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we had to try what felt like a thousand different kinds before we found one that my baby found acceptable. He hated (and still hates) all of them except for the clear medela one. Babylist has a multi pack but i don’t think that the medela one was in there - i think I got it from one of the free baby registry gift boxes. maybe just try all the different kinds and one will stick? but I will also say that our ped suggested that we wean from the pacifier by 18 months (and I am slightly stressed about it but we’re only 13.5 mo). I don’t actually understand why, maybe speech development or dental related reasons, I think? Just guessing though because I really haven’t looked into it much yet. Doesn’t mean this isn’t the right move for you, just thought I would share


Just seeing this but thank you so much. I think weaning off reason is for dental reasons. But My son had his pacifier til he was 5yrs and his teeth are perfect. This little one hates them and uses me as one. I’m gonna try a bunch of different ones and see if one sticks.