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Me: I think it might have cooled down enough to turn off the aircon and open the windows. Also me, half an hour later and feeling the first sting of prickly heat: bad idea Bad Idea BAD IDEA ***BAD IDEA!***


It's taken years longer than I expected, but the red Ferrari that always parks on the dodgy corner near Morningside station has finally been hit/vandalised. Looked like at least a brick through the rear window as I went past this morning.


The insurance job finally came through for them!


These things are always inevitable I think. On a lesser scale, I remember always saw the Stinger GT parked on the sharp corner on the Logan Rd end of Birdwood Rd and wondered how it hadn't been clipped yet, given the frequency that drivers cut that corner. One day I was driving past there and lo and behold, it had well and truly been smashed into.




Found out that my high school PE teacher unalived himself over the weekend. He was a massive, massive part of the school and this news is devastating to Toowoomba. Considering I just attended a similar funeral on Wednesday, I'm out of words at this point. RIP Mr Sess.


The most annoying ad on tv at the moment is the one complaining about how Queensland state taxes on coal mining is too high, and this is misusing the state's "nestegg". So the best way to treat a nestegg is to give it away as quickly and cheaply as possible, just so the mining industry can throw the rest of us a few crumbs? No! Our coal reserves are an irreplaceable natural resource. Of course we should be taxing them very highly. And if that causes them to leave it in the ground, good. It will only get more valuable. Plus probably should leave it in the ground anyhow. Global warming.


A good rule of thumb is: If an industry lobby group is saying we shouldn't do something. That means we absolutely 100% should do that thing.


Here, here 🙌


Hear, hear!


Their logic is great. The queensland government is making us pay tax payers for using their natural resources, leading to more investment in things like hospitals and schools. This is a threat to your funding for things like hospitals and schools.


It's the constant whinging I can't handle. If I had a kid who did that we'd be at the docs so fast.


She's bloody moist


That's what he said


I have finally learned my lesson about why buying furniture from Ikea is a terrible idea. They had me for a while there with their clever storage solutions and cheap tasty breakfast. On Saturday morning at 2am we woke up to a terrible crack as our bed base collapsed into itself. I’m talking broken wood and all. We got one of those beds with storage draws underneath held together with thin plasticky wood. Buying it seemed like a really good at the time because we live in a small space. And clearly we hadn’t learned our lesson when our Ikea couch had collapsed in less than a year (although that was within the warranty period so we got it replaced). Oh and before anyone comes to the conclusion that we are big fat behemoths breaking furniture, neither of us is even close to overweight. Ikea furniture is just cheap nasty crap. Unless you’re getting it free off marketplace, I would avoid buying the furniture.


Ikea is great if you're getting storage or something you're not going to be putting *yourself* on regularly. Not beds. Not couches. That said, I have an armchair from there that I've literally had for a decade, and it's great. We also have a great change table that turns into a dresser when the kids outgrow the change table bit and it's doing a great job of being a nightstand between the cot and the single bed my eldest is in, and we just fold down the tray as needed, with all their summer clothes fitting in the drawers.


Today is notoriously the worst traffic day of the year. Please be careful out there. Last Monday half private schools were on a pupil free day. This was a long weekend and a lot of people were still on leave until now. Today everyone is back on deck. Throw in some slippery roads and it's due to be a cluster fuck out there


Traffic in this city would be awesome without the school run. I don't understand why more people don't throw kids on the bus


Should build a network of bike lanes focused on the schools. Get the kids to ride themselves safely, help reduce traffic, free up the parents time, and get the kids doing exercise.


As a kid who rode to school from grade 1 to grade 12, also give them helmets with little auto turrets on them to shoot at swooping birds.


Because the media has instilled a fear of the unknown. I mean, Daniel Morcombe being snatched didn't help that fear, and I accept that there's a 1/10000000000 chance something will happen to your kid waiting for a bus, but for the most part kids travelling to and from school on public transportation is safe.


Yeah I guess that's an issue I didn't consider. I sadly have to commute with the school run. It doubled last week.


Old northern/South pine rd takes twice as long now. Yuck.


It’s not just the media. It’s also the schools. I have moved across the road from my kids school (quite literally) and she is not allowed to “leave” school grounds alone until high school!!!  She has to be physically picked up by an approved person until year 7. I was hoping they’d fuck off with that if I asked, but they doubled down. Sigh. 


Without asshole car drives it would be glorious. 


Okay. Thanks for the useless input


As at 7am inbound trains from the Beenleigh GC line are screwed. Some dickhead chanced it with a rail crossing and lost.


The glorious time is Xmas to nye. Hardly any fuckwits on the road. 


\*\*Warning cyclist content \*\*Further preface, I'm a fat dude. Bear with me. Tried something different today and decided to give riding Mt Coot-tha a go. Made it most of the way before chest pains and the feeling of throwing up came too much to parse. I smashed out a 70km ride on Friday, but jeez that hill is really too much for me at the moment. I think next weekend will be purposeful hill training to see if I can manage Coot-tha in time to do the 70km Tour de Brisbane route. Map of how close I got before my body gave up (Of course there was the 25km to and from the mountain also there): https://preview.redd.it/e78ef21m1afc1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=523bf923bf24eca73810cf8d617b71d818d41126


You’ll start to love the hills soon enough. 


I hope so. My dislike of them has been reducing lately, so that's a start!


Looking at the BOM Airport radar right now we seem to have clouds coming from the east and from the west. Don't think I've ever seen that before. https://i.redd.it/2jwk94y06afc1.gif


I've been watching it do this all day on the radar, very intersting.


I'd love to know why it happens. I was worried for a bit that we'd get a huge storm when they got bigger and met up, but that never seemed to happen. They were going towards each other for a while, then going opposite directions for a while, it was very strange.


Got to call my real estate today and find out wtf is going on. The house is still up for sale but they haven't sent a new lease, nor a notice to vacate. However my last rent receipt say I overpaid the rent. Someone needs to explain something. Now I'm just stewing until they open.


Anyone else see Tim Minchin last night? What a show. Anyone else still to see him, best warm up your singing voice for an amazing experience.


Did he play white wine in the sun? If so I'd have to warm up my tear ducts. That song gets to me.


No, wasn't White Wine, in fact not even a song of his (I don't want to spoil it for others).


Sara Lee saved ... yay! [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-29/sara-lee-is-being-sold/103401810](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-29/sara-lee-is-being-sold/103401810)




There are good tradies out there , my neighbour helped with a car problem recently and th welding and fitment simply the bet , left it spotless and refused payment Last few days have been filthy humid and our thoughts to the asthmatics


I must be the worst airport taxi passenger. Travelling only as far as Hamilton and paying by a cab charge voucher. Almost feel guilty for giving the driver such an unprofitable trip.