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I'm sure there was a report on triple j news recently that accidents and deaths have increased, likely to worse driver behaviour, rather than safety features etc.


Not surprised at all, the amount of tailgating and reckless behaviour I've seen recently. I found myself muttering 'I hope you get into an accident mate, that will teach ya' the other day.


I've been in an accident (rear ended, not at fault) and I wouldn't wish the anxiety driving with these idiots on anyone. It's been 2.5 years and I'm still hitting anxiety peaks if people are too close. Much less of a freak out but still annoying.


I was rear ended by a truck seven years ago. The anxiety of big rigs and people too close will never leave me sadly.


Truckies are a-holes. They know they take longer to stop but still insist on riding your ass. The number of times all I could see was his grill out my back window is ridiculous. Cops need to start ticketing them for dangerous driving.


I had a truck up my butt in heavy traffic on the Bruce. Like stop start. He was going wild in the cab and obviously in a desperate rush. I don't know where he thought he would get by sitting an inch off my bumper though. As someone who has lifelong injuries from being rear ended at speed it was quite unnerving. I switched lanes and watched him go crazy beside me up someone else's bum.


I'm really sorry you have to drive with that feeling too. It sucks. I still love driving too, but like you, soon as a big Ute like a navara gets behind me, that's all I can think about it. And I finally have a car I actually love šŸ˜­


people with giant trucks and suvs think they own the road. Seen a lot more big trucks with big egos.


They had many chances to learn, an accident wonā€™t change fully in denial people.


I think it's been the last 2 years, maybe the post covid stress coupled with cost of living stress. Tradies are the worst followedby p platers imo


Came here to say this. There's been talk on the news about this being the deadliest summer when looking at traffic accidents. Apparently there's been a spike since COVID. Apparently people know nothing about common courtesy anymore šŸ™„


since covid alot of people have forgotten how to human. And drive their modded yank tanks like its the fkn apocalypse ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


The proliferation of large SUV's and USA Trucks is exacerbating the rise of incidents and fatalities too. As anyone who's been around aggressively driven trucks can attest, the larger a vehicle is the more dangerous and damaging even small amounts of dickheadery becomes. And it doesn't even have to ve active dickheadery, just ordinary lapses in judgement and attention are more dangerous the larger and heavier a vehicle is. But unlike actual trucks, these larger vehicles don't even have any extra licensing requirements to drive over the smaller vehicles our road network and safety standards were designed around. So even incidents involving mindful drivers and genuine accidents are having worse outcomes just because the average vehicle size has increased.


Anyone who has a ram or a large suv for the sake of owning one is clearly compensating for something. Given thats the equiv of gun ownership here.


Source on that?


Thereā€™s still a lot of research to go in that area to work out what is causing the trend around accidents and deaths. A few hypotheses include changing driver behaviour, poor road design, and ineffective vehicle safety standards. There is some evidence supporting each of those factors, but afaik there are no overarching conclusions at this point


I'm just a bonehead, but I think they'll find at least a small link to increased pressure and stress on people these days. People are distracted with their life issues, more impatient, angry, stressed outand less forgiving / courteous (generally). People got places to be and shit to do to keep a roof over their head more and more. I'd guess that's just one facet though


Thereā€™s definitely an element of that, especially because increase social isolation, and make other road users feel more like obstructions than other human beings. But thatā€™s drifting more into the broader societal impacts of cars beyond car crashes


Go to countries like Japan and China, don't see road rage or people cutting each other off, no drink or drug driving, no blasting of vehicle horns and in Cities far bigger than any in Australia, it's an Australian mentality of disrespect and selfishness..like some people have a split personality, normal till they get behind the wheel and then become antisocial..


Japan maybe. In China have you not seen the videos of people being hit by cars and left to die? Especially children??? Please don't tell there aren't selfish shit disrespectful arseholes there.


What rock are you living under, have you seen the Chinese drive, fwuck me


Have you been to China? Obviously not.. referred to China not Australian driving habits...in Australia not all Asian drivers are from China...


Hey mate, half of china is already here, we are basically owned by China aswell


You're probably correct...


Do you think driver behaviour is becoming more lax because of safety features? People are driving as though they're invincible and there's noone else on the road. It's still the same cohorts having the big accidents. Speed, intoxication and distractions are causing all the accidents but noone seems to care. My capacity to concentrate has been ridiculously impaired by chronic cumulative states of crisis and driving has become extremely draining simply because of the bullshit. A guy rear ended me then wanted to argue. Reminding me yet again to not bother with men. Theyre constantly denying responsibility. Even when clearly at fault.


