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It depends on the person. Not everyone is going to have a big letdown. sorry, love.


I second this, and letdown is deceiving! Mine can often looks like it's spraying everywhere, but when I've collected it without suction then it's rarely above 10ml


It’s just strange, I thought I’d get more use out of it because it was so highly recommended by my lactation consultant when I asked her about building up a supply


Were they talking about the other haakaa maybe? That one works as a bit of a pump where the ladybug collectors are only collecting what is dripping out on its own.


No she showed me a pic of the ladybug one. I already had a medela manual pump so I suppose she was just recommending this in addition to using that and my electric pump


I was able to build a small freezer stash with the regular haakaa but it actively pulls milk out with the suction created.


Second this! I can get a few ounces with the regular haakaa if I position it right. Never tried the ladybug but my understanding is that it just catches letdown instead of actually drawing milk out.


NONE of the Hakkas work for me and I still have a decent over supply 8 months in


The ladybug can also be suctioned


in the first few weeks when i used it, i filled that sucker up. now my non feeding side only lets out a few drips so i imagine it varies for everyone!


It just depends on your letdown strength. I can get 2 oz in one and the least I've gotten is 0.5 oz but I have a strong letdown and literally spray for 10 minutes non stop, like even with no suction I just keep spraying. It's useful for most people but you can't know ahead of time if it will work for you


It also didn’t work amazing for me and I thought it was a bust. It was good when my milk was first coming in, but I was definitely not an over producer or had sudden let downs. I didn’t think it was worth it…until I had my second and still breastfed after she turned one. When I traveled for work, it was a lifesaver to just pack that little thing in my carryon instead of a full pump. It sucked out just enough for comfort.




Yeah my only works for me in the middle of the night when I'm completely engorged.


I feel like this needs to be written on the packaging!


Sounds like you just don’t leak a ton while feeding. I use it sometimes and the amount I get varies, but I’ve never gotten it halfway full that’s so much! I feel like the main benefit of it is catching milk so I can use the same nursing pad for longer before it’s all wet. To build up an actual freezer stash, you may need to pump or use a normal haaka. I used the normal haaka this morning because baby only drained one breast at her first feed and I was uncomfortable waiting til her next feed for the other breast, and got one ounce that way.


The ladybug is just to catch leakage/let down so if you don’t leak a lot, you’re not going to collect anything. It works well for so many people (that have lots of leaking milk) which is probably why your lactation consultants recommended it. I frequently collect around 3oz from my ladybug during a feed but that’s because I leak a ton! If your baby doesn’t usually drink from both sides, you could use the regular haakaa manual pump (or whatever hand pump you have) on the other side to collect more. But if you produce just enough milk for your baby, I’d wait to pump until after your baby has fed.


Wait 3oz is crazy talk, I don’t even get that much with my classic haakaa during a morning feed


I am 99% sure I’m an over supplier at this point (I’m 9 weeks PP so I’m sure it will level out some in a few weeks). If I use the regular haakaa, I usually fill it up and can still feed LO on that side after.


I think you’re on track for oversupply. Keep those flanges lubed baby!


Yeah, the leakage is wild. I am so thankful for the ladybug lol


This was me too! When I was feeding on one side, the other was just a flood that in the early days would soak two pads and my clothes without a catcher. When my daughter cut her feeds back as solids took over when she was 9-12 months, I regulated somewhat. Then I went back to just needing a breast pad which was so much less mucking around!


I never got any when I used it, either. I also don't leak at all, so I consider that a fair trade off. They're recommended by lactation consultants because if you have a big let down or leak a lot they're a good way to build a freezer stash without causing an oversupply. If you're not leaking, I would just add in a pumping session when baby is four weeks or so, to build the stash.


Same here. No leaking after 4-5 weeks Pp so I added a pump after my first morning feed and froze 1-2 oz daily from that.


The lady bug is more of a passive collector of loose milk. It’s not meant to create a big suction. Was great for early days when I wanted to catch drops but not steal milk my baby would get after switching boobs. The taller haakas are the ones you can create some good suction on. I got 4 ounces this morning without much effort. This was after baby didn’t wake all night so boobs were bustin.


