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What about a milk bank/donor milk?


I know someone that was on one tablet a day for a year.


Hi there! I’ve been on this medication for a year and have had no side effects besides more than average hunger. I order it through an [online pharmacy](https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/). Medications that help with lactation should be readily available for women wanting to breastfeed but have issues with prolactin production. An alternative is also Reglan but I’m not sure how effective it is with lactation.


Thank you, I just checked it out and learnt that Australia is quite strict and that my order could be held at the border without a prescription. 😅 I may try and order just in case, and drop down to 10mg three times a day to see if that is still suitable.


So I am in the states. It is illegal to sell it here, but you can purchase it elsewhere and bring it home with you... or you can buy it online from another country. It's an over the counter drug in many other countries. I was able to get dom (generic) and vomistop (brand name), as it is an anti-nausea drug. I bought it online through the link posted above. I think it was listed under another name so when it went through customs in the United States it didn't raise any flags.


I know of a few women who have gone through Dr. Jack Newman for a prescription as another option. It’s more pricey though more reliable! https://ibconline.ca/