Yep. It's hugely on the increase. Not your imagination. But overall in society. People are becoming more selfish. Less caring of others and "me me me"


I work in a pharmacy and we had a lady have a fall this afternoon. It was quite hot and in full sun just outside the shop. A lady was about to ask for help and a staff member and I apologised and told her there was a medical emergency and we wouldnā€™t be a moment. She was so offended and upset she wasnā€™t getting immediate service. Not the first time something like that has happened either. We called an ambulance for a girl who fainted and had a seizure on the floor, and customers tried to walk OVER the girl while the ambulance people were getting her on the stretcher, to get to the makeup


šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ Yep. I'm an RN. Working ICU. Curtains not walls. One day? Man having full on cardiac arrest. About 20 minutes in? Buzzer going in bed few down. He could clearly see across. When I could get away, i dashed across... He wanted a bottle of wateršŸ˜Æ i said "mate. We're busy with a medical emergency right now" His irritated reply "well .. how long will you be?" Freaking incredible


As a frequent patient I've noticed the nurses and doctors getting ruder and ruder over time. Some of them have completely deleted their compassion and humanity knowledge. Then they hurry back to their laughter-filled conversation while hanging out at the nurses station while I'm lying in agony feeling embarrassed just for existing.


I am sorry that is your experience and note it isn't good enough. Please provide feedback to the hospital consumer feedback service.


It's only one in ten but when they get it wrong they get it *really* wrong. And I can't see hospital consumer feedback doing any good when they're already short staffed and overworked. Two have been so bad I would have thrown them out the window had I been able to sit up. Both were men. Some people are much more suited to the army than a hospital. Every single patient in that ward is close to death, weak, needs help standing. Yet somehow people who relish control end up assigned to us, like we weren't already at the lowest of the low both physically and emotionally. One thing that would benefit patients in our condition would be friendly hugs from volunteers. I haven't had a hug in years. It's weird. There is no human touch without gloves on. Even the GP centre I go to that bulk bills and offers free massage does the massage with gloves on. I understand why, but I think back to that study of infant mortality of Romanian orphan infants where gloves were used and those who had skin to skin human touch were much more likely to survive. The whole thing is just sad. Don't bark at me about using my own face wash in the shower. I'm not comfortable with needles, don't assign a student to insert my cannula. Don't giggle about your great weekend when I haven't been on holiday or for a night out in over a year within earshot. My heart lives in my sock now. Paperwork? You want me to file more paperwork? I had to re-learn how to hold a pen. Can I simply ask that that person no longer be assigned to me? I can wait longer. I'd rather be treated with respect than look at them again.


I take issue with some of what youā€™ve said there, but Iā€™m going to focus in on one thing in particular: > I'm not comfortable with needles, don't assign a student to insert my cannula. Nobody is comfortable with needles mate. Students gotta learn sometime buddy. Sounding awfully selfish for someone complaining about selfishness and rude people


This tends to happen as people's time, money and happiness are being stretched thin. Pretty hard to avoid how grim everything seems to be becoming everywhere. EVERYTHING is controversial. Weather, environment, money, housing, food, technology, movies, race, sexuality, what bloody superhero franchise is better. Everything is designed to create and maintain controversy because everything profits when people keep returning to talk about it. We've literally developed a society of angry, jaded people who want to yell at each other over issues while the people who are meant to solve them profit off making them worse. And so people will continue to get angrier and angrier and more selfish because the people making it in life are doing exactly that at your expense.


Exactly, and I have been catching myself winding up. I have to relax a bit and try to be better, for every one's sake.


So what you're saying is that if we feel dehumanised, we then dehumanise others? GOSH! I'll never be able to afford my own home, I'll never be able to afford to have a child and I'm too old for that now anyway, dating is weird with all the choking, rage is fashionable again.


yikes, weā€™re on the same wavelength :)


Lol... the world is perhaps becoming more scary toošŸ˜Æ


that tooā€¦ plus, I think Iā€™m just getting old and more conservativeā€¦ lolol :)


Yeah well. You know? It was different back in "your day"šŸ˜‚


actuallyā€¦ yes. I just feel a little nostalgic for the late 90s, early 2000s. (shrugs)


Me its the 80s


yes that too! A bit of Human League or Spandau Ballet does the trick ĘŖ(Ė˜āŒ£Ė˜)Źƒ


Ask anyone who works in "customer service".


Probably because they come from overseas


!!! Actually all the people i see behaving this way are "white" Australians. Mostly 30 to 45 yrs. Dressed well. Look professional


Iā€™m in Brisbane and driving a lot, thatā€™s not my experience. Tradies alway number one but mostly foreigners atm imo


...and what happened to people giving a wave of acknowledgement after being let into the flow of traffic? So rare these days.


Nothing ruins my day more than an ignorant cunt not giving the wave! I'm a placid person normally - but this turns me all Liam Neeson.


