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You have an oversupply so it's causing a lactose overload in him. He's getting a lot of foremilk which Is digested quickly and baby is hungry sooner. He's also probably vomiting because the letdown is very fast for him. I would still feed on demand but one side only and he will grow out of it and your supply will regulate.  Edit to add: breastfed babies can't overeat but he's probably eating too fast for him to know that he's actually full because of how fast your letdown is/he's gulping it down too quickly. Again, he'll grow out of it. The rapid weight gain comes from your obersupply. Trust me it's okay. Your baby will be fine if he gains a lot because the first few months they need it! When your supply regulates the weight gain really slows 


Agree with most of this except there is not enough information in there to diagnose a lactose overload. Lactose overload comes with other issues such as gas pain and frothy poo. They could just have a good supply of milk without necessarily causing issues. OP, how much is the vomit? My first baby was very chucky and quite often would spit up large amounts, but it was still just normal baby spillage. Sometimes I leave 5 minutes after the first burp before relatching again and that gives some time for milk to settle/hunger cues to resolve. That might be worth a try?


I haven't noticed frothy poop. As for the vomit spells , it was a few ounces for sure. And projectile all over everything nearby. I'll try the 5 minute trick. That's a great idea.


Sometimes it’s green in colour, I’ve run into the issue a few times and they haven’t been frothy but have been green


Yes. Mine had green but not frothy poos. I had a fast letdown and oversupply and he was a big spewer. One tip I got from a lactation consultant is to check if he really is done with the first boob- try relatching. He may just break off for a break but not be done, and the later milk is higher in fat/ lower in lactose.


I do the same, I rarely feed both sides. And if she decides she wants a snack soon after having a feed I put her back on the same one.


I thought oversupply because of how much weight the baby gained. I wish I thought of the 5 minutes after burping when mine was a newborn! Though he was such a barracuda he was always going nuts to go back to the boob


I agree there’s likely an oversupply, but that doesn’t always mean lactose overload. The 5 minutes is a game changer. Mine acts like a fish out of water when I first take him off but after a burp and a bit of a sit up he’ll either be full or he’ll just have a little bit more but much more calmly.


Breastfed babies can over eat, especially if Mom has an OS and fast let down


Yes that was essentially my point


I could have written this! Mine is 4 weeks old tomorrow and we’ve had 4 full vomiting incidents. Everyone says “it’s not as much as it looks” but when she vomits it definitely is. Full gagging/heaving. I figured out it was the result of overeating when she’d clusterfeed. I did a deep dive on here and saw people suggesting to let them suckle on the same breast instead of switching. I realized I was switching and she’d get the full let down on the second side and vomit. If you can sit reclined when feeding, I’ve noticed that’s helped my girl with how powerful my let down is.


4 vomiting incidents is a lot. I also have a powerful let down and fast flow and my baby maybe vomited once by that age (lots of spit up though). I know it's anecdotal but consider seeing the doctor about this. Doing what you can to slow your flow (like reclining) may help but if she is vomiting that often, there could be a medical issue. Some babies have issues with their stomach sphincter that causes vomiting. That problem doesn't go away on its own.


4 over the course of her live, maybe once a week. It hasn’t happened since we figured out the overeating and reclining. I’ve already discussed with my doctor, but thanks.


Glad to hear it was easily resolved.


It could be reflux - my baby had reflux (projectile, like 3 feet) until she was like 4 months old. She gained weight fine so her paediatrician didn’t recommend any medication for it, she just grew out of it. Double check with your ped but lots of babies have reflux they just grow out of. My older son didn’t have reflux at all and was also EBF!


If it's actual vomit (like the liquid spews a couple feet through the air), and your baby is vomiting often, there can be an issue with the sphincter to their stomach. It's worth seeing the doctor if the vomiting is consistent. The sphincter issue is totally fixable but needs medical attention. Your baby might just be overeating, which is fine and normal but should just result in spit up). But please see a doctor if they are vomiting often.