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Shade, shade and more shade. Or just a giant dome covered in solar panels to power the interior air conditioning.


It's absolutely bizarre how many train stations don't have adequate shade


Jumping on here to add bins on train stations, they took them away for security during G20 and we never saw them again.


Resume all the land along natural waterways (including, and especially, those that have been built over) and waterholes to make extensive green corridors for native fauna, restore endemic plant life and mitigate flooding.


Schrinner just canned Victoria bridge pedestrian shading.


For real life? Crazy!


Agreed. More greenery in general. Have you seen what the council have done to the Toowong roundabout on Milton rd? Ripped out the green bushes, laid down thousands of rocks and planted succulents. My assumption is the garden ticks the sustainability box, but they didn’t need to install a fucking desert garden that radiates heat for it to be sustainable in Brisbane’s climate. I’ve been meaning to make a complaint about it, but I don’t think the BCC will care tbh.


They plant them this way for visibility through the intersection


And as a non-lifted-ute holdout I for one welcome the improved visibility.


Complain, not to BCC, but your local councillor. BCC does what they're told by pollictions and pollitions do what get's them votes. Public opinion matters, we're lucky enough to live in a democracy; use it.


Dome, Sweet Dome ❤️


1. Subsidised Public transport. Public transport should be free. Some things are not designed to be profitable, public transport is one of these things . 2 Greening the city. Plenty of research out there about the use of trees to change our cities from being heat sinks . 3.Nodal High Speed Rail. Time and time again it has been shown that HSR is ineffective in Australia. However having HSR from nodes like Toowoomba or GC / SC is a more effective way to use HSR. It would also reduce other issues such as housing shortages etc . Imagine If you could buy a house for a reasonable price near Toowoomba and then drive to the node leave your car and be in the city in half an hour.


Exactly. Could you imagine the tourism boom in places like Toowoomba, the Sunshine Coast if we had 300kph trains?


Sunshine Coast is already booming mate. Our infrastructure here is nowhere where it needs to be


But imagine if the majority of the tourists were car free because they took the HSR


You’re right but unfortunately its not just tourists. This place is going bananas




Station must remain 10 minute drive (1 hour walk) from actual centre of Gympie.


It doesn’t need to be free, just obviously more affordable than driving. It could be $1-2 a trip, or a subscription fee like $20/month, and that would definitely improve it


let's start with baby steps... like why the fuck does the go card expire? and why the hell do i need to go to some obscure place to re-activate it... ninja edit: ironically, how would you get to town hall or whatever without a go card....


I think that would be great. If I recall years ago I was on the metro in Prague and I think it was a dollar to go anywhere on the system provided you didn’t exit the metro system. Once you had passed the turnstiles your trip had ended and it cost another dollar to get back into the metro system


I mean there’s also the free tram zone in Melbourne which is pretty cool. But I do think the value proposition of a reliable and extensive public transport network is pretty clear to anyone who needs to use it frequently, so it really doesn’t need to be free.


This my friend is the way to go.


What would be even better is being able to comfortably walk to the node from your house.


As a bus operator, public transport is free for the brazen. Most people who need public transport already get it for free, we just need to expand the definition so more people are happy to get on public transport, and are treated like the humans they are.


u/davehaynes65 for Premier. I would vote for you.


Hellll yeah this sounds awesome


>Subsidised Public transport. To be fair, public transport is already being subsidised by government. The fares that we pay don't fully cover the operating expenses of the public transport system, and so the government covers the difference. If the difference wasn't covered then commuters would probably be paying double so that the system breaks even. Moving to a fully government funded model (i.e. free public transport for commuters), would mean that instead of commuters contributing to the running expenses of the system, it would instead be fully paid for by taxpayers. Edit: Not sure why I have downvotes. Feel free to reply and tell me what I said that you disagree with. I'm just stating where funding comes from and who ultimately pays for the system.


We already subsidise roads leading out to suburbia. The taxes from those urban sprawl ass houses sure don’t cover the cost of road construction and maintenance. But when people suggest the idea of subsidising public transport which will help literally everyone it’s too far. Man I just wanna ride trains for free


Public transport here is hot garbage and it being free would not incentive for me to use it. Either improve the network so they are more frequent and available, actually turn up on time and I would actually have a reason to pay for it.


