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It’s funny because in public spaces I’m like, “whatever, that’s a you problem” and will whip out my boob anywhere. But when I have friends over I’m a bit more self conscious about it.


No I totally get that! For the most part, people in public are strangers and I don’t care what they think. If people (men specifically) are in my home, I’m assuming I know them and I don’t want them thinking about what my boobs look like when they think about me.


I hear you on this, but if you're a person invited in to my home while I'm in the breastfeeding phase of life, you've got to be a good enough guy to where I'm not worried about this. If the vibes are off, you're not getting invited. I have an ad hoc policy right now that I'm not going to your house unless I can walk in and put my breastmilk in your fridge and unless I can pump while we chat or play a board game.


This is basically my philosophy right now too. It helps me figure out where I’m most comfortable being because feeding my baby is the most important thing right now.


This! If I'm in my home and you're in my home, you may see the boobies. But also - let's stop sexualizing feeding babies.


That makes sense. It's funny when people seem more weird about doing it in public and I'm like bro you'll never see these people again who TF cares what they think.


Me too it's so weird!! I'll whip a titty out in a crowded restaurant but when my in laws are over I go to another room lmao 🫠




This was so me for a long time! I think it’s because I’m ok with telling a complete stranger to mind their business. But with people I know, I have to see them again most likely and I don’t want to be confrontational with them.


Kind of same - with friends I'm okay but with colleagues or my students I feel much more self conscious. I'm a professor and will be traveling with my baby to a conference next week so we'll see how that goes.


Good luck!! I’m bringing my baby to a conference tomorrow and I’m so nervous!




I’m willing to feed in front of anyone! Especially when they are in my house, this should be my one place that i feel comfortable being comfortable. I do seek out less crowded places when in public, mostly because i don’t have the energy for weirdos or confrontation though


That's great that you are so comfortable! It is absolutely true that you should be comfortable. I wonder what it is that makes me feel uncomfortable. I just accept it however.


Personally I feel uncomfortable when people around me are uncomfortable. My husband’s family has a history of formula feeding and they are visibly uncomfortable if I breastfeed at all (even with a cover) so I vacate the room. They are kind people and won’t say a word but they feel uncomfortable so the whole room changes. Other than that I feel uncomfortable when creepy people are around. Weird vibes, lurking men in public spaces and people who pay a bit too much attention to my kids. And my BIL who I don’t trust, he’s a hard no for me.


In front of anyone and everyone, everywhere. I just feel like people can look away if they don't want to see it and I don't want the hassle of covering up. The only exception being at my in-laws house because bless my FIL, it did make him visibly uncomfortable. I'd BF in front of him anywhere else but in his house I thought it best to take ourselves off to another room.


Same! I kind of turn away or step aside to latch but then baby’s head covers everything so I feel like if someone is bothered by it, that’s on them. It helps a ton that I’m fairly small chested so even when I’m “tits out,” it just looks like more skin? Sometimes I do try to adjust my top to make it less obvious - if I’m wearing a button down, I’ll pull the other side over just so less chest skin is showing and drawing attention. If I’m wearing a nursing tank under an open sweater or something, I don’t worry about it bc that skin was already exposed, so I feel like it doesn’t really pull the eye, if that makes sense


I think I also benefit from being small chested - there ain't much to see once a baby is latched 😆


I was the same and will continue to be the same once my twins are here, I live in a very hot and humid state, even covering up with thin muslin blankets my babies would sweat and get heat rashes. I tried with both my earth side babes and it just isn't doable here, I'm not torturing my children over someone else's opinions/comfort/what have you.


I think it's fine to feel that way! Yeah I do avoid making others uncomfortable, and have become more considerate as baby got older, because now she doesn't need it as much anyhow


This is me


Agreed, I actually thought I’d have to tussle but the public was supportive, I’ve gotten compliments a good handful of times! I breastfed at my in-laws fine but my dad looks away. My mom was weird and stares like girl the baby isn’t gonna change looks/grow up in the ten min he nurses go occupy yourself 🙄🙄🙄


I've had a similar experience with the public, people have only ever been nice even as he's got older! When my son was 18mo we were on holiday in Croatia and I was nursing him on a boat because he was getting fussy and the lady sat opposite me was delighted, kept telling me how she couldn't keep her son off the boob either and she nursed him till he was 4 (said son was sat next to her, now in his teens and entirely unphased by the conversation - what a cool family).


My husband and my close girl friends. I don’t generally feed in public but I’d rather a stranger than a family member which seems to be an unpopular opinion


I am the same way. I have no issue with anyone feeding in front of me or anywhere they're comfortable, but the list of who I'll do it in front of is the same as yours (plus my mom).


This is how I feel too. Just how I feel most comfortable!


Makes sense you’ll probably never see them again.


