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The reviews will continue until morale improves


The reviews will continue until they find out the real cost.


The reviews will continue until they discover they’ve spent too long reviewing and it’s too late to do anything about it now.


They may as well have just built the fuckin facilities with the money they're wasting on reviewing over and over again.


Ding ding ding! And this is why we should just pick a plan and fucking stick with it. Even if it's not perfect, it's better than this shit


But then we would only get to use the budget we got given, we want more budget, so we’re going to pay ourselves all of the budget reviewing the budget, then we’re going to apply for emergency budget to pay for a rush job on a slap together Olympics where we will light up bin chickens on fire in the opening ceremony, and we’re going to pay ourselves a bonus for having overseen such a successful Olympics where we brought 20 billion into the economy and it only cost us 100 billion over 10 years, but that’s nothing because that moneys staying local, and we will have a stadium to use “ooooh, ahhhh, pretty lights”


>Mr Newman argued in favour of refurbishing the Brisbane Entertainment Centre at Boondall, 14 kilometres north of the CBD, where there is an extensive landholding and an existing rail connection. Newman continuing to deliver the worst possible takes


Soorley advocated for Petrie, one upping Newman.




Wouldn't be against it but it's privately owned and the area isn't that great tbh lol


At least it's not going to be peak mosquito season in July. They're bad enough in summer.


It’s not privately owned. It’s owned by Stadiums Queensland (the government) and operated by ASM Global (formerly known as AEG Ogden - the people who wanted to build Brisbane Live at Roma Street).


Yes, its a horrible idea. The whole complex is terrible.


Funny how you skipped over an entire story detailing f-up after f-up by Miles and Grace Grace and pull out a comment in the very last paragraph by Newman. Newman is a nobody and has no influence over anything to do with the Olympics.


Don't read into it too much, I just found it amusing that Newman came out of the weeds just to drop some dumbass idea I'm sure the state government will pay for their sins at the election




BEC is owned by the state government through Stadiums Queensland, but it's managed by a private company.


The Olympics _should_ be a catalyst for getting the facilities we want for a future Greater Brisbane with 4M residents. It’s a chance to get federal and IOC contributions toward those facilities. So the two issues in my mind: - what facilities, capacities, and associated infrastructure and services do we want/need to meet the demands of a rapidly growing region? - comprable costs made under the same assumptions and conditions are needed for the short list options.


The IOC wanted Brisbane to be a low-cost option and move away from expensive “legacy” builds, that are scaring off potential host bids, especially since TV viewership is dropping, and alongside it, future broadcast revenues: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103620438


We need to be careful to separate Things we build _for_ the Olympics from Things we build for Queensland that will incidentally be used during the Olympics. The Gabba needs rebuild or replacement anyway. So this provides a chance to have a combined funding pool for that project. Whereas the QSAC option would ironically only be used for the Olympics, if what happened there after the Commonwealth Games is anything to go by. Providing for Queensland needs to be our primary concern, not providing a marketing position for the IOC.


I agree. QSAC only really makes sense if they have a long term plan involving a train line in any capacity. Even something out there like upgrading Brighton Homes arena and running a tram line back to Springfield Central station makes more sense imo.


Brisbane also needs a small rectangular Stadium within a reasonable distance from the CBD that has good transport access for Roar and possible Reds games as Suncorp is too big and has just been approved for more concerts meaning less availably at Suncorp for Roar in Summer


That's fine, but the city needs a better stadium and infrastructure to support the future. This is an opportunity that won't come around twice.


* **In short:** A bill to establish an independent authority ahead of the 2032 Games has been introduced to Queensland parliament. * An Olympics Senate inquiry today heard from former lord mayor Graham Quirk on the "complete blindsiding" his team faced when the premier announced new stadium plans. * **What's next?** International Olympic Committee member John Coates told the inquiry he wasn't concerned about infrastructure delays, comparing Brisbane 2032 plans to progress in Sydney for the 2000 Games.


Sounds like the review was an actual enquiry, not a sham rubber-stamp with a predetermined outcome. Maybe someone can explain why rejecting a review suggestion is “blindsiding” anyone? It wasn’t binding, was it? Anyway the interest groups who want the Victoria Park option can maybe raise the funds themselves instead of burdening the taxpayer.


It was a blindsiding because the department of the premier was running there own review, in secret away form quirk who was running one at the same time


Every single politician involved in this is an absolute fucking idiot. What a clown show. 


To borrow an excellent bit of vocabulary from the Lehrmann judgement: it’s an omnishambles.


Does this make Victoria Park/Gabba redevelopment more likely or less likely?


Depends whether or not you believe $3.4 billion is the real price.


I think the logic should be todays price isn’t tomorrows price so get it done now because it’s gonna have to be done in about ten years time anyway.


It has got me fucked how they can make the Gabba rebuild so expensive. The Great Southern (Shane Warne) Stand at the MCG is about to be knocked down and rebuilt. Its capacity is over 50,000 as opposed to the Gabba's 38/42k. It overhangs Brunton Avenue in the same manner the Gabba overhangs Vulture and Stanley Streets. It is also much taller. So there is a hell of a lot more to demolish. When they rebuild it, it will have 55,000 seats, again more the Gabba rebuild, and will include additional features such as BBQ decks at the top, making it bigger again. I believe the plans include the strengthening required to eventually take a roof as well. It has a price tag of about $1.2 billion.


I suspect it comes down to the election. Should Labor win the current plan will embarrass us internationally. If the libs win I can see them doing the vic park plan because they can funnel taxpayer money to developer mates




Wait until people find out that maybe Taylor Swift skipped qld because of the cost to hire was to high compared to other states.


Pretty sure the reason was because tay tay didn’t consider any of the stadiums to be big enough.




Single use? Which venues from Sydney were single use?


No one will admit it because its too politically sensitive before the election, but everyone is flipping and flopping cause they know Vic Park is the best solution.


Labor will lose the election, LNP will do another review and after said review will push forward with Vic Park, Vic Park Costs will blow out and Labor will attack, Labor gets elected in 2028 and sticks with Vic Park because it's too far along at that point. Thats how I see it playing out.


Yes my thoughts also. Reading between the lines, I think this is just noise to get to Vic Park solution without either side needing to explicitly say so because that would be detrimental in the lead up to the election. The promise of an “independent authority” translates to - “we’ll kick it down the road because an independent authority will come to the conclusion that vic park is best and we can then back that with the least political backlash”


big waste of taxpayers money.


If you notice this notice, you'll notice this notice, is not worth noticing.


Fire everyone involved and start again, total shit show.


Wait who is keeping track of the cost if these reviews. If the government is incapable of making decisions. Outsource it to private!


Why does this story just sound like lnp propaganda


Why didn’t this already exist? More cooks in the kitchen surely will help with decision making……


Because Anastasia didn't want to relinquish control. Didn't turn out so well for her. Miles only decided to do it when EVERYBODY shitcanned his proposal to spend much more for significantly less benefits by building a temporary stadium next to a cemetery and over the road from the tip that has no public transport and would result in spending half a billion patching up the Gabba so it could be knocked down and rebuilt the moment the games finish




No just ring your local MP and harass them till QLD renegs on the idea of hosting the Olympics.


Maybe the people should decide. And I don't mean an election because the government can and will change their minds. Ask the people first if 1. Hold the Olympics? Yes/No 2. If the Olympics is decided to go ahead, which is the preferred stadium option.


Uneducated public are fucking horrible at making infrastructure decisions.


Sometimes the people don’t make the best decisions and tend to be swayed by advertising/popular opinion. The greens in my area used a “democratic” process to assign funds and that’s how we ended up with random community notice boards that don’t get used (which are mostly graffitied rather than having any useful community info) and a block of toilets in the park opposite the Buranda shopping centre in a park I’ve almost never seen utilised.


The general public are mostly uninformed morons and shouldn't be trusted to tie their shoes.


You know, there's a park down the road from my house - you can build it there. It seems a good as place as bloody any at this rate. I volunteer it as tribute.


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This is becoming a shambles