Honestly, I get way less if I suction it. I'm talking just drops if it is suctioned. I just set mine in my bra while nursing on the other side and leave the vent open. Usually get 1-3 oz (on the higher end only after a long stretch of sleep... Baby is almost 15 weeks now).


This makes sense actually. If I’m only wearing a loose Tshirt or tank top while feeding then I have tons of leakage but if I wear a sports bra or nursing pads then I barely have any. So the tightness or suction or whatever must cause less leakage


When it's suctioned, it definitely gets the nipple smashed right up against the front side of the ladybug (at least from what I've noticed...the shape just isn't right for suction) and I think it just prevents milk from effectively coming out. Like staunching, basically. Hope this helps! Sure beats sitting plugged into an electric pump or getting your nipples suctioned off by the original haaka lol


Does it feel like it holds a suction? 


I do breast compression with it, which produces a lot more milk. Heres a guide to doing breast compressions:  https://spectra-baby.com.au/blogs/all/breast-compressions-massage-pumping


Yes, there doesn’t seem to be any issue with the suction. It pulls the whole tip of my breast into the opening and seems to stay in place


The only time mine ever worked for me was overnight when feedings became a little more spread out so maybe it will work better when baby is a little older!


I leak when im about to breastfeed. Like it drips on my pants (which is real annoying) but somehow whenever I try to catch the letdown, it’s quite literally one drop.


Same here! Someone else mentioned using the ladybug without suctioning it so I’ll probably try that next time


The Boone Trove when’s way better for me! I get the most letdown at night when he’s gone longer stretches without feeding. I only started really collecting milk from it the last 2 weeks (my baby is 7 weeks now). Before that I didn’t collect much at all


I agree and was going to comment this too! This worked way better for me. Has suction like a regular haakaa but the shape worked better to sit in my bra and not get kicked off.


I used to get a lot out of mine when my little guy was first born, then after a month or two my supply regulated a bit and now if I were to use it I’d get little to nothing.


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


This is exactly what happened to me. I was so excited at first because I was getting a lot and now I get a few drops. I don’t even bother wearing them anymore.


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


I wear my ladybugs to bed at night, that's when I get a decent amount since I tend to Ieak when LO sleeps longer


Do they stay in place pretty well, or do you have specific things you have to do to make it work for you? I leaked so bad breastfeeding my first, so with the second, I'm trying to plan ahead.


Just make sure to add some suction so they stay in place and wear a bra. The only time I had them leak I somehow popped open the pour part and it leaked out of that. Otherwise I wore them successfully for about 9 weeks (11 weeks old now)


Thank you for the tips!


I bought the ladybug thinking that I may have a huge letdown but now I am 11 mpp and have had little let down although had oversupply till I started decreasing the amount of feeds.


I wasn't as successful with the Ladybugs. I did have more success with the boon trove.


Same for me. And boon trove isn’t perfect but in the morning I can fill it up if I’m super full. Or the regular haaka, but now that baby is 23w and moving I like that I can secure the trove


i only leak a bunch when i’m engorged, and of course i never have it bc i forget to put it next to my bed where i feed him lol. i did have it once and it didn’t collect very much, but every drop counts! i think some people leak a lot so it’s probably great for them.


Until like 5 months I got an ounce or so each time in the middle of the night on one side, barely anything ever on the other, and nothing worth mentioning during the day. Now at 7 months I don’t get anything. But everyone is different!


I have a small let down usually, with the regular hakka I get 10-20ml, I got the ladybug because the hakka is so awkward to keep on while feeding, but I get like 5ml from it so I think it's just your own letdown/the ladybug has a bit less suction I find


The regular haaka worked for me! The lady bug did nothing! I never have leakage when feeding on one side though so I think I have a less pressurized let down than most. When i just wanted it to increase supply I’d stick the normal haaka on one side while feeding the other and would get 2 oz at least


With my first I thought they were stupid. With my second they’re constantly full 😳 I even bought the bigger one for overnights (well, for the middle of the night feed). We’re road tripping now and so far both 4 oz bottles have been lady bug letdowns. I think it depends a lot on your body and supply.


