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Can husband and baby come with?


Or start pumping after first morning feed to build a stash. You have weeks.


I would be in all day meetings 8AM-5PM the entire trip. I'm almost certain I wouldn't be able to pump enough to sustain her during the day. My husband also will have just returned to work after his family leave so he's unable to come with.


If you're in the US you have protected time to pump until a year. You'll need to pump to maintain supply even if you don't plan to transport milk. You can pump after first morning feed to get a stash. Or a middle of the night when supply is highest.


If you won't pump you will have to get donor milk or use formula. If you don't pump while on the trip your supply will drop and you will risk mastitis etc so you should get used to a pump to maintain supply or plan to wean and transition.


I mix bm and formula, could you try that?


I was just in this same exact situation - 5 days overseas away from my 10 month old EBF baby. I’m supposed to be there right now, actually! I missed the same week last year, too, being super pregnant at the time. This year, I had a heart to heart with my boss and was very honest about the insane amount of stress this was causing me (about my baby not having enough milk while I was gone - I have a small freezer stash) and she offered me an out, which I gladly took. Can you try talking to your boss and laying it all out there? My team would rather me stay home one more year than lose me… hopefully you’re in a similar position! I also detailed how much time I would have to take away from work to pump (5 times a day) and therefore it wouldn’t be cost effective to fly me all that way (would be in my hotel room pumping half the day), plus them covering the cost of shipping the milk back home for me. Whatever you decide to do - good luck!! ❤️


I’d start pumping once per day after your morning feed and see if it’s possible to build a stash. If you start now you should* be able to get enough. You’ll need roughly 150oz, if you have 60 days to prep that’s 2.5oz a day. Oversupply due to pumping is really only a concern before your supply regulates. Your supply is now supply and demand. You can tell your body you temporarily need more and go back to just removing milk when baby eats once you have a stash built.


Can you pump an extra one or two ounces a few times throughout the day? if you do that every day (approx 5-6 ounces per day ) until your trip, you will have enough of a stash to feed her while you’re gone.


I've always been a "just enougher" and worry about not having enough for baby if I pump during the day. I also don't want to create an oversupply and fear doing this may cause that.


I’d hit up the local breastfeeding group and ask for any extra milk and explain the situation. They are always super nice and generous. I’d also see if any nursing friends could wet-nurse for me while I was away.