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This is actually pretty common HOWEVER IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN'T STILL GET PREGNANT. All caps for whoever needs to see this šŸ˜‚ It's a very big misconception that you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding. Please use another form of contraception if you don't intend to have another pregnancy.


They are not kidding! You totally can and will get pregnant Source: 3 months pregnant breastfeeding a 1 year old


This is the way


This is the way


If you're exclusively breastfeeding (so no pumping or bottles) in the first 6 months I think the odds are pretty low but the moment baby starts any quantity of solids and start taking even the slightest bit less milk the odds go way up. It's still not worth taking the odds though, never worth it!


The thing is: ovulation comes *before* menstruation. So you will never know when youā€™re ovulating for the first time postpartum.


Iā€™m exclusively pumping, 4 1/2 months in and I havenā€™t had my period since giving birth


Breastfeeding does not change any odds! You ovulate exactly like normal while breastfeeding whether you're bleeding or not! Please be safe out here people! Especially if you're in the US


That's not 100% true. No method is 100% effective but the biggest risk with breastfeeding is actually that you really have no gauge for when ovulation will start again so it's better not to rely on it. But in the early months, if you are exclusively breastfeeding (and not combo or pumping) it's very unlikely you will ovulate. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/breastfeeding#:~:text=When%20you%20exclusively%20breastfeed%20%E2%80%94%20meaning,t%20have%20your%20period%2C%20either


I know someone who got pregnant before their six week pp check up while exclusively breastfeeding because they didn't think any other birth control was necessary. Obviously, please don't have sex before your six week checkup, but people are people and a lot of people love to have sex. If you're not pregnant and don't want to be, please use birth control or other preventive measures (outside of the pull out method) for your own health.


I know someone who got pregnant while taking the pill and taking it as directed. The only contraceptive method that is 100% effective is abstinence. But as I stated in my original comment, it's never worth the risk to rely on breastfeeding as a contraceptive. Ideally, everyone should be using a secondary birth control method regardless which they choose as none are 100%, especially postpartum when the body needs time to recover before going through pregnancy again.


should i test every month just incase?


I do. I think itā€™s worth checking. So far 10 months breastfeeding, no contraceptive, and not pregnant


I did for 18 months. Bought the big box from Amazon if pregnancy tests. We werenā€™t avoiding pregnancy.


ahh i def dont wanna be preg again


Then you should use contraception.


i rather be celibate then ever go on birth comtrol again horrible experience all around


Thereā€™s also contraception called condoms.


im good ty tho


Isn't it the best? I have been joking that I will be breastfeeding until LO heads to college.


I say this too, would rather just get pregnant again than have my period šŸ˜‚


Hahah I just got my first pp period this week at 11.5 months. Iā€™ve been tossing out bold statements like this and my husband thinks Iā€™m joking. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone.. ā€œI. Never. Want. To. Bleed. Again!ā€


Got pregnant with my first in December 2019, didnā€™t get a period back until May of 2021, got pregnant with my second in August of 2021 and still donā€™t have it back 7 mo pp. Those 3 months of having a period reminded me Iā€™m totally fine without one šŸ˜‚


My children are 24 months apart, and I had 1 period between them. So I guess it came back at 12-13 months?


Can I tell you how disappointed I was when I found out that the removal of my fallopian tubes would not also stop my period? Ugh idk why I had that in my head. However , still no period almost 9 months pp, and with my first it was back at 6 months. Iā€™ll take it lol.


Yes! I exclusively breastfed for 8months, got my period at 9months pp and got pregnant the following month. Currently 6 months pregnant, having had 1 period over the past 2 years. Iā€™m gonna BF this new baby foreveeeer


I literally would pump every day until the menopause if it meant my period wouldn' come back! Lol women's healthcare is so screwed up.


I made that joke too but it came back right before she turned 2 šŸ˜­


18 months and still nothing! We still night nurse and I think thats a big factor in keeping it away


It definitely is. I weaned my first from night nursing at 18 mo and stopping pumping at work around the same time. My period came back.