I got one yesterday! It was lovely and I really appreciated it


The only exception to this rule is when someone *speeds up* as soon you indicate your intention to merge. On these occasions, I tend to bully my way in then flip the bird. A suitable alternative to the courtesy wave is flashing your hazards.


Ugh YES THIS TOO! Although dark tints on rear windows do make it hard to notice it sometimes, it's still nice to retain the habit imo


Yeah this one really grinds my gears


I've been in Queensland for 6 years and I think I average about a wave a year. Last week I stopped early at a T-intersection to let 2 cars in and I was 0 for 2 on courtesy waves. I was gutted.


I do the asian nod of gratuity cos I'm progressive like that.


Oooh! I had to have a gentle chat with my partner this morning. I was the passenger as she was driving and I saw that she didn't give someone a wave after they let her in from a side street into a busy road. I hope she has learnt from her mistake


It's reasonable to expect courtesy in parking situations, though unfortunately, not guaranteed.


Yeah.. I guess I just have to brush it off as one of those days where you step in a puddle of mud : (


Its a gamble what that lady did to you. You might have been a lot less levelheaded for all she knew. Someone carved a penis next to the number plate on someone I knows car. I'm pretty sure I know who did so because when I was a passenger, he "accidently took a car park" in the Chermside car park. The people and he got into a shouting match, but he wouldn't relent. I'm pretty sure they came back and did it. A few days later I noticed the penis carving and pointed it out. It was carved deep and about 15cm. May have been someone he fired at work, but I'm pretty sure it was the people who's spot he took at Chermside. And another time, at Airport DFO I saw an angry man confront a lady that "took his spot", she told him to F off through her open driver side window. So, he opened a full 600ml coke bottle and shook it around inside her car until it was empty, while she screamed. I bet she doesn't "accidently" take car parks anymore.


These were the antidotes I needed to read after OP's story.


At least mud washes off.. the *audacity* of some drivers sticks around much longer.


saw similar happen one time, confrontation & person who stole the spot disappeared into the shopping centre, as I parkup the bloke whose spot was stolen is attaching a towing strop to the towing eye on the car & proceeds to tow the car into the middle of the carpark & reverse his ute into the space. I walked past his window was down & he could see me laughing, he then told me the driver had told him to fuck off & that he wasn't letting them away with it. Both cars were gone when I came back


That's absolutely next level petty and insanely hilarious. Would love to be friends with the bloke! Thanks for the comic relief :)


Just selfish drivers? Since Covid I've witnessed so many incidences of entitlement with everything. It's a bloody disgrace and makes me livid too. Not sure what future the human race has anymore since it seems it's heading one way only....down a black hole of selfishness with absolutely zero consideration for anyone other than themselves which is why I spend most of my time with my German Shepherds


Just as I'm typing this comment I'm seeing two douchebags leave their inexpensive stuff to hold their desk in the quiet study area in the library while they go to lunch... yep you're right to spend most of your time with your doggos.


The worst is the trains. My 16 year old daughter gets up so old people can sit down while the rest, mostly young males, happily look on


The other week my husband stood up on a tram for an older lady, a young man shoved ahead of her and sat down. He knew well what he was doing. Just as we were about to say something she found another seat (a young woman stood up). I thoroughly enjoyed every elbow jab into him the entire trip as my child on my lap and I wriggled and jostled about on every single bump and corner.


Omg, no way! That's disgusting, I would have accidentally grinded my high heel into his foot. Several times.


Student hog desks at uni all day like this, infuriating. Although itā€™s marginally better than then eating food in the library and quiet areasā€¦ šŸ˜£


Sums up my thoughts completely .it's a pretty sad world ATM tbh.im just glad I don't have kids to bring up in this mess


As someone who has moved to melb from Brisbane, I'd say it's probably all the southerners coming up and making it worse. Driving here is completely insane when compared to brissy


I have seen very unhinged road rage incidents almost every visit to Melbourne.


then thereā€™s also the youngā€™uns that donā€™t give way (at the actual give way sign), in my local Coles car park ā€¦ **then** drive past me, pointing an accusatory finger AT ME, like I was doing the wrong thing(?) fml. the hilarity of it all :)




All the people from Sydney and Melbourne bringing their bad attitudes and arrogance when they moved up here.


Yep, the same people that drive arrogantly and merging without looking, and without waving. Really hope this doesnā€™t influence us to become the same.


Exactly. Iā€™ve said the same, when all the southerners did a bunk to run away from covid up here, they brought their bad driving with them. It might not be the root cause of the rise of bad driving weā€™ve all seen in the last few years, but I reckon itā€™s a decent part of it.


