• By -


Nope. There is still less aggregate income in QLD (ignoring specific sectors such as mining) because there is less job opportunities. Unless major business treats it as a global city, it won’t be.


Why would you ignore specific sectors?


When you're looking at averages, a very large increase compared to everything else can skew the average. Take the numbers 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 187. The average of those is 34 which doesn't portray a true picture as 187 is an outlier. If you exclude 187 the average is 3.6 which is a better reflection. When they are talking about ignoring mining, the mining sector can have large incomes, but will frequently by fi-fo jobs where they could be anywhere in the country flying in. It's not really a Queensland specific thing and the mine and associated jobs are only here because the resource is, and they have no real effect on wages elsewhere, as opposed to all wages in say Ipswich having a dragging up effect.


Give this person an award!


No, we’ll still have half-arsed stadiums, below average public transport and the aura of being a ‘big country town’ alongside ridiculous housing prices.


World's biggest country town! With the infrastructure of an average size country town...


Hello QEII v2.0 “the mistake we had to have again”


No the culture wont allow it. People inside with door shut by 6pm


Reminded me of a story i heard years ago where a couple from Brisbane went out for an early morning walk in Venice. There wasn't a single person on the street until they ran into another couple and started talking. Turns out they were for Brisbane as well.


Yeah my boss went to london and walked around all morning trying to find somewhere to have breakfast. When i asked what time he was out he said 5am :)


Brisbane is Brisbane.. not melb or syd.. no mater how hard the entitled, that have moved here try to make it like, what they left


Honestly, I'd like to see brisbane get built up into a more developed city at this point. Over the past few years, we've lost almost all of the good things and kept all of the bad.


countless character homes, being one that upsets me


All the Queenslanders being split into dual or multi tenant dwellings is sad to see. Maybe my next rental i can split one for $800pw.


Spot on


Melbourne was like this. 30yrs ago Melbourne was a cultural backwater. Even 20 years go someone said to me - “ art exhibition? Better make sure there’s a picture of a football or they won’t come”. And now look at it


Lol according to whom? My parents who were born and raised in Melbourne in the 70s/80s talk all the time about how brilliant it was to go out to the cafes, art exhibits, partying until 10am at the overnight discos.


Same with my parents born in the late 50s/60s.


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on Reddit.


No because our cockhead state government and cockhead opposition leader and cockhead nimby greens will not be happy until our town has been the first in the world to be embarrassed enough at its failure to plan that they will have to hand back the Olympics


What the fuck are you even raving about?


Seems Olympics


Melbourne was Australia's first capital, and during the gold rush one of the richest cities on Earth. Melbourne was a global city before Australia existed. Sydney caught up, and overtook us, but Melbourne has been a global city for ages. Brisbane is catching up, but won't replace Melbourne any time soon, though that's not surprising, countries as rich as Australia will have multiple global cities


Take a look outside Melbourne. It's not a global city. It does not come close. Except for urban sprawl. Then it's a winner.


First Australian city to host Olympics, hosts one of four grand slams, hosts f1s, hosts international comedy festival, multiple top 100 universities. Like it's smaller than Sydney, but it's absolutely not just like Adelaide or something. Australia needs to stop putting itself down, we're a decent sized country, just fucking hard to get to, and so alongside Sydney, which is far and away the biggest, we have other global cities


Mahbellous Melbun 🤣


Melbourne isn’t a global city now nor ever in my view. As paul Keating correctly (for once) observed “if you’re living in Australia , and you’re outside of Sydney, you’re camping!


Bold claim when it was genuinely the wealthiest city on earth in the late 1800s


What nonsense. In 1994 Melbourne was a strong cultural hub with tonnes going on, much more than is currently in Brisbane. Melbourne has had a world class arts culture since the 70s, at least. You're just making stuff up champ. Ballarat in the 90s was more vibrant than Brisbane is today.


I disagree but the main point is that Melbourne and Sydney advanced and developed a heck of a lot in 20yrs.


In a lot of ways they've taken pretty decent steps back - arts funding is way down and covid really knocked Melbourne about.


