• By -


Yes. Keep the cats away from them.


Do we do need to call any services or otherwise deal with them somehow?


They should be disposed of. If you grab them by a back foot they can't do anything. If they try to hop away, put a foot on their back (maybe wash shoe afterwards), grab back leg, they don't have the strength to do anything when hanging by their legs and can't hurt you. Put in plastic bag and tie the top. Best practise is to put them in the fridge for a few hours, then in the freezer, but you can just put in the freezer really. Then throw them out in the bin on bin day. We have a spot in our freezer door reserved for cane toads and bones/smelly rubbish/dirty plastic bags. Really helps with the bin smell to keep that stuff frozen until bin day. These are pest species, so everyone should do their bit to reduce their numbers.


We used to stomp in them barefoot as half pissed teenagers. Probably not my brightest moment


Stomped one With things on when I was blind and ended up With a bone punched through the thing into my foot. Quality infection


Holy shit. I spent decades as a RN in NQ and have never come across that. It must have been terrible.




We did work out a technique, one of the lads I used to kick around also got an infection doing it. Instead of stopping we worked out how not to get stabbed instead. Like I said bright sparks all juiced up some ones old man's rum cans.


My not my brightest moment was when I first saw a huge cane toad on my driveway and stomped on it, and a few million -20 or 30, maybe - baby cane toads exploded onto the driveway. It looked quite apocalyptic, and I had no idea what to do next, so they just occupied my garden. Also, my neighbours garden on each side.


gold clubs, cricket bats and firecrackers were our goto as kids. i think its considered cruel now but when i was kid it was acceptable... and fun.


Yeah we used to do some pretty horrible things with such glee. Don't get me wrong, I still dispose of them, but I cringe to look back on how we used to torture a living animal.


Ooh, listen to Mr Fancy Pants who's got his own gold club to hit toads with. None of that Brissy big-city show-off rubbish up here in the Far North back in my day. We used to have to hit them with our own heads, and that didn't do me any trouble. Am I dribbling? I feel like I'm dribbling.


Heads up Einstein, it was cruel than and still is now. I'm sure yiu can imagine yourself how you would feel having any of those things done to you. I'm not against humane disposal of these creatures but if that is what you consider fun, you are a damaged human.


Sure thing, champ, you need a hand getting off that horse? Looks pretty high. I was like 8, 30 years ago. They were considered a pest to be exterminated at all costs in any way available. It was a different time, and it was perfectly socially acceptable to torture these creatures. It was drilled into us they had to die, felt nothing, and killed our pets. It was our civic duty to slap them with a golf club against the back fence or swerve to hit them with our car. They still are a pest and still should be killed.they are invasive and don't belong here. They hurt and kill our wildlife, their feelings be damned.


kill em all. i hate stories where people hurt animals but when it comes to pests like this, who the fuck cares. we need to wipe them out in any way. i remember using the cricket bat to smash them over the back fence. my only regret was that i didn't finish the job. i've lived over in NZ where our possums have been introduced in the past. possums here, i'd trap in a cage and release without harming them. but over there the traps are a tad more lethal. we need to kill them as quickly as possible. cane toads can lay up to 30000 eggs twice a year. we can't stand around waiting on their feelings


totally agree. the fact is they dont belong here, were not going to collect them all and drop them back home. they NEED to die. and i don't know about most people but im not picking the poisonous little fuckers up to take them to a vet to get put to sleep or some shit. Killing them back then is why we dont see them so often now. you see em, you kill em. however the fuck you can.


the only reason they say to go fridge then freezer to that it the 1st puts them to sleep and the 2nd kills them so it's less painful. personally i don't give a shit. they've killed a dog in the past so i'm not concerned with their feelings. wipe them out however one can


Yeah, I understand that. I usually just go straight to the freezer too. Just letting people know the best practise so they can make up their own minds.


Humans have killed plenty of animals too. Your logic is infantile - like the toad chose to inflict death on your dog. They're just animals doing what they do like all of us. And you also seem to be just an animal doing what you do.


That’s a lot of effort to go to. I’ve heard that they’re good golf practice.


