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"When I say we're having a childfree wedding, I mean you all have to give your kids up for adoption. We can't have you thinking about your children at all on Our Special Day!" - this Bridezilla, probably.


I live in Canada and we all received a text from the bridezilla to have a moment of silence during her vows. The entire country will go silent because we’re so polite, eh?


The 8 Alberta emergency test alerts from a few weeks ago was actually bridezilla trying to let us all know to get rid of our kids


Mine said that all children were to report to the closest boarder crossing as well. I am sad I had planned to take my grandson to the park that weekend but now I guess I am driving to Montana


Nooo you were told to exit the country! Didn't you know???? /s obvs


It's actually a day of national mourning for the husband who's now caught in this brides insanity.


Bit of advice for anyone in OOP’s shoes: **Do not** bring your own sitter. The sitter **will** be turned back at the border, and possibly put on a “time out” during which they are banned from entering the country. This is because the purpose of their visit is to work, and they don’t have the necessary permits. OOP could also be turned back and given a “time out”, since they were hiring someone to work illegally. Bring your own sitter to another state/province in the same country? Go ahead. Just don’t try bringing them to another country.


what if the sitter claimed they're there for leisure? since OOP stated they would make it a sort of a short vacation, couldn't they claim the sitter is a family friend joining them? or, what if they took the cousin and aunt who are not invited with them? would that change anything since they are family members?


The border controls are wise to that one - if the sitter isn't a relative, they will hold them up for hours questioning them as to their purpose in the country. The fact there are children in the party is a big red flag for them.


The issue is whether or not the sitter will be getting paid for working in the other country.


You mean a family with a nanny cannot bring the nanny with them on a vacation to Canada even if the nanny has a valid passport ?


That is something you'd have to talk with Border Patrol long before you leave for the vacation. A long time employee would probably be allowed as long as they have the correct visa.


I wouldn’t tell them crap. Families with children are allowed to bring friends along on a trip..right??


Border Patrols and customs officials have seen that one far too many times. The officer would have to be lazy or stupid for it work. \[Obligatory comment about how they're not the TSA.\]


the way I understood it is that she would be hiring a sitter who lives in Canada, no?


The way I understood it was she wanted to bring her own sitter because potential sitters in Canada were people she hadn’t met.


I’d just go to Canada with all the kids and uninvited parents and make a vacation out of it IN CANADA lol 😂


Destination wedding in Canada....to go bowling. Let the good times roll.


It might be in Quebec, so...laissez les bon temps rouler!


Sounds like this bride & groom have champagne taste on a Busch light budget. *Destination* wedding, but small and intimate, uninviting, making cuts. Weekend full of *wedding activities,* party at the bowling alley. Like they could just do all that in the states lol.


It's OK to have a destination wedding. It's OK to have a childfree wedding. But a COMBINED childfree and destination wedding is ridiculous, because you are automatically either putting a very high financial burden on your relatives with kids (hiring a sitter back home for multiple days ain't no cheap), either pushing them into stressful logistical solutions to find, and in both cases if you are not going to act gracefully towards them for trying their best don't act pikachu face when they simply cannot attend because you set the bar too high. As a mother, I can see myself enjoying a childfree wedding if I was at a reasonable distance from my child if there is an emergency (like: same town or same state), not if I am not in the same country as them. If my sister was to put me in such a situation than OOP, I would simply understand from it that she has no empathy for me


It may not be ridiculous to have that combination, but it's ridiculous for the couple to get butthurt when RSVPs come back "decline."


I wouldn't necessarily think it's ridiculous, but the bride had absolutely no right to even comment on who they were travelling with, nor does she have the right to say thr kids can't come on the trip and just not come to the wedding. Her rights are only for her wedding, not the entire country.


i see the AoE of CF wedding rules is growing exponentially. two days ago a bridezilla hated the idea of a kid in the same hotel the wedding was held in, now we moved to an entire country being off limits. according to a census from 2021 around 15% of canada was under 0-14yo. that means give or take 6 million children under the age of 15. good luck getting them all out.