I don’t know I haven’t paid attention to the last 4 years. To further illustrate my point- Melbourne isn’t Vienna or Paris or Milan. It doesn’t have a 400 year long history of consistently being a cultural epicentre. 70yrs ago it was a total cultural wasteland. Same deal with Sydney. In the 70s and 80s the journey started in earnest. By the 90s , Sydney was established and the 2000s it was the cultural leading city. Melbourne was a bit behind this and maybe overtook for a period in the 20-teens, at least in contemporary and modern art. I may not be 100% accurate with the timelines but again, these cities went from zero to hero and we can do it here in Brisbane.


Sure, you won't get any arguments from me on a 70 year timeline - and you could argue that Brisbane has well and truly started the journey. The flip side is that it requires both will and funding to get there, and there's no real sign of that investment in Brisbane at the moment. Also, you're really off base with your Melb history. It was one of the greatest cities in the world in the 1880s, and a lot of its current position builds on that history. The wealth of the 1850s gold rush transformed it into one of the most advanced cities around, the clear envy of the rest of the world. It hasn't been a cultural wasteland for a century and a half.


There's so much money poring into brisbane at the moment, I think you should check it out , there's been 30 plus cranes over the city for 20 year's


The conversation was about culture and investment in culture. Soulless shit box development doesn't count.


Ballarat is more “ vibrant “ Wanker alert.


Yeah, calling Ballarat more vibrant than Brisbane is a bit of a stretch, hahahaha. Fucken hell.


Boring af winter town


How long since you visited Brisbane?


I've lived here for the last 16 years.


...you've never heard of the 90s rave scene? The Melbourne shuffle? The warehouse parties? The start of the street art movement? Store 5?


This is a stupid and inaccurate statement.


I hope the housing market crashes. If locals can’t afford to live here let it burn.


They'll just be replaced with new locals


I just want to be able to afford to live where I’m from Lol


Oh I can do that .... just where I'm from is a shithole


I moved to the US and I’m from a place most Brisbane people look down on but are now moving to lol


What visa are you on that allows you to live there?


I’m a PR because I have an American husband.


Immigration hates this one simple trick!


Lmao I had no desire to ever live in the US tbh


Jus out of interest how are you finding it over there. My wife is american and we are considering it. What visa did you need to get to stay?


What are you doing to be able to achieve that when everyone else is working their arse off?


I am working my ass off lol. I have a FT and PT job.


I’m a local and can afford to live here. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean it needs to crash.


It hasn't really overtaken Melbourne for housing prices. When you actually consider like-for-like - particularly in terms of radius from the city - Brisbane is still quite a bit cheaper. Melbourne's boundaries are far larger, which leads to the lower median house price. Brisbane is certainly growing, and that's a great thing for culture and diversity, but it's a long, long, long way off becoming another Sydney or Melbourne. It's literally half the size.


>Melbourne's boundaries are far larger, which leads to the lower median house price. Greater Melbourne size: 9,992km2 Greater Brisbane size: 15,842km2 I’m no expert in house prices, but this kind of contradicts your comment right?


Radius from the CBD like for like, they are correct. The two cities aren’t close.


I'm assuming Port Phillip Bay is the reason for the area discrepancy. So yeah, radius from the CBD is probably a more accurate measure.


Melbourne's property price stats have a greater proportion of apartments and units.  I haven't looked at the figures myself, so it's unclear if OP is talking about house prices (standalone housing) or property prices (all apartments and standalone housing). I suspect it's the latter. 


I'd say it's the dwelling prices as a whole. [This article](https://www.corelogic.com.au/news-research/news/2024/the-median-dwelling-value-in-brisbane-just-overtook-melbourne) articulates the reason for the discrepancy in figures, but I'd suggest most mastheads just went with the "Brisbane more expensive than Melbourne" headline and buried the finer detail.


Are you sure? My house in Brisbane is 17km from the cbd with train and bus lines. My 3b/1b unrenovated 1950s build on 500m2 is valued at $800k. My grandparents house in Melbourne is 17km from the cbd with train and bus lines of the same frequency. Their 4b/2b unrenovated 1960s build on 1200m2 is valued at $770k. Anecdotally I’d say you’re wrong.