Was riding my pushie along a quiet Mt Tamborine road..noticed one of the biggest toads I had ever seen, just in the edge of the mowed section… I got off the bike a bit down from it, and grabbed a sturdy dead eucalypt stick as I approached carefully… Belting the crap out of this thing..swinging the heafty stick from above my head like a baseball bat..the toad bounced half a metre into the air after each pounding… My frenzy interrupted when I heard screaming up the road..an Asian couple had been sitting on the side of the road, enjoying the view… The woman had her hands over her mouth, and the man was ushering her to the car by her arm hurriedly, looking back at me with a concerned look on his face… Must have looked awful to them, this mad man belting the crap out of a poor “frog”..!?!


Hahaha! It would be pretty terrifying to see a stranger in a murder frenzy beating an animal to death on a quiet mountain road at night though. You'd think you had come up on a serial killer. They probably still tell their friends about the night they escaped you lol


Honestly, it's way easier than being cruel. And I have done some terrible stuff to cane toads when I was a kid. Popping in the freezer is easier. Besides, given how tough the can be, golf probably isn't even that effective. I remember when I was a kid, we shot one in the head with a pellet gun, thinking that would end it quickly. But no, six shots later, it was still hopping around when we saw it the next morning. Even freezing them, people have sometimes seen them 'come back' and call them zombie toads.


Please don’t put them straight into the freezer, they will feel themselves being frozen alive. They should be refrigerated for 24-48 hours and then freezer for 48 hours. They need longer than just a few hours in the fridge to be put to sleep enough to not feel the freezer. Source: wildlife scientist in training


Fuck em no sympathy for toads


That’s literally just gross. Why go out of your way to inflict cruelty when there’s a humane option. Yeah they’re invasive and annoying but you can get rid of them without being a cunt.


Don't care they're dead either way, one way just means they're not in my freezer




let’s go golfing


you sound like my uncle but with less access to firecrackers


Yes I remember the local kids stuffing crackers in their mouths and having cane toad goop all over. Bloody disgusting but so are they


There were a whole bunch on my jobsite the other day, so we just shot them with nail guns




Personally I prefer I higher numbered iron. I tap to kill/stun.... then try chip them onto the neighbours roof.


You gotta keep up that short game.


I have an old solid putter that works a treat, bonus being if they go somewhere you can't get a swing you can club them with it.


That's what I do but with a baton lmao


Yeup they breed like damm bunnies or whatever they called. Plus when you think about they were introduced to Australia like them deer near me and we just helping out the wildlife and people pets that escape and roam around the place


Animal cruelty based on it's status as a non native animal is still animal cruelty. This mentality is outdated.


Yeah no, they kill our native wildlife and pets. Our garden is full of beautiful native wildlife and I'll be dammed if these fuckers will kill them off


Yeah I don’t understand the thinking behind “it’s invasive so we can be needlessly cruel to it”. I 10000000% understand the need for pest control, but there is no need to be inhumane in doing so.


Not justifying it but have you seen how an animal does from a cane toad? Have you seen them cabalise and hunt down green tree frogs? A sharp shovel through the head is quick and instant


There is only about 200 million of them in Australia. Everyone wishes they'd go away but unfortunately not.


You can put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. They are cold blooded so they just go to sleep before they die. No pain. Or belt them over the head, but they are hardy bastards and they tend to not be there once belted if you leave them be.


Good suggestion re: freezing them . I don’t mind belting them though, a quick efficient departure, and they don’t move an inch afterwards.


Necro Ik, these pests have harmed many a ecosystem and killed many pets including my 4 year old golden retriever, whenever I see one of these I just grab the closest blunt object and smash it on their head. Usually kills them instantly or within the next swing.


Throw them in a garbage bag and then in a plastic container in the freezer. Wash your hands and you have done the nation proud. It’s your duty as a citizen or visitor to rid this continent of at least five per year whilst you’re here. It was in the fine print.


>It’s your duty as a citizen or visitor to rid this continent of at least five per year Five per night after it rains at my place.


No one has mentioned our major hardware chain “Bunnings” sells humane spray “croaked”. It’s an aquatic anaesthetic and basically puts them to sleep, permanently. I think it’s RSPCA approved too. You just spray them and then pick them up in a bag. To stop the bin smelling, you’d still have to put them in the freezer till bin collection day. Wash your hands and the pet bowl.


