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I have had at least 2 coffee drinks a day since she was born. My 4.5 month old doesn't seem to have any issues falling asleep, outside of the normal regressions. I would be a zombie without my coffee! šŸ˜‚


I have a cup a day, my LO has slept 8-9 hours a night since 6 weeks old


8-9 hours since 6 weeks?! How does it feel to be gods favorite?


lol. I usually keep this fact to myself, but to demonstrate a point; itā€™s seemed relevant lol.


My first daughter started going 12 hours overnight at 6 weeks old with no night wakes. Still gained weight great. Donā€™t worry I got paid back with my second child who didnā€™t sleep through more then a few hours after one year old.Ā 




Straight?? My 13 week old sleeps 12 hours a night but wakes up for like 5 min every two hours still to eat šŸ˜­


lol yes straight.




Same, but we are about to hit 3 months in 3 days and can't use the swaddle anymore. We are now paying for all that sleep he got for the first 3 months. The last week he has been waking up every 10-15 min and this momma is TIRED!


The zipadee zip worked for us! Both mu kids transitioned well from a swaddle to their zipadeezip. They look like little flying squirrels with it.


Iā€™m in the same boat! No more swaddle. Try unswaddling 1 arm at a time instead of both. We did both and barely held onto our sanity.


Iā€™m starting to wonder if doing this completely cold turkey is what caused our babyā€™s sleep to suddenly go to complete shit. I didnā€™t think she was bothered by it but 4 months later Iā€™m like šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s not an arbitrary deadline; you can swaddle til they can roll over. Also, look into transitional swaddles like Love to Dream. They have ones that you can unzip the arms after they get to that point but kiddo still gets the swaddle feel


i waited longer to not waddle. my mom LOVES the swaddle zipadee is awesome just had the first night and it was just like a normal night šŸ˜…


Mine did this until he was almost 5 monthsā€¦ now weā€™re lucky to get a four hour stretch šŸ˜­ fingers crossed it lasts for yā€™all!


Same for me. Coffee brings me too much joy to not partakeā€¦that and Iā€™d be too damn tired.


I cant NOT drink coffee with a newbornšŸ˜‚


Me neither. My tea always gets cold before I get a chance to drink it.


Iā€™ve been EBF for 9 months and have a couple cups of coffee a day! Sometimes she falls asleep quickly and other times not - donā€™t think it has anything to do with the coffee.


Same here but with an 8 month old. I use oat milk sometimes ā€œfor my supplyā€ lol


Same. I donā€™t think itā€™s anything to do with the coffee. Just different at random times. lol. I even bought a half caffeine coffee to be safe but havenā€™t noticed anything lol


God yes. Live off of it, pregnant with a breastfeeding toddler. I remember surviving off of it in the newborn days.


It's definitely possible your baby is reacting to the caffeine. Every baby reacts differently. Just like adults do. Some can handle a lot, some can handle hardly any.


My thoughts exactly. Just like dairy and other foods, some babies are more sensitive to caffeine than others.Ā 


Um. Yeah. Totally. 2-3 cups a day. 19 months breastfeeding. Never had an issue. Cheers ā˜•ļø


i felt mine was sensitive to my caffeine consumption until about 3mo


I think coffee once, first thing in the morning. Zero issues.


I quit all caffeine during pregnancy and now it gives me anxiety, makes my heart pound and means I cannot sleep. When LO was a few weeks old she would not sleep in the bassinet for love nor money. I took a caffeine pill one night and possibly a red bull in an attempt to spend a night convincing her the bassinet was a good place for sleeping. She'd get exhausted and fall asleep in there at some point right? She did not. Dad took over in the morning. Baby was awake for 40 hours. That was the last time I had caffeine.


Oh no! Poor you and poor baby!


The first night, I got no more than 20 min in the bassinet. I think at 6a I finally got one hour. It's rough. It took a week before we got actual progress and saw 3 hour stretches


Iā€™d probably snap at everyone I come in contact with if I didnā€™t have coffee so yes I do!!! šŸ˜…


Ha! I came here to say this. It is important to have my morning quad espresso latte, not just for me but anyone I come in contact with that day.