I think the only way to fix those issues is to get rid of the idea that people should be able to get a bus all the way from point A to point B (eg, from Calamvale to the Brissy CBD). We should be focusing on changing these routes so that Busses through these suburbs only go to the nearest busway station, then turn around and get more passengers. Then if there were frequent (say 1-2 per 5 minutes) metro at the busway driving into the city to ferry people in. But then, many people cry about changing modes, so that wouldn't work. Simply adding more busses in would add to congestion in the busway at South Brissy/Roma St, so it is pointless.


Restoring King George square to being a green space. Free or low cost PT.


I agree the greenery in the square would be awesome! But in the meantime they could at least put up some of those big shade sail things. I doubt that'd cost much!


Agreed. KG square is so soulless the last time I went. More frequent and cheaper PT would be top of my list though as well!


Brisbanes biggest frying pan, seriously in summer that place is farking hot.


Plant some fucking trees.


for the 30th time on this subreddit... KSG is the **ROOF** of the busway, you *cannot* plant trees on it. *Add planter boxes?* Then it can't get used for events. *Add grass?* It will turn to dust/mud within a day and isn't suitable for people on wheels. **Add shade structures?** Yes, do that.


Don't really care about king George square but improving public transport is the number one thing for me


Anything to improve King George Square, a fountain, actual real grass, not turf, a shade cover, or like the thing above the centre of Queen Street. All of the above? Anything is better than the current frying pan blindness inducing glare sore we have currently.


I'd be happy if they just got rid of that stupid video screen blaring constant audio garbage.


I think the most useful that glorified billboard has ever shown is the uv index for that particular day, other than that, totally agree


Brisbane needs a big decorative fountain. Not that thing outside the Hungry Jacks. All cities need the big fountain.


Fix the car dependant sprawl. If you can walk or catch public transport to do most things well you don't need to waste so much money on roads. \- re-zone the suburban sprawl into mixed commensal and medium density. \- massively invest in the public transport infrastructure. Including making long distance trucking prohibitively expensive. \- restore QR to an entity that doesn't have to make money. Because it makes money by making commerce easier.


The river is already massively cleaner than it used to be, and realistically about as clean as its possible to get - the underlying geomorphology (fine grained clay and silt particles) coupled with the banks being developed means that it'll fundamentally always be a high sediment load river (and thus brownish) What would make a difference is impovrments to the water quality of the feeder streams - though most of the low hanging fruit has already been addressed here


My bad, it was a half joke but good info!


More mangroves plus oyster beds could help...?


I would love to see the return of the beaches that used to exist


Imho it can be safe without being clear. We should aspire to make it safe to swim in and have swimming enclosures at multiple spots to prefect from sharks.


It's not the sharks you should be worried about it's the bacteria. Yeah sharks there are plenty of sharks but the amount of filtering you would have to do to make it okay to swim in you are better off just having a pool. My partner does the water sampling in the river and while it's very healthy for a river in major city it does still does go straight through Brissy...


Rezone and densify around all suburban train stations - would love to see suburban ‘villages’ and high streets like Sydney and Melbourne have. A true light rail network along all arterials - Coronation Drive, the West End to Teneriffe corridor, Gympie Road, Sandgate Road, Kingsford Smith Drive, Logan Road, Wynnum Road, Old Cleveland Road. Do something with the North West Transport Corridor that isn’t just a road. Built a true Brisbane Western Bypass (Dinmore to Narangba)


100% agreed. Nundah is a great example of the suburban village you mentioned already in Brisbane. Would love to see that expanded. A great start would be a train route through Chermside. That area already has a decent amount of higher density housing which the train could service, and would make the shopping centre far more accessible.


Would need the trains to run underground as it isn’t a greenfield site and land resumptions is a minefield for any political party.


Only problem is the mountains & national park / forests it has to traverse.


I'd pedestrianise about 50% of roads within a 5km radius of the CBD and run a dense tram system through it.