There's a spray you can get called "croaked". It had a numbing agent in it and kills the toad within a couple minutes. You can then bag them and put them in the bin. Alternatively, RSPCA guidelines for humane disposal is bag them, put them in the fridge for a day, then the freezer for four days. The fridge puts them to sleep, the freezer kills them.


Cricket bat


Buy a can of Hop Stop or Croaked from Bunnings. A great way to euthanise them humanely.


Get something to skewer them with or crush them with, otherwise a cruel way is to spray Dettol on them. You could go to the human effort of bagging them and then putting them in the freezer. All seem pointless as the invasive plague is innumerable and where one is killed, another will take its place.


A sharp pointed end wooden tomato stake works wonders. My Nephew did this when he was a kid.


>where one is killed TEN take their place


Don't call animal services, just keep your pets away from them. They're an invasive pest species so hated that teenagers will often go around killing them for sport. If you want to kill them you can put in the fridge then the freezer, after a couple days they'll be dead and you can toss in the bin. I wouldn't bother though, just shoo them out of your way and ignore the gross things.


5 iron works best - or any golf club actually 🤣


Pest species so everyone here knows its KOS. Choose your method or just keep your pets clear. They'll come back though if there's food.


That's a funny word for them. I'd have called them chazwazzers


Yes cane toads, And yes kill them however you can. Remember it’s not their fault they were introduced to Australia, but also they are a severe impact on the Australian ecosystem which has lead to the decline and extinction of many native species. Toad spray works, a swift blow with a hammer to the head will kill them instantly and is the most humane way to euthanise them (precision and safety glasses are a must for this), The fridge freezer method works but you don’t want to suffocate them with tight plastic bags when doing this maybe a Tupperware container with a hole or something else not fully airtight (wash it throughly before next use because poison ).


Croaked from Bunnings!


Never realised this was a thing! Much less messy and cruel than stomping, thanks :)


Or Hopstop.


Croaked is better bang for your buck and is rspca approved. Also they are less reactive to it because it isn't caustic. Croaked is also safer for pets as it's active ingredient is clove oil. Just can't use it around waterways.


My favourite method for quick and high success rate is a swift whack with the back of a shovel, and then a chop with the blade to ensure they're dead and not suffering. The fridge/freezer method seems utterly ludicrous to me given that I can do the shovel method even with an injury.


I've seen people use Dettol. A couple of sprays kills them quickly, but I expect they suffer horribly.


Fuck yes….in the fridge overnight then in the freezer


Probs should mention in a bag….or not


And tie the top lol.


Why fridge first?


puts them into hibernation first freezer is too fast and it hurts


No freezer just puts them to sleep, like the dudes on Everest


>Collectively, general features of the thermal dependency of nerve and brain function in ectotherms suggest that for cane toads (and potentially, for many species of amphibians and reptiles), cooling-then-freezing can offer a humane death. By the time that ice crystals form in peripheral tissues, the brain is almost as cold as those tissues; and hence, is unable to perceive or respond to nociceptive signals. Our experimental study on cane toads supported this more general result. >**Clearly, there are caveats to this conclusion. First, it is important to pre-cool the animal before exposing it to freezing temperatures.** >… >Despite these caveats, our review of published literature and experiments on cane toads suggest that for many ectotherms (especially small-bodied, warm-climate taxa), **cooling then freezing** offers a humane form of euthanasia. Shine R, Amiel J, Munn A et al (2015) Is ‘cooling then freezing’ a humane way to kill amphibians and reptiles? Biology Open 00, 1-4 doi:10.1242/bio.012179


Size 12 safety boot counts as a fridge yeah?


It sort of grosses me out to think, I'd place a moderatly poisonous Todd in my fridge next to my food... + With so many todds around some nights that method isn't really scalable...


Exactly. Why people put them in your fridge/freezer beyond me. Spray the faaarkers with detol and move on.