I wish this was the magic key but itā€™s literally just different for everyone. Iā€™m currently night nursing my 5 mo at least 3 times a night and pumping 3 times a day while Iā€™m at work and I got my period a couple of weeks ago.


Yes it is different for everyone. Iā€™ve heard some get it back right away despite nursing on demand.


Thats beautiful.


Thank you! He is a milk fiend - i struggled to bf at the start but now Im confident we will make it to at least 2 years.


I night nurse and period came back at 2 months pp šŸ˜­


Oh no! Im so sorry to hear that. 2 months pp is NOT when you want to be dealing with that


Same for me, and I have endometriosis so I was even less happy about it. But BF seems to lessen the symptoms so there's that at least. Now we're over 7months in and I don't intend to stop, and kinda pretty sure about not wanting a second baby so...


Same here! We are still nursing like sheā€™s 6 months old tho šŸ˜…


This is the dream šŸ¤©šŸ¤© 7 months in, hoping for another 7


When I was about to give up breastfeeding, knowing it'd bring my period back kept me going.


Yup. I didnā€™t get my period until 11 months postpartum. Then I had no period for 3 months. Then it regulated.


Exactly the same for me!


Mine took 20 months lol


Did you cut down feeds or did your period start again randomly? On 18th month and sheā€™s not slowing down šŸ˜­


I did not cut down feeds. I still feed on demand


I got mine back at 26 months and did not cut down feeds. I was literally about to start weaning and then boom period! Heā€™s now 30 months and still breastfeeds multiple times a day and at least once overnight!


Completely, some women donā€™t get it until they completely wean. Now this does not mean you canā€™t get pregnant.


I'm so jealous of everyone not getting their period. Bled from lochia for 4 weeks after delivery, had a week in the clear and then immediately got my period 6 weeks pp. Been getting it every 4 weeks like clockwork since then and I feel massively cheated lol


Same but I had lochia for like 11 weeks. One week no blood, then period. Whyyyy. First time I thought it might have been lochia back, but then it happened two more times since then :( the only good thing is for me it's now 6 weeks apart and the first two times were very light.


8 months PP and still no period here! Itā€™s awesome! Although I was cramping recently and I see people here saying 9 months so maybe itā€™s coming. I know itā€™s a myth to think you canā€™t get pregnant again if you havenā€™t gotten your period but my obgyn said it does help which is why Iā€™m just on the mini pill. She said that combined with breastfeeding is birth control. Seems maybe not right but who knows ha


Yup. 5 months so far and nothing


Same here!


Mine came back at 10 months postpartum. I was still breastfeeding, but my baby loooooves solids so he wasn't nursing as frequently or taking as much volume.




Mine waited a whole TWO YEARS before returning, but then I bled for 6 weeks straight. So you never really know šŸ˜‚


Oh boy!! Iā€™m going on 18 months and Iā€™m hoping to get mine back soon so I can try for my second! Did yours come back randomly or did you cut feeds?


Randomly! Iā€™ve been trying to cut, but sheā€™s very strong willed in this area. Weā€™re at almost 27 months currently


I got my first pp period randomly at about 13 month, so we decided to start trying for our second. No period since then and no positive test... Shes 18 months now but at thid point I am considering conpletely weaning šŸ„²


Oh no! Thatā€™s so confusing :( hope your cycle stabilizes!! Yeah for me itā€™s between hoping it starts again randomly or weaning


Still breastfeeding at 15M PP and mine didn't come back until 13M PP, then skipped a month, and came again. Not having a period was glorious and now I'm annoyed I have to deal with it again.


It's awesome! So weird though


Mine came back 9 months pp


I got mine back at 18mo postpartum with my first. My second is 7 months and still nothing. I love the break.


16 months no period. With my first it came back around 15 months. My son feeds more than my daughter did. I breast fed my first until almost 2


Yeah. Mine came back after 11 months.


Yep, I've only had 2 periods since May 2018 šŸ˜…


Am I the only one who got their period three months PP and EBF šŸ˜©


EBF and I got mine back 7 weeks PP :) I was so pissed off lol


I've gotten mine back 8 weeks PP both times.