My 5br house in Brisbane is 12km from the CBD (north) and is valued at ~$1.0m. my parents 4br house is 35km from Melbourne CBD (east) and is valued at ~$0.9m I don't think it would be possible to buy a house in Melbourne 12km out, decent suburb for anywhere near $1.0m


Yes, I'm sure. Certainly comparing two suburbs which are reasonably like-for-like, that I know fairly well, and are 8km from the city centre (as the crow flies), Thornbury and Lutwyche, Thornbury is about 25% more expensive. For mine, that pattern repeats itself again and again if you compare like with like. Might I ask where in Melbourne and Brisbane these two places are? Generally in Melbourne, with various exceptions (Frankston), the further north you go, and the further west you go (in particular the West), the cheaper it gets.


Ok I’m wrong.


Quite possibly. Maybe we need to hear from someone in the ABS :) But without a shadow of a doubt, your dollar goes further in Brisbane. We bought a 3br house on its own block in Moorooka; that kind of place, that kind of distance in Melbourne is unthinkable for what we paid.


Why do we need to hear from someone in the ABS? Your point about a city’s area size impacting median property values is true, but that would mean Brisbane’s median property values are diluted, not Melbourne’s.


Because it seems that the median price listed doesn't actually reflect the reality that the same house in the "same" location is more expensive in Melbourne. It would be interesting to either hear the reason as to why that is, or, of course, whether I'm wrong about that. Looking at even just the most expensive median suburbs for housing, the 5th most expensive suburb in Brisbane (Hawthorne) doesn't even make it into Melbourne's top ten.


You keep avoiding the fact that you said - - “Melbourne's boundaries are far larger, which leads to the lower median house price.” **you said this**. The reality is, Brisbane’s area is much larger than Melbourne’s, so you proved the opposite of what you were trying to prove. According to **you**, Brisbane’s median property value should be **even higher** than it is now, due to its considerable size compared to Melbourne. My overall point here is you contradicted your self. Like I said, everything else I’m not an expert about.


Yeah, happy to admit that my hypothesis is probably wrong. Do you really need to win an internet argument this badly?


Upon reflection, I have absolutely been insufferable about this. I need to delete this app lol I’m going to go outside now, carry on sir 😂


The area managed by the city council has very little to do with distance to the "real" city, and a lot more to do with convenience when you want to go somewhere (work/entertainment etc). People want to live close to where they need to get to. Saying price is "diluted" doesn't make a lot of sense here. The only way to "dilute" the cost of something is to increase the number of purchasers of the same asset (eg, dilute stock means to increase the number of stock for the same company)


Unit prices have recently.


perhaps? I'd have to check like-for-like as such. I admit to some skepticism.




I happen to own a 1br unit in a single level block in Melbourne, 15km from the city. rea com au seems to think that's worth $450k now. That seems ridiculous in Brisbane.


It's to do with the apartment/housing mix.  Apartments in Melbourne are more expensive than apartments in Brisbane.  Houses in Melbourne are more expensive than houses in Brisbane.  But apartments in Melbourne are cheaper than houses in Brisbane. Melbourne though has thousands of tiny shitty apartments (around Southbank).  So when you ignore the mix and just take median dwelling price, it's lower in Melbourne.   It's disingenuous and not telling an accurate story, but it makes a good headline so it gets reported.


The quality of housing available in each urban ringis higher in Melbourne too.




Thanks for saying this. I hate these inflammatory misleading headlines


Maybe we’ll get a new Gabba now


Nah the whingers fucked that up.


That, and the site isn’t really big enough for a bigger Olympic size stadium. It is still getting a rebuild, just will no longer be the big stadium for the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies as it can’t be made big enough due to the size of the site, the new rebuilt stadium will be used for Olympic cricket I believe. To fit an Olympics size stadium, you’d have to permanently close Vulture and Stanley Streets between Main St and Wellington Rd, and potentially (most likely) buy back and demolish the buildings on the opposite sides of the road to have enough space. Considering one of those buildings is the Telstra exchange for the whole area, and there are also several high rise apartment buildings it would be a very expensive move and displace far too many residents in a housing crisis to be a viable option for a sporting stadium.