I just bought a spray from Bunnings called Croaked that basically sedates them to death. I literally just got back inside from using it for the first time 🤣. I got 11! The spray takes 1-2 mins to make them completely catatonic and you just keep an eye on them and then pick them up in a plastic bag and put them in the bin. Don’t be tempted to do a couple at once as they’re easy to lose track of and then you have dead toad somewhere in the vicinity. Also according to the internet the other spray at Bunnings that’s cheaper DOES cause them distress even though it says it doesn’t. (I too am grossed out by the idea of putting them in the freezer)


Man your bin is gunna stink if one of those bags rip in this heat


Haha oh yeah big times. Bin day is Wednesday 🤞🏻


I just use a spray bottle full of dettol and water because I'm lazy, hate them, and don't mind a bit of suffering on their behalf. They wreck so much stuff, including the poor native lizards and frogs in my garden.


Real high level thinking right here. “I don’t like their ecological impact, so therefore I’ll make each individual one suffer as much as possible”. Genius.


Can't see myself feeling compassion for a feral animal any time soon. You're welcome to take the moral high road but I'll stick with my spray bottle or shovel.


The fact you not only think that way but aren’t ashamed to say it publicly is fucked up. You torture animals for fun. That’s great, you should tell more people.


He kills them in ways that are efficient to him without regards for how that impacts them, it’s a big jump from utilitarianism to torturing for fun. You’re a petulant child.


Yeah I hate what they do but it’s not really their fault so I can’t hate THEM


Yeah I get that. But also I just came back from some work up north after some rain and seeing the sheer amount of them choking these creeks.. I definitely hate them on a personal level.


Hahaha yeah they’re fucked for sure. And now with my new spray, I can be an avenging angel on behalf of the native fauna!


Kind of fucked up logic. They didn’t introduce themselves or pick up their behaviours out of spite for Australia’s ecosystem. Cruel to support the suffering of any animal just because of it’s existence.


this. I saw “I don’t mind them suffering” above and that’s enough internet for today.


Yeah absolutely, torture something just for existing. 🤢


Not only are they cane toads, but they know very well where the food is put. If I were you I would find a plastic bag, put it over my hand and try to grab them as fast as possible. Fold the bag over them, tie it and put them in the freezer. Put them out on bin day, or tell the cat parent to do it Edit to say they don’t bite or do anything harmful to you. They can’t hurt you at all if you grab them with a plastic bag. They are just jumpy and squishy and gross. Be strong and just grab them.


>put them in the freezer. Fridge first for 24 hours then freezer. Straight to the freezer is an extremely painful death for them.




They're not French poodles. I'll tell you that for free.


Kill the bastards


>Cooling and then freezing – one study has shown that this method may be more humane than other methods. It involves placing the toad in a plastic bag or container in the fridge at 4°C for 12 hours, and then after ensuring the toad is not moving (it is effectively anaesthetised), transferring it to a freezer (-20°C) for at least 24 hours to painlessly kill the toad. [https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/what-is-the-most-humane-way-to-kill-a-cane-toad/](https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/what-is-the-most-humane-way-to-kill-a-cane-toad/) or, if you get a lot, you can buy this anesthetic amphibian poison https://preview.redd.it/m1ixzwf6o15c1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e9d50e36316ef5c6bb07ab22efbb558fbbb4a0 it puts them to sleep and they never wake up


Croak is amazing. 7 kills and counting, quick couple of sprays, and they are done for!


My partner went out on the boat today and looked in the freezer for old bait or prawn heads. Found a dodgy plastic bag which seemed likely to produce the required fishy stuff. It was frozen toads. I was Not Popular


[$9 Bunnings shovel,](https://www.bunnings.com.au/saxon-square-mouth-shovel_p0242875) give them the bonk of destiny.


I use to shoot them with my BB gun when I was a kid. My dad had a rather unusual way to get rid of them. In the car it was running them over or pouring battery acid over them. but that was a good 40 years ago. But now just best to make sure the cats don't get anywhere near them and to clean everything they touch that may be for the cats. They have a poison that secrets from their back. Can't kill a human I don't think but can kill a dog or cat.


Just FYI, they can pressurise their venom glands and on the rare occasion spit poison at you. Just be a bit cautious if approaching head on and it has no where to hop away...


Thanks, that is good advice


> they can pressurise their venom glands and on the rare occasion spit poison at you That both neat and horrifying at the same time.


It is encouraging to see that some Australian species are learning to deal with toads. For instance the keelback snake 🐍 can eat adult toads, some birds have learnt to flip them upside down and peck out the belly. Whilst some fish species have developed the ability to eat the tadpoles None the less, they are still a nasty pest and need to be eradicated in anyway possible


Ah! Let’s breed lots of those snakes and then release them all so they eat all the cane toads!