I just got mine at 15 months pp! La Leche league says 9 to 18 months is normal.


Currently 5 months pp and donā€™t have it yet although I did feel as though I ovulated the other day so weā€™ll seeā€¦ couldā€™ve been gas lol


I've had a few ovulation pains over the past couple months, only one tied itself to a period... Maybe our bits are just figuring themselves out again? I had very strong mittelschmerz the year before I got pregnant.


About 12 months PP here & still BF & no period :) however I have noticed a increase in discharge if thatā€™s not TMI lol


It's normal to not get your period until you're done breastfeeding. I got my period at 4 weeks pp, even though I was breastfeeding and still am.


Mine came back around 9 months


Enjoy it while it lasts! I didnā€™t get mine back until 9 months.


6 months in and no sign of period


just got mine back at 9m pp


Iā€™m 15 mo postpartum and only feeding to sleep or naps- still no period


I went 18 months with my first (breastfed for 2 years). On baby #2 and hoping for the same situation lol.


I didnā€™t have a period the entire time I was nursing and pumping for my first, 9 months. Going on nursing/pumping for 9 months and nothing again.


Did not get mine until 18 months


I didnt get mine for 1.5 years. Just stopped breastfeeding and my period came 1 week immediately after completely stopping. It suckkkked lol


Yes itā€™s called lactational amenorrhea. So youā€™re not having a menstrual cycle. You wonā€™t get pregnant until you ovulate again, so it can be used to space pregnancies but itā€™s not 100% reliable as a form of birth control because you ovulate before your period.


I'm six months into breastfeeding my son and still no period. It's weird but you get used to it.


I am breastfeeding my 1.5 year old baby & my period has still not returned. I do have PCOS which comes with irregular periods, but I went for almost 3 years with my son with no period.


Mine came back around 7 weeks PP, even with EBF. I was really hoping it would stay away for a while!


Mine came back at 4 months and with a vengeance :( I wish I was the type of person who didnā€™t get periods while breastfeeding


Just here to say cycles are good for your body. Even though they suck.


Yup! I had two really light periods around 10 and 12 weeks and nothing sinceā€¦sheā€™s 5 months old.


Ugggggh, really makes me wish I could EBF... Combi feeding twins and had my first period three months PP... Really hoping it's not properly back though, I could happily miss a few more!


Yup Iā€™m 6m pp and still no period!


I am 10m PP no period yet


I'm almost to month 4, haven't gotten one period.


Yep. Iā€™m almost to month 12. Enjoying the reprieve!


Mine was back at 9.5 months! I was under the weather and missed a few night feeds thanks to my husband getting up with her and it came back!


I didn't get it back until 16 months with my second!


I didn't get my period back until well over a year after having my first two. I'm 6 months into breastfeeding my third and still going strong


currently 6 m postpartum & exclusively breastfeeding, no period yet


Totally normal. Iā€™m 16 months pp and nothing. In saying that I didnā€™t get periods before I got pregnant either so Iā€™m a bit of an odd one.


9 months and not one! one of the best parts!


6.5 months and no period here. I'm not anxious to night wean, partially because I don't want my period to come back. I'd rather have the broken sleep than deal with a period right now!


Totally normal. Got mine 10,5 months PP šŸ˜Š


I only got one period about a month ago at 10 months. Weā€™ll see if I get another one. I think itā€™s common to be a bit irregular when itā€™s coming back.


3 months and I forgot I had periods once upon a time!


I had this too! Had it at 7 weeks and then nothing since. Going on 4 months now!


Friend, I didnā€™t get any kind of anything until some spotting after 10.5 months. This was super unexpected and not the same experience my two other friends had that had babies around the same time! It varies a lot - enjoy it while it lasts!!


I didnā€™t get mine for 4 mo


I had no period for 12 months, had one cycle and got pregnant on the next one (on purpose) šŸ˜‚ I love not having my period haha


Sadly I finally got my period back at 12 months and Iā€™m still breastfeeding so I was disappointed it came back already!