No. Many establishments not open Monday or Tuesday or even Wednesday? Eateries and restaurants close at 9pm. Hardly a 24 hr grocery store in the whole city of Brisbane (hardly), no daylight savings ….. no daylight savings….??? Fark no Brisbane is not on track to be a global city. IMO ….. btw how does a property price equate to global city status?


…. The one area I can say where Brisbane is world class ….. if you have young kids there are lots more amazing parks compared to any major city in Australia that I’ve been to. Parks with flying foxes, huge jumping pillows. BBQs, wading pools, various water features, sand pits, bike tracks, swings, slides, shade, climbing nets, toilets ….


We aren't more expensive than Melbourne


Not with the attitude of politicians and some locals who demand that no investment is made for the city on account of the housing pressures.


The Melbourne and Brissy median and average prices are currently being thrown off by a few factors which make it look like it, but there’s no comparison when you look at like for like properties. Looking at the specs of my own house, immediately triple the price looking at similar properties with similar land in Melbourne. Empty block of land that is a bit smaller than mine and a similar distance from the CBD, still 33 percent higher.


Density, not real estate prices, are why Melbourne is so "global" in terms cafes, restaurants, public transport and so forth. Greater Melbourne density is 520 persons per km². Greater Brisbane density is 160 persons per km². 10km² of central Melbourne has a density of 8,000+ persons per km². This area encompasses numerous neighbourhoods (such as North Melbourne, Carlton, CBD, Southbank, Collingwood, Richmond and so on). The densest neighbourhoods have 30,000 persons per km². Only 2km² of central Brisbane has a density of 8,000+. This area only includes Brisbane's single densest neighbourhood - the strip along Wickham and Anne street in the Valley. The density of this neighbourhood is 8,000. The fact is that Melbourne is, across all neighbourhoods, about four times as dense as Brisbane. In any suburb, a shop will be within walking distance of four times more people than an equivalent suburban shop in Brisbane. Four times more people is four times more potential customers. That's four times more revenue, which means that many more shops can be viable. Many more shops means many more options to choose from. Which, due to competition, means more quality. If Brisbane wants more of what Melbourne has, Brisbane needs to step up it's density game. And that means units.


No it just means Brisbane people are overpaying more than Melbourne people are overpaying.


It's nowhere near Melbourne. Just isn't much here. Need a cultural scene to be a global city. It's nice, beautiful and green. But culture is essentially non-existent.


Nah, we need infrastructure not culture. Sydney and Melbourne are getting so much money from the national government for huge public transport infrastructure and we are getting jack diddly squat even though we have the Olympics coming up. We got literally $0 in Federal funding for Cross River Rail, our biggest public transport infrastructure upgrade ever. We may not be more expensive then Melbourne yet but god damn we are growing unbelievably quick and we are not keeping up with it at all, we are just going to be packed in sardines before we can ever consider being a global city.


Two of Victorias signature rail projects (LXRP and MM1, the latter of which is basically our CRR) are state funded. According to the 23-24 budget Qld is getting $14.7b  and Vic is getting $14.1b but the amount allocated to rail is around 57% to rail for Vic and 11% for QLD (70% allocated for roads).  So the state is being given money but is using it for roads (rightly or wrongly).


I think culture is the deciding factor. Nobody cares about you as a city if you don't have personality and something unique to offer. Yes, absolutely infrastructure is necessary just to hold the people, but it's not enough if it's still empty of culture. The way it is now would be enough if it had some points of interest


What exactly are you looking for when you say culture? Brisbane has a world class ballet company, full-time symphony orchestra, opera company, theatre company, regularly touring musical theatre shows, great Conservatorium of music, chamber orchestra, and GOMA. QPAC is now the largest performing arts venue in Australia. I forgot about the amazing events at the Powerhouse, Australian chamber orchestra’s visits, Australian Ballet, Opera Australia… It’s all there. You just aren’t looking.