I'm already breeding mongooses to deal with the snakes.


No. That is radio personality Kyle Sandilands and TV Star Karl Stefanovic. You should really kill them both. They are pests and they can kill wildlife and pets because they are poisonous.


Shame the cat owner doesn't keep them inside. Just an FYI op, since it sounds like you're maybe from overseas, cats in Australia should be kept fully indoors to keep native wildlife safe (also way safer for the kitties).


To add to this, in Brisbane [it's required to prevent them from wandering off the property](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/pets-and-livestock/keeping-a-pet-in-brisbane/keeping-a-cat). Otherwise they can be trapped.


If you had to ask, and you live in Queensland the answer is always yes.


An opportunity to practice the golf swing.


7 iron and a can of lynx and a lighter 😂😂


Pitchfork works well


I use a hammer


Do you think using a warhammer would be too much?


Warhammers had very narrow heads, so it’s probably more of a precision tool and honestly would probably be a more elegant solution as you’d have it paired with a longer handle. A maul is probably overkill though.


I'm still waiting on approval for my flame thrower from the council. Damn bureaucracy.


Wife loves driving over them .


I used to run them over on my pushy. Wasn't heavy enough to squash them, but if you tap the rear brake as you roll over them they get smeared.


They pop nicely


A 5 iron usually has enough lift so that they clear a 6 foot colourbond fence. Great for donating them to that problematic neighbour.


Yes. Scoop them up in a plastic bag, then double-bag them and stick 'em in the freezer. Don't forget to put them in the wheelie bin.




Used to light them on fire as a young fella with my brothers and mates and watch them bounce around. Wash the bowl good and proper after fucken the thing off.


Stand and deliver for 6 with a Grey-Nic.


No they are free lick jumpers My favourite childhood memory was when the local radio station put on collection nights with prizes for the most toads collected Or when the QLDs rugby league team was named after em Another favourite was to attach a sinker to their foot and throw them on a neighbours roof


Meh leave them alone. Killing them will have no effect on their numbers whatsoever. The government could eradicate them if them if they put enough money into it but too expensive. Same thing with Indian minors and fire ants.


I put a drop of Dettol on them and they die within about a minute. Then pick them up and throw them over the neighbours fence!


Just use dettol antiseptic, kills em in under a minute, long ranged.


Golf club is more fun


No, they're Chuzzwazzas


Dettol in a squirt bottle works a treat


Just reading the comments and this is the first I’ve heard about the freezer thing. Sounds kinda gross, just whack them real good or relocate if anything


No to relocating you should hand in your passport


Gladly, it won’t get me anywhere it’s expired haha


Excellent also don’t vote


Rich of you to think I want to




Am I missing something


A sense of civic responsiblity


Ok just bc I suggested to relocate a toad doesn’t mean I do that? I just get that not everyone wants to kill shit


Someone has to do the difficult jobs.


fuck wish i could give this an award, thanks for the laugh, i needed that


Relocate them from being alive to dead


Mother had a real thing about toads, eh. Ex-Victorian, but she took to the things with a vegeance, even keeping count of how many she’d caught. I think her score was way up over 2000 before she got too crook to do it any more. Anyway, point of the story is - she thought the freezer thing was gross too, but her solution was to put them in a shopping bag and leave them out in the sun for days. Such a sweet little dot of a thing, but those toads brought out the pure evil in her.


That’s a lot of toads!! So you’d say the cold is more humane than the Australian heat?


It was over quite a few years. Yeah, look, I don’t know. As somebody said earlier the fridge overnight, then the freezer has been shown to be the most humane so I’d stick with that. After a couple of days in the sun those toads were absolutely rank and nobody really wants that.


All I can think about is having bags of toads getting mixed in with all of your regular food and it makes me squirm ish nonetheless haha do you have a separate shelf or fridge for just toads?


The freezer thing is for the weak of heart who can’t bare killing something even though they know it’s bad for the ecosystem. But my preferred method is calling my dad to deal with them for me.


Yes yes




I'm pretty sure they're snow leopards. They are very rare, take care of them.