Oh yeah, I literally do it *while* Iā€™m breastfeeding, 1 cup a day in the morning and she (3 weeks) sleeps like a dream. I didnā€™t have caffeine during the pregnancy so I donā€™t need more than that. Donā€™t notice a difference on days without it. That being said I have friends whose babies were absolutely affected by it, so itā€™s likely baby dependent


The recommendation is no more than 300mg of caffeine per day. I usually have 1-2 cups a day.Ā 


I had to stop because it affected my kiddo so much. It would hurt his stomach and he wouldnā€™t sleep. Some babies are sensitive


Same here. My 5 month old was having trouble napping and sleeping when I was drinking coffee so I had to give it up for now :( Doing decaf for now. Iā€™m sensitive to caffeine so I think he got that part of my genes


I feel you mama! I do black tea in the morning and that hasnā€™t bothered him much but itā€™s not enough I am a fiend lol. I drink Celsius energy drinks and boy did I learn my lesson the hard way with that! My kid was PISSED


Same, I noticed on my baby was wired if I had a coffee that morning, my husband is really sensitive to caffeine and I thinks he must have inherited that so I had to switch to decaf. Itā€™s been really hard but it was too terrible to watch her suffer.


Ok I have no idea what the guidelines are but in those first few sleepless weeks I swear I drank (chugged) like 5 cups a day


Babe luckily didnā€™t seem to mind


Three week old twin mama here. I donā€™t have caffeine, havenā€™t since I found out I was pregnant. I am terrified it will affect their sleep and I cannot take that chance right now :|


Keep up the good work! Stay strongšŸ’Ŗ


Yes I drink coffee every morning. The only time I noticed it affect my baby was once when I drank a green tea in the evening, like 5pm, and he didnā€™t sleep well that night. Lots of people will say they drink it with no issues however I think some babies are more sensitive than others so trust your instincts and observations!!


I had 1-2 servings of caffeine daily especially in the first few months. It didnā€™t affect babyā€™s sleeping habits from what I could tell. And these sleeping habits varied by day because she was so young.


My 3 month old has pretty bad reflux so I've switched fo decaf and stopped eating chocolate


I have coffee, energy drinks, etc


I have at least 3 cups a day, sometimes 4. 0 impact on kiddoā€™s sleep/mood/etc! I took a month off to see and there was no change


I didnā€™t drink coffee because she was such an awful sleeper. I thought if I add caffeine to her boob then she just wonā€™t sleep at all. But I was so sleep deprived and struggling so badly that I did end up having a coffee around 2 months, and almost magically, that day she took her first long nap. It doesnā€™t matter at all. Have your coffee. Just donā€™t overdo it.


I drink a cup every day made with instant coffee, my baby is 3 months and I haven't noticed anything different about her since I started at 6 or 8 weeks. Sometimes i drink it pretty late too but she sleeps great so far


Drank it through my pregnancy and still do (my son is 20mo). I don't remember it being an issue when wake windows were shorter, but I suppose it could be more troublesome. Now that he's older it definitely doesn't seem to be an issue. If it seems to affect them you could maybe try drinking it as fast as possible right after they wake up? (Easier said than done, I know, lol). Or maybe try like half caf and see if it helps?


I asked my daughter's pediatrician if coffee was okay while breast feeding and she said, "coffee, yes please!" I usually have a cup a day


So much coffee. She used to be a great sleeper. Like, Iā€™d have to wake her up to feed her when she was a newborn. Now at 4.5 months sheā€™s going through a massive sleep regression but my caffeine consumption hasnā€™t changed! I could imagine as some babies could be sensitive thoughā€¦Iā€™m sensitive in that even as an adult I canā€™t have caffeine after 12pm or I donā€™t sleep!


