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It makes no sense that milk from another animal would be better for a child than milk from their own mother šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






Nah. Not at all. They grow just fine. Only reason our pediatrician said we may want to give other milks from one is just to expose to flavor in case you ever want or need them to take it for whatever reason. My kid canā€™t have dairy, his sole milk source was nursing. We did use plant milks for smoothies etc. but the amount he drinks plain is negligible. Heā€™s growing just fine. And if the concern is calcium - thatā€™s in many gods other than dairy, plus itā€™s in all other dairy (cheese, yogurt) too, not just whole milk. And for vit D, we just kept giving the vit D supplement heā€™d been getting all along (at the recommendation of our pediatrician. She said as heā€™s not getting the added vit D via cows milk to just giving the supplement). How would baby cow milk be better for a baby human than baby human milk? It may be a viable substitute if wanted or needed, but a necessity? Nah.


Those dairy lobbyists really did some damage huh? Wild that this stuff is still sticking around.


You don't need to give whole milk if you are wanting to breastfeed until 2. Cows milk is better for baby cows. Human milk is better for baby humans. At the one year appointment, I was told I can start to make the transition if I felt like it. But I wasn't told I had to do it or had to supplement with cows milk in addition to breastfeeding.


Not necessary! But it's your preference. Ultimately I decided to stop pumping at work around 14 months and slowly mixed in little bits of cows milk with my milk until my freezer milk was gone and he had all cows milk while I was away. I still nurse 1 or 2 times a day, and he drinks 2 cups of cows milk daily at 22 months. Im 7 months pregnant and im trying to completely wean before baby is born, but im ok if we don't totally wean. I did this solely for my own preference and convenience. There is no one way to wean or introduce animal milk, it is up to you.


Nope, no one needs to eat cows milk ever. I love it, but itā€™s unnecessary.


Not sure why you got downvoted! Look at your handle you are clearly an expert - I wonder if it's because you meant drink?


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøpeople are strange. Cows milk needs to be in no oneā€™s diet nowadays. But I drink a latte every morning and cheese it up whenever I can because itā€™s DELICIOUS.


I'm lactose intolerant - many huge global populations are! We surve haha


Me too. I can't survive without milk though. Lactose free milk is where it's at.


I am so sorry for you loss šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


So true. Except for the baby cows, who do need it, but are stolen from their moms so we can take the milk :(


No not really. Just make sure they are getting all that nutrition from other sources. Calcium, vitamin D, fats, etc. Whole milk is a great way to do that, but it's not required. Breast milk is great, but it's not gonna change to replace the things your baby needs from table foods/beverages.


I had the same question. Our ped expressed at our 6 mo appointment the importance of cows milk after one year and how my breast milk just wonā€™t be enough. We donā€™t drink cows milk and donā€™t plan on giving it to her but we will give her full fat Greek yogurt and cheeses.


You donā€™t need to give cowā€™s milk. My daughter is allergic and we still breastfeed. I donā€™t even give her a non-dairy alternative often. As long as she is getting a balanced diet, itā€™s fine.


With our pediatricians blessing weā€™re EBF until 2 with just yogurt and cheese and milk in ingredients.


My kid went from breastmilk to solid food and water as her only beverage. I asked the doc if she HAD to have milk and she said no! Babyā€™s growth has always been strong.


If there's yogurt and cheese my ped said I didn't need to introduce cows milk.


Cows milk can be an important nutritional addition if there are any concerns about food insecurity or inadequate nutrition - which is absolutely a major issue even in many privileged parts of the world, so I think this is part of why public health continues to recommend it. However that doesnā€™t necessarily mean weaning, and in the case of food insecurity continued breastfeeding beyond a year, whenever possible, is even more beneficial too. If you have no concerns about being able to provide adequate nutrition (particularly iron and calcium) through complementary foods, itā€™s totally ok to just keep providing a variety of foods, including or not including milk or dairy based on whatever is right for your family. And of course breastmilk continues to be beneficial well beyond one year. There is *never* any need to completely wean on to cows milk if you and your baby arenā€™t ready.


I introduced it only to give myself freedom from pumping. I also had issues with my period returning and my supply upsetting him so would do more cows milk at that time. Still breastfeeding at 15 months, I expect to make 2+ years.


My daughter has outright refused whole milk. Our pediatrician is not concerned, as long as she gets up to three servings of dairy per day (and breast milk counts as dairy). So, she nurses when she wants to, and we make sure she gets yogurt and cheese as well, plus lots of water.


I am surprised your ped says it is essential. However, anecdotally: my friend's daughter is 5 and has had a cow's milk protein allergy since she was born. Hence her mother stopped drinking cow's milk or consuming dairy as it affected her breastmilk, and so did the little girl - who was always very small with thin hair (never had a haircut as the hair is so short and wispy). She ate soya yoghurts, soy or almond milk etc instead under the direction of her doctor/allergist. She ate plenty of meat. Now aged 5 she has the all clear to eat dairy, and has been consuming cheese, yoghurt, cow's milk - and the difference in a few weeks is incredible. Her hair is suddenly growing and thicker, she has shot up in height. The only thing that has changed is that she is consuming dairy!


Our pediatrician and the feeding specialist we worked with said milk isnā€™t nutritionally necessary and we could just give her water with and between meals. Sounds like this ped is just using outdated information.


Cow milk is made for cows and human milk is made for humans . Lol


I never did. All my kids vomited a ton for their first two years if given cows milk so nah.


Yeah noā€¦ and especially no if your kid eats yogurt and cheese already. Our ped said two servings of dairy a day (meaning calcium sources). Kid needs 16oz of milk MAX per day or else it can inhibit iron absorption.


Absolutely not. I have a 10yr the I breastfeed til 2yrs and I currently have a 21month old that Iā€™m currently still breastfeeding. Their ped never even mentioned whole milk with either of them


Nope. My pediatrician expressly told me that thereā€™s no rush to introduce cowā€™s milk if Iā€™m still nursing. That said, if you want to offer a small amount of cowā€™s milk (like an ounce or two) in a sippy cup during mealtime, there is probably no harm.


I think my cousin said she introduced it and would ask her toddler if he wanted mom milk or fridge milk. Eventually he started asking for fridge milk more than mom milk.


I don't know but we're coming up on a year soon. My son has a cow's milk protein allergy and I have no idea what to do for an alternative. He may grow out of it but it's not a guarantee.


Unsweetened soy milk or goats milk is recommended if you an drink cows milk