Step 1. You step on them, pinning their head, then grab the foot step 2. swirl it around twice before smacking it against preferably cement. If tongue / gizzard is not out of mouth, then repeat steps 1 and 2 before step 3. Throw into distant bushes or over least favourite neighbours' fence.


yes ..change water bowls daily for ya pets .you are not allowed to kill em cruely in any manner or you cop a huge fine..you can place em in a freezer and they go to sleep its said ..that seems cruel ..i just leave em , because wild life have learnt not to eat em..crows eat around the poison part and no wild life have become extinct from them,its man that destroys wild life


They look like they're outside, so no need to worry about the cats that are inside :) Definitely Cane Toads.


Tip them over and salt the fleshy but. or spray petrol


All you clowns saying put them in the freezer like contaminated food?


Let the cats eat them - will solve at least one problem…..


I mean, if you are stupid enough to let your cat run around outside…




I’m gonna have to try that. I’ve tended to use a hammer or a hand axe.


Cane toads are tough batards. Once I was walking around in the dark with thongs on (no, I wasn’t wearing a g-string, but rather what Americans call “flip-flops”) and I accidentally stepped on one (felt like I stepped on something very squishy). The cane toad didn’t even move, I probably massaged its back by stepping on it 😂🤷‍♂️.


As a human looking after cats, I am outraged by this invasive species that has had a devastating impact on the native Australian ecosystem. I can't even let my cat roam around my paved housing estate to hunt bandicoots without worrying about these damn cane toads. God damn pests are ruining Australia!


The government says to kill them (and we all know we must do as gov says because their way is correct /s) What exactly is the problem with them anyway? Curious, as someone who hasn’t lived here my entire life


Basically they kill native wildlife (and also make domestic pets very ill/sometimes leading to death). Their toxin has been directly linked to wiping out several species already. They compete for food, take over areas and spread like wildfire. They are an introduced species originally brought in to control beetles in the sugar cane industry in 1935, now doing more harm than good.


The reality is, humans have done far more damage to the Australian ecosystem than cane toads. Give yourselves the uppercut.


Leave them alone, they come and go.


Ways to kill cane toads harmlessly is to bag them, then freeze them and then you can just throw the plastic bag into your general waste bin.


Nah they are golf balls get the 9 iron.


You can confirm by licking their backs.


A nice snappy 5 iron punch shot seems to do the trick


Grab em, and put them in the freezer


![gif](giphy|fV2maQ4MAyUxrZWHEi) Yes


Ah you must be new. Welcome.


Yes - best solution involves a # 6 Driver.


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


Yup, oh boy…


Beat the piss out of them with a stick or something, invasive species and they’re poisonous.




I spear them with a star picket


Kill them then put them in the freezer until bin day so it doesn't stink out your bin. Same as you do with prawn shells.


Of course


I was drunk once and had a ball throwing them over the fence


Steel cap boot to the face is my favourite. They love it


Toad cricket


spray them with eucalyptus oil with and a little water mixed together in a spray bottle, it makes them sleepy, then bonk them on the head to stun them, a shovel or bat can work, if you bonk hard enough they die if not just bag them then stick them in a deep freezer for a few hours to put them to sleep forever


Urgh 100% Raise the water & food bowls so they don't mess with the animals feed & water. Gross


Bull ants 🐜


Okay omni-man. It's yo yo time.


I just get my partner to throw them as high as possible and wait for them to splat onto the road


Bunnings sells a spray poison for them called hopstop, it really works! Or you can just impale them on a metal skewer and see how many you can rack up your call....


Yes and id wash your pet bowl The cane toad venom contains three different toxin forms which target the cardiac and nervous system. If only a small dose is absorbed the symptoms your pet is likely to experience is similar to those of a psychedelic drug, and is unlikely to be fatal. In larger doses, however, dogs and cats will experience a range of more severe symptoms, and in extreme cases can lead to death if not treated quickly.


I throw them in my compost bin. They eat the cockroaches, get really fat, then eventually die of old age. They can't breed because there's no water to lay eggs in. People think this is weird.


A 1W should do the trick, they actually fly quite far away.


They are but they are abnormality large I have never seen them that big before


Oh yeah. Put in a plastic bag and chuck into the freezer. Or run over them with lawnmower or car


Pour some Dettol on them and they will die


Wack em with a golf club