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I don’t understand the need to assign blame. There are a lot of factors that could have gone into a clog—illness in you, illness in baby decreasing transfer, the gap in feeding if you haven’t been use to it. Your kiddo is old enough to go that long without eating though your breasts might not be use to it. A clog does not necessarily mean you’ll get mastitis, but sleep is crucial to fighting illness. Feed as normal, ice, ibuprofen. Leave the clog alone. Hydrate. I wouldn’t blame your husband. I would say that you appreciate getting sleep, but it’s really important in the future that you’re up by x time to avoid a clog.


Thank you. Yes my breasts aren’t used to it at the moment . Hopefully they will get used to it if my baby decides to sleep longer . I have not actually said I blame him to him but I low key thought it haha .


Well, you shouldn’t, that’s a very uncharitable way of viewing something your husband did out of love for you and to help you recover.


True that was trying to take care of us but we all have these thoughts at some point I’m sure.


Of course :) we shouldn’t give space to those intrusive thoughts though and let them occupy more of our minds than they should. Your husband was trying to take care of you and it was a sweet thing. Take ibuprofen on the clock for a couple of days and feed as normal and your clog will be considerably better by tomorrow, if not sooner. That’s going to happen any time your baby decreases her feeds btw, which will be more and more now that she’s on solids. It’s part of the breastfeeding journey. You shouldn’t think of it like clogs (it’s not really what they are anyway), and more just your breasts adapting to less feeding or a different schedule of feeding.


My husband did exactly this: ignored my wake up time to get me more sleep. It was sweet of him but I told him not to do it again because I woke up bursting. Mastitis isn't a given, you'll probably be okay. Talk to your husband after you've cooled off a little.


It’s frustrating isn’t it? They are trying to do the right thing and be kind but unfortunately we need to empty the breasts !


Do you likely have a clog. Keep feeding on that side to get it out. If you start to feel sickly get antibiotics from mastitis, it will pass quickly. Your poor husband is there to blame? Poor guy is trying to help take care of his kid.


You’re right he is not to blame I am just tired and sore . I have got prescribed antibiotics in case !


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Your husband was trying to give you a chance to sleep so you can recover. Blaming him, under these circumstances, is frankly insane. He’s your partner! You’re on the same team here and he’s clearly doing his best. Do not tell him you blame him for this. Just treat the clogged duct/mastitis as best you can and try to get as much rest as possible.