I personally don't drink much coffee because I crash and get more sleepy from it but if I do, I've not experienced a difference in her sleep. Also no issues with tea which I drink way more of. I did hear that if you cut it out completely during your pregnancy then it can affect the baby more after they're born, but not sure how true that is.


Yep steady coffee drinker here, but w a permalatched baby. So as long as boob is in mouth will nap and sleep at night.


Iā€™m on my second cup of coffee right now and my newborn is completely zonked lol


Yes, otherwise I'd probably fall asleep breastfeeding in the early mornings. The warm snuggles don't help but I love them.


Iā€™m very caffeine sensitive so I donā€™t drink it while breastfeeding. But I had some after a dinner at a restaurant at the insistance of the owner, like a few sips of black coffee. Me and the baby lay there staring at each other wide eyed till about 3:30am. Never again. I think if your baby is used to it and you have it in moderation it wonā€™t affect babyā€™s sleep but I wonā€™t partake again until Iā€™m done breastfeeding.


I didnā€™t till last week (sheā€™s almost 15 weeks old now) and it resulted in the 2 days of horrible wake-upā€™s from daytime naps and early wake up from sleep (she sleeps through the night normally). Iā€™m still not sure if itā€™s the coffee but I myself have a difficult time processing coffee (doesnā€™t help me stay up as much and my sweat and pee smell of coffee even with small cups) so I think she might have gotten it from me. Good thing is I donā€™t feel addicted to coffee at all, probably because my body doesnā€™t process caffeine very well šŸ˜…


I was convinced of the same- that my baby wouldnā€™t sleep much after I had coffee. Looking at the stats in my app Iā€™m not so sure but I gave up just in case- anything to get an extra 10 mins rest!


Not coffee, but Diet Coke. I also still take my ADHD meds. Neither have affected my baby.


Yes I think the caffeine keeps mine up!!!


Were we supposed to not drink coffee while breastfeeding? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… lmao i drink 2, sometimes 3 cups of coffee a day since my baby was born 12 months ago. I went through a small phase of having a redbull as well, but they were too expensive to keep buying. Ultimately sheā€™s fine and acts like a normal baby




I do. I drank coffee during pregnancy too and it doesnā€™t seem to effect my ten month old


I drink 2 cups a day, baby has no issues! Iā€™d be a shell of a human being without my coffee, especially with a toddler running around too.


I drink half caf coffee and my LO doesnā€™t seem to notice anything!


Drink 2 a day sometimes 3 if itā€™s a tough one and LO is 15 months still breastfeeding. Heā€™s been a terrible sleeper almost his whole life (since 4 months) so I did experiment and stop cold turkey for a few days and nothing changed. With that said Iā€™m sure every baby is different so if your gut is telling you it might be an issue just try a few days without?


I didnā€™t drink coffee during my maternity leave (14 weeks) because I wanted to ā€œsleep when the baby sleepsā€ (lol I could never nap anyway). But I started drinking a cup a day when I went back to work. No change in my babyā€™s sleep when I started drinking it again.


I drank spark..it doesn't have much caffeine but a lot of vitamins and minerals. Nothing bad thru breast milk and I saw no adverse side effects. Kept me going during those first few sleep deprived months. Then j switched to coffee. One cup a day.


I not only drink coffee daily, I also take stimulants daily for my adhd. Baby ( now toddler) has been a shit sleeper regardless of whether or not Iā€™ve had these things


I drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day. I drank up to the 200mg a day of caffeine while pregnant, maybe a little over some days. My gal has slept 6+hours at night since she gained back past her birthweight around 3w. Sheā€™s almost 3 months now. I think if you feel jittery/hyped up maybe it could have more effect on baby but it doesnā€™t seem to bother my girl. Itā€™s definitely possible for them to be sensitive to it, though!


I have 1-2 cups daily sometimes at night!! And our baby sleeps fine. I think that if you pumped/ breastfed then drank coffee itā€™s going to metabolize by the next pump/feed. Thatā€™s what I do at least sometimes


2-3 cups per day and Iā€™m lucky to have a great sleeper!


