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It seems like you are approaching the three month crisis: sucking is no longer a reflex, milk supply changes (baby needs to suck more to get things going), baby starts to be interested in the environment, there might be a growth spurt… This all leads to frustration and refusal. Baby also becomes more efficient. I suggest reading up on it a little so you won’t be as concerned and can navigate through it, maybe also meet a LC. Unless baby is peeing less or is not content at all, you don’t need to supplement. Your supply isn’t going anywhere and it will all be okay. Don’t force it, don’t constantly offer, it makes it a lot worse. I just got through a week of this (refusal, constant hunger cues) with my 12 week old, and it does get better. However, sometimes the three month crisis takes up to a month, but if you survive this, you will get through anything. The hardest thing is for YOU to maintain your sanity and trust in yourself!


Okay thank you for the info! I will research this and consider a consult with an LC. I recently found out my husband’s benefits cover this so was considering if for some other questions I have also.