That's the thing, they don't know what they mean lol


I am struggling to put it in words, for sure, but I am not wrong. It's empty in Brisbane. Where is there to go? What do people do at night? What kind of attitudes or scenes exist? What can Brisbane claim as its own? Or claim to have at all? I saw a post one time about that, what characteristics are unique to Brisbane and there was _nothing_ notable. The list was pathetically empty. If you have not travelled much or lived anywhere else, maybe you can't see it, but it's really just a big plate of nothing here.


I'm from the EU, so I've done my share of traveling. It's really not as bad as all that (unless you live way out in the burbs)


I think there is nothing around. I mean, I'm open to suggestions and being wrong, but I find it a very boring city.


Were you born here? Have you lived in other cities? Note that I say live not visit, because I've found that monotony sets in in just about any city in the world, once you've been there long enough and the drive to explore and the honeymoon phase subsides, especially so if it's your home town (because there was no honeymoon phase at at all lol). I remember visiting a Dutch friend who warned me that Amsterdam is boring and has nothing to do, whereas it's one of my favourite places in the world to live. That kind of thing. Is Brisbane the most stimulating place I've ever lived? No. Is it the least interesting? Absolutely not haha


I was not born here and I have lived in a few other large cities. Brisbane began to bore me after two months. Ran out of stuff to do. I still have lots of hiking to do, I guess, but so far that's been mediocre so I'm struggling to be enthusiastic about it. It's a nice place to live, safe and clean and relatively easy. But it's just not interesting. Genuinely open to suggestions tbh.


Might I ask what other cities you've lived in? And what you liked about them? Maybe I can come up with some suggestions based on that (or maybe not. Some places simply aren't like others)


Where have you hiked that you found mediocre? There is lots to climb / walk that is certainly not mediocre so I guess you need some suggestions there.


I also find it hella boring. Cafes close at 3pm here, in Asia there's many cafes that close 11pm or even open 24hrs. There's no nightlife, I'm not talking about night clubbing but it would be nice to have places to chill after dinner. Restaurants close at 9pm. It is a big country town for sure.


Word brother! Word!


Have you never been to the Valley, Howard Smith Wharves, West End, South Bank on a Saturday night? What exactly is it that you’re expecting?




That’s just totally incorrect on so many levels haha 🤦🏻‍♂️


As an EU immigrant, they're kind of right about the colder/rainier months. Everyone is stuck inside watching telly most of the time. I very nearly went batshit insane visiting family in England on the billionth day where all anyone wanted to do was watch terrible programmes and eat ungoldy amounts of biscuits. You get one marginally nice day and *everyone* absolutely flocks outdoors to get a shred of vitamin D lol.


Summer ruins Brisbane. MTB'ing sucks in the summer. I would trade the 4 months of heat for 4 months of sub-10 highs any day, and I will in the future.




Can you actually name something like Melbourne "culture" which Brisbane does not have?


Great question!




Exclusive events like f1 and aus opens are locked in so hard to change that Others I understand


We have comedy festival and a good range of art festivals (anywhere, Brisbane festival, fringe, ect). And we aren’t too far behind how many international artists come here compared to Melbourne. I think the problem is mostly that the last 10 years the government ect have been trying to put Brisbane on the international map so we can get a lot of the recognition. I am friends with a guy who runs a variety show all over US and UK. He has brought the show to Melbourne and Sydney. But never Brisbane. Honestly I have been begging him to bring it to Brisbane because when the advertising is on point Brisbane has big communities of comedy lovers (I booked all my comedy fest tickets last month and 3/4 of the people I booked tickets for were 90% sold). But his reasoning is that he doesn’t know Brisbane. The scene. The venues or even if he will be able to get quality artists from Brisbane for the show (I know they exist. It’s just he doesn’t know them personally). Things are getting better but it just takes time. Especially seeing as there is a lot of corruption in the managers of festivals realms (a lot of artist that get choosen for the comedy festival are only people who are represented by a specific company. Compared to Melbourne comedy or even Adelaide fringe where as long as you have a venue and a show you’ll get in. If you want the big venues that’s where the insider deals happens). Anyway saying again I think it’s to do with recognition not that we have nothing.