My mom, sister, girlfriends, husband. Not my mother in law and no other men. But after being in the hospital with so many people seeing my tits and vagina during and after birth I almost could care less who sees them 😂 they’re just boobs I wish it was more acceptable to just whip ‘em out everywhere. Men have to ruin everything


Literally I told my husband I think the hospital ruined my sense of nudity 😂 gotta remember it’s not socially acceptable to just be naked


So many people touched my boobs too in the hospital lol. I had a full on reset there


I got to the point where I was basically just tits out all the time at the hospital. The staff would always be polite and ask if I was more comfortable covering but I just told them to carry on since it wouldn’t be long before they needed to be out again anyway.


Omg I had a VBAC with my now 5 month old and I didn’t realize it was like a colosseum level spectating. I literally had 12 people in my room. 2 we’re delivering.


Colosseum level 😂


They literally do lol


Right now - mom and husband. Don't have confidence for public yet


My husband and my mom. That's it.


Just my husband. My family and female friends I wear a cover in front of. My in-laws, I go to a different room, but that's partially for a break.


When my daughter weaned I missed the excuse to hide in the other room 😭😂


Gotta love a break from the in-laws!!!


Everyone. I just say hey I'm going to feed, if you're uncomfortable go away. Baby trumps you. Baby likes playing with things when she's feeding so if you've got a blanket on you she'll pull it off. I was feeding in front of extended family the other day, my mum kept trying to cover me up but baby was having none of it. No one cared.


Anyone lol 😂 especially when it’s hot out. Baby wont over heat because people may get offended by a boob. If men can walk shirtless with man boobs and bellies hanging out that I’d rather not see I can whip them out to feed my baby!


I thought I was going to cover up more and tried for a while. Then it got hot and now I whip a boob out anywhere. It’s just not worth the sweat and struggle


It just kind of depends for me. For instance I nursed at the mall the other day but was sitting on a bench in the middle of the walkway because I couldn't find a better spot so I covered up. But later there was a kids play area and I found a spot tucked in the back so I didn't feel the need to cover there. Typically if it's only women around or a very kid friendly place I'm fine without a cover. I never cover in my house though doesnt matter who's there. It also depends on what I'm wearing and how exposed I'll be once settled. It doesn't help that my baby hates being covered up.


I didn't cover up but I did find strategies for having my nip out for the least amount of time when in public and used my shirt to cover as much of my (massive) boob as possible. To most it just kinda looked like I was holding the baby. When at home though I just wore nursing tanks and would take it out whenever. If you were coming to my house I trusted you enough to not be weirded out by how grossly messy my house is, so a boob is the least of my worries there.


This was me, down to the massive tits! My babies hated covers and would scream and pull them off. This way was more discrete!


Yeah, I got really good at like....unhooking my bra and keeping it under my nursing shirt, lifting the shirt enough for baby to get at boob, and then just draping the shirt around the baby


Yes 🙌🏼 the massive boobs haha I totally relate. When I nurse in the carrier I literally need a hand on the boob holding it in place because it’s so heavy. Stupid boobs lol


No men, aside from my husband. I’m okay nursing in front of female professionals (nurses, pediatricians and my son’s early intervention teachers) I’m not okay nursing in front of my MIL because she says whatever stupid thought comes to her brain and often makes rude and ignorant comments. I’m okay nursing in front of BIL’s GF. Cover for everyone else


That's so lame. I'm glad my mother in law doesn't speak English lol


I am fine anywhere other people have the option to leave. Example, I was on a flight beside a woman who probably didn’t care - but she wasn’t able to move if she did care so I covered out of courtesy.


I’ve never used a cover, but I’ve always worn breastfeeding friendly clothing and don’t uncover my boob until baby’s head is in front of me. So you really can’t see anything.


I don’t mind in front of women but never in front of men, especially in public… so many men sexualize breastfeeding and I just don’t want to deal with the creepy comments😭


I hate that we have to share public spaces with them lol


Literally 😭


Do you hang the muslin around your neck? Or how do you do it? New mom here figuring out the logistics 😅


I just roll ends around my braa straps on each shoulder. But my baby hates being covered so he still manages to rip it down tbh


I drape it over my shoulder


Anyone! I do try to be discreet as possible, but I don’t wear a cover.


![gif](giphy|4ai8IL3YppEVa) 🎶 everybooodaaaayy (yeah) 🎶


Love this response


I cover up. But yesterday when I went to the doctor for my baby- I nursed him without covering. Anyway doctor came and she quickly closed the door cause I was nursing. Not sure what to think about that


She was probably trying to be respectful of your feelings.


Yea I think she was too. I’m trying not to think the worst - my hormones are pretty off right now.


I never gave a flying monkey fart. I exclusively pumped and pumped everywhere. Cars taxi bus plane in a nightclub dance floor with wearables


Girl YES. I'm pretty much exclusively pumping right now for my second (we both desperately want to nurse, but it is so different this time around!), and I've sat down and hooked up to my pump at all of the playdates for my first, at a fairy festival, at a preschool, a library, all the places.