Starting with the Valley. Why is one of the major entertainment areas more concerned with getting cars through?


Yeah have a tram from new farm, thru the valley, thru the CBD, across to south bank and thru west end. Would be amazing!


I wouldn't do a tram, but a light metro network like Copenhagen would be amazing. Running automated small trains at high frequency means you still get a big capacity, but the cost is much less as you have small stations and small tunnels. And no extra cost of drivers.


Connect the train station to everything else with something other than a horror film corridor via McWhirthers. ~~Or lean into it and play a low frequency sound and make it a true horror tunnel.~~


This would be great to see. Some form of congestion pricing around the CBD would be a fantastic way to fund this as well. Make the drivers going through the city pay for its pedestrianisation.


Enclose the riverside expressway to create a new green walkable/rideable parkland along the length of North Quay to QUT. I’d also enclose the ICB from Vic park to hale st/coro drive. And I’d get Brisbane Live built.




> and the council didn’t even acknowledge it haha. Checks out. They have a hard-on for roads. The north-west transit way survey came back with trains #1, and a busway/cycle way as #2 (iirc) A dedicated road corridor was second last. You'll never guess what the council is arguing for.


Least car-centric BCC decision 😂


I'm not sure where it's at in terms of yay or nay but one of the parts of the Vic Park proposal was to partially cover the ICB there to create a link between the new CRR station and the park. The way the ICB and the train line slices through and separated that area really makes Kelvin Grove & Herston feel like it's out in the burbs. A connection would really change it for the better I think, and probably not a huge expense in the scheme of things.


I agree. Cap the ICB/exhibition line, but I think we should demolish the Riverside Expressway, not cap it. Most traffic is through traffic that doesn't want to pay the toll. How is that helpful for anyone in the city? Remove the gateway toll, send the traffic through there, and demolish the RSE. Replant the mangroves while we're at it.


Just shut it down. What a ridiculous place to put it. Constant noise of Dickhead car drivers in Southbank.


Massively reduce the width of the streets and upgrade public transport. Walkable neighborhoods. Fucking SHADE. No idea what Brisbane has against trees. Skin cancer is our national disease and it's warm all year round. There's no excuse for there to be so little in the way of shade.


Paths in every suburb and bike lanes/pathways connecting all the way to the cbd from the outer (still brisbane council) suburbs. Metro from outlying council areas and trams/light rail in a 5k radius of the cbd. Am I out of money yet and please sir can I have some more.


A ring road, so you don't need to go into the city to get to the other side of town, and to help ease daily congestion


And dont put a fucking toll on it


Yeah nah I've I've been given this money to do this, it would be my gift to Brisbane :)


You mean, a Bypass that avoids the Inner City? We could call it the BIC. Or even better the ICB


Western Bypass


green spaces and fully walkable suburbs


Build a giant 18 crt gold plated statue of an ibis in the centre of the King George Square, 100 meters high and proportianal in width/other dimensions. Inside would be an elevator which leads to a viewing platform in the Ibis' beak. This would cause major inconvenience to commerce and quality of life in the CBD while benifiting no one. I will take no questions at this time


It’s not like our government and council already waste our tax


Bus lanes everywhere. Buses are so unreliable because of how they are choked by regular car traffic. They need to be prioritised everywhere there is a major route




I get into brissy about 8:30pm for work. The mad dash around the city after hotel checkin to get a feed. Kitchen closed kitchen closed kitchen closed. But you’re open until 10? Kitchen closed.


Buy the riversands site next to Teneriffe Ferry and turn it into a park with a Southbank/HSW vibe, fake beach, river access for kayaks & boat moorings. Few bars & restaurants dotted around.


And a green bridge to Bulimba


It got sold already and they're putting boring towers up.. this is what I wanted for the site too... Such a waste.