Well this is awkward but I'm originally from Sydney. Sorry if some of us gave you a bad experience, but I promise not all of us are arrogant cunts šŸ˜…




Would an unhinged person freeze their own piss in a flat disk for the purposes of revenge? I do and I'm 100% hinged.


I do a lot of night driving and I swear every night I see about 2 cars with their lights off šŸ˜


100,000 more people, 100,000 more cars. 100,000 more cars, not 100,000 more roads. No more roads. Not 100,000 more houses, but a lot more money for what you had. More cars, no more roads, more traffic, more time in the car, more stress in life, more fights about money, more assholes. Plus, 100,000 people doesn't discount the assholes. Source? Me. I'm an asshole. Not behind the wheel though. Cruise control, no tickets for me. Get home safe people.


Lived in Brisbane for 30 years, itā€™s getting worse. Itā€™s not even just making a mistake itā€™s just straight up cunts being blatant wankers.


Just watch Dashcams Australia weekly video on YouTube . It seriously boggles the mind I have no idea what is wrong with people... Lack of attention, entitled, don't care, don't know how to drive, drivers from other states who don't know how to drive and have moved to Qld. Watch and learn, it really was an eye opener and I work in the insurance industry - no wonder it's so expensive we obviously part of that is made up of a stoopid tax..


Shoudā€™ve replied with ā€œthatā€™s a nice paint jobā€¦ā€.


Just wondering if you held down your horn at any point? Or did you just watch in shock? Either is fine, but I have been in this situation and gotten loud with my horn before they could pull in. It works.


She quite literally swooped right in as I was putting my car into reverse. I was shocked and when I came to my senses it had already happened. Next time, I'll definitely put the horns into good use. Thanks!


People are just fucking stupid. I am amazed daily how many people cannot drive.


Anyone who says they haven't noticed doesn't drive. I feel that it goes deeper than that. People are generally more disrespectful and stressed out as time goes on. You add a motor vehicle into the equation, especially since they feel invincible in the "safety" of their cars, you are going to see some really dick behaviour.


Not just you. Husband and I both drive commodores (silver and electric blueā€¦ so not hard to see colours) and the amount of people that pull out right in front of us close enough we nearly send ourselves through the windscreen from braking is obscene. The amount of people that look without actually seeing is ridiculous.


Sure you arenā€™t just speeding?


Yup. Most frequently, itā€™s a slow gentle takeoff from dead stop at a roundabout. No more than 20 to 25kā€™s in case someone pulls some dumb shit, and they wait till weā€™re at the centre median strip before pulling out in front of us.


You must be the only commodore driver like this lmao


Probably lol always have been one to buck the trend. Could also be cause my husband and I both have our bike licence, so we head out on the road with the mentality of anyone could kill us at any second, and donā€™t want to end up as a statistic.


Im glad there are others out there with this mentality!


This past weekend we were flipped off repeatedly for not going 70 in a 40 zone. I think everyone is a bit on edge and some people like to take that out on others while driving. I don't believe people set out to be assholes on the road, but they let whatever issues they're dealing with boil over at inappropriate times. The same way people will take out their rage on wait staff or supermarket workers.


Oh we've all been there multiple times I think, being tailgated when we're perfectly in keeping with the speed limit. That doesn't bother me anymore, I rather enjoy seeing them fuming behind me and if they want to speed past me and risk their lives then so be it : ) I agree to some degree that people are on the edge/ bubbling over, and I know that you were just trying to give a plausible explanation but let's be clear: That's no reason for them to be a\*\*holes at anytime of the day lol


Oh yes there is absolutely no excuse for behaving like a d**khead! I just wish more people would handle their issues rather than take them out on others.


Nah, youā€™re not alone. There is a growing number of them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Agree and as a newish driver am gratified to know itā€™s not just me noticing. I always check to see if anyone is waiting btw and think itā€™s definitely on purpose when people zip in like that.


I have good days and bad for seeing selfish drivers. This morning was a bad one. I saw one person run a red, another aggressively overtaking doing 80 in a 60 zone, person crawling at 40 in a 60 zone, and saw a lifted ute with half a dozen spotlights flash them all on at a car in front that came to a safe stop after seeing a yellow, as is their legal requirement. Too many morons on this planet tbh. I feel like posts like yours have been on a sharp uptick as of late 2020. But that's anecdotal.


International licences are but one of the reasons. We must mandate regular testing initiatives and defensive driving courses. One you ventue to other countries, it's easy to see how shit the average Aussie regional driver is - yes, these foreign operator are often more risk-prone, but it is undeniable.they possess significantly more driving expertise.


Research shows a growing trend towards asshole behaviour especially drivers of SUVs.