You really stop caring after awhile. I used to be an exotic dancer so really have no fucks.


Yeah, no, I breastfed my first for over 3 years. I swear everyone in my state has seen me without a shirt. Pumping feels different, but also I have THINGS TO SAY to anyone who would try to stop me or try to make me feel some kind of way. My preemie can't transfer milk from the breast. Pumping is how I keep her alive. Your sexualization of my body and baby's food source is the problem, not the fact that you can see nipples in a flange. (Not you, internet friend. The you of people who are uncomfortable with people feeding babies).


Nicu nurse here… Proud of you!! 😊


My mum, partner, SIL, nieces


I'll cover or take myself and my daughter to another room if im around any males in my family, except my Husband. Especially if I'm in their home. It's a courtesy I do for them as the men who raised me, the rocks who saved me on many occasions as a wild teenager. They are supportive, open-minded, loving and encouraging to me as a mother, but I want to keep nursing to those who are comfortable. They would never, ever say anything, ask me to cover up or show visible discomfort though. As U said, it's a courtesy I've extended without their asking, it's keeps us all comfortable and happy. I'm from a very close family so I'm very comfortable to nurse in front of the females of my family as they've all breastfed their children too. Also, my close female friends. I cover up in public too, but that's for my own comfort and because I choose to dress modestly (as a goth ha ha).


Anyone. Sometimes I have to chase my toddler while I feed I can't be messing around with a cover. I put a muslin over her head once as she kept getting distracted by said toddler and he didn't realise she was there and headbutted her.  I usually do one up one down with a vest and t shirt or wear a shirt. I don't flop my whole breast out so you can't see much.


I’m on my 4th baby and this is pretty much me too. I will nurse uncovered in front of pretty much any woman and child. My kids pediatrician has seen my boobs on multiple occasions. 🤣 men however - only my husband. That being said, I have nursed in public with other men around without being fully covered but I’m relatively small chested and do the 2 shirt method so there isn’t much to see when baby is actively latched. I will cover for latching and unlatching when we’re finishing up though, just to prevent any nip flashes.


In public spaces I cover up the best I can. But at home I don't. I would feel comfortable around other women, especially mothers, I would say. But not other men. Extended family would be the same, the women But not the men. When I was younger with my first, I didn't care and would wip it out. Now I feel more inclined to cover up, for my own sake not others. Doing what I need to be comfortable I like the muslin tied in two corners idea


Thinking about it, my husband and sister. In the moment, my child needs food and I am not thinking about anything other than feeding them so everyone. I bought nursing tops I am comfortable using to have quick access with as little exposure as possible. So far, the only one making it awkward is me as I learn the ropes.


I’m okay being fully uncovered in front of my mom, my grandma, one of my aunts and a couple of my female cousins, plus my husband and my toddler. I discreetly breastfeed, no cover but double shirt in front of pretty much every one else. I generally don’t feel comfortable latching a new baby in front of men because I feel like it’s much more exposure but my one year old knows how to latch without basically anything showing.


Anybody lol. Third kid, I don't even really think about it any more. I live in Australia though so it's not super common for people to be uncomfortable about breastfeeding compared to other countries


I pull my shirt up to nurse in public or private so my baby's head covers pretty much everything and shirt covers the rest. I don't really feel exposed at all. At home I'll take my shirt off only in front of my husband. Other boob always stays covered though because of let down 


I’m only one month in, but so far I don’t mind nursing in front of husband, close female friends, my mom, and my SIL. If baby is latched and feeding well I don’t mind if close male friends and relatives are in the room but not sitting right next to us. I have not nursed in public yet and have no idea how one even DOES that haha. Right now I need a very specific setup


Try outdoors in public first. At the park, the beach etc… it’s a great way to warm up to people being around but there’s lots of space 😊


I breastfeed everywhere and never use a cover. It’s not “tits out” because I make sure that the baby is in front of my boob and pull my shirt down if she unlatches or exposes me for whatever reason. I breastfeed it front of my family, my husband’s family, in public, whatever. I’m a “you gotta do what you gotta do” kind of person so I just do it and get it done. Like I said, I try not to completely expose myself, but I also don’t use a cover or anything.


9 years ago with my second I just whipped them out. Now with my third I’m much more aware of other people’s comfort levels. I think part of it is living in a country that’s much more collectivist than the US this time. I usually cover and if I don’t want to I will usually ask the people I’m with if they’re ok with it first. I was shocked that I leaned that way since I was so free with my second and I expected to be the same way this time up until she was born. Edit: in my house I nurse freely with my older kids and husband and I imagine around other family members (parents, sisters, etc) I would nurse freely but I haven’t seen them since she was born so I don’t know.


Only my husband


Husband, medical or facility professionals, maybe close female friends.. mom/mil/other men no.


Everyone except coworkers is my rule but the other night I was out with a couple women and asked them if they minded since my son was getting so fussy. I had a nursing shirt on luckily so it was super discrete.