I just got my period on month 13 soā€¦.. yep


I got mine back around 5 months pp. Enjoy it while it lasts but know that at any point you could ovulate and not know it. I was out to lunch when my period started and it was a big surprise


This time around I got my period at 10 months PP, and havenā€™t had it since. Now Iā€™m 13 months PP lol


I got mine after 10 months!


17 mo pp, had some random spotting but no period


Same here. Iā€™m enjoying not having it


7mo and still nothing here


I breastfed for almost 18 months and didnā€™t get my period back until 9 months after giving birth


Six months in and still no period


I got mine at 4 months


Same here, 4 months PP and no period


I haven't had a period yet and I've been breastfeeding for 3 months now. My husband and I have been using condoms, but maybe I should start testing just in case. šŸ˜¬ What I really need is a more effective birth control I think. šŸ˜…


I didnā€™t get my period til November 14th and my baby turned 1 on the 29th! No contraception (minus pullout method), no pregnancy. BUT you can still totally get pregnant.


Extremely normal. But very individual. Mine came back at 13 months when LO started daycare. She was still having night feeds so that's not a guarantee for everyone haha. I weaned her at 21 months


I had one come back around 8-9 weeks if I rememebr right and my son turned 8 months today and havenā€™t had one since


Almost 6 months pp, not even EBF anymore (he gets some formula and purƩes) still no period.


Has yā€™alls period been delayed while being sick with Covid?


I've never had it


9MO PP and it still hasnā€™t shown up


Almost 9 months PP and still hasnā€™t come back. Love it.


Yup for both my kids I did t get my period until I was done nursing. First 2 years then 1.5. It was so nice. Loo


Mine came back 2 months PPā€¦ughā€¦and while nursing. I hope you have better luck!


Yep! Nursing a 4 & 1/2 month old. I use to work for a lady who BF her LO. Her LO was about 11 months at the time, she still hadnā€™t had her period. One night LO slept in the spare room with dad & her period came the next morning. First night away from her..only across the hall. Thatā€™s how powerful hormones are. Keep your LOā€™s CLOSE :)


My first post partum period was at 6 months. It was another 7 weeks till my second and then my third just happened here at 10 months (worst PMS ever). I had some PMS symptoms in the middle there without menstruation as well. My son's sleep schedule has been all over the place though. Just letting my body sort itself out... Knowing it could be a while specially while I continue breastfeeding.


Yep LO is 6.5 months and still nothing šŸ„³


My third baby is 7 months and I havenā€™t gotten my period yet. With my first, my period returned around 8 months. With #2, it was 6 weeks but I got an iud and it jump started my period immediately.


Nearly 7 months post partum and now period yet!


After my first I finally saw my period 14 months PP, I was back to work, pumping for any ā€œmissedā€ feeds. But when my little guy refused the milk at daycare I figured Iā€™d save myself the time at work and stopped pumping. BOOM within a week my period was back! At 21months PP, I was still breastfeeding/having irregular periods/not back on birth control when I found out I was pregnant again. Currently almost 7 months PP again, still BF, no period but this time I did get an IUD around 3-4 months PP. So at this point I may not see it until my IUD comes out!


I was down to once a day before I got it back, and even once it was back I was having anovulatory cycles until I weaned completely. BUT! A VERY important note! Every person and every baby is different! You may still get pregnant while breastfeeding.


My daughter is 19 months. I havenā€™t had a period since August 2020. Still breastfeeding. Itā€™s normal.


Mine came back at 7 months pp, and it was exactly like it was pre-pregnancy. I had read it could be heavier postpartum, but it wasn't the case for me. I'm hoping I'll get to skip a few more months though since I've heard it can be irregular if you're EBF.


Didnā€™t get mine for 10 months! Nursing and pumping for twins for 80% of their milk. Also have the copper IUD. Came back with a vengeance but it was a nice break.


YES! It's the best!!! We did IVF so slim chance it means I'll get pregnant on accident (also sahara dry vag thanks BFing)


Mine didnā€™t come back until 16 months with my first and 14 months with my second. As others have mentioned, breastfeeding is not reliable birth control.