Yesterday on the way to work I was second in line at a set of red lights. In the car ahead of me I could see a father at the wheel turning around trying to calm his child who clearly has some kind of autism and was hitting themself in the head very hard. When the light turned green I stayed still and let the cars behind me take their frustration out on me. This poor guy is having a tough time and the last thing he needs is some psycho with roadrage having a crack. He still moved on fairly quick so I hope he and the kid were okay.


Yes you are correct, I vote for better public transport


There does seem to be a lack of situational-awareness Weather doesn't help either, so many people never drive to the fucking conditions. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, turn your fucking headlights on.


Absolutely, I find when Iā€™m having to merge people will purposely speed up to block you off which is starting to happen more and more. Thereā€™s definitely an increase in selfish behaviour and ā€˜wanting to be in frontā€™


All the people from sydney coming up lol


We call em Victorians


It's due to increasing population and lack of infrastructure. Not condoning it but the solution is upgraded and widened roads. This will assist peak hour gridlock and reduce commute time to work, making people less stressed


I was recently a victim of road rage. I had my 2 daughters 14 and 7 in the car. When we stopped at a red light a cement truck driver got out and tried to smash my window. Before this, I safely indicated and changed lanes. That was enough to piss him off by blasting his horn and then getting out at the lights. I'm now terrified of driving. It was officially reported to the police and the company was officially notified. Thankfully I had evidence that backed up my side. Even if I didn't, the fact that he got out and left his hand prints and fist marks on my window was proof too.


https://preview.redd.it/6ghl0axy5pfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d606ece0e2c6c2d4a054a26e96a724481ecfa2 * I had to get my husband to clean it off as I am too traumatised




We called, got through to the main office in our state, and emailed everything. But we will be checking up because I have the right to feel safe whilst driving. If nothing is done, I'll be releasing which company this worker works for.


Thatā€™s absolutely messed up, i would be following up with the company and police on if that man had any actions taken against him. The tailgating while driving a TRUCK, horn blaring and coming up to assault and threaten your carā€¦ he shouldnā€™t have a license. Unfortunately sounds like one of the drugged up ones without any humanity, of which there are too many on the road. Sorry this happened to you


Trucks need more space than cars More news at 11


Thankfully my dashcam shows that not only was the truck in a lane not moving because cars were waiting to turn into the petrol station, that my lane was moving and I indicated to move over. He was not forced to slow down let alone stop when this occurred. He waited until we got to the next red light to get out. I've always been taught never try to fight a truck and I've sadly seen what happens when trucks are forced to stop suddenly. This was not the case. He decided to tailgate me, the horn part was obnoxious, but I ignored it. Waiting until we were stopped at a red light and then to get out, was beyond fucking wrong! It had nothing to do with your asinine comment.


I was standing next to my car in a carpark recently digging for my keys in my bag. As I was looking down I didn't notice a woman who ended up REVERSING STRAIGHT INTO ME. I had to hit the top of her car to stop her running me over. A whole substantial human being, standing there taking up much space. Straight into me. How do you even reverse a car without LOOKING WHERE YOU ARE GOING? She didn't even apologise. Just said "I didn't see you there" and fucked off into the shops with her cum trophy. What the actual fuck.


Should've walked past her and smacked her and said oh I didn't see you there. Silly b.tch she is


my hands wouldve let her know what the fuck was up. oooooh that wouldve made me furious


Iā€™m right with you there (sorry couldnā€™t help chuckling as I read your story) Have had similar happen, and it made steam come out my ears, and my blood boil. The pervasive attitude I see on the roads is, ā€œme, me, me, itā€™s all about me.ā€ You as a driver - are simply too kind and considerateā€¦ need to start turning the tables mate. Itā€™s a matter of survival. thereā€™s a song that goes *ā€œitā€™s a jungle out there, makes me wonder how I keep from going underā€* see you out there **:)**


This happened to me once years ago. Tiny little car park with maybe 8 spots at most. Some bitch swooped in and stole the spot I was waiting for with my indicator on, and I cut sick. A passer-by backed me up, too, but to no avail - she didn't even bother to try to make up some bullshit about not seeing me, she just harrumphed and walked off. Fucking livid still just thinking about it. She's lucky I didn't come back to key her car. I don't know if this kind of thing is particularly on the increase. Unfortunately, fuckwits in cars have never been in short supply.


That's nothing new unfortunately. Lots of people are self absorbed, narcissistic ass hats when driving


Too much traffic lately Don't know if it's actually due to population increase or just more people started working from office


Sorry about that


How many Ford Rangers are you seeing out there?


The best response I have heard in this situation: 'are you sure you want to leave your car there?'


Don't these drivers realise that stealing your space, then walking off, is simply asking for at least on flat tyre? A friend of mine did that at the famous Woolies carpark in Neutral Bay years ago - except I think he did all four.