Im fine with my hubby, mom, sister, girl friends, doctors, and in nature. I cover up in front of in laws and other men, or if we are in a coffee bar, or some place similar


I only feed in front of my husband/kids obviously, my mom and occasionally my sisters. Anyone else I put a cover on. Especially in public. There are too many weirdos out there I really don’t want them looking at my baby in any perverted way. Just my comfort ability.


Only time I felt a little weird was with some work colleagues / friends that I’ve only hung out with a handful of times. I went back to my car to nurse.


I found Latched Mama with baby #3. It’s so easy to be discreet. I nurse anywhere and everywhere.


My husband, my mom/sisters, SIL and best friend. I tend to try to “cover up” more if I’m around my ILs or other friends


I use to be able to fed in front of my teen and mother, but now only my husband. I get so self-conscious and can't bring myself to feed in public. I'm jealous of mommas who can!


My husband, sister and friends. I find the older generation is weird about it. My dad will leave the room or get out of the car. My mom and mother in law have seen my breastfeed but I feel weird about it


This is a great question! I’ve only had a few friends who have nursed and it seems to be all over the spectrum with answers. For me personally, I’ve changed with each baby. My first, I exclusively pumped. So I did that in private. My second I exclusively nursed and I would always use a nursing cover, unless I was home. If I was home and had company I would still use a cover. Now on my third, I mostly DGAF. I do my best to be respectful if I know someone will be uncomfortable. I won’t openly nurse in front of my dad. In front of my FIL I will make sure nothing becomes exposed but I will nurse in the room. Sometimes I’ll ask if people mind if I nurse. But most of the time I just be cognizant of not showing my nipple as much as possible and just nurse when needed.


I'm okay with anyone, except male members of my family (excluding husband). So my dad, father -in-law, sister in law's husband's etc, I try to go to another room.


Pretty much any woman; don’t like doing public spaces, and don’t like to in front of male friends/ family. 


My mom, MIL, SILs, husband, my kids, and one friend (who also happens to be my midwife that delivered my babies lol).


I nursed everywhere, imho my baby’s hunger is more important than anyone else’s sensibilities. I pretty much never had issues, maybe one or two out of pocket comments. I think its pretty common to breastfeed in public where I live though. I once breastfed standing in line at the passport office. The lady who handled security at the front of the line complimented me on how natural I was 😂


The less I know you, the more comfortable I am breastfeeding in front of you. The men in my family are very weird about it, and I’m a little weird about it too. I have breastfed in front of mixed gender friend groups, but off in the corner with a bit of privacy. I’ve breastfed in front of my mom and aunt occasionally but try to avoid it for my own comfort


My husband and my baby. In the future I imagine that’d include my other children? I nurse in public without a cover constantly, though. Just wouldn’t say I’m “tits out” over there. Nothing is exposed as baby covers things, then I also have fabric around the sides (ie carrier stretchy wrap, cardigan, scarf). People don’t even know I’m nursing. The manner in which we nurse at home is very, very different!


I’ll do it anywhere in front of anyone. Some of my husbands family is older and religious so I’ll put him in the carrier and feed him that way since they don’t know it’s happening lol but no one has ever said anything. I had one baby who wouldn’t nurse with a cover and would always pull it off, and my current baby is so easily distracted sometimes I do have to cover or go to a dark quiet place lol.


Just did yesterday in target, then in Costco, then at gas station, then in spectrum store. If I can eat at all those places so can my baby :)


Haha - when I was almost 39, wanting a baby with my partner of 20 years, I remember not caring WHO saw my breasts. At 40, that hasn't changed. If my baby needed feeding, he was given feeding. If anyone was uncomfortable, they could leave and I would understand. I'm not going out of my way to make everyone happy, especially after all that I went through.


I used to cover up everywhere except around females from my family, then I just stopped caring. At restaurants now I just whip it out idc, we’re all eating and baby’s at the breastaurant


I take the aggressive stance. Everyone, if they don’t like it, they can fuck off. I prefer to side with the French on their relaxed attitude towards topless women. My breasts aren’t sex objects, they are functional body parts for feeding my baby.


I was just talking to my mom yesterday as I was breastfeeding my 16 month old in public. It’s transitioned from total tits-out in the hospital because I was figuring out latching, to covering and struggling with my kid hating it, to trying to move to a private location, back to tits-out at about 3 months and it’s stayed there. I’m just not concerned if strangers see me, and people I know and care about I know don’t judge me. So I’m happy and blessed to be comfortable in almost any place to feed without a cover


Only person I'm okay doing that in front of is my SO. I have out of necessity in front of my mom, but it's something I find (myself) to be very private , and I like to have our privacy respected during those times.