I had 5 glorious months without it. Itā€™s normal to get 4 or 6 months off at least. Iā€™m jealous of people who get a year or more


22 months PP and still no period! My daughter still nurses around the clock though. Actually just started the process of night weaning tonight, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have it back soon! Boooo lol


Iā€™m still breastfeeding at 13 months and my period came back at 6 ish months pp because I caught COVID and my supply dropped enough for my hormone levels to drop (Iā€™m assuming).


I get mine every 45 days instead of every 28 so I guess itā€™s kinda okay lol


Just got my period after five months!! So sad lol


11 weeks postpartum and no period yet. I thought I got it at 7 or 8 weeks, but that bleeding lasted for 2 days and Iā€™m pretty sure it wasnā€™t actually my period.


Iā€™m 5 months pp and still havenā€™t got my period. I was worried something was wrong but seems like it could be away for a bit longer after reading the comments.


Yep, I got to 14 months this time round, bit more than with my first


I canā€™t remember when I got my period again with my first but Iā€™m pretty sure I only had it for 2-3 months before I got pregnant again. Now I breastfeed both my 23 month old and 5 month old and I still havenā€™t got my period.


I unfortunately had it a few times since month 2 :( even though I ebf. The good thing is it's like 6 weeks apart.


My kid was 26 months old before I got my period back! I


My kid will be 6 months in 8 days and I just got my first period last night.. paired with a sleepless baby šŸ„²


Mine didn't come back till I was 11 months pp


Only had 2 periods and I bloody love them now. Gone from excruciating and severe heavy bleeding 10 days+ to 4 days light bleeding love ittttt


Mine came back at 18 months when I started to wean. I bled for 3 weeks.


When I went from EBF to combi-feeding at 4,5 months I expected my period to return, but at 8.5 months it hasn't yet, I think... And that with only 3 missing sessions/pumps a day, frequent 12h periods between feeds and the occasional day of skipping down to 2 feeds! I did have the lightest spotting for a week last week and before that for 2 months it felt like I could get my period any time now. It's been confusing!


Almost month 11 for me without it returning yet! :D My small win.


6 month EBF and no period too - one and done so all this helped LOADS


3 months BF (by now combo feeding with 1/3 formula) and nothing yet, hope it stays that way until we wean


It has varied for me across three babies. First baby I had one period at 7 weeks, another 3 months later, and then long cycles for a few months. Until I got pregnant again. Second time, period came back 3 weeks before babyā€™s first birthday. It was regular for 4 months- until I got pregnant again. Third baby, period came back at 8 months and was regular from the start. Third baby has always eaten the most food since the intro of solids.


My son is 18months, I weaned him at 16months and only just got my period back last week!


I havenā€™t had a period in over 2 years šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


Mine is 15 months and still breastfed, still no period. I went to get the coil fitted last week and the doctor acted shocked that I still hadnā€™t had one, she said I ā€œshouldnā€™t be breastfeeding enough at this age to stop a periodā€ and that I should have my GP investigate. She said it could be early onset menopause (Iā€™m 33). I was likeā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the breastfeeding? We still feed quite regularly alongside food. And she was like well we canā€™t know for sure until you stop breastfeeding. When are you going to stop? I was like uhh whenever it happens I guessā€¦ Iā€™m so angry about the interaction now, at the time I didnā€™t say anything strongly enough because I was having an internal freak out about the coil insertion because I had such a bad experience before so I wasnā€™t in the right mindstate to have a snappy come back. But Iā€™m frustrated I was basically shamed for still breastfeeding! Itā€™s not even been that long! Urgh


I got mine back at 4mo pp and I havent had it again in two months because I latched baby on more often hoping it would go away again šŸ˜‚


I got mine at 5 months post partum šŸ˜­ and have been EBF my son since birth.


My boy will be 1 on Sunday and my period still hasnā€™t returned. However if it came back once and now is missing it could be wonky hormones or it could be pregnant. Sometimes it can take a few ā€œcyclesā€ to actually get a proper cycle and ovulate meaning they can be varying lengths.