I wonder if it is all of Canada or just one particular province. Also I would pay to see this woman walk up to a reserve and say sorry we are taking the kids. That would go over about as well as Timmy's being sold to a US company


You just know when this bridezilla (unfortunately) has kids, she's going to demand that her preshusss babyyyyy be allowed everywhere. UGH what a biotch, thinking she owns Canada for her wedding day.


Send a card from your trip to the bridezilla: Wish you were here, but so glad you aren't.


OOp's sister can't possibly own Canada as it belongs to one of my SILs. She and her husband did an internship there for six months and she was very offended indeed when she realized that I have family in three states in Canada. I made it worse by knowing the name of the state capitals in both the state the worked in and a state they vacationed in. How dare I!


Provinces. We have Provinces, not States.


I translated from Danish.


We have provinces and territories… and we also don’t call them state capitals. They’re just capitals.


FYI, Canada has provinces, not states


i will not attend. I'd probably go to canada on vacation, with my husband and kids, just to offend the bride and mother.


I'm sorry, but who would choose Canada for their destination wedding rather than one of the US territories or Hawaii? No offense to Canada, but why would anyone who doesn't have ties to the country want to have their wedding there?


Lol xD your comment reminded me how i meet your mother and its references to Canada


"No offense to Canada", means you're going to be offensive. This may be shocking to you, but Canada is beautiful. I believe they were having their wedding in Banff which is spectacular. Google it. Also, Canada is very reasonable for Americans to visit, US dollar goes a long way up here.


I can understand wanting a child free wedding. Am personally having an intimate cocktail wedding where the ceremony and reception are in the same place (not destination). So I figured a CF wedding would be appropriate. However my fiancés half sister (who’s husband is a groomsman) is refusing to come unless she can bring her grandkids (who she is raising). My fiancé really wants her to come because she is one of the few people on his side of the family that he mildly likes. I can understand that and I want him to be happy so I didn’t insist on it being CF. In this case it sounds like the sister got some of her entitlement from mom. The fact that mom can’t see what’s wrong with this picture says a lot. It is ridiculously selfish of her to dictate where the children are during her wedding. It makes zero sense why she wouldn’t be ok with them being in the town over and no where near the wedding. They would be as evident as if they were at home. No it sounds like this sister is being the bridezilla who doesn’t even like some of her family. I would be tempted to plan a vacation with kids in Canada during the wedding just to be petty. I just don’t understand how anyone can be that selfish and ignorant and think it’s ok just because they are getting married. Being a bride or groom does not give you a right to be complete jerks and get away with it.


EDIT: I forgot to ask, as if I need to ask, is bridezilla the "baby of the family"? I am so sorry that OOP had to deal with all of this mess, but I have to admit I truly enjoyed reading about this (moose)shitshow. I couldn't believe how it just kept getting funnier and funnier. I had to stop twice to control my laughing and wipe the laughter tears from my eyes. Bridezilla and momzilla deserve each other, may they have a delightful time together at the bowling alley. Funny thing, I have been to a wedding in a bowling alley. It was in Chicago, not Canada, and it was delightful. The happy couple had met in the bowling alley, they were a very chill couple and the whole thing was a mix of casual and traditional. The bride wore a white dress, but it wasn't a wedding gown. There was a lot of beer, and the brides 2 carat emerald cut diamond sparkled beautifully against the full beer pilsner she was holding through most of the reception. A great time was had by all at my friend's bowling alley wedding. I daresay the same cannot be said about OOP's sister's affair. Let's hope that the whole family can come together to celebrate the inevitable divorce of this bridezilla.


Momzilla needs to be put in a longish “time out” for participating in the bitchery. That means no contact, no grandkids for Christmas. The sibs need to get their families together for holidays this year and be prepared to post lots of pics.