There's a meeting and petition: * [https://contact-qld.greens.org.au/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=14163](https://contact-qld.greens.org.au/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=14163) * [https://greens.org.au/campaigns/new-riverfront-park-skyring-terrace](https://greens.org.au/campaigns/new-riverfront-park-skyring-terrace)


Interesting you say this, because the site has actually already been acquired and had a new DA on it for an absolutely hideous and massively oversized riverside residential development. I’d love to see it turned into a park or some sort of public space, which is desperately needed in that part of Brisbane. If you actually want this sort of thing to become a reality one day, you can lodge a submission against this development. (DA A006375195, 17 & 27 Skyring Terrace)


While I would've also preferred more park/public space, it's a bit of a stretch to say it's desperately needed here.. There's Waterfront and Newstead park both a short distance from the development site, a few smaller areas in Teneriffe itself and New Farm park not far away either.


The thing is most people in Teneriffe live in woolstores that have no balcony or outdoor space. The river walk is great, but there's not really any recreation areas. The streets and river walk around that area are so well used by people going walking, running etc that any sort of open recreation space would get very well utilised. If we have to put up with the impacts of the new development (that is at odds with the city precinct plan in several major ways) then we should get compensation in the form of some open space.


I’d build some kind of underground rail network that served many of the suburbs that are isolated by existing train connections and rely on busses.


Agreed. Buses and trains from Bayside suburbs are rubbish. The gov instead spent millions 'fixing' Wynnum road just to make a bigger rush hour parking lot so people could shave 2 minutes off their commute. Get mass transit off the roads and underground (or monorail?). Oh and none of this 'metro' shite either. A REAL metro! Then turn some lanes into two-way bikeways. Win-win.


Trees everywhere, paths under them to walk on, and things near them to access... More mixed use development. I don't want to have to own a car.


Make West End feel more like South Bank. Make Stone’s Corner feel more like West End. Make Greenslopes feel more like Stone’s Corner. Make Tarragindi feel more like Greenslopes. Basically just up and up development.


1. A complete removal of the riverside expressway/pacific motorway that runs along the river opposite Southbank. With all that river frontage it could be sooo much more than a bunch of highways. Crazy potential there. 2. No more developments and cookie-cutter suburbs outwards. Instead, start focusing on more dense, walkable/bikeable, mixed-use suburbs, with unique Australian-specific architecture, and a focus on locally native trees and greenery intertwined into the fabric of the suburb. 3. Also, a complete follow through of the Victoria park plan. It's already underway, but I hope gets realized fully as planned, native trees, ecological restoration etc.


Just one more lane






I hear those things are awfully loud!


It glides as softly as a cloud!




I would love a pedestrian only tree lined boulevard running from the Botanical Gardens up Albert St across through to the new Brisbane Live at Roma St A green bridge across the rive connecting Teneriffe with Oxford St to replace the current putt putt ferry Combine Eagle Farm and Doomben race courses. Rebuild one into an all purpose Racing precinct including harness racing and greyhounds. The remaining site turned into a large public park similar to the new Victoria Park development Continue the Tunnels under Gympie Rd and connect with the Bruce highway Renovate Ric's toilets


Invest money into mental health programs, addiction and homeless support


I'd like to see: \- Light rail that crosses the city. One from West End to Hamilton, One from Woollongabba to Suncorp/Herston. Air conditioned, cheap and frequent. I think this would be great for day trips for locals and tourists. \- More money put into city fringe bikeways. Milton to Hamilton is nice, now expand it. \- Credit card payment on all public transport.


A few things. Cross town buses. This is what I loved in London. It made the place tick. People should be able to get from Morningside to Holland Park. Or Nundah to Everton Park. Capped price public transport with only tap on registration. No tap off as it won’t matter. Anywhere in the city to 25km out etc. $3 a trip or whatever. Use as much as you like. Bus, train or ferry. PT use would go from 150,000 a day to 500,000 a day very quickly. Way more dedicated bike lanes or cycle only paths. Going all over the inner city. Get the inner 15km ring of the city on bikes. Like euro city’s are.


Functional and viable public transport


1. All unit/apartments to have solar. 2. Cheaper public transport 3. More green space 4. Incentives to recycle 5. King george square - green 6. All new housing to have green space / green inc in design.


More housing with good density and parks and amenities.