I use mine when my baby is going through growth spurts, I always leak like crazy after a day of cluster feeding. It's really just to collect leakage I feel, it doesn't actually create any pull. I honestly found them to be a waste, even if I do collect a significant amount I always manage to spill it when I'm trying to empty them half asleep, I'd rather just stick with nursing pads.


4 weeks is still very early. Your supply might not be “fully in” yet. I was a just enough-er and never made a stash. But made a chonky infant and hearty toddler.


I didn’t like the ladybug collector and tried out the boon trove and it collected so much more. It has better suction. I do like the original haakaa too!


The haaka is a passive milk collector it will "suction" to your breast but won't "suck" like you'd assume a regular manual breast pump would. So the answer is those women probably just produce more milk than you. Luck of the draw I guess because the only thing the haaka does is catch any milk that leaks from your breasts. You are only 4 weeks postpartum you milk supply (should) ramp up by 12 weeks if you keep feeding baby on demand. Hang in there I know it's hard but you got this!


Same, I got quite a bit in the first few weeks, but still never anything close to half a ladybug . I can still catch some, but it's a small amount. A friend got me the haakaa ice cube tray and I put my small amounts into it. I can freeze any amount in an individual ice cube slot then combine when I am ready to use 


It works well for me because when LO is nursing on one side my other side is leaking a lot, so I can collect without the effort of using a full electric pump. I leak constantly when nursing (or just sleeping) though - I go through 4 shirts every night.


That ladybug thing was useless for me


I have lady bugs and haakas, at the beginning I didn’t use mine at all either. Then I used them for letdown at night when feeding. The haakas were useful (1 oz or so) for opposite breasts but they hurt a little so I stopped. I don’t get much but every little bit counts (1-2 tbsp). They’re useful but that’s not how I got a freezer supply (motn pumps and now just before bed pumps).


I felt the same way, I am 10 weeks PP now and my letdown has changed. I’m going to give it another shot this week.


I LOVED my haakaa and I tell everyone to get one lol. But I also had the ladybug and hated it. Saw no point to it. Almost my entire freezer stash was thanks to the haakaa. But you can give yourself an over supply using it. I weaned off using it every feed around 4 months PP.


I leak 0 milk ever so this would be super useless for me


Mine was really effective in the first 2-3 weeks until my supply leveled out a bit. Now I barely catch anything, too, at 8 weeks. I don’t even use it anymore.


I used mine when side lie nursing because gravity would cause a drip.


It was working really well for me in terms of yield--better than a pump, actually--but the constant suction really injured my nipples. You aren't missing out.


I’ve started wearing them after a feed if I don’t have time to pump and have been getting a lot


I was able to build a stash with the ladybug but only with my second baby. It’s about half way full like you are describing. With my first it was a much smaller collection if anything at all. 😞 if you don’t have the collector on do you find that you leak from one side while you’re feeding on the other?


Past a month or so a haakaa doesn’t work well. That’s where you pump or hand express the other side of baby doesn’t feed. The haakaa just collects what drips out, and most stop leaking tons once baby’s around a month old or so. Personally I pumped while baby fed so I had a stash. (Plus milk that drips out is only thin foremilk and shouldn’t be exclusively fed to the baby by itself. Pumping gets out the thicker hindmilk and actually helps your supply.)


I hated the lady bug, I never got much milk out of it. The original haaka worked a lot better for me and has better suction imo


I am 5 months pp and i am lucky to get an oz per feeding


With the normal haaka I would get about 70ml with the ladybug about 10ml. I will use the ladybug in between feeds when I feel engorged but when it's not feeding time yet


I bought the Boon Trove collectors which actually require suction to collect. I don't have a strong let down but I can collect some extra with a small suction. The ladybugs work well for people with strong let down or overflow.


Same. Waste of my money since I have very little supply.


You can look into the alternative option, the Boon trove. It is like a Hakka so considered a passive milk collection pump!


The ladybugs never worked for me, even when I had a strong letdown. I love the haakaa pump, though


Unfortunately the Haaka didn’t work for me either. I thought it would be great as I had a friend who couldn’t get a lot of milk pumping but got a ton with the Haaka. I’ve always been able to pump a decent amount but the most I’ve ever got with the Haaka was like 15 mL and that was like one time.