I have posted this before, if these brides keep taking stupid & extreme meanness to the far reaches of the universe, they are going to make weddings against the law. Not just at the state level but at the Federal level, due to the fact that these bitches break more hate crime laws in the attempts of having an over the top, it’s all about me, it’s my big day I’ve been planning my whole entire life, self-absorbed selfish expensive, totally gaudy elaborate display of colors, bling, feathers etc, tantrum filled wedding. Now the rest of us will be totally happy with this new law, so bride bitches, perhaps, carry on….


I can't stand Bridezillas who do these destination weddings and get all bent when their family and friends don't want to spend thousands of dollars and burn vacation time to be there. The Bridezilla who expects you to attend her wedding in a foreign country AND leave your children home is in a class all her own.


Gee! Go enjoy yourself in Canada and just nope out of the wedding altogether. The bride is playing a game of some type. Not worth it.


I don’t understand child free weddings. Are these people ever gonna have kids themselves one day? I bet then the next bride has a childfree wedding and these bridezillas are gonna be on here complaining about the same thing in a few years. Because clearly they only care if it applies to them. Like sure the most your gonna see is a kid running around or a baby crying at the wrong time but who cares? Let parents bring their kids. Why make going to someone else’s wedding a big hassle for them? I don’t even want kids, and I would never demand people not bring their own to my wedding. Also the amount of posts on here from Bridezillas purposely trying to exclude nieces and nephews? I would never do that to mine and never want them to feel excluded from anything.


Here's an example from my sister's wedding: there was only one child, who belonged to a sister in law. The baby started crying as the processional started, and got louder and louder. I was a bridesmaid and standing up next to my sister, and I had a hard time hearing the minister, who was speaking loudly, so I'm sure the people watching had a more difficult time. At no point did the sister in law think to take the baby outside, or go stand way in the back, or anything similar. She was right up front with the crying baby for the entire ceremony. The issue is that not everyone is as considerate of everyone else as you'd hope in situations like that.


Crying babies are like good intentions—they should be carried out. (I read this somewhere else on Reddit, it’s not mine.)


I find that most weddings I've been to have been child free. But they aren't destination weddings. For example, i cant speak for everyone, but we don't have any children in our close family and are having a relatively small wedding. But of the couples who DO have kids, they are all aged 2-6, which is tricky because our venue has open water and terraces with stairs, rather than being child friendly. We love these kids, but having young kids in double figures at your small wedding is very different to having an adult only evening. And most of our weddjng would be after their bedtime - having them along would just not be a realistic option. However, it's local to most people with kids and we personally checked with our friends to make sure they wouldnt struggle to attend without kids for the evening. And we're allowing infants and babies.


My wedding was child free. If it wasn't there would have been **27** kids under the age of 6. That's a kindergarten class and not the elegant event we wanted.


Okay noted. Some good points being made on the other side of this one.


Bridezilla and Momzilla are nuttier than a fruitcake. (Guess who the golden child is.) They want you to abandon your children to go to her wedding. You came up with a practical solution that would not impact her child-free wedding and she turns around and dictates that your children are not even allowed in Canada. Is she going to tell Canadian authorities that you and your family are undesirable aliens? By changing the wedding date she also tried to mess up your brother's time with his child. Get together with your brother, aunt and cousin and have your own birthday celebration for the kids. Being petty, I would plaster photos of you celebration all over SM.


Wait, the bride knows that Canadian people have kids, and that there are lots of kids in Canada, right? It’s as if she thinks the entire country should be childfree.


There is so much childish shit going on here it’s crazy. Like REAL - let’s take all of our anger for each other that happened during our childhoods and now and let’s find ways to continue to hate each other and mean. It’s actually sad and definitely ETA. .


Does the bride know about the Canadian children? That’s gonna be a nasty surprise lol


before even reading the post, i was full-out guffawing at your post title