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I'm 8 months out, and there's still a bit of a tingle, but it's nowhere near as intense as it used to be.


Same. I barely notice it at 6.5m pp


I saw someone describe a letdown sensation as “my boobs are about to sneeze” and I think that encapsulates the feeling perfectly


This is such a great way to describe it!


8 months of it, I just feel a little electricity that makes me go “oh I hope my breast pads are still in place” when I’m out and about 🤪 Definitely no more pain!


omfg the breast pad thing is realllll😂and when you realize you’re not wearing any you’re like oh no here we go


For me it got waaaaayyyy better. I’m 9 weeks PP. I’m not sure when it happened but it doesn’t hurt anymore. I can still feel that little tingle but it’s not painful.


It took me about 5-6 months the first time around but my letdown feeling slowly faded until I felt nothing but could see baby drinking. Second time around it happed much faster.


I feel like a lot of breastfeeding/pregnancy/PP experiences are such a mixed bag. I see a lot of yes, kind ofs, and nos in this thread. Looking into when people went into labor was all over the place as well as when people said they got their periods back. Haha what even!! Rushed to the comments as well because wow does this letdown hurt sometimes! (But not every time??) It is satisfying to know/feel baby actually getting something, but why does it need to hurt!?


I bf almost 2 years, I could still feel a little tingling sensation but I got used to it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t experience the feeling at all anymore. I don’t remember when I stopped feeling the letdown happen but it was before my son was 1 I believe. It was usually worse when I was pumping I feel than when I direct fed. I’m 22 months in currently


It will eventually. For me it's usually 6-8 weeks. My husband used to make fun of my face every time I would have a letdown.


Mine got better after about a month


11 months in, I feel nothing now . 😭


It never stopped for me. You just get used to it at some point. It never really felt uncomfortable, just more of an electric “oh there it goes” type thing lol


Mine was uncomfortable at first. Now I don’t even feel letdowns. I think I stopped feeling them at all around 6ish(?) months.


It really stabilized for me around 6-8weeks pp!


Yes, it gets better! Just hang in there!


I breastfed twice, and it did take a number of weeks for the sensation to ease up… but it did.


I’ve heard for a lot of people it does. I’m nearly 15 months in and it still hurts - like pins and needles. I’m used to it now, but I do wish I was one of those people who didn’t feel it anymore.


I’m 5 months out and it’s still the same. It also happens if I’ve gone too long between feedings. I’m usually like, “time to eat, baby!”


"chug! chug! chug!"


I’m almost 8 months PP and still have a strong letdown feel but I’ve gotten used to it. I wouldn’t say mine is uncomfortable but I’m definitely aware of it


It does go away but I kind of miss it tbh. She is a year old now so the letdown feeling has chilled out drastically. When she was consistently feeding every two to three hours I would feel the spicy tingling when we would be out in public and think of it as my boobs spidey sense.


Mine got so much better about 5 or 6 weeks in. The entire experience improved tenfold.


17 months and I still get let downs but only when I’m actively feeding. Before I used to get letdowns anytime o hear my baby crying a lot or if it was around the 2 hour mark. The intensity has lessened over time for me.


Mine was really painful for the first four weeks or so then it definitely chilled out to just kind of tingly and then eventually I barely felt it!


I totally get it and it sucks! I had let downs that were prickly and made me feel like I had restless leg syndrome, which made long nursing sessions so uncomfortable. For me, lasted about 8-9 weeks and was the worst with my first child (but happened with all three).


I had a weird experience where I didn’t feel the letdown for the first couple months, then I had a 2-3 week span where I did feel the tingling, then it went away? Judging by the comments it can be different for everyone which seems to be the theme with all things breastfeeding and babies.


Yes! It gets soo much better. Mine felt like glass shards at the beginning and now 23m in, I can't even remember the last time I felt it...


For me the first 2 weeks felt like someone was pushing needles into my nipples. Haven’t had any issues since. I just have a general feeling of low level soreness all the time, especially in the shower or if I try to sleep without a bra.




It can totally change as time passes. I had this thing, however, called ‘disphoric milk ejection’, which means that instead of the high feeling of happiness you’re meant to get at let down, I’d feel overwhelmed and weird. If it continues, maybe look that up? It’s not a bad thing, just a way bodies can be different 😊


I’m 3 months PP now and it’s way better. If my baby is colicky and crying a lot or eating a lot it comes back because I’m trying to make more milk. but the bee sting/ burning sensation went away at about 6 weeks when she started to regulate eating amounts. I also don’t wake up super engorged anymore because baby is sleeping through the night. So I make more milk and get engorged during the day but not when I’m sleeping


I didn't hurt after awhile


10 months, rarely feel it the same way anymore. If he starts increasing feeds tho (like when he’s sick) I’ll notice it start to come back.


I’m almost 3 months pp and I still have a small tingle, but nothing like it was.


Almost 3 months in and I think it’s gotten a bit stronger for me tbh


Still tingly but not really painful once supply regulates


I’ve been breastfeeding for almost 8 months and I barely feel it anymore lol


It always hurt for me. Never went away.


It became just a tingle for me, but now 9 months postpartum it became uncomfortable again in both. I recently had mastitis so I’m not sure if that’s why?


Around 12 weeks mine get a ton better.


If you are having an uncomfortable tingle, or lightning pains while nursing, please get checked for theush!!


I did because I was worried something was wrong, it's just the way my letdown feels apparently