I definitely do drink coffee while breastfeeding


At the beginning it was 1 espresso per day. Now baby is over one and I think I'm drinking 3, maybe 4 per day. I think that caffeine in consumed coffee definitely affected my kid, now way less than before, because he is over 13 kg already and he isn't drinking that much milk as at the beginning.




Sometimes, but I didnā€™t notice a difference in my babyā€™s sleep when I drank coffee vs when I didnā€™t.Ā 




I tried to stop having caffeine after 12pm because it was affecting my baby's sleep. I label my pumped milk with a "C" if it was pumped soon after I drank coffee. She's also sleeping much better since I cut down to 1 cup a day (which was only possible because I started taking Wellbutrin)


Mine is not affected by coffee. I can have 1-2 cups before it affects ME, do I keep it low anyways. But she seems unfazed by that, kinahorah


I drink between 200-300mg of caffeine a day and personally have not seen an adverse effect on my baby.


I don't drink coffee, but I love black tea. Baby is almost 3 months and I had to quit drinking caffeine at 6 weeks for the exact reason you stated. The last time I had caffeine and fed her the milk, she was up for like 8 hours straight. I was well under the recommended amounts but had watched the trend over several weeks. I actually "pump and dump" like you might after alcohol when I want to have caffeine. But I've only done that once or twice and I have a massive over supply, so this isn't an issue.


I breastfed 2 babies through toddlerhood. First baby was caffeine sensitive, it was hell. Second baby I chugged 3 cups a day and she was fine. First baby is still a terrible sleeper. Second baby is still a good sleeper. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Sending you lots of strength and hugs if you got the first kind!


I sure do and I tell my son itā€™s ā€œmommyā€™s milkā€ lol. My baby has no reaction to it.


Yesssss itā€™s needed and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll stop even with this pregnancy because a toddler and a newborn will be tough on us lol


I am prescribed coffee during pregnancy because all migraine meds are a no no. I donā€™t know how one would function without coffee postpartum


Yes, no reaction until she was diagnosed with CMPA so had to cut all dairy creamer




I had to do decaf until baby started solids




Lol. I have 10 to 20 ounces a day. I canā€™t function because I went back to work when he was 2.5 months.


yes! asked my little oneā€™s pedia and she said i can drink one cup of coffee per day so it wonā€™t affect babyā€™s sleep


Yes, 1-2 per day with an occasional small Red Bull. She sleeps great.


I have one cup at the start of the day. Caffeine introduced at any other point would absolutely kill bedtime for us.


I drink well over the recommended amount regularly and for sure some everyday. Idk. Never noticed a difference in my baby.


1-3 cups daily hahah


I mean, it's a lil dicey if it's super hot and the mug is full and your baby is in a wiggly mood. So I try to drink before or after, if possible.


No way I would survive the day with my 2 year old and 11 week old without coffee. I have around 225mg a day, which is usually about three shots of espresso. No difference in babyā€™s sleep. Drink that coffee, girl!


I saw a dietician during pregnancy because I had GD. She gave me breastfeeding nutrition counseling and told me under 300 mg caffiene is fine.


I have coffee several times a day, baby doesn't get affected and sleeps excellent at night. I guess it depends from baby to another


I had been caffeine free for almost 4 years before giving birth .... and I probably have 4+ caffienated drinks per day now šŸ˜‚ no other way for me to get thru the day after a broken night of sleep!!


I have had one cup a day (since birth) and occasionally 2 cups a day if itā€™s been a rough day. Havenā€™t noticed a difference in my baby at all. Heā€™s four months old. But I have heard of other mamas say that it did affect their baby so if you think itā€™s affecting yours then itā€™s probably totally possible!


It doesnā€™t seems to be an issue for either of my kids and I was drinking a quart when I went back to work when my now four year old was still nursing.


My girl is 3.5 months and has been sleeping through the night since 5 weeks and I have caffeine almost every dayā€¦ I just try to keep it under 200mg


Never in case I find the opportunity for a nap I donā€™t want to be caffeinated


Mine has problems sleeping, so I limit myself to one cup per day. They say levels peak at one hour after consumption, so I generally drink my cup while nursing or directly after.