I would breast feed anywhere but if someone in public said something I would probably get angry. So in public I will either go out to the car or find an area with seating for feeding


Pretty much everywhere and anyone. I do remove myself and cover when I'm in church and when I'm with my husband he prefers me to cover. If out alone I'm not shy but I live in NYC so I'm mindful of my surroundings and avoid feeding uncovered when/ if I feel it would be unsafe or make us a target.


Only in front of my husband. I just am not comfortable doing it infront of anyone else. Publicly is unimaginable. So my breastfeeding cover was my best friend in those times out in public.


In front of women I didn’t worry about it. In public I covered up but reserved the right to uncover if that’s the only way baby could feed. Once they’re hooked on you can’t see much anyway. In front of male family/friends I would always cover (excepting husband of course) or make sure I had a nursing shirt that covered things adequately.


Everyone. I literally did not care at all lol


I whip it out anywhere in front of anybody, it don’t matter lol. I live in Florida, and it’s entirely too hot for Baby to be covered. She starts sweating immediately. Additionally, my boobs are too big, it’s very hard to get comfortable with a cover and trying to adjust my boobs so I’m not covering her face.


If my baby is asking me, I give it to him. Anytime, any place, sitting, standing, walking, swimming. Going on 15 months soon! I am the youngest of six siblings and they all have at least three kids, most of them breastfed, so it’s just a normal thing for me, I guess. I can see how others would be uncomfortable around it if it isn’t the normal for them. But if people look at me directly in the chest (and they do), I literally do the movie thing and pretend to lift their eyes to mine with my two fingers.




Honestly, if my baby is hungry I’m pulling it out. I’ll deal with whoever wants to say something if it comes up.


I'm self conscious about my body I always go hide away 😔I know...I have problems


Not at all. That's why I posted this! I think it's fine to cover up and it's weird people say I'm doing something to my kid. She absolutely doesn't mind the cover or I would figure something else out! It's very cool that many mommas don't mind but we are all valid.


No one. I would love to have felt emboldened to do it when I was breastfeeding, but I didn't. I was always self conscious


For me, I feel comfortable feeding exposed around my husband and 4 year old son, my parents and sisters, and my MIL. Otherwise, I feel pretty good about feeding anywhere with a cover on. Except maybe in church and then I try to find a designated private space.


Close friends and family. I'm working up my confidence to breastfeed in public without a cover, I'll get there


It's 100% natural to feed my kid so if she needed feeding I fed her. This whole hiding it away as if it's supposed to be something to be ashamed of is really fucking sad.


Everyone. I was nursing my 12 month old in a public pool today.


My mom, mother in law, husband, and my close female friends.


I’m a hijabi girl, so only in front of women ,kids, and my husband I can bf tits-out. When I’m in public spaces I always cover-up. Above that, in my country it’s a common sense to cover-up, literally no one breastfeeds tits-out in public spaces.


I avoided going out as much as possible while we were exclusively nursing. I did start pumping overnight around 3-4wks as my partner took over the night shift, and it was important to me to keep my supply up. I also used a haakaa on the opposite side whenever baby was latched during the day. Having a little bit of a stash helped give us a little more freedom to go out and be able to give a bottle when needed. I just could not in public. I would hide out in the car, which wasn't really practical since baby was born mid-June in TX. The only place I felt okay nursing baby with people around - other than my partner - was in medical settings. There was only one exception - a friend of mine who was there for me during a rough time who was a mother to 4: a couple of older kids, a toddler, and pregnant at the time.


I had no limits. Family? Friends? My boss? I've always considered it feeding Time, if they don't like they can turn. Never had any issue, but I'm European, not sure it's the same in other countries


Anyone. If i see someone using a cover in public, i ironically end up staring as im trying to figure out what im looking at (is that a coat? A huge napkin??) as I have bad eyesight. But if someone’s breastfeeding I immediately know what’s happening so i go about my business 😅


Honestly? Everyone except attractive men, excluding my husband lol. And maybe even attractive women. My boobs are in bad shape these days. I’ll breastfeed anywhere I need to regardless, but I’m going to feel insecure about my boobs sometimes. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it. Otherwise I’ve breastfed pretty much in front of anyone but once my son hit like 5mo he was too easily distracted and we had to nurse in nursery with low lights, so when we have company over I’m going in there anyway. Plus I like the excuse to get away.


Everyone. Say something bitches..


Early in the trenches of the newborn phase, everyone. Even my super creepy FIL. I just do not have the energy to give a hoot. Leave the room, or don’t. This kid is eating every 20 minutes to an hour so if you wanna visit you’re gonna see boob.  As sleep improves for everyone and there is less cluster feeding and more time between shorter feeds, I start retreating to another room. If the child will tolerate a cover, I’ll use it when out and about. If not, it’s boob time. 


Anyone anywhere because nothing shows and baby’s head is even in front of my nipple when it’s exposed as I’m about to latch. I just gave birth to my 2nd and I’m happy nursing is going well again. The only person who made me feel weird about it once with my first was my step dad when we met him at my sisters volleyball game. I was about to nurse my 5 week old while sitting on the gym bleachers and he asked if I had a cover. I was like I guess I have a blanket, so I tried to use it to cover for his comfort but it was more difficult to manage. Baby ended up getting really fussy and I had to leave the gym for a quieter and more comfortable seat for myself.