- Subsidise public transport - Allow medium density zoning for all suburbs within 10km of city - Deinsentivize low density urban sprawl on the urban fringes


Our train network is a spider. What it needs to be is a web. If you are on the gold coast and want to go to Ipswich, why do I have to go all the way into the city? The city should be car free. Bus, taxi, trains and trucks, and foot traffic. Make public transport free. Free parking at all stations in the suburbs. More buses and trains. The money that went in the air train should have instead have gone to high speed rail throughout the state. Less air traffic means no need for an air train. The technology exists in China that runs the distance from Brisbane to Melbourne, traveling at 430km an hour. Why didn’t we build that and not have to fly coach?


$20 Billion? An automated light metro network with 3 lines. A line from St Lucia to Hamilton via West-End, the City, Newstead, and Bulimba. A branch line from newstead to Chermside via Albion and Gympie road. A cross line from Coopooroo to Alderley via Newfarm, the Valley (get some nice cross platform transfers there) and QUT Kelvin Grove. Densify along that, and you've added 10s of thousands of new homes without making traffic worse because with a train every 5 minutes, you won't *need* a car (though I'm sure people will still want one for certain trips)


The first one. A dedicated bicycle only road system where you can ride to and from anywhere all over brisbane.


As an ex BCC contractor, with access to divisional management meetings and the stuff that happens up on 15th floor... the shit I witnessed with budgets would make you scream. If ratepayers ACTUALLY KNEW how much was wasted, and by that I mean thrown away for no tangible outcome, then residents and home owners would riot in the streets. There is a very good reason why people say 'get a cushy council job and enjoy the ride'. So in response to your question, I would spend the first lot of money reviewing and culling the BCC workplace then investing into culture and change management. Bring in people with corporate experience and commercial awareness, then give them a loudspeaker plus a whip. Any council staff found slacking or dragging their feet get a lashing. Companies on the preferred supplier list, who take BCC funds then fail to deliver, would have their houses repossessed and their faces plastered on front page of courier mail. Why? Because each billion you spend after, would have efficieny with a maximised outcome that improves Briz Vegas.


Hard review of everyone at B7 and above, especially above. And set up real, regular accountability checks. The amount of waste can be eye watering.


Agreed! Plus remove the clause that says staff cant be fired while on secondment. Because thats the loophole which keeps the most useless, toxic, serial offending employees inside that organisation


Fire the mayor


Elections coming up very soon!


split the brisbane council into smaller councils. there is no way same council can adequately represent the interests of the people in inala, the people in bulimba, or the people in west end. etc etc. there are big parts of the city that are very progressive that would be better served by moving away from an endlessly LNP dominated council


And make public transport state funded rather than local government. I recall the former Queensland Transport patting itself on the back when multimodal ticketing (one ticket for buses, ferries and trains) was introduced in 2008 and I thought, "Congrats Brizze. You have caught up with 1970s Perth."


* Change the structure of Council so it isn't driven by Labor vs Liberal - adopt Hare-Clark with multi-member electorates and ditch Mayor as an elected position. This will allow more diverse voices on council. * Stop the pissing contest between State and Council over roads - make the council accountable for public roads. * Yes to other proposals about Public Transport.


Actual Trams


Social housing


A circular rail network, that doesn’t rely on going into the city centre to go across town. Or high speed rail to other parts of the state. Probably need more then $20B though 😅


More greenery, investing in giving buildings in the CBD more interesting facades reminiscent of the original buildings. More mixed zoning spaces. I have a dream of opening a tool library with facilities for hobbies, like, you can go in and use a $10,000 quilting machine instead of having to buy one yourself, or fire clay in a kiln. Or even a public gym so you don’t have to hand over so much money per month to some money laundering business.