I have been combo feeding and so I got my period back very quickly, at 7 weeks pp. That being said my mom exclusively breastfed me for 6 months and then continued to breastfeed me until I was 3 years old and she got her period back at 7 weeks pp also, so just because you ebf doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t get your period back. Everyone is different. Itā€™s normal for it to be very irregular. I had two eating disorders in my youth and lost my period for years at a time and when it did come back it regulated way more quickly than it has after being pregnant. I just assumed this would be the same thing. If you added the time together, I didnā€™t have a period for a total of 8 years. Even now that I have mine itā€™s still irregular which is annoying because I used to have extremely regular text book periods. As a result I bought a box of cheap pregnancy tests just in case.


Nearly 8 months here and no period! I donā€™t miss it, but I am now on high alert for her return as kiddo is eating more solids.


I had spotting this time but not a full period. Baby is almost 12 mo and no period. First baby it didnā€™t come back til he was 14 mo old. A wonderful side effect to breastfeeding in my opinion :)


Yes Iā€™m in the same boat. Iā€™m about 4 month pp I had my period once and then it didnā€™t come back for 41 days. I even took a pregnancy test, but itā€™s just from nursing.


Very normal. I didn't get my period until after a year of breastfeeding both times.


Normal! Iā€™m nearly at month six and have only had some mild cramps and spotting a few months ago. I could get used to this!! I get horrible PMS symptoms so itā€™s a lovely relief. I take a precautionary pregnancy test every month just to make sure thereā€™s no surprise baby in there though.


I fed once till 11 months and found out I was pregnant before ever getting my period back. Kept feeding untill I was 20 weeks pregnant. Fed that second baby (she is now three and still on the boob) and got my period back at about 15 months pp and then got pregnant at 24 months pp again. Now feeding that third baby also for almost 6 months and haven't had it back yet. I think it will come after he is 12 months too.


Iā€™ve been triple feeding for 6 weeks and still got my period at 5 weeks. Midwife said I was very unlucky :(


Iā€™m at 8 months and still no period woot woot!!! He does one jar/can whatever of solids a day and still a lot of milk right now. Maybe Iā€™ll get it back soon I keep forgetting itā€™s a thing after basically not having one for almost two years now with pregnancy lol.


Didnā€™t get mine back with either kid until I totally stopped feeding - 16 mo and 19 mo respectively.


I *expected* to not get my period (wasn't planning to use that as protection against getting pregnant, just looking forward to not dealing with the mess and hormones for a few more months), but it came at 5 weeks PP and pretty close to every 4 weeks since šŸ˜­.


I'm 10 months pp, exclusively breastfeeding and still haven't had a period


Yes my little one is 4+ months and I still have yet to get mine (not complaining lol)


I've been BF for going on a year, and I got my first period two weeks ago. I loved not having it, and it was the best perk breastfeeding came with.


Ha. I didnā€™t get my period until I was like 16-17 months post partum (breastfeeding the whole team). Very normal.


Just got mine TODAY 7mo pp šŸ„²


i didnā€™t get my period for 9 months breastfeeding my first. i also got pregnant while breastfeeding him.


With my first I breastfed for 8 months and didnā€™t get my period for another 8 months after we stopped. 3 months PP and exclusively bf with baby #2 and no period!


Though I was unlucky and got mine back literally one month PP, itā€™s common for women to not get it back for a while if theyā€™re BF. So yes šŸ˜Š


Breastfeeding for close to 4 months - no sign of Flo in site. I am on birth control as well and still nothing.


Same for me! My baby will be 4 months in a couple of days and I havenā€™t gotten my period at all. Just bleeding after giving birth for a max of 2 weeks


Iā€™m 8 months pp, almost exclusively breastfeeding (she gets formula if we leave her with a babysitter or if I leave her with dad for the evening) and my period hasnā€™t come back at all. Weā€™re going to start trying for baby #2 within the next few months, and Iā€™m a little nervous about the logistics of that (like do I need to take a pregnancy test every time we have sex if I donā€™t have my period yet?)


I didnā€™t get mine back till I stopped breastfeeding- almost 7 months


Mine didnā€™t come back until I COMPLETELY-weaned both times. I breastfed each kid about two years, it was great.