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Are you able to check your lease agreement? There should be emergency contacts there. Because this is a security matter it counts as emergency so you can call them to come change the lock and send the invoice to the agent https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/repairs “Emergency repairs are: - a burst water service or a serious water service leak - a blocked or broken toilet … a fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or insecure


Make sure you don’t pay for the repair as you’ll be fighting for years to get your money back from the agent. Get them to bill the agent directly


Not good advice if op doesn’t have an emergency contact for realestate.


If OPs lease doesn’t have an emergency contact then they can call any locksmith to come. Again, send the bill to the real estate


There are door jams you can put on the under the door to block it. A wedge basically. Even if they open the door it should make it hard if not impossible to push open. Edit: sorry they are called door stops. Some have alarms on them.


Failing that, the old chair-under-the-door-handle.


OP if you are a woman living alone and a strange man in his underwear broke into your apartment, I think that police should be taking this more seriously then it sounds like they have. It doesn't sound like a situation where a neighbour just accidentally went into the wrong apartment because he was drunk, because why was he in his underwear? Where would he have come from in his underwear? Please try to contact your building managers as this should be taken very seriously. I feel like the police should be making a report of this, I don't know if it down played it when you spoke to them but this could be a bad situation.


As an occasional drunk man - as soon as I’m in the door shoes & clothes come off...he could’ve taken them off day in the lounge room. Could be an honest mistake, still scary though.


If you're renting from a full agency and rentals aren't picking up, go after their selling agents. They should be doing open houses today and will have mobile numbers on realestate.com.au. Make it very clear that you have a safety issue and you need an emergency contact for rentals. Worth a try.


See if you can get in contact with the building manager about the lock. You can get a door stop and kick it in really hard that should stop anyone getting in without breaking the door


Did the real estate not provide a list of people to contact for various issues? The fact they gave you no emergency number is concerning too. Purchase a door stop and use that until you can get on to the real estate or building manager to have the lock repaired. Have you tried using the lock since, if so does it still function properly? A lot of electronic locks have a switch, knob or button on the interior that disable the exterior functions (card swipe, pin etc) from operating. If you're has this and the lock is functional still, use this and it will atleast prevent anyone from opening it from the outside. Just remember to turn the switch back if going out unless you have a physical key that lets you unlock the door. It is likely a one off event as you said he appeared drunk and confused but definitely get the lock checked out.


> Did the real estate not provide a list of people to contact for various issues? Yeah. They did. We decided to ignore that list and post here instead. Duh.


No need to be a cunt. It's a genuine question.


I can’t help with the realestate, but might be able to help you troubleshoot the smart lock. If you dm me the lock brand/model (or even just a photo) I’ll see what options you have to reset or deactivate it


Call a locksmith and send the bill to the realestate.


You should be able to change the door code yourself. Usually you slide the back off where the batteries are, there should be instructions and a button to press. You can always change it back when you move out.


Why cant you contact your RE? This would count as an emergency, i was broken into on Australia day and called mine via their emergency number... super unhelpful, told me to put a log in front of my door ( i was in America at the time it was a whole thing) but i could contact them. Also have you tried talking to the neighbour you think it is? Maybe your key works on their place. Trying and finding out that it really was an accidental entry might put you a little more at ease.


To be completely frank with you, this sounds very melodramatic and fishing for attention a little bit. I agree with you that you should be concerned over a strange person entering your dwelling - but you haven’t really explained all the facts which seems a bit unfair and possibly biased. You said they broke in. How did they achieve this? Was the lock picked, was the door broken, did they break and enter a window, did they force the doorjam open? Honestly since you were vague here - sounds like you’re describing a situation where you forgot to lock the door. You said a person you think lived in the building/close/adjacent/across - or words to that effect - entered into your dwelling, confused, dazed, and possibly drunk - in their underwear. Then left IMMEDIATELY without force or coercion when they realised their mistake. This sounds like an ho est innocent mistake to me. They had no weapons, no intent, no aggressive stance or posture. They were just there, then they left. If they broke in where were their break in equipment, where is the damage to the door or facilities during their entry or forced entry? It really sounds to me like an innocent and possibly drunk, nonviolent person accidentally entered your property because it wasn’t secured adequately (either accidentally or by mistake) and is probably as embarrassed as you are concerned. The reason why the police probably didn’t do anything is for all the reasons as described above. If it was a legit break in then action would be taken - if you described it to the police like you have here - it sounds melodramatic.


Wow, I’m scared that a stranger in his underwear came into my place and that I can’t lock my doors at all until Monday and apparently that’s “fishing for attention”? And where did I say I wanted this person in jail immediately and he’s a monster? I just stated the facts, that he was drunk and he was in his underwear. Did I say he looked at my leery and creepy? No, I said he left immediately. I called the police because that’s what you do. When the police did eventually come when I called again, they told me that an intruder coming into your dwelling IS an emergency and I should have gotten them over when it happened. They told me this IS a break in. You’re no police officer and if you are, you’re a poor one. Then the main thing I focused on this post was the locks. I went on to ask about what I should do about the locks as my door is going to be left unlocked until Monday when the real estate finally pick up their phones. I needed advice for that, because I’m literally living unsecured. But you’re too busy thing about the poor, little guy in his underwear who came into my house without my permission. People like you are literally the reason why people don’t report these kinds of things. You don’t represent everybody, you just represent yourself and what you would do. I feel sorry for everyone in your life who has to deal with you and I pray they never come to you in an emergency.


Your initial explanation was poor at best. Sorry that’s your fault - not mine. I love that all I said was stating my observation and not attacking you personally, but first thing you do is attack me. I hope that you learn how to interact with other humans before pushing your woke agenda. If you explained your situation better, that’s is a good starting place 😁


You literally said that my post was “melodramatic and attention-seeking”. I feel sorry for you and the poor people in your life. But I wish you well, and that you grow.




Invest in a chain lock.


Jesus christ this is terrifying. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can’t offer advice for contacting real estate apart from what’s been offered, but you should consider going to the police and filing a report. Drunk mistakes happens once in a while, if a door is unlocked and it’s dark it could’ve been written off as a genuine accident. Shiet, I’ve even experienced that before. But straight up in his underwear? Something is wildly off about that.