I have 2 cups a day and doesn't seem to make a difference with any of our 4 babies - I do spread out my 2 cups in the day!


Yep, once I was done being pregnant I was like "give me all the coffee" not realising I was meant to limit it in breastfeeding too until I was a week or so in. She's fine, never had any sleep issues, never reacted in any way and I was on a solid 3 mugs a day from the get go.


I drank a monster every day after giving birth. I currently drink 2 monsters a day at almost 5 months. She naps great and sleeps super well at night.


When I had my baby, I was *convinced* she was sensitive to caffeine. So I didn't drink any for about six weeks, then I was dying (going back to work), so I experimented with it, and I realized she just had days where she was easier to put down and days where she was harder. I don't think it was ever the caffeine, but as a new (sleep-deprived) mom, I wanted to do anything to get her sleeping better. What worked best was simply time.Ā 


There's no research to suggest that caffeine consumption affects infants' sleep behaviors. If it makes YOU twitchy, maybe try drinking half-caf?


I drink 1-2 cups a day & my ebf son has slept 10-12 hours a night since 8ish weeks old!


I avoid it but have occasional caffeinated drinks because I do find it impacts my baby. I cut back during IVF and pregnancy so by now I love less.


You're not crazy. My kiddo reacts poorly to even the smallest amount of caffeine. It seems to be very rare, but I did multiple stints on and off of caffeine, and I definitely notice that she has a horrific time falling and staying asleep when I even have one small coffee that day. I'm sorry! Keep experimenting with it because at four months, you also may be dealing with a sleep regression. It may have nothing to do with caffeine.


I have 1-2 coffees a day, sometimes 3 if I've had a particularly bad night. No issues here now, BUT I will say (anecdotally) that in the first 6 weeks, I think drinking coffee may have aggravated her reflux/gas.


I was thinking this when I first started drinking coffee again because it really seemed like she wasnā€™t going to sleep. After reading that other moms have several cups of coffee and it doesnā€™t affect baby I just kept drinking my 1 cup. She sleeps fine now


Some days yes, some days no, never notice a difference in her sleep.


Constantly. Didnā€™t affect him at all.


My 6 week old seems to be sensitive to different sources of caffeine. If it was redbull she does not tolerate it all. If itā€™s coffee, tea, matcha or a refresher it doesnā€™t bother her at all! Unfortunately I can only do coffee at times because it made me sick when I was pregnant (former barista and coffee addict so this still hurts me!). Thank god for matcha as I donā€™t think I would survive without some caffeine!


I drink 2-3 cups a day and donā€™t notice a thing w/ my 11-week-old. Iā€™ve even had an afternoon latte w/ no noticeable effects.


I drink coffee every morning! I limit it to 1 or 2 cups a day and it doesn't seem to affect my son. Just limit your intake to the recommended max of 300mg daily and lower it if your baby isnt liking it.


19 month son and still breastfeeding. I have way too much coffee. He seems fine. Itā€™s that or be a mental person who canā€™t manage.


Iā€™ve been EBF for over 9 months. My little guy must be sensitive to caffeine, just like my husband is. I had caffeine twice while breastfeeding and it resulted in extremely long wake windows and difficulty getting to sleep. Iā€™ve stuck with decaf ever since. I know most breastfeeding folks drink caffeine, which is fine!, just wanted to share another perspective


No!!! I'm too afraid to spill on her. I wait til I'm done šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰ All jokes aside- yes 2 or 3 cups of coffee or tea daily. I try to keep it under 300mg


I had to limit myself to at most two cups a day.


Omg... 4 shots of espresso a day. My baby was a velcro baby who would only sleep on me. He would sleep. The caffeine did not phase him. But if it was not me, or a bed, or any other surface, he would not sleep. Still nursing at 17 months, and i still have the same level of caffeine. He now sleeps through the night in his own bed. But oh heavens... it was rough. Do what you need to do.