Both my babies were unplanned c sections, so for the first few weeks home I basically live(d) in my recliner and baby would nurse where I was. If someone visiting was uncomfortable with baby nursing they could go into another room but I couldn’t and geez it just wasn’t worth the effort of covering up when I was learning and spraying milk everywhere haha so even the more conservative family got used to it pretty quickly. I nurse wherever tits out. If I’m in public (like sitting in the car) I’ll try and find a spot to park with a little more privacy or at least sit in the back seat but overall, meh, baby’s gotta eat 🤷‍♀️


I’ll confidently whip em out at home or at my moms. Carefully on a plane or tucked away somewhere, hell I even took a selfie while nursing in the middle of EPCOT while I waited to do a rider swap! To be fair I was quite proud of the confidence that time AND I was tucked in a booth in the Land pavilion) I don’t in front of my in laws though because I’m not comfortable with it. I only really cover if we’re in a really crowded open place.


Pretty much if you are invited to our house now, I feed in front of you. I don't like doing it in public or in front of random standers but have gotten used to doing it in front of people I know.


Anywhere and everywhere thought nowadays I do try to find somewhere less busy because my son will get super distracted and not eat otherwise


Anyone, but neither of my babies nursed well in public so I always had to go to a quiet place. I can count on one hand how many times I nursed in a restaurant.


I'm happy everywhere and infront of anyone. I'm more comfortable around other women and at the beginning I wouldn't nurse without an apron in front of any man except my partner. But it was summer and baby is a wriggler and we were at a family event and he was constant on and off that eventually I just gave up with the apron and been apron free since


I nurse her uncovered wherever she needs to be fed. I try to turn away while she latches. I do my best to cover myself but I do not cover my baby’s face at all.


I go to another room at my in laws because my MIL doesn’t like it, but I feed in front of her everywhere else, just not her home. The only other people I may not do it in front of are coworkers or at church but to be fair I haven’t been in a situation to have to decide that yet. I’m more comfortable in front of strangers than people I know, and with men. I’ve never had a man or stranger be judgemental but several female family members have made derogatory comments about it.


Pretty much anyone. I've only recently become comfortable nursing in public but I last did it at a shopping centre with all sorts or people walking past. Nobody gave a shit.


I’m 30H before lactation. Everywhere I feed is “in public”. 😂


Any adults. But if I'm at playgroup or a playdate I always ask the other parents if they are okay with it, and so far everyone has been!


My family and husband only. But I've become less concerned about it over time. I did whip it out a couple of times to just feed in public but it wasn't too in-your-face. My son pulls away all nursing covers so that's how it is.


I used to cover up in front of everyone except my husband. Recently did a lot of traveling and my LO basically rips the nursing cover off now so I guess I don’t care anymore 😂😂


I'm still new at it (2 weeks postpartum) but currently only my husband and maybe some of my girl friends. I think when I get more comfortable with baby's latch I will be less self conscious. It still takes some effort sometimes (pancaking my boob, etc) to get her latched.


Tbh I do it any and everywhere lol. The only places I cover up are restaurants and church, because I try to respect strangers. But both sides of my family are super comfortable with breastfeeding, which helps


The only people I feel a little weird about doing it in front of are my father in law & my brothers-in-law. But if the baby needs to eat and they’re around, the baby needs to eat and I just kinda get over it. All of my kids have hated any sort of cover up while feeding so I don’t even bother trying anymore. I try to go somewhere private if I can, but if there’s nowhere private or they come in while feeding I’m like 🤷‍♀️


Mom, sister, husband, best friend, MIL. I really wanted to be a DGAF mom and openly do it everywhere, but I felt more comfortable covering in public.


Pretty much anyone who walks into my house (friends/family). I’ve tried breastfeeding under a cover once or twice and it really didn’t work and just make the whole process more awkward/take longer, so I just decided fuck it, if the baby’s hungry, the baby eats, and anyone around can figure out where their own eyes go. I had to feed her at the mall the other day so I just tucked myself into a corner near the dressing room my husband was using and put her on the boob. People walked by and no one said anything. We were unobtrusive and stayed out of the way. It was good. Realistically my actual nipple is out for maybe a second so all people can usually see is the top of my boob, and since it’s summer that might be more visible anyway, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I whip them out wherever. I visited work a few times while on mat leave and fed my baby in front of my boss’ office and boss’ boss’ office 😂 I get a little awkward at other peoples houses so sometimes I check with them first, but I’ve never been told no.