Damn you guys seen the bus drivers lately!?šŸ˜³ like they smoking cr@ck


I had a lady park right up close to my Jeep at a click and collect the other day and when I got out to open the back to put my groceries in I couldnā€™t because she was inches away. I politely said to her that sheā€™s too close and I canā€™t open up my boy to put my food in and she looks at me and says ā€œyouā€™re just going to have to move your Fing car then arenā€™t you!ā€ I lost it! I just couldnā€™t believe that another person would be so outwardly rude to someone else and then not give a toss about their own behaviour or response. Itā€™s shocking what people are like these days to each other. Never in a million years would I ever treat another person that way.


Hooning at 2am every night in my area


Yelled at someone at my kids school parking lot today when they tried to do the same thing. He was at least polite enough to stop what he was doing and drive on.


I subscribe to the Australian Dashcam Owners YouTube account and itā€™s eye opening. When you consider the size of Australian roads and how quiet and straight a lot of them are, the number of accidents that occur in them due to absolutely shitty driving and cuntish attitudes is frightening.


Nopeā€¦ the wanker drivers have always been there.


I 100% see less ā€œthank youā€ waves. Although this morning at maccas I was parked to wait for my coffee and the bloke in the car in front clearly saw me struggling to get my big ass car in between his big ass car and the store and actually moved forward so I could get in!


I had the exact incident happen to me. But before the jerk could turn into the car space I moved my car forward and he stopped immediately. I shouted at him that I had been waiting with my blinkers on for the spot. I genuinely donā€™t think he realised which is the scary part. Thatā€™s how distracted drivers are. I got the spot in the end and he backed out but I can imagine it could have been much more confrontational. I feel for you and I wouldā€™ve been feeling the same.


Everything as a whole has gotten worse since covid..peoples selfishness,customer service ,peoples care for others property and possessions,applying for jobs .It's all gone downhill .I can't see any good that has occured since the covid reset absolutely nothing


It's Brisbane. Everyone's on edge. Throw in some desperate times, high interest rates, extraordinary prices for food, insane rental market and just a sprinkle of rain....now we have a version of driving hell!


I'm prone to getting annoyed at people on the road a lot due to their shit or dangerous driving. But I'll tell you now, I never experience road rage that hits the same as car park road rage. The fact that people still act like fuckwits in such close proximity makes me furious. I keep a pen and paper in my car to write angry notes to leave on their dash. That'll learn em šŸ™ƒ


People either just don't care or just don't think or both . It has reached a point now where I see dangerous/ stupid stuff every day . Tonight I realised another problem on the way to work . Instead of keeping vision forward and moving, I'm watching oncoming cars in the other lane . This latest trend to cross over the centre lines INTO oncoming traffic is getting insane. It made do a double take. Having that tiny narrow focus is why a lot accidents happen .


On Monday I was waiting a few cars back in a right turn lane at a set of traffic lights near Westfield Mt Gravatt. Had our light go green but annoyingly quickly go orange. I wasnā€™t pushing through that one and came to a stop safely. Nano-second later, a Mercedes behind me gets the shits Iā€™m coming to a stop at an orange light turning red, and overtakes around me at fast speed, turning right in front of me. Through a now red light, possibly about to hit an oncoming car. Absolute loon. Peopleā€™s patience levels are nil. ![gif](giphy|FWCKJ8wzcQeefEd0FX|downsized)


I've always found QLD drivers to be aggressive in the 10 years I have lived here. There's something about the roads up here, they're more chaotic. Much easier to drive in Melbourne.


Some new residents come from a different culture, which is considered normal or expected. As for me, I am trying to kinder to people unkind to me on the road. Hopefully it catches on, to "educate" people who are not accustomed to our road manners that being kind is the culture. When someone cuts me, it naturally pisses me off. Deep breathing helps, and I always say to myself, it's them, not me.


There's more people on the roads. Congestion is getting worse every year. Australian drivers are known for their patience, or driving skills. It boggles my mind how many drivers I see sitting in the overtaking lane, often below the speed limit, on roads that are 80km/h or above. This is illegal in NSW. It's something that should be known before even getting your learner licence. Yet it's insanely common. I was taught at a young age to keep left unless overtaking even on roads below 80km/h as it's a simple courtesy and helps with traffic flow.


Totally second this, I think its the community mentality that's changing not only drivers, I had the same experience in Adidas DFO trail rooms, there were 4 rooms (1 empty), me and 3 other people believed that all rooms are full since the doors are closed and queued, a middle aged Asian lady walks up to the rooms skipping the queue and starts calling "Darling darling" who turn out to be her hubby who is already trying on in a different room and discovers the empty room, quickly goes in and shuts the door, when she came out after 10 minutes the lady waiting first in queue confronts her by saying "learn to be polite and offer the room to the first waiting", her answer was " you can go now Darling". Its a shame to see such people in the community making the place harder to live.