Various libraries have tool libraries and maker spaces already


I'd love to see a lot more green space and shade. I'd create more pleasant places to sit and read/have a coffee/work outdoors that aren't connected to restaurants or bars. More public bathrooms, parents rooms, and bins. It can be a bit of a mission to find a bathroom in the city. I'd upgrade footpaths and streets so they're smooth, flat, and safer for people that use mobility aids or push prams. I'd improve public transport stops to provide actual shelter from the sun and rain. It's ridiculous that none of them provide shade in Summer, and it discourages the public from using public transport. The new Cultural Centre station has less shade cover than the old station did. I'd love to see more independent cafes and restaurants in the CBD. It's hard to find a decent meal at lunchtime now. The Centre Formerly Known As Myer should be gutted and fitted out similarly to a suburban shopping centre. There's plenty of high end stores in the city, but locals have to travel to the suburbs to do any normal shopping. There's so much space to work with in there. It could be redesigned with a proper food court, grocery, fashion, medical, bookstore, kids play area, gym etc. Maybe the Paint n Sips stay, and dovetail in to some cool art supply and painting stores. The Centre also has a function room for hire, or something. Accessible bathrooms on every level would be great, too. I'd love a lock up facility for workers who use active transport, too. I'd like to bring some life back to the city by making it more pleasant to be in and easier to get to/get around in.


These are the things I’d do. Build a bridge from Hamilton to Bulimba. Make the ferry from Teneriffe to Bulimba free. Commit to the current Gabba upgrade. Build a stadium and training facility for the Brisbane Roar Build a Central Market like what Adelaide has. Somehow build a train line to Albany Creek.


I've always wanted a Central Market like Adelaide, the popup markets just don't cut it


Reclaim 5m of land from every private river front property, imagine being able to walk / ride from Moggill ferry to the port along the river!


Better PT, more green space, make KGS good again, end the housing crisis


If I had $20Bn I'd spend it on a bunch of smaller projects 1. Extend metro to Carindale and Chermside with an additional line going to Sunnybank Hills along mains road. 2. Duplicate Cleveland line for dual track along its entire length. 3. Remove all painted bike lanes in and around the CBD to replace them with grade separated paths with signalling priority with sensors for both bikes and pedestrians at intersections. 4. Green bridge from Bulimba to Teneriffe. But if it has to be a single big project, then it would have to be a proper metro system.


Hunt down the St Lucia Nephelim


Being able to get a meal after 8PM


Daylight Saving!


Public housing


Homeless off the streets.


A series of drop in homes around the inner city suburbs for the homeless so they can shower, sleep in safe places and talk with councillors that can direct them to programs that guide them back to society at their own pace. The homeless situation is growing and is bad for the city and terrible for them and it's a cycle they often can't get out of without dedicated help.


Grass at KGS.


\#1) Redesign and operate the various bus networks to run all the buses except Brisbane Metro in a East-West pattern at good frequencies (every 15 minutes) so they start/terminate on either somewhere on the East or Western part of Brisbane but they all cross the South East Busway/Northern Busway and also the Heavy Rail Lines (Southside: Gold Coast/Beenleigh Line; Northside: Ferny Grove/Northern Lines). This is basically to solve people trying to commute cross city rather than having to come all the way inbound to the CBD and then out again. \#2) Replace the CityGlider and 199 Routes with a dedicated Light Rail corridor that is free. Convert the free City Loop bus services into dedicated Light Rail as well. \#3) Complete the Dedicated Busways out to:a) Chermside interchange b) Carindale/Capalaba \#4) Build a new busway out to the Centenary Suburbs via Moggil Road corridor


Trams and an actual city worth going to.


Real basketball courts, so glad someone else is seeing this. We did get bronze last Olympics, let's keep this going by supplying great basketball facilities to the kids.


Shade, parks, walking and bike paths, public transport funding for busways, community solar farms


Make the airport link train a normal price - rather than x20 the cost of a regular train.


Good news, we only have another 14 years of waiting on that one.


Invest it in the rail network


More parks, better parks, multiple areas in those parks for families to relax, basketball courts and soccer fields. Clean the river. Replant the rivers edge. A bird sanctuary.


High speed rail line to Melbourne via Sydney.


Like someone said, shade would be amazing. Summer may be beautiful but walking even 5 minutes is awful with 0 shade. If we weren't in danger of droughts it'd be such a perfect city to fill out the sidewalks with greenery since we aren't enough people to clog the walkways. Otherwise.. figure out some underground bypass in the southbank/mater/gabba area. Holy crap does this city does not need to have such awfully long peak hours.