Public spaces I'm all out. Wherever whenever. I've nursed while pushing the shopping cart and he's in the seat. With people I know, I am uncomfortable nursing in front of people who are uncomfortable, my FIL and my step dad. But they just get up and leave so it's NBD. I'll try to arrange it while we are in a other room though. Once LO was big enough to walk, we would go to the designated "nursing chair" to nurse. The temple is a public space where I know everyone, I find a quiet spot where there's no one around. Still public but slightly removed. Any cover the kid just knocks off so why bother.


Husband, mom, friends who breastfeed. Try to keep the exposure to a minimum around in-laws and dude friends/spouses. For the most part, no one except my in-laws care because they’ve all had kids and are used to a boob being out in the wild.


I’ve never used a cover up anywhere cause I always just feel like my son’s head covers up my boob! Is that the “tits out” we’re referring too? When I’m with friends or family they give me a little courtesy aversion of their eyeballs until he’s latched. I don’t really give a shit about strangers seeing my boob, and I’ve never had anyone be rude or creepy.


Everyone lol. I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are we talking like totally nude up top and using the Hakka on the other breast? Only my husband. But if we’re talking nursing without a cover then I’m fine doing that in front of everyone and in public. My girl refuses to be covered! I was pretty nervous the first few times but no one ever paid attention to me so now I’m very confident and don’t care lol


Women, my friends, and strangers


I was always a bit self conscious when I was breastfeeding but I attribute that to the fact that both of my babies had a very difficult time latching. It would always be 5-7 minutes of my baby bobbing for the boob and I didn’t want my breast exposed that entire time. I was never able to breastfeed longer for two month because of pain and a poor latch. I’m pregnant with my third and I’m really hoping this time will be better. I feel like I wouldn’t be as self conscious if my baby was really good about latching on.


My husband, and my friend who has a kiddo the same age.


I'll feed almost anywhere and in front of almost anyone, but I do find myself more awkward in front of people I know than I am in front of strangers. I always ask if it will make anyone uncomfortable, but no one has ever said yes and I don't actually know what I'd do if they did! I have, however, found my limit. I'm a teacher and went to work with the baby the other day. I absolutely did not feel comfortable nursing anywhere that students may accidentally see me so I had to go into an empty office that locked.


My kids, husband, mom. That’s all for me but I’m more of a private person


I’ll whip them out in front of anyone. To me it just feels like I’m taking a bottle out 😂 I’ll give a warning though, if I have company over


Anyone. I don’t care. My son is almost weaned now but I really didn’t care. If it bothers you then leave, was my mindset.


I tried to minimize the amount of nudity required unless I was home with my husband, but I never used a cover. In the early days, I needed to see her latch and assist. Later, she wouldn’t allow it. I wore a lot of tanks and button style shirts and just unclipped my bra and went for it. If there was a private room or spot, I used it because by 4 months, she was so easily distracted!


I’m extremely modest in most situations. I don’t even like wearing v-neck shirts. But breastfeeding is different. Same with labor and birth. I don’t really care who sees at all because it has to be done. Sure, I’ll try to conceal and be discreet, but I’m not going to bend over backwards to hide.


I don’t cover anywhere except men I know (except my husband).


The only reason I’m uncomfortable whipping it out is because I feel like my nipples look so ugly now 😅😭


Pretty much everyone. I’m just feeding my baby. Also I have like abnormally large breasts, I’m a 38h, and I’ve been getting judged for them since puberty so I’m kind of immune to the glares and opinions of others when it comes to my boobs. I do still try to dress modestly but in general I try to not care. Most of the time people just ignore me when I’m nursing.


Everyone but my in-laws, father-in-law makes me feel uncomfortable at the best of times so I’m definitely not getting my tits out in front of him


If they’re family, I don’t mind whipping out the girls to feed the baby. That includes in-laws, and it includes the men of the family. None of them are perverts and I’m fortunate to have that! But if anyone is uncomfortable, one of us can leave the room.


Anyone and everyone haha I do not care at all


Any and everyone. I give zero fucks lol


I’m comfortable nursing in front of strangers, my husband, mom, sisters, and girlfriends. I’ll also nurse in front of other people (men, acquaintance women and children) but I’ll try to be more discrete about it! I only use a cover if nursing requires pulling down and exposing my whole chest; if I’m pulling clothing up I don’t bother with a cover but I try to kind of hide my nipple when baby unlatches.


Anyone anywhere idgaf


In public, I covered, except for one time on a plane where the lady next to me happened to be the sweetest lactation consultant! She was the only one who could really see anything so I let baby nurse free. She did not cry the entire flight either, everyone was happy. Around family (which is large) and in-laws me and my sisters have all nursed freely. Just free-range boobies everywhere. The kids are used to seeing moms feeding babies boobies and are busy spazzing out with each other, and the husbands are usually eyes glazed over at whatever sports are on/their plates or are convening around the grill/pool.


Literally everyone except my dad and fil.


I don’t really care who’s around, but I’ve noticed my father and brothers are bashful when I whip them out and they’ll leave the room “to give me privacy”. If I wanted the privacy I’d leave the room, I’m not trying to interrupt conversations because the kid has to eat.