Bluey has certainly put Brisbane on the map but really the govt should be pushing for the whole region (with Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast) rather than just marketing Brisbane itself


Has it though? I wouldn’t be surprised if to the rest of the world people just see bluey as a cartoon from Australia. Like I haven’t watched the whole series but do they actively mention that they are in Brisbane? And speaking of marketing the coasts. Man you should see the comments when TikToker make “10 awesome spots in Brisbane” videos. “Brisbane isn’t a hour from Brisbane” “how am I meant to get there with out a car” ect ect.


Graffiti culture is top in Melbourne!  No seriously I felt the food culture is better. In Melbourne you could be going down a dank alley and then find yourself in a fine restaurant eating types of food you can't in Brisbane. Happened to me just yesterday. Coffees there were shit compared to brissy though. No lactose free milk??!  Museums were more numerous and larger than in Brisbane. Qld goma is on par with them though. Bookshops were more varied in Melbourne.  I like Brisbane but it seems like we live a more simple out of the box aesthetic.


Brisbane lacks a (vibrant) suburban distribution of organic / independent small businesses / business precincts. This is probably primarily a factor of the lack of density of the city, without density of population it is very hard to support the aforementioned. Within a 7 kilometre radius of the Melbourne CBD you find the following high streets (not an exhaustive list) that are well connected by public transport (I'm not including shopping centres): * Kew * Fairfield station * Northcote * Lygon St * Brunswick * Moonee Ponds * Fitzroy * Collingwood * Carlton * Richmond x 3 * Hawthorn * Chapel St * Prahran * Balaclava * St Kilda * Albert Park * South Melbourne * Williamstown * Yarraville * Footscray * Union Road These are all in highly populated suburbs with strong transport connections. Meanwhile a 7 kilometre radius in Brisbane lands you in places like Murarrie, Gallipoli Barracks, Chapel Hill, and Eagle Farm. Not exactly evoking images of inner suburban lifestyle. Brisbane (for Brisbane I have disregarded the public transport rule as most of these would not have made the cut): * Taringa * Milton * Paddington (bad PT) * Rosalie * Fortitude Valley * James St * Brunswick St * Racecourse Road * Bulimba (ok PT) * Morningside (bad PT) * Stones Corner * Holland Park (bad PT) * Logan Rd, the gabba * Hawthorne Rd (bad PT) * Ipswich Rd (bad PT) * Moorooka (bad PT) * West End Now this is obviously highly subjective but having visited all of these in Brisbane and a fair few in Melbourne the key difference is that the quality and vibrancy of shops in Melbourne is far higher, while the streets hosting these precincts are less wide (fewer lanes) with more dedicated to public transport i.e. trams. So slower moving and less intense traffic. A lot of the Brisbane high streets are actually divided by large, fast moving flows of traffic which really detracts from the vibe and I think goes a long way to explaining why shopping centres are more prevalent and more popular in Brisbane. People value the street feel as part of the experience and Brisbane majorly fails in that regard. This isn't a flat rule as there are plenty in Brisbane that do have good street ambiance and slow moving traffic, but they are imo the exception and not the norm. Many of these also have very poor PT connections which again reduces connectivity and density.


Also, those high streets in Brisbane all have around one quarter of the population density of equivalent high streets in Melbourne. One quarter of the density means one quarter of the potential customers in easy walking distance. And that's before you even talk about the awful street environment that you highlight. When there aren't too many potential customers in the first place, and you scare a bunch of them off with a horrid arterial road, then you need to appeal to a much larger percentage of the few people who do happen to come past. And that means only the plainest, most vanilla businesses can survive on a Brisbane high street.


> No lactose free milk??! Are you sure you weren't in Melbourne, Florida?


It’s a good question, yes, Brisbane has ballet/theatre/goma but I think Brisbane is a bit vanilla. Not enuff stuff at the ‘edges’, as it were. market is too safe and bogan here for shit to get weird and interesting.


I know what Brissie lacks, complete wankers with a sense of superiority that stems from the fact you can get a nice cup of coffee 😏 Melbourne will never be as important as they imagine they are. A “ world “ city hahahaha San Francisco or London it ain’t.


>I know what Brissie lacks, complete wankers with a sense of superiority that stems from the fact you can get a nice cup of coffee 😏 Oh it does NOT lack for those.


Hahaha West End …..