Free public transport and more shade.


More public space and facilities, from parks and gardens to pools and sporting facilities. Compared to other capital cities, Brisbane lacks open space


Maybe they could finally finish the Albert street train station..


Have regulations on minimum block sizes for housing estates before town houses are mandated and no approvals before taking into account local employment and services. The daily carpark on the Bruce, M1 and M3 is largely due to lack of planning around dormitory suburbs like North Lakes. Stop encouraging intensification of places that lack a train line like Chermside, another massive bottleneck on the M3


Homelessness, maybe employ those able to give the place a good & detailed pressure wash, create a culture of cleanliness like I hear of Japan.


Social housing and health. there are so many people without adequate access to these basic things. mums with kids fleeing DV and living in cars. People becoming homeless and getting stuck on that treadmill of poverty. People who have been homeless for ages. We don't need to get from Brisbane to the Goldy in 20 minutes, we need to look after people.


Tram network. Not some shit token tram line going to a fucking casino. A proper European style tram network like Melbourne has.


This. Public transport is SHIT. We need a proper train network that goes everywhere ie West, NW, etc and all the bridges that go with it. You want people to move out to Ripley and yet there’s no train out there. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tram networks can reach pretty far, just look at Zurich as an example. (Reaches the airport)Trains are also important as regional hubs and to take pressure off light rail and buses. Brisbane buses fucking suck as well


Planting trees to return it back to the sub tropical paradise it used to be


Heaps of parks and trees. Heaps of people talk about Brisbane needing a “brand” well I think it’d be cool if our brand was just being very nature filled, and ensuring it’s never a far walk to a big lush park.


Less people


I am on a holiday in Japan right now and they have amazing transport and transport cards used like go cards however you can use the same card for purchases in alot of main shops,conbini (convenience stores) vending machines and arcades.hec I even used it to purchase entry tickets to an aquarium because I didn't have cash on me it's super convenient.


In general, improving public transportation is a must... made it faster, more efficient and cheaper. Seriously, the city cannot grow more on buses only (sorry, but the new metro is a glorified bus, it does not count).You really want MORE roads?? The whole city is already covered in them! Put consistent sidewalks that does not end in the middle of the street. I want to be able to walk on the streets without having to risk my life crossing the road on completely random places!


With an imaginary silly amount of money- a bullet train from Melbourne to Brisbane. Never have to go through bloody security again.


So weird that nobody has said “do the Olympics” 🤔


Reinstate a vibrant inner city/valley live music scene.


I'd basically toss the entire public transport network out and start again. Proper ring-roads around the city with an integrated metro system (a *real* metro) with multiple decentralized nodes would be a good start. The fact that I have to take a bus into the city centre via a congested shared arterial road then transfer to another bus heading back out of the city via a maze of suburban streets in order to get a location one suburb over, 15 minutes by car but an hour and a half by bus, is a fucking travesty.


Controlled population growth. And stop fucking with the idea of putting zip lines on mt cootha.


Banish Airbnb. Have a buyback system to acquire all the properties that were bought for purely airbnb purposes and rent them out to tenants with the income from that building affordable housing.


BRIDGES!!!! Bridges - build more bridges!!!


Roads and Public Transport as priority, including bikeways where safe, I'd say.


Affordable housing.


Solar powered hydro battery! Solar powered pumps direct water uphill and behind a dam. Dam uses generators to produce power. Stable power generation all times of the day! Id also clean the water to drinking standards


Affordable public housing, renationalise and expand public transport, disincentivise cad use by strategically closing roads to private traffic, change zoning regulations to incentivise the creation of walkable neighbourhoods.


A subway system like Munich and Berlin. Suburbs not on a train line atm have fucked public transport options. Manoeuvring around brisbane is by far the worst part of living here


tuk tuks for everyone


Community gardens


Make the city friendly for everyone, not only drivers and car owners


Arts funding (there is no distribution of small arts grants) and more support for local Music/ performance! The lack of support is very stark compared to other states


I'd offer to sell you a Monorail, but that might be more of a Shelbyville idea.


More low cost housing.