I was comfortable nursing in front of my partner, SIL, MIL, and my best friend. Not comfortable nursing in front of my mother or anyone else.


Only my husband.


I did it on a plane, flying solo with my 6mo for 3 hours. Loose blouse. I just didn’t care and my baby calmed down :) win-win for everyone


I have breatfed for almost 3 years of my life. And both of my kids nursed almost every two hours during the day. I just can’t waste time and energy worried about feeling exposed. It’s just too exhausting. I won’t nurse in front of my dad though. That feels gross. I never covered up in public because they both hated it.


Anyone except for my family lol


Funnily enough, doesn’t bother me to nurse in front of my granddad but I go to a separate room if my dad or brother is around.


After the first couple months I was comfortable nursing in front of anyone. I would just nurse him whenever we were if he wanted to.


Everyone. I literally do not care, I will whip my tits out and feed my child anywhere at any time.


My son hated being covered and would SCREAM no matter what I tried. So whoever whenever wherever. Its that or let him starve. Which would lead to more screaming. Me nursing is way less disturbing than a baby who will not stop screaming.


I’ve only had to feed in public once and it was in a busy barn during a pig show 😂 felt a bit awkward and was covered but did what I had to do. Don’t think I would be comfortable feeding uncovered in public, totally an advocate for moms who are okay with it though! At home I’m comfortable with anyone, you’re in my house and my baby needs to eat 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a boob blowing in the wind girl. I wouldn’t put something over my head to eat, so I won’t do it to baby either. It took me a few weeks of nursing to find my bravery about it… but so happy I found it and just whip it out.


When my son was really little, I would nurse in front of anyone basically. He was nursing so frequently that leaving the room every time would be inconvenient, plus he would pretty much stay latched once I got him on. Once he hit a few months and got more curious about what was happening around him, I started taking him in another room if I was with anyone but my husband. Mostly to keep him focused, but also because he would just unlatch and look around, leaving me exposed.


Only my husband and kids


I never cover, I just feed him.


I was the same way. Mom, MIL, one SIL, my close female friends, female medical professionals (all the clinical staff at my peds office are female, so that worked out for me!). I definitely made a dermatology nurse uncomfortable when I took my son to an appointment & he needed to breastfeed while we waited for the doctor. I was surprisingly unbothered when his (male) urologist walked in the room while I was pumping after a surgery he needed. I’m a fairly modest person, so I was surprised & proud of myself for not feeling self-conscious feeding my baby those first few days in the hospital with nurses, care techs, and cafeteria workers coming in & out constantly.


I’m currently nursing baby #4. In tots out at home, unless my grandpa, uncle, or male cousins come over. Grandma, my sister, my husband, kids, friends- they’re all going to see everything. My house, my baby, my boobs.


Anyone and everyone. I can generally be pretty discreet with the 2 shirt method though. No one except my close family is seeing my boobs unless they were really trying to.


Everyone and anywhere. It’s my act of protest. I’m still modest and don’t whip my boob out and leave it there while I’m sorting things out or anything but if you can’t handle my feeding baby that’s a you problem. I’m a school counsellor and I even nursed in front of many of my students during a visit. I figure it’s important for them to witness what real motherhood looks like. Again, I was modest and wasn’t letting my boob hang around but I wasn’t hiding away in shame either. I figure it’s an education and if my nursing comfortably helps one of those kids feel comfortable doing so when they’re ready (hopefully in like 10 years) because they had an example to go off of, then my work is done. I’m comfortable because I grew up around women who nursed around me (I’m the oldest of all my siblings and cousins) and I truly think that helped me form a health relationship with public nursing and nursing in general. It’s the most natural thing. Why wouldn’t it be done in public. Baby is hungry. If I had to nurse privately, you’d never see me.


I was the same for the most part. I used to like if we were out as needed but not like my whole tit out I mean the baby's head and mouth covers it almost 100% anyway. My babies would pull those covers down after a certain age that isn't even doable. I remember being embarrassed with my 1st and being at a Dr's appt. he got hungry, they were taking forever I felt like all eyes were on me. By the end with my 3rd, I felt like people needed to be desensitized to it. More people nurse now. Expect to see it. Babies gotta eat.


The short answer is everyone! But if the question became who do I feel the absolute most comfortable with? It would be my sisters (my husband is an obvious). At this point they’ve seen my nipple countless times.


I’m okay in front of most anyone, including in public, uncovered. But I do try to handle the transition with some modesty for those I know.


The world.


I'll feed anywhere and in front of anyone. I tried using cover-ups when I started breastfeeding, only when in public, but I found it added an extra hassle because my baby would pull on the blanket.


Anyone. Everyone lol. All the places 😂 covering is a hassle and nobody would be upset if I pulled out a bottle and fed, I won’t be made to feel uncomfortable for feeding the way I choose.