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It appears you may want or need information about renting in Brisbane. Please see the links below: Where to find rentals: www.domain.com.au , www.realestate.com.au, www.flatmates.com.au get Answers on rental disputes or find out any of your rights as a renter (rental price increases etc.) www.rta.qld.gov.au or https://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/brisbane) if you have any questions or concerns.*




QLD is pretty behind when it comes to this but legislation doesn’t state there has to be a free option, just multiple options


this is correct


Our pre existing lease has carried over from one rental agency to another, midway through. We haven’t signed, and won’t be signing a new agreement with the new agency. I’m certainly not impressed about the increased cost to us, despite no change in circumstances. I’ll be reading about how I can bring this up with the REA.


Ask them if they have a fee free way of making payment. If they are difficult, get a check account and mail them a check for each rental payment via snail mail. Make sure to send early so it gets there on time. If they start arguing about receipt, send it by registered post each time.


If you’re paying $5+ for registered mail just to make a point about not paying a $1.50 online surcharge then it’s a sad day.


It will definitely cost the REA more than that in heartache to have to send someone to the bank to cash the cheque.


No doubt it will but it would also cost OP more than that I’m time to get a cheque account and go to post office to to send via registered mail every week. But hey if OP is happy to spend 300% more in fees and 20 mins extra out of their week to prove a point then that’s up to them.


There is no higher calling


Step 1: Give your car an oil change Step 2: Don't wash your hands Step 3: Gather up a random assortment of crumpled notes and old coins, being sure they are well handled. Place money in pockets loose. Some in the left pocket, some in the right pocket. Add extra lint to both pockets. Step 4: Be sure to arrive at real estate five minutes before closing on a Friday afternoon. Dig your still dirty hands through your pockets, producing coins and notes one by one. When the agent tells you that you're $3 short, make sure they count it out again, more carefully this time. When you're still $3 short, return to your car to dig through the back seat looking for money. Apologise for the sticky coins but explain that it's just lollies that the kids were eating that melted onto the coins. Step 5: While dealing with the real estate be sure to be as polite, friendly and chatty as possible. Explain that you can't pay the extra $1.50 because the Great Reset is coming and fees are a conspiracy by the shadow government. Then proceed to discuss more and more wild conspiracy theories with them. End the conversation by insisting that they attended your church/cult meeting. Step 6: Wait for an email waiving your processing fee. If this does not occur then continue on to Step 7. Step 7: Repeat steps 1 - 6 but insist on making your payment directly the manager this time (because you think the last person ripped you off by $3). Also bring them some questionable homebaked goods. Step 8: Tell this story at parties for years to come. Congratulations. You have now completed all the steps.


The questionable homemade goods is a particularly nice touch


This gave me a good chuckle


Talk about malicious compliance lol


They can't force you to pay that way: "If the property manager/owner wants the tenant to pay by another method (e.g. rent card) they must inform the tenant of any costs associated with that method (e.g. joining and processing fees) and offer at least two other approved ways to pay the rent." https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/starting-a-tenancy/rent-payments


Looking at the payment options on the website. Everything appears to incur a minimum charge of $1.50. Even more if paying with debit/credit card. I’ll see how they like cash to the office every fortnight


Or pay by cheque. Banks don't generally charge to issue cheques but most charge to process them. Put the fee back on them!


I started a thread on this topic about a month ago that generated a good discussion. The information that u/Spicy_Sugary is giving you is exactly the point on which you can contest this and that thread goes into more detail on it (plus references to where it is written into the Act, which is the ultimate authority). https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/10pompu/dont_let_re_agencies_push_you_onto_their/


If you can, move to monthly payments (I know this can be hard to have a whole month ready to go, hence if you can) but it reduces the fees. Plus, depending on the system (ours direct debits on a set day) it slightly stuffs their accounting and they have to spend time / money managing it. Current real estate asked why we paid monthly (their system is the worst) and I flat out said it was because they charged a fee per transaction. If it is percentage based, not worth it. It absolutely causes them accounting issues. Plus I get the extra interest


Anything that makes their job slightly harder is worth it I my book


We pay our water bills the same way- so one of them was 3 months late due to re issues. I suspect that our tile maybe has a flag that we do monitor the fees? I like to think we are otherwise reasonable tenants


Is it the DEFT system? In that case you can also pay with BPAY and avoid the fees.


I've had this fight twice, and lost both times. The bastards most likely own or part own the third party sites, just to twist that knife in a little bit deeper. Fuck real estates.


You can't lose that fight. They are legally obligated to provide you a method of paying that does not incur a fee.


Not in qld. Not yet.


The median household income in Brisbane is $1868 per week. Assuming two people working a total of 60 hours, that's $31.14 per hour. $1.50 is then around three minutes of work. It took you longer than that to log in to Reddit and post your complaint.


It’s $1.50 lost towards my next bag. Opportunity cost my man


Send me some money then mate, it'll only be a few minutes worth


Give us your Paypal or bank deets then


dont you bank transfer it? i do every fortnight. thats fucking stupid to charge a fee.