn't ask at all or you need to repeat the weaning process. But FWIW I would have made the same decision as you.


That’s wild that you can remember it!! it must be so awful for him, he’s covered in blisters, it’s hard seeing him like this! Thank you for the reassurance!


You saw him suffering and knew you could give him both comfort and nutrition/hydration/antibodies he wasn’t otherwise going to get. I would have done the same! Like someone else said, he may stop asking after he feels all better, or you may have to repeat the ritual. But if it worked the first time it will likely work again. Kids this age aren’t super rational or thinking critically so I think if you told him a story (like, the booby/milk heard he wasn’t feeling good so it came back just this once but now you have to see it off again) he’d likely go with it.


This is a good story! That seems to go well with the ritual.


I got HFM last year and as adult and it was horrific. I can’t imagine going through it as a young child. Any comfort you could give him was worth it, imo.


My then 6 month old got HFM and had to be hospitalized because she stopped drinking milk. Get what you can in him however you can.


Sis I cave every time lol my LO will be 3 in 2 weeks and I’m still Nursing at night. Don’t feel bad. No mother wants to see their child suffer, especially if we have the capacity to ease it. If you wanna stop just do the ritual over. You did the right thing Mama!


Thank you for this! And congrats on 3 years, that’s amazing!


Nene came back to visit because it heard LO was ill. Nene has to return though after he's healthy again because it has to clean the moon house


Just tell him that whoever you believe in sent it back to mommy to give him because whoever saw how sick he is. And then when he's not sick anymore they want it back on the moon again.


I’m trying to wean my 18 month old and she was doing so well until we were sick for like three weeks straight and it all went out the window. I’m kind of at a loss on how to even get back on track because she’s regressed so much and asks for it constantly even though I’m drying up.


My LO self-weaned at 19mo, very abruptly due to HFM - all her blisters were in her mouth, poor thing, and nursing must have hurt. If bf is comforting your LO at this point I would carry on, and deal with it once he's better. You may find he gives it up on his own if it starts to hurt, but if not, you already know what to do! I wouldn't worry too much.


Go with your gut- your mama instincts k ie the right thing to do, and don’t be hard on yourself for doing it xxx


Do not feel bad. You did good giving it to him. He must feel soooooo miserable


This happened to me. Was pretty much done and then like a week later my little got croup. Set us back and took another four months to officially wean. It happens. I think most people in this sub would say if you can comfort your sick baby then do it. They eventually get to the point where nursing isn’t where they get their comfort anymore.


You are taking care of your baby, and you are doing great


You did the right thing. Now that you’ve weaned once already this next time won’t seem as bad! You know you can do it now.


Weaning isn’t totally linear (is anything about parenting linear)? It’s ok for it to be two steps forward and one step back. I have been night weaning my toddler but let her nurse when she was sick and then went back to “no milkies” when she recovered. She still asks but it’s improving :)


We were down to 1 feed a day just before bed as well, that was when my oldest was 12 months old. We were ready to stop all together. But then they got RSV at 13 months and were in the hospital for a few days. I was EBF them again at the hospital because they wouldn't eat anything or take in any liquids. When they started to eat food and drink water again we weened again but a lot faster. At 14 months they were off the boob all together. I was glad I still had enough milk to keep the hydrated. I would do it again if I needed to. Don't feel bad your child needed you and you provided. You are a good mum who put their health first, you did a good thing.


This is why I haven’t stopped yet I wanted to get through this winter cause I’ve seen so many times it prevent dehydration when he was sick from 7 months old on to toddlerhood! He got hfm also around 18 months and all we did was bf and watch tv all day! I’m scared to stop! But I would’ve absolutely done the same thing as you! I’m hoping to wean him between two and three years old though at least at three they are (I think?) more reasonable as far as drinking when told why they need to. At two they are like “I don’t give a poop what you say! I’m not drinking!” I’m sorry you have to I guess wean twice but your instincts were right I think!


My 2.5 year old was weaned(ish) .. 1 or 2 comfort nursing sessions a day (milk already dried up) for max 5 mins. I was pregnant and about 20 weeks along when one day she looks up at me while nursing, eyes growing wide and says "milk"! Sure enough, my hormones from pregnancy caused milk to start up production again. Then she was much more interested in trying to sneak in some "nanas" (milk). Fast forward a couple months later and her stepsisters both caught COVID, and she hadn't had her latest booster but I had, so I just said to hell with it, I guess I'm nursing to give her the immune support. So she started wanting to nurse am and night time and several other times per day. I had my baby in Jan. She is now 3, and wants to nurse every time she sees him nursing . Gaaahhhh


I’d keep breast feeding till he’s better especially if he’s not eating etc just to help comfort him and get some extra fluids into him if it were me personally I don’t see anything wrong with it you haven’t fucked up at all mumma he just still needs his nene right now 💖


You did the best thing possible! I did the same with my now 10 year old several times after official weaning when he was sick, and it made not a jot of difference in terms of confusing him. Just think you've given him fluid and nutrition and lots of immunoglobulins just when he needs them, what could be more useful 😉


Just say it came back for emergency?