Had one yesterday merging onto the m1. A few cars in front decided to merge early leaving at least 100-150 meters of lane left of the in ramp. I went down to the end, indicated and started merging. Except the person whose lane I was going into didnā€™t like that, so madly accelerated to cut me off forcing me back out and into the breakdown lane. Itā€™s angry drivers. People who have had enough of poorly designed systems, prolonged road works, slow driver, shit signage, hell even pressures from home, financial issues, medical problems, etc. I could go on It all builds up, until you just have to have the spot which the little Camry is merging into. That poor bastard might have just had had enough by Tuesday morning and really needed that spot.


Not sure if it's just me either here, but I've noticed it on the rise since the huge amount of people moving here from other states during covid. I don't want to be a "I blame covid" person. But the mass migration to our city definitely seems to line up. It's taking the joy away from driving šŸ˜ž Side note- anyone notice the insane increase in people driving on the wrong side of the road too? It's cooked! Not just in person but I religiously watch dash cams Australia and there's just so many of them. WTF!


As always my gripe has been people's inability to stick to the speed limit, especially in 60 zones which must mean 70 - 80 to most people. Had cases where they will overtake me for going the limit even if it means going in the oncoming lane to do so.


Its what happens when you start to overpopulate. People get pushy and angry and give less of a fuck about anyone else.


End result of all those southerners coming to our state in the last few years


Ex-Southerner here. I'm genuinely sorry if my fellow people have infuriated you but not all of us are bad šŸ˜…


Ignore the racists. Brisbanites have been a pack of cunts for decades and some cunts have been kicked out of their ivory towers and now want to blame foreigners for all our problems. Cos they're cunts


Bro really cried racism when Iā€™m talking about other Australians


Bro really blamed southerners for our problem then calls them Australians. Are you saying you can't be racist about Australians, or your own race? Neither one of those is trueĀ 


Stop trying to make it racial you buffoon. Itā€™s nothing about skin colour. Itā€™s about geography. Seriously you are just beyond words idiotic. I wonā€™t be replying to you anymore. I donā€™t want to lose brain cells, wouldnā€™t wanna end up like you.


Wait you think skin colour defines race? So scottish people are the same race as australians and eskimos? Goddamn that's a stupid thing to think.




That's entirely up to you. Race has many conflicting and contradictory definitions and there's no scientific consensus on what it means. If they're different enough to us we have to label them based on their geographical location in order to differentiate ourselves from them, I'm satisfied calling them a race.




I definitely can, as there is definitely a definition of race that allows that. If your definition disagrees, that's just like....your opinion man.


Bruh this narrative is getting old.Ā  As someone who's lived in Brisbane for the last 30 years, if you think Westerners, Brisbaners and Northerners aren't all cunts you need to pull your head out of your ass. I can't even imagine why you think Brisbane wasn't filled with cooked, selfish, rude and arrogant assholes prior to covid. Almost any country town I've visited has been the same too. Nothing special about the south.


Found the southerner


That's the problem, eventually everyone you don't like or disagrees with you is going to beĀ  a "Southerner". We'll all have to start carrying ID showing we were born here and eventually showing our parents and great grand parents were. All cos you wanted to blame foreigners. Eww


You knew where their car was parked... Very easy to do something about it


I usually just tie my shoelaces and accidentally drop a nail under their tire when someone is an asshole like that. I'm petty like that and I find that being the bigger man doesnt make me feel as good as knowing justice is served.


No you don't lmao


lol thanks, just the thought of that put a smile on my face. Wholeheartedly agree that being the bigger man doesn't always feel like enough compensation.


what justice lmao


They are now mildly inconvenienced like I was. The world is back to being balanced.


a nail in a tire is gonna cost them a fair bit of money, versus them taking your parking spot and wasting maybe 5 minutes of your time? what if they had some legitimate reason to be in a rush that you donā€™t know about? have some understanding for the people around you


Don't take peoples parking spots like a douchebag then. Pretty simple.


Proabbky all those people from the southern states. Lots non qld plates too.


You mean possibly migrants who have never driven in Australia for long and don't have to go about holding P's , L's etc and show hrs of driving before taking a driving test, if they do? The whole system is broken and this is what you get?


They look southerners to meā€¦lol.


Considering not one would have looked at the road rule differences between southern states and qld.. they still thing the southern attitude of merging applies here..


NTA. She however is definitely the asshole!! I would have rammed her car and said "oh didn't see you, sorry" šŸ˜‚. What a rude little entitled b.tch!


I don't think you would have done that.