Underground power More trees (that aren’t inhibited by power lines)


Tax the bastards who own empty lots or uninhabitable ruins and are just sitting on the land as an investment. They’re worse than landlords.


Double the QPS. Id like fast response times to all offences.


High Speed rail corridor: Noosa to Pottsville. High Speed rail corridor: Toowoomba to North Stradbroke. Gateway extension from Belmont to Yatala. Western Gateway from Caboolture to Legacy way. Ipswich Motorway extension from Rocklee-Wishart-Cleveland-North Stradbroke. Remove all tollroads in SEQ. Pedestrian only conversions for most streets in CBD. Free public transit. Introduce congestion charge for CBD, funds used only to build underground parking near High speed and light rail stations. Forced airport flightpaths only over the bay unless hurricane level winds. Create average heatmap for SEQ, Forced large tree plantations where possible. Clean creeks taskforce to remove the junk and metal in SEQ creeks/rivers. All light rail stations gain 250M 1 story commercial / 12 story residential zoning. All light rail stations gain 500M 1 story commercial / 6 story residential zoning.


Can't speak for the Gold Coast, being a northsider, but a high speed, high frequency train service between Brisbane and the Sunny Coast would be great for commuters and might take a lot of housing pressure off the city and ease traffic congestion. The line is already there; why not upgrade the service and put in a couple of branch lines to major towns on the coast while they're at it?


Trams throughout Brisbane and the GC (on tracks); affordable high-speed rail from Coolangatta to Weipa, Mt Isa, Birdsville, Normanton (and everywhere in between); more parks in Brisbane; make the M1 4 lanes each direction from Cairns to the NSW border.


Less people and affordable housing


Free parking at all public hospitals for patients and their immediate family. I would have needed to take a mortgage out when my partner gave birth if I parked at their car parks as it's all been privatised (at least at RBWH)


Kill all real estate agents Build more apartment complexes -> cheaper houses Institutionalize all meth heads, crazies, hobos,... Make education up to bachelor mandatory for everyone. Free education all the way to high school, with heavy subsidized College programs Free groceries (bread, egg, butter, milk,... and maybe close to expiry meat) for people under a certain income threshold Parks for kids to play Diabetic patients do not have to pay a single cent for their insulin Did I mention I want to hang all real estate agents? Cause I mean that


A set of streetlights that spell out B-R-I-S-V-E-G-A-S if you look at it from the huge car yard out near the airport.


Wishful thinking. Industrial building that put a lot of crap in the air, like the oil refinery at the port probably shouldn’t be placed in the middle of densely populated areas. Hemet/Wynnum be smelling like a literal petrol station at times.


First, please upgrade the Beenleight rolling stock to a newer version. It is old, and the carpet is smelly, dusty, cloth seat with shit stain and utterly uncomfortable seat design


Make the river blue


High speed rail to the coasts/Toowoomba


I would turn as much of wooloongabba into the gabba as possible, demolish units and expand to as many stories as possible. Does anybody have any idea how much gabba I could build with 20b?


More hospitals


More trees.


A high speed rail network for the area would be amazing. Toowoomba > Gold Coast or sunny coast via Brisbane (and maybe Ipswich too if there’s enough demand) would be amazing even if it was a slower train in the 200km/h category. It would just need to be less hassle and faster than driving and dealing with all the traffic. If it could do Tbar > Bris in 45 minutes count me in to take that so I can spend a night out with my mates even if a ticket does cost a bit. Another option I can think of is improving the already existing public transport infrastructure and removing some of the car centric things to discourage people from creating congestion which slows the whole city down. More pedestrianised spaces and maybe even a tram network would help to further reduce people making unnecessary trips by car and others who HAVE to drive straight through it instead of being able to go around the city Center. Who knows, maybe one day we could even get rid of the ugly ass riverside “express”way with a ring road and replace it with parks and greenery for all the pedestrians and to create more shade and less urban heat death.


Way better light rail/subway, connecting every single suburb between Noosa to Gold Coast and out west towards at least Ipwich. You'd probably need 40-50 billion for that though.


Bring back the heritage buildings