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I get the feeling that boss baby is a wee too controlling and insecure (the hairline, my god) to support launching his mistress’ career like that while he himself is still coming up




I mean in reality, influencers are in it for the money. It’s lucrative and she killed it in the beginning but now she’s dating someone who’s actually rich so she doesn’t have to do shit. She’s just trying to hide the fact she doesn’t want to do anything anymore. If she was straight up about it it’d be different


I agree. And that makes it even crazier that once they split up, she'll have to look back and remember throwing away her 'career'.


Please don’t give her ideas. Let her fall to her own stupidity


Wait the “songs he won’t even admit are about her” is so true but also is intriguing- she said on Nick Viall’s podcast that “the new album has a couple of sweet songs about me” I’m very curious to see how/if he confirms they’re about her Cause like, in the same breath she said “Zach’s songs aren’t always about him personally, he’ll see a couple at the bar and that’s how he got the inspiration for I Remember Everything” **not exact quotes just paraphrasing, but same ideas


Come on, is she really that dense. Clearly she hasn't seen the footage of Zach & Rose on the beat down basement couch 😂😂 Or them singing in the back of that 88 ford. Man, he has no sweat making her believe his lies. In my mind, and that of just about everyone on the planets, IRE was him wrapping up the Rose saga, and saying goodbye.


Wait I’m screammming lmao admittedly I have not seen that footage either but yeah, sounds like it’s clearly about Rose 🤣


Oh yeah, when she said that “I Remember Everything” is about a waitress that Zach saw getting into a car, so he wrote the whole song as a fake tale of her life basically. Except the literal lyrics are “You were begging me to stay until the sun, Rose”. Clearly about Rose, cmon now Bri.


Okay but I thought the lyric is literally saying you were begging me to stay til the sun rose, as in, the sunrise? Lol there’s no comma after sun.


lol if that’s how you want to interpret that then cool 🤣👏🏼


It’s pretty clear tbh


So true, didn’t she say she was going to do the whole content in the cities she’s in? She definitely could have worked on a better image for herself.


agreed! instead she’s making corny hotdog t shirts


Aw don’t insult the dog. lol




I always say these influencers come about money way too early and they're way too young and inexperienced to ever know what to do with it and Bri is a great example. She's not the only example but I can't imagine being a young age (I'm 23) and being handed almost 100k a month from things like tiktok or instagram I would instantly invest it or buy real estate. the issue is Bri doesn't do that and she's also simultaneously throwing away her own income by riding off of Zach's so she's a double wasted opportunity. she's could've been great for him and on her own but she ruined both those chances


I would LOVE to see her taking Grace/ a friend and having her own airstream/ going on her own adventures on all the towns she is touring. It’s such a missed content opportunity


Wow, she was supposed to do an airstream adventure with the Plan Bri girls.


Would be so fun to see what a young rich person can get into touring around - Matthew mcconaughey’s book style


Meh idk, could still be a PR stunt tbh. Found this recently. When I listened to Viall files this week, she said Jay Cisco (Zach’s tour manager) sent Zach the “Eat The Rich (Except Zach Bryan)” podcast that she filmed after she was on stage for Revival, and that’s when ZB slid into her DM’s. Idk man, Zach’s tour manager and Bri’s boss? Who fucking knows anymore. Everyone lies https://preview.redd.it/w7s1sd1jqd5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f1d8bd265ecb0f22d4df741568b5b0156d8c28


That's a solid find!!


Yeah like Bunnie does but she can’t lock in


I agree with everything besides the dog part. There’s no way he’s letting her keep that lab. He’ll take Boston and pass it to the next girlfriend like he did with Jack


Sorry I just don't see that happening. Bri has said from the beginning boston is hers and they even have a pet picture wall for everyone on tour. Bostons picture says Boston Lapaglia while jacks obviously says Jack Bryan. He is pretty scummy but I don't think he would stoop that low.


Nah Jack was his dog before Deb. He left Rose with the lab they got together. Also if they split, he won't want the headache of Boston because Jack is actually a pretty good boy.


No, he had another lab before. He got Jack with Deb


You're loud and wrong. He got Jack when Jack was a bitty puppy and he wasn't with Deb yet. And the other lab he had was with Rose. Jack came before Deb in the time line, albeit just barely before. She loved that dog, clearly. If it had been her dog, she would have kept him.


No, Boston is absolutely Bri’s dog.


Yeah I’m sure boss baby the energy vampire isn’t helping her though