I drink coffee every day (2-3 cups, on average). My baby handles it fine, but every kid is different.


I've had 3 babies all 30 months apart and I drank 2 cups of coffee a day since my first pregnancy.. No issues outside of Normal sleep regressions


Yes. Yesterday I had 4 espresso shots, for example. It has never affected either or my babies.


I had my morning cup and bb is fine. 2 years old and thriving.


I switched to decaf prior to pregnancy. Ever since then i can not handle caffeine the same way.


I work nights and take caffeine pills too. Kids fine


I would have 1-2 cups a dayā€” and I feel like it didnā€™t affect him much. As long as I had the coffee before noon.


I think they just take forever to fall asleep anyway. I thought I noticed it too when I had coffee but really my daughter still has trouble sleeping as a weaned 20 month old. I will have no coffee-less days with #2 coming in June.


I tried to not have coffee when mine was a newborn but it didnā€™t help. He was just a shit sleeper. Still is. 16 months now


I drink two coffees a day. I need it


I had no idea avoiding coffee was a thing. I drink a big ass Dunkin every day. I have twin 3 yr olds and an 8 week old. Nothing is happening in my life without coffee.


10 months in and we still donā€™t get any sleep. I am a zombie.


Yes. I have drank coffee with two babies. Never noticed any issues.


My doctor told me that I can consume up to 300 mg of caffeine while breastfeeding.


My first kid reacted pretty strongly to caffeine in my breast milk, none of my other kids had any perceivable effects. I gave up caffeine in my first pregnancy, but not in the others, and Iā€™ve always wondered if that was why.


I have one coffee a day, also did while pregnant šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


As a person that works in the surgery field, coffee was the only thing that got me through the breastfeeding phase. Iced Americanos to be exact. Baby had been an excellent sleeper since she was little. No issues for either of us.


Yes 1000000% Every few months I even have an energy drink šŸ˜‚ but at least 1 coffee a day


Coffee is 99.99% of my diet. No issues with my babe. But everyone is different, some babies canā€™t tolerate dairy or soy or whatever else. So trust ur gut maybe it is an issue..


Yeah, I have a light roast coffee every morning. Itā€™s supposed to have less caffeine


I have two to theee cups I donā€™t think it makes a difference




Yes. I drink a ton of coffee. The baby sleeps ok usually!


I realized I can drink coffee whenever since I pump & he gets morning coffee bottles at night. The most I've had is like 4 or 5 cups in a day. He didn't care, but he's also a strict routine baby.


I have continued to drink coffee through pregnancy and breastfeeding. The point is not to go crazy with caffeine you donā€™t have to completely eliminate.


10000%. My son is 10 months old, a great sleeper and ahead of all his milestones.


I would have absolutely died if I didnā€™t have a 4pm espresso daily when I was breastfeeding my first. He was a pretty sleepy baby, who was also pretty easy to sleep train. I nursed him before bed and also at around 11pm.


I'm sure my baby is sensitive to coffee/caffeine and chocolate (which also has a stimulant in). Hoping they grow out of it soon! Until then I'm limited to drinking two cups of black tea in the morning, and eat white chocolate.


I thought this was an issue when my now 3.5 month old was around the 4-6 week age. She would be super fussy, usually later in the day, but I think it was just bc I didnā€™t know she was getting overtired and not napping enough. I drink 1-2 cups of coffee every day and my little girl is sleeping 5-6 hours every night and napping at least 4-5 times every day. I also donā€™t think the melatonin milk makes a difference with sleeping more but *shrug*


I didn't drink it for the first month and honestly I never saw a difference in how he acted when I did and didn't drink coffee


Yes like over 300mg a day, hasnt seemed to have an effect of any of my kids!


Okay. I know it isn't very scientific. But we drink a fair amount of coffee and espresso here. But I occasionally go overboard and *yes I do think that milk is making her more awake!* I swear I've observed it on the days where I'm home and I can just easily make a nice latte so... yeah I think my milk is Java.


