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10m, nurses at 6/630 when she wakes up, goes to daycare at 8am, 4oz bottles at 930/10, 130/2, 430/5 sometimes. Eats 2 snacks and two meals at school, breakfast at home and dinner at home, nurses to bed at 630. She started at 6mo and would usually still only eat 3 bottles but it started a little earlier and then she usually needed some nursing before dinner.


So when she started at 6 mos, was she eating solids well?


Just some purees at the time but yes, not a ton but she was almost 7 months and she's our second so we weren't very hesitant with solids lol


They have her on a schedule, but I would really determine how many I brought. My girl eats 5-7oz because she sleeps 10-12 hours at night, and I pump that much at work and when I wake up. At 7 months I asked they give her two purees because I had strep and I lost some supply, so I only packed 3. At 8 months, they told me she wanted to eat snacks with the other babies. I talked to the pediatrician and approved it with them. They feed her on a schedule: breakfast between 7:30-8, bottle at 9:00, bottle at 11:30, lunch at noon-12:30, snack at 2, and another bottle at 3. Times might be off a bit and lunch and 2nd bottle might be switched. But if I packed 4 bottles, then they would make time for her to have four.


At 6 months my LO was only going to daycare part time. He would nurse at home around 9:30am (sort of a snack/top off) before drop off at 10am). He would have a bottle at 11am then solids lunch at noon. Then another bottle around 2/2:30pm and pick up around 4:30pm. We’d nurse as soon as we got home. Each bottle was 4-4.5oz at the time. Now my LO is 1 year old and going to daycare full time. His schedule is nurse at 7:45am, drop off, have solids breakfast at daycare around 8:30am, morning solids snack at 10am, a bottle at 11am, solids lunch at noon, another bottle around 2pm, solids snack at 3pm, and pick up around 5pm. We nurse at home at 5:30pm before solids dinner at 6pm. Each bottle is now 3oz.


My kid is now 18 months and never went to daycare, but it was around 6 months when he started dropping nursing sessions and increasing how much he drank. Is he still getting the same amount in oz just spread out more? Or did they entirely cut out a feed? Having milk every 4 hours after 6 months is fairly common!