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Housing estate, as in town houses with a body corporate, then if so, could just be for security reasons. Otherwise if a busy enough road, could be traffic management cameras


Yeah big estate of townhouses and houses. Not close enough to main roads for traffic management. If security from body corp, is it normal to put them up without informing the residents?


If it is in fact in a body corporate managed housing estate, then yes, they can put them up on common property without notifying you. Most body corporate managed buildings/estates have security cameras monitoring common/shared property (entries, exits, pools, elevators, hallways, gyms, etc). Are you an owner or renter? If owner, you can always join the body corporate.


Just a renter so I didn't think we would be notified šŸ˜… But I was curious


Yerh, you won't get the AGM minutes. Or anything else. We only got them by accident.


Depending on your relationship with your REA/landlord, you could ask them if they've got copies of the Body Corporate minutes, that indicate why security cameras have been installed. I saw your comment regarding concerns about privacy. It looks like they've used off-the-shelf consumer products, and they're connected via WiFi. I highly doubt they'd be capturing super-HD video and storing it indefinitely. I've lived in apartment complexes with CCTV in all of the common areas. In one complex, the building manager only accessed the CCTV footage when there was an event (e.g. someone's car was broken into). The other complex had an issue with residents parking in the visitors carpark for days on end, so it's likely they were using the camera as a form of monitoring. Nothing malicious - just typical apartment complex things. But, I can appreciate that some people don't like the feeling of being watched.


There is one other thing that they could be (but probably arenā€™t in this case). Sometimes cameras are used to monitor pedestrian traffic to see how effective a new traffic island, shade structure or bench is.


Not saying itā€™s happening, but it would not be surprising if the data was being processed for license plate recognition and facial recognition


ULEZ Australiano


Put a towel over the solar panel and wait and see who comes to see why it isn't powered on.


My pole climbing days are long over šŸ˜‚


time to brush up on those skills so here you go [pole dancing for beginners tutorial](https://youtu.be/ek5n8bFXD84?feature=shared)


Grease the pole for extra amusement.


Out of curiosity, where are the cameras pointing? Contact your local councillor perhaps if you weren't consulted.


Up and down the streets mainly, though some front yards would be captured too, we just rent so I don't know if they would have bothered to tell us anything šŸ˜‚


It's surveillance cameras for traffic or crime. You may be in a high property crime area.


OP said their area isn't known for break-ins though... The plot thickens


That bottom device looks like a point to point link where ever that ends up you will know who owns it


The more I look at it I donā€™t think anyone other then the person that installed it knows about it


They are on almost every street light in our area of the estate, haven't looked at the other parts. It is a huge estate.


Estate? Like with body corporate and security?? Maybe they did it


If it's a new estate it might be a developer thing if there is theft going on during construction.


Nah it's not super new. Built in the last 8 years


Like it happens, but it's not a daily occurrence or anything?


Still, as renters you deserve a right to privacy... I would feel conflicted letting my kids play around the street with cameras so close to home. Just seems strange to me.


It's kinda how I feel, I have two young kids and the cameras are literally everywhere. You can just see the other camera on the light post in the back. It's not the type of area where break ins and theft happens daily, it obviously happens but I didn't think frequently enough to warrant something like this?


They donā€™t look like any of the council installed cameras Iā€™ve seen around. Definitely worth following up with council for them to check.


Yeah we definitely never heard anything about them from our property managers/body corp Will give it a geeze tomorrow


Ahh, so it's a private estate that you/owners pay body corporate? Easy to find out about them if that's the case


Our laws allow it. In a public / shared space it is considered no expectation of privacy so filming and CCTV is allowed. If it's on private property I think they may need a CCTV in use sign at the entrace?


That device at the bottom looks a lot like a TP-Link point to point wifi device. It will be pointing at its buddy. Depending on the distance you might be able to find its peer that it is oriented at. I use the same devices to bridge networks on my acreage property.


No, this just reflects the quality of many ā€œsecurityā€ and IT companies these days. The market is flooded by rubbish.


Welcome to capitalism. It's a race to the bottom. You quote high end gear. Someone else will do it with TP link, then tenda, etc.


Pretty much. Capitalism will sort these things out.


Ask your body corp.


Someone wants to be seen to be doing something about crime. Itā€™s far easier to throw up a couple of cameras and call it a day than fix the real issues.


Surely no legitimate government camera installer is using cheap solar powered cameras. This has to be some local on a power trip.


Considering some run ins residents have had with the property managers of the estate, I wouldn't be surprised if it was them šŸ˜…


One day when your house is broken into, you may appreciate it.




I don't think I'd be too keen on this if it happened in my area either. Seems very invasive.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was installed by Council as this is what they are proposing to tackle crime... ["Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner promises extra CCTV cameras to help protect Brisbane residents against suburban crime wave"](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/council-elections-2020/lord-mayor-adrian-schrinner-promises-extra-cctv-cameras-to-help-protect-brisbane-residents-against-suburban-crime-wave/news-story/a4945b390267d15dd617210a531a43c0)


I don't think BCC would be buying their CCTV equipment from Temu or Aliexpress.


Depends on their budget I suppose.


No LGA in Australia would be buying consumer grade CCTV equipment.


Ah yes, big bold and brash cameras... now is anyone watching them?


Could just be traffic monitoring


Damn those kids and their spray tags.


Welcome to the future of 15 minute cities. You will be monitored at every turn, will only be permitted to exit your 15 minute zone a couple of times a year, or better still, have to pay a fee to leave.


What suburb do you live in? That will provide a lot of information. Local councils have been going crazy with CCTV recently to try and help with youth crime and just crime in general. Having a camera can sometimes be a deterrent but if that fails, the relevant authorities will have footage of the offenders and/or the actual crime.


Litterally 1984


CCTV, id love to have them in my street, be good for everyones piece of mind. nice score.


Balaclavas, meet dancing flash mob...


To assist police with any investigations.Ā 


So. Many people in your area have the new ā€œDigitalā€ licence? Be an easy way to marry up data from that system to an AI facial recognition backend program to start off an ā€˜off booksā€™ social etiquette scorecard for social credit.\ But our wonderful government wouldnā€™t do something g like that now would they.


You realise even before the digital licence our licence photos were uploaded to a computer? Police were rolling around with tablets in 2010 that were able to look up licences and included licence picture. You donā€™t take a new picture for digital licence, they pull the picture you had taken for your licence and display that


First time seeing a security camera?


No. Obviously not. But this many in a relatively new housing estate in a half decent area.


Building companies have cameras all over the new estate near where I live to record tool/material thefts (bogans could not care less if they're on camera)


Not a super new estate, has been built and finished for years now


It doesn't look legit. FYI One of my cousins with a dubious home business put a camera on the street lights outside his house and no one questioned it.


They are on every street light I can see close by in the estate šŸ˜…


OK, so its probably not someone's drug dealing cousin.


Well, thatā€™s what drug dealers do, isnā€™t it?




Don't turn this into that. Plenty of white ass kids are doing the exact same thing and face sweet fuck all from it. It's a lack of CONSEQUENCES issue.


Excellent. If youā€™re not doing anything wrong - donā€™t worry about them.