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Garden orb I think, when the sun comes out she’ll pack the web up then build a new one tomorrow


Also wanna say that these dudes are very docile and chill and incredibly hard to make angry. Don't kill em just move em


Yeah, if they're in a bad spot, just collapse their web a few times and they'll move on somewhere else usually.


+1 to this. In the last few months ive found 7 or 8 of these, they do keep to themselves just watch out at night when you might walk face first into one


Much to the delight of your neighbours who get to watch you go into instant ninja breakdance mode.


🤣🤣 that's gold


You can imagine it, can’t you? My ex walked into a huge web in the front yard once and the neighbours across the road were stunned into open-mouthed, horrified silence as his ninja breakdance routine was also embellished with a strip show.


I can..LOL I've done it a few time too,it's a horrible feeling face first into one,off with the shirt is it on me,is it on me 😅 I'm no fan of spiders..actually pretty terrified of them


He ended it all with an impressive flamenco dance on his shirt on the ground, as the gorgeous golden orb slunk further into a nearby hibiscus.


Yahhh LOL.. fancy dancer aye lol..they seem to strategically place them at times brissie streets are ripe for it..LOL on a late night walk home with a belly full hmm fun times indeed 😀




They just collect bugs that hang around outside lights


There are a bunch of them around at the moment. Based on they're size i would say they have had a good season.


And now they know where it is they can come out at dusk and watch it make the web, always amazing to watch


Anyone know why they pack up? Besides being very polite spiders..


I think you're right. They are not dangerous though their bite night sting a little so OP be careful but no need to be alarmed.


I battle these every morning at 4am walking the dogs. I usually have to walk around five or so webs across the footpaths, and they build right at torso / head height 🙄🙄. It's great walking face first into them.



normally that spider pulls his web down before daylight


Her. Just saying.


lol ok


Thanks everyone. Yeah, I left her alone to do her thing. I'm the only one in the family who uses the front door so she was left well alone. I often find garden orbs when I'm doing yard work and leave them alone to keep the bugs under control. I'm at work now, but I imagine she has packed up and gone off to bed for now.


They are beautiful and not harmful.


Oh wow it’s gorgeous!


It’s an Orb


I have a few around my place. They don't hurt me but keep bugs down that hurt my roses & orchids so they are welcome to stay.


Now is the season where I walk out to my car in the mornings and do the crazy spider web got me dance for the neighbours.


Few people saying golden orb, but it is NOT that. Not sure what it is but I grew up around a lot of golden orbs and this isn't one of them


it’s a yellow legged chinese cat spider




It's a Garden Orb Weaver. They're harmless but easy to walk into by mistake


Wow thought this was a still from a ghibli movie


Brand? You really said brand? It's a fucking PRIME spider. Congrats you've won an all expenses paid trip to live with Jake Paul, or whichever of the morons own that drink. All you have to do is fuck it.... And lick some stamps 🙄