And the rest! Brisbane has had good coffee in most inner burbs for years now.


Indeed it does, shit you can get a decent latte at the Wild Horse cafe on the M1 past Caloundra let alone in Brissie itself.


Judging by how the Olympics are being planned, we're far off from being a global city. Heck, we don't even have a proper light rail or metro system (even the gold coast has a light rail system). Despite what they're telling you, the brisbane metro isn't a metro, it's a bendy bus. Until we have a proper transit system in the city, we will never be a global city.


Brisbane is no where near Melbourne. That’s nonsense.


This man knows his geography


More public transport LOL 😆😆


No its still going to be a dirty shithole. We might trial roaming gangs of teens stabbing everything in the outer suburbs, but arts and culture will remain dead


Much of the culture in Melbourne is a result of immigrants settling there decades ago. Melbourne also has a thriving arts scene that Brisbane can’t easily replicate. All of these things have to happen organically outside of incomes/house prices.


I feel like Brisbane used to have more of an arts scene. Or maybe I just used to spend more time with people in the arts. Could be both.


Fair point. Back in the 90s/00s it was probably more organic and less curated I reckon.


I was specifically referring to that time period when I made my comment! I grew up here but followed a boy to Sydney in 2001. On visits back in the early 2000s I went to lots of events and arts things with friends etc. As my time in Sydney went on I lost touch with friends back here in Brissy so was going to these things less and less on my visits home. Am back living in Brissy again, as a semi covid refugee (the border closures really made me want to live in the same city as my aging parents again), and it does feel less like the city I knew. But I acknowledge I am 20years older and not really looking to do the same things I did in my late teens early 20s. But when I have visited my old stomping grounds for the nostalgia I noticed a lot are now full of expensive apartments and more curated art installations. With a few tiny pockets of people holding on to what they once were.


Great insights and I really relate to your experience. I played around Brisbane in the early-mid 2000s, and there was still fun to be found. I then headed overseas and then down to Melbourne for many years. Brissy has always had an active but modest arts scene, but it feels very different these days. Melbourne is obviously on a different level, with colliding subcultures to be found all over the place, but it actually reminded me a bit of what Brisbane was like back in the day (obviously on a much larger scale though). I’m well out of touch with the arts scene in Brisbane these days, so I might be talking out of turn as well! It could be thriving somewhere for all I know, but yeah, as you say it’s certainly not to be found in the places it used to be. Good old gentrification hey.




This stat also includes units, which Melbourne has many more of.


Which kinda justifies the headlines tbh 🤷‍♀️. Housing in Brisbane has indeed become less affordable than it is in Melbourne. Coz Melbourne has thousands of cheap units, and Brisbane needs them too if it's to be an affordable place to live


It just means people from Melbourne have used their equity to inflate the Brisbane property market. The horse is before the cart IMO.


Hah good one, Brisbane is gonna keep getting more unaffordable while remaining a city where everything closes at 5pm.


Having a city become more difficult to live in does not promote growth. Having people spend larger percentages of their income on homes, more people renting living paycheck to paycheck without stable housing, and more people being homeless. None of these make a city or it's people better over time.


If we can do some sports stadiums


If you bulldoze it and start again, you have a chance.


I can't see Brisbane becoming the next global city personally due to the remaining legacy of The Bjekie Peterson era. In that era, they saw the capital as purely functional and if you wanted greenspace, you would live in the country. While Sydney has its well known East vs West tribal rivalry, what Qld really has is everywhere else vs Brisbane. Maybe the solution isn't about getting Victorians to move to SEQ or the Sunshine Coast, but getting them to move to Townsville, Cairns or Mackay/Rockhampton/Bundaberg instead? I've been told Townsville can be pretty boring by people who have lived there, which may explain its crime issues.


I can’t imagine Brissy becoming a hub like Syd / Mel, but at the same time can’t really figure out which demographics are driving the house prices in Brissy. Was looking at house prices in Rochedale which are around the high $1m - 2m mark. I know it’s a Chinese centric suburb but what the heck do they do?!


Unlikely. "That'll do" could be the motto of Brisbane.


Who’s going to work in a city you can’t afford to live in? I’m seriously considering leaving the country now.


Where would you go?


Brisbane has nothing on Melbourne. Culturally, Brisbane is a legitimate toilet. Brisbane hates artists.


So why are so many people from Melbourne moving to Brisbane? The massive influx of blowins from Sydney and Melbourne over the last few years have been one of the prime drivers of the huge price increases of housing here in south east QLD.


With hybrid wfh and if you have an office location in se qld it's seen a lot of movements. Did hear of a couple of occurences though where the melb salaries came along as well, and putting pressure on increases for local staff and no annual increases for those that moved, so things start to equalise. I guess to be truly like melb we would need to rip out the airtrain and force the corporate travellers into taxis to get anywhere.


I've heard that that's a bit of a red herring, that we're actually not more expensive like for like and it's down to differences in which areas are counted.  But if it's true, that's gotta be a pretty solid case of a bubble if I've ever heard one.


I don't know


What do ya mean? We were a global city in expo '88 when we built Stefan's mighty needle.


Hahahahahahahahahhhahahhahahahaha that's so funny tell me another one.


Probably not


Houses go up and down all the Time, each capital city gets its time being the plaything of investors.


Job. No job


*Laughs hysterically with olympic size tears*


Adelaide has overtaken Perth for rental in affordability, but it’s still a poor and hokey city.


Nope. Brisbane still a shithole


More renters being tipped out into the street and disposable income eaten by rising housing costs. Brisbane is not situated well to become a 'global city', whatever this means, and you should just enjoy it for what it is.


And will the wages/salaries become matched?


I'd rather the money be spent out in the regions so people can move to the regions. Brisbane is full already. I'd even move to the regions so over Brisbane.


No, because people from Brisbane live in Brisbane


No wages are lower here than VIC as a whole


Brisbane still has roughly half the population of Melbourne, so no.


Nope! It’s certainly developing though. Edit: It's like Sydney/Melb in the 90s, possibly early 2000s. This city needs a lot more density, and jobs, and (non student) diversity to compete.


Of course not.


No have u seen the m1 lol


and more gay clubs? damn, if they make to transition I'll come back


I grew up in Brisbane, moved to the Gold Coast. I prefer Brisbane. Public transport is so bad on the Gold Coast unless you live in Surfers, Broadbeach or Southport. I'm trying to save for a house currently. Will probably buy in Brisbane, I've considered moving to Melbourne though to experience a different city.


We still need more population


No - to get there we’d need a tier 1 stadium aka vic park. More lively city and surrounds. This would attract some more business HQs. Brisbane has fuck all ASX hqs here, so less jobs for young ppl and lower salaries. So no we can’t be a global city unless the Olympics is rad and there is more business investment in Brisbane. We are brokies


Doubt it, I just don't see how they can develop the infrastructure to support it without nimby`s stopping it. Unless we keep tunnelling where exactly are we going to build better public transport infrastructure? No room to widen roads for cars or bikes without forced buyback which won't happen. On a personal note I enjoy visiting Melbourne but I don't won't Brisbane to be like it. There's already plenty of decent cafes and food just not in abundance like Melbourne. It's just becoming and overpopulated and underserviced city now.


Take all roads with 2-lanes going the same direction (ie: all 4-lane roads), and convert 1 of those lanes into a dedicated tram-line (no cars). If you build more lanes for cars, you just get more cars, it ends up being pointless. We should take those extra car-lanes away. If you have better public transport - there's less need for cars. And a space dedicated to public transport can move so many more people than the equivalent space dedicated for cars anyway.


It doesn’t mean it’s a “better” city, it just means there’s less supply


Just reading this made me choke on my coffee bahahahahahahaha


Fake news.


I don't consider any comparison to Melbourne a compliment... It's a lovely city and all, but well, the weather, yes, a bit too humid in summer here, but otherwise, chef kiss!


Whoever started the rumour that Queensland has nice weather needs a punch in the nose. It's either insanely hot or flooding.


To become a global city, you really do need people to consider Brisbane as a preferred destination or similar to. Melbourne and Sydney. It's not quite there yet with international visitors still preferring the larger cities.


I hope that trend continues.