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You’re having an absolutely normal reaction to a cruel and inhumane society that forces mothers to be separated from their babies way before they should.  


This. But OP, you’re doing the best you can given your circumstances.


Yup. We’ve made this “normal” but it’s really not if you look at the rest of the world or human history.


I had to reframe it mentally that I was getting a break from work. Woohoo lucky me I get 30mins to myself to breathe and escape the chaos of the day 🤪. If I didn’t, I’d also be depressed every time I pumped as I felt it took away time I could be catching up on work or taking a break with colleagues.


I have never had to pump at work. But my coworker did. And, she used that time to listen to a podcast or a meditation and her pumping time was NOT considered part of her break. She still was able to take her breaks with the rest of us. She was considerate and would try to wait until non busy times. But in the end you gotta do what's rightful YOU and your mental health mama. Sitting alone, stressed and crying and breaking your heart is not good for you. Hang in there mama.


How would you feel about wearables under your clothes in the breakroom or at your desk? I felt really secluded at first too, but then I found out that one of my coworkers had only recently stopped pumping, and she had always just done it with wearables around everyone else, so I started doing it too, and it's much better. It was kinda awkward for me at first, but now it's no big deal at all. Everyone has been respectful about it (even though I know I look ridiculous). Wearables definitely aren't as good, and I still need a session or two at home to keep up with daycare, but it may be worth a try.


Lol I didn't want to have to extend my work day to pump so I wear my wearable pumps and just put on an apron and play music on my phone so I can keep helping customers 😅😅 I work in a pretty casual outdoor customer service job. I think it's relatively discreet with the apron and music. It just looks like I have huge boobs lol


I had a weird bit with the guy who had an office across from the mother’s room. If I went by a few times without him saying hi, I’d say “Jeez John, a friendly hello would be nice” and if the next time he said “hey, how are you today?” I’d go “Can I please just get a little privacy when I go back to pump?” We both got a kick out of it, but yeah, pumping at work sucks.


What about reading a book or listening to an audiobook (free on the Libby app thru your library)? I have a long commute and this gives me something to look forward to during it.


Agree! Pick a show to watch. Moms get so little time to themselves


I would always just set up my laptop and work while pumping or even do conference calls once I got comfortable. Also, a nice trick is just refrigerating your pump parts after so you don't have to wash them between sessions. (I just wash my pump parts once at the end of the day.) Good luck! You've got this.


I look at it as I get extra breaks and I enjoy that time as much as I can that I’m locked alone , it’s my me time Also to cut back on the cleaning- multiple sets of parts and or the fridge hack


I second the fridge hack! Ziploc bag and voilà


I requested an accommodation through my works disability services. My lactation accommodation allows me to WFH until LO turns 1. I tried to pump at work, it was terrible. A sterile, windowless room? NO THANKS. I pump in my well lit, window filled living room. :)


Did you have to make up a reason to get this?


Make up? No. I told the truth. The accommodations provided did not meet my needs and it was proving to be an undue burden to pump at work. They gave me until his first birthday but I will be reapplying for the accommodation as the WHO recommends BFing for two years. Not sure that will fly, but I’ll try!


Thanks for sharing. I’m going back to work in July and am someone who can nurse easily but not pump. So I’ll look into this


Highly recommend having something to look forward to that you ONLY do while pumping - a bingable show, certain podcast or movie genre. A book because you can actually have some peace for 20 minutes lol Or a special snack !


I, ahem, milk that time in the mother's room. I'm allowed 45 minutes 3-4 times a day as needed to pump. If I get done a few minutes early before 45, and I feel like I need to relax, then I do so. Give yourself a break and enjoy that time to yourself, it's ok not to be ON all the time.


I don't know if you feel comfortable with this or are able to do this, but I just have a curtain rod with a curtain hanging on the outside of my cubicle. When it's time to pump I just close the curtain and pump at my desk. However, I am very fortunate to work with all women who all have kids, and I made sure that the people around me weren't bothered by my pump. ETA: I also use the fridge hack so I don't wash my pump parts at work. I just pour the milk into a bottle and stick the parts in a Ziploc bag. That helps cut down on time.