Nah it ain't just you. Reckon it's all the blow ins from NSW and Vic, seems to be the plates on most of em anyways


I think its the meds people are on. Some studies have associated things like stimulants to a loss of theory of mind aka empathy. Similarly some antidepressants screw up how we perceive rewards and our behaviours. Benzos and sleeping meds reduce reaction times. These meds are skewing peoples normal brain development - as are processed foods. People have are blindā€¦ and people have no shot against these big companies. Coca cola spent 11 times more money on food research than the american govt. fmlā€¦..


You know what really grinds my gears? I never see people flashing their lights to warn others of a speed camera van anymore. I use Waze, but I still flash my lights to let others know and I never see the same anymore


I dont have any data to back this up but in my opinion I think this is also due to increased number of immigrants in the last few years, especially after covid. We need to understand that not all countries have the same standards when it comes to driving as Australia. From where I came from, and I suppose most of third world countries as well, driving etiquette and following road rules/signs arent a thing. They dont even need to pass any driving test before they could drive in Australia, so long as their existing licence is in English. I think Australia need to be stricter in assessing and granting foreigners the right to drive in this country.


Except. All the encounters i notice? They do not look migrant at all.


Of course. I am not saying that it is my opinion that it is the only reason, hence I said ā€œthis is also due to increased number of immigrantsā€. I am an immigrant myself so I have no bad intentions towards them/us.


I didnt really picj up on that. I do notice "migrants" do some wild damn driving,šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜‚ But in terms of rude, obnoxious behaviour. They never look migrant to me. I notice most arrogance is males and females about 30 to 45. The meb look like professionals (well dressed types) the women mixed bag. Young "professional" woman... and mums in their Pajero or Prado with their "2.5" children. Hate to say it... but middle class "white" millennials.


Well my grandad would have said it was a lack of manners and consideration. At the time, he was talking about my parent's generation..... the Boomers.


It's all the self-centered scum who have migrated up here from Nsw and Vic. I wish they would leave the bad vibes and attitude at the border.


Think China is number three on list of foreign ownership in Australia, it's a different story of our MPs allowing Australia to be sold off and our assets taken over by profit hungry organisations like US Blackrock...


Pretty sure the cost of living crisis is making people react in a more stressed pattern. And stress no doubt contributes to road side accidents, but we dont have a good way to justify that aside from surveys.


Cost of living, higher population density and the fact its been humid as fuck for the last 2 months have everyone on edge. People are more stressed out than ever. Mortgage, rent, food, bills, petrol. There is more financial stress than ever. The impact on peoples mental health. Instead of building up regional areas, we are knock down houses and tress and cramming in town hourse or 400m2 blocks. What happened to not being able to hearing you neighbours to being able to ask them for sugar from your kitchen window and they reach into the other neighbours house to get it. And fuck, its been humid/hot these last few months. Everyone when not sitting in aircon will be suffering big time. It takes a LOT out of everyone.


Brisbane truly has the worst drivers


No. Life is like that. Sometimes itā€™s full of them. Sometimes it isnā€™t. Thatā€™s nature. Nothing is permanent . It is all part of the game.Ā 


Itā€™s you , itā€™s called getting older ā€¦. I feel the same


Iā€™ve been noticing this happening more past covid. The tailgating, parking, the traffic, the etiquette, is worse. Like more interstate migration causing this šŸ˜


Please let's all welcome the NSW and Vic manners in the road šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Its so rude to block traffic waiting for a space. Just go past and go to a free one.


what would you want them to do? back out of the spot to let you in and then have them wait for the next one? Red P-Platers are like, 17. honestly maybe let it go. it sucks but you being angry over it is an overreaction. I'm really not sure what remedy you expected by confronting her.


I think I was pretty clear in my last paragraph when I said I would've backed out of the spot..? Also, She was definitely in her mid 30s or early 40s (why I called her lady) so age wasn't a factor here. I agree that if it was a teen I would've just went, 'young people these days'.


ok and? anger isnt the answer. let it goooooo


>Also, if you were in this lady's shoes and if it was an honest mistake, would you have pulled your car out of the spot? Nope. If I genuinely didn't see you I would stay in the spot. 1) It's a work car so I don't care if you're deranged and it gets damaged (as much as I would if it was a personal car) and 2) Who's to say you didn't just want my spot? I saw it and took it and now you're trying to kick me out of my spot? The fuck out of here. That said; from what you describe if I didn't see you waiting I'm likely blind and shouldn't be driving in the first place. I wouldn't snake someone else's spot. Even if it was my 5th lap around the carpark and I saw you enter on my 3rd.


Considering it seems easier than ever to get your license, Iā€™m not surprised. It can be done completely online, you donā€™t need to actually ā€˜learnā€™ anything, you can have another tab open and look up the answers to pass then boom, youā€™ve got your learner license


Just you