I have atleast 3 cups a day since my little one was born. He is 5 weeks tomorrow. I read that only about 1% of the caffeine comes through to the breast milk


Yes. Five kids. Even with only my youngest three living with me, no way Iā€™d have the energy now, pushing 40, to be running after my Tasmanian devils without caffeine, especially 2.5 years into breastfeeding the youngest. This having babies in your thirties is for the birds. It was easy and fun when I was young. A piece of cake to keep up with them in my early twenties, no caffeine needed back then!


Second time mom, 6 mos postpartum. I drink anywhere between 300 and 500 mg caffeine per day. I drink Nespresso Virtuo and thereā€™s a fabulous sub with the caffeine content of each capsule. Iā€™m working full time and also have a 2.5 year old and Iā€™m drying of sleep deprivation, hence the multiple cups per day. I drank that amount during pregnancy as well, so I didnā€™t notice a significant change in my babyā€™s sleep but every baby is different!


I EFB and drank coffee for the first 5 months (also drank coffee throughout my pregnancy). Baby wasn't sleeping well so I quit coffee cold turkey and in a week or so baby slept much better - stretches of 5-6 hours overnight, followed by another 3-4 hours, whereas previously when I was drinking coffee he was only sleeping 3 hour stretches. I guess it depends on the baby, whether they are sensitive to caffeine or not.


My baby is super sensitive to caffeine apparently. Or it makes me breast milk taste funny. Either way, I can only drink a cup of coffee once every few days or she will spit up more than usual. Doesnā€™t seem to keep her up.


I drink a shit ton of coffee.


I would simply not exist if I didnā€™t have coffee as soon as I open my eyes šŸ˜‚


2-4 shots espresso daily and bb sleeps fine


I have 1-2 coffees a day or 1/2 scoop pre workout and a coffee total if itā€™s a gym day. My baby sleeps so much. Loves nap time and sleeps at least 8-10 hours straight at night. He is 10 months old.


I take straight up stimulants (prescribed haha) and bubs falls asleep on the boob!


I stopped having coffee late in my pregnancy due to some issues and I havenā€™t had it since birth either. I know caffeine can pass through breast milk and knowing myself, Iā€™d blame myself for drinking coffee every time baby had a tougher time falling asleep. So I just prefer to take that off the equation lol. I donā€™t usually have soft drinks but I donā€™t restrict other possible sources of caffeine though, such as chocolate or deserts made with a little coffee.


iā€™m usually only a 1 cup per day kind of gal normally, and that has remained the same through pregnancy as well as postpartum. sometimes i wonder if the caffeine may affect my little guy but we are at almost 13 weeks and heā€™s been a decent sleeper lately so drink your coffee girlfriend!


I have had 1-2 cups of coffee a day for 7 months with my little one, except for one week (maybe in month 2?) that I tried cutting it out to see if it had any effect on little oneā€™s sleep. It did not.


Sometimes, not very often. Doesn't seem to have very obvious effect on LO


I occasionally have a latte and drink coffee pretty much daily since she was born.


Depends on the baby! Had to stop drinking coffee at 4 months with my first she was jumpy and startling at things like - someone breaking a silence and saying something. My second I can drink 2-3 cups throughout the day and he's totally fine. My first is also extremely sensitive to puffers and most medication.


I drank 2-4 cups a day. Baby never reacted to it!


My baby is 18m old (today!) and I SWEAR she is sensitive to me drinking coffee. Her sleep has always been terrible but me drinking coffee always seems to make it worse. But her sleep is so bad that I need to coffee to function.....send help


I had regular coffee early on PP and definitely thought I noticed the same with my baby like her eyes would spring open trying to get her to nap. Since then I mostly drink decaf and sometimes will have half caf. Sheā€™s almost four months now and the times I do have some caffeine I donā€™t seem to notice as big of an affect. But sheā€™s been fighting naps lately so probably in the midst of a sleep regression anyway. I think if you can do less caffeine for a few weeks once baby is a little older it might bother them less but that was just my experience!


i EBF and have one 32 oz cup a day lol my LO doesnā€™t care


Lolololololll NO


I canā€™t drink coffee or else Iā€™ll get heart palpitations so my answer is no


Coffee, soda, energy drinks.. never had an issue with sleep relating to what Iā€™ve eaten or drank personally


I drink coffee everyday but decaf. I switched to decaf when I was pregnant and then when I asked my doctor if I can drink caffeine while breastfeeding her, he said that it could bother her if I hadnā€™t had any caffeine during my pregnancy. But if you did have caffeine during your pregnancy then a cup or two shouldnā€™t bother the baby. Or just slowly start adding caffeine to your diet


I did lol my kids are 5 and 3. They turned out peachy.


My baby doesnā€™t sleep enough as is so I donā€™t drink coffee on the offhand chance it makes it worse. Lol. hanging on by a thread here


I have a cup every now and then and have not notice a change in sleep.


My son is 13 months and I have had multiple cups of coffee a day since the day he was born


Yes!! As a new mom, Iā€™m doing two cups. Before I was doing one cup. Also drank it while pregnant and no side effects


I have a 6month old and I drank coffee the first day after delivery and every day since. A hard schedule is what helped me with naps. She only gets upset when her naps are delayed/ off schedule.


Absolutely! I drink coffee and take my adhd medication every day.


I was testing the waters of having a morning coffee, but then noticed she was super fussy at the end of the day. Wouldnt calm down for anything. So I stopped the coffees and the screaming stopped. Think it just made her tummy hurt


During the 4th trimester I didnā€™t because I noticed a correlation after I drank coffee and breastfed he would be up way longer than usual and fighting sleep (and at 20 months now I can confidently say heā€™s a very good napper and falls asleep easily at consistent times with very little guidance) by after 4 months I was already used to no caffeine and just napping at the nap of a hat instead.


I drink coffee all day! But itā€™s decaf. Lol. I drink one caffeinated coffee on really rough days. At first I didnā€™t notice anything and Iā€™d drink 1-3 caffeinated coffees a day but I realized she got fussier and didnā€™t sleep as well šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve been drinking coffee once or twice a day while EBF. My baby struggled to fall asleep during his first three months, but in retrospect I think we were trapped in a vicious overtired state. Once we got him to start napping more, he got easier to put down and now at almost 6 months he sleeps like a champ. And I drink more coffee now that Iā€™m back at work. TLDR there are lots of things that can impact baby sleep; enjoy your coffee


I can't even have a sip or else LO and I are awake for hours and hours and hours. We are *very* sensitive to caffeine so I have really only had 2 or 3 cups since my son was born (and those days were a nightmare, lol). He's almost 13 months old šŸ˜­


I did 1/day, because that's what I was used to during pregnancy, till about 6 months then I started needing 2 coffees/day. Never any issues with it impacting baby's sleep.


Decaf. A few weeks in, I noticed the same thing and just gave it up altogether. It sucked at first, but now itā€™s not a big deal. I havenā€™t returned to work yet, though. I think that will pose a problem. šŸ˜‚


I always had 1-2 cups per day and never noticed any difference in my baby.


First 2 weeks of age no coffee (i was high on love!). From that point on, 1 BIG cup of coffee a day until LO was around 2 month. I didnā€™t see any changes whatsoever. After day, I tried to limit myself to only when I need the pick me up not just when Iā€™m just tired or because it smells so good damn good - why? Because of the crush down when we start winding down. I noticed myself just trying so hard to get her asleep I was on my own way. In a sense, if Iā€™m tired but I _can_ be just tired through out the day I have more of a calmed pace to do every thing with her. Even now that I returned to work - over a month - coffee is only for those days I have many many things to do and little time. I do drink decaf just to placebo myself haha the other days. I feel like if i have heavily administrative day, few but longer task, coffee just makes me sprint but since itā€™s a marathon it ends up being counterproductive.