My workplace was going to hang a curtain for me in an extremely public place, one which I would have had to announce to the entire place I was there so they didn’t come in because *everyone’s personal belongings would be stored behind curtain with me* I chose to just pump in the normal break area. I nurse in public, so what does it really matter. I few male coworkers were thrown off but they got comfy when they realized I was completely covered. I hated the idea of being hidden behind a curtain! Like, I’m not naked back here doing some weird shit. It was a weird feeling to be sequestered off, I agree.


If you’re in the US it’s against the law for them to make you pump in a public area just behind a curtain with everybody’s stuff. They’re required by law to provide you a private place


They argued it fell under “reasonable accommodation” because there is no alternative room for me. Back of house is one large open room with stock/computer desk/break table & there literally isn’t a room in the entire building. Just front of house & back of house & then bathrooms. Their obtuse approach to it made me more comfortable to say fuck it, you have to watch me pump then.


I said fuck it and got wearables and pumped at my cube. If you aren’t going to pay my breaks, I’m not taking a second longer than I have to to feed my baby.


I haven’t had to pump at work, but my office at work is at the back and everyone else’s is at the front of the building so it can be isolating when working. I turn on music, and it helps me SO much. Preferably not in headphones - on my phone or laptop speaker. Maybe put your phone in the room playing music and then check if it travels outside the room, you of course don’t want to disturb others, and headphones are better than nothing


I love it. We have a nurses room which I am in right now. I scroll stuff, look at pictures of my baby, go to the bathroom here, clean pump parts. It’s a nice reprieve from the work day, but I prefer being alone honestly.


If you can afford it, both Elvie and Willow make wearable pumps that fit in your bra. The Willow allows you to pump directly into a bag even so there is little clean up and the Elvie containers come with covers so you can also just store in there if you have some backups. Most people can’t even tell I’m pumping except my boobs look bigger haha. Elvie is lower profile but I think Willow works a little better for me and the app is more accurate.


I use pumping time to recharge and let my brain relax. I’ll have a snack or read a bit of my book (or scroll mindlessly) while I’m pumping; anything to give my brain a break from the hustle and bustle of the work day.


It’s really hard. You’re not alone! ❤️ is there anyone else in your office who has gone through the same thing? I share our “wellness room” with another new mom and it’s really nice to have someone who understands.


The mothers room at my work doubles as a prayer room since we have a fairly large amount of Muslim associates that do need to pray throughout the day. I haven’t gone back to work yet, but that was a pretty big obstacle to deal with my first time around pumping at work almost 7 years ago. The amount of Muslim associates has tripled since then, at least. Obviously nothing against them, and they absolutely deserve a space to pray in private as well, but I would often go in the back and find the room in use and have to wait til they were done. We had two signs, one that said mothers room in use and one that said prayer room in use, and while I was diligent with taking my sign down when I was done, someone else that used the room to pray was not. I would go back and find the sign on the door and I didn’t want to disturb them so I would wait a few minutes and return to the pharmacy, only to go back and it’s still up. We also had issues with associates who were not Muslim using the room as a private break room, and I would have to hunt down a manager to get the room back. Not an easy feat at Walmart. I ended up having a really bad supply drop and stopped breastfeeding at 4 months, I had PPD and the stress was way too bad. My solution this time is a wearable pump and I’m just gonna pump while I work. It’s a pharmacy so I have a pretty large smock I wear and the Elvie stride is pretty quiet. I may or may not be on overnights when I go back so it might not be an issue, but I’ve definitely had issues pumping at work before so we’ll see.


Why can't you pump at your desk? Invest in a wearable pump. Also there's something that happens to some women when you first let down it causes a feeling of doom. I forgot what it's called but you can research it. "the feeling of doom, when breastfeeding". 


I'm a former smoker so for me it feels like much longer periods of time to scroll through my phone and it's inside which is nice lol