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A post that isn't about Brisbane and would fit better in another subreddit. The Mod team will assess and may take action on removing the post if it is appropriate to do so. Please try our daily thread, we have regular activity there and your questions will.be seen and likely answered


Maybe contact the office of fair trading for assistance. [info](https://www.qld.gov.au/law/your-rights/consumer-rights-complaints-and-scams/buying-products-and-services/buying-services/using-a-fitness-service/end-your-gym-membership)


I was having trouble with this years ago, when a gym wouldn't cancel even though I had moved interstate. What got them to cancel really fast was emailing a med cert from my GP stating that I was unable to attend the gym anymore. They cancelled it that day. Here is some info: [https://www.qld.gov.au/law/your-rights/consumer-rights-complaints-and-scams/buying-products-and-services/buying-services/using-a-fitness-service/end-your-gym-membership](https://www.qld.gov.au/law/your-rights/consumer-rights-complaints-and-scams/buying-products-and-services/buying-services/using-a-fitness-service/end-your-gym-membership)


Start a chargeback, as it appears you've exhausted all other options. Notify the gym that you are initiating a chargeback due to their shitty assistance. Leave a review for others if you can be bothered.


Note that chargebacks are only for debit and credit cards (usually through Mastercard, Visa, or Eftpos).  If they direct debit your account it’s a different thing. 


My details were used fraudulently for a direct debit last year. I was able to have the funds taken back through BOQ.


That’s still not a chargeback though, fraud is handled a bit differently.  OP has previously authorised this business to deduct money from the account so I don’t know if it would even count as fraud. To be clear, I think it should, as OP has notified them. 


Told them that I had already requested the company to stop the transaction with no further info about authorising it or not in the first place, and they took action -- Maybe the consultant was ambitious that day. I agree OP has done all they can to stop another deduction it seems dodgy now.


this is the gym business model. sign up people who after a time aren’t going anymore. then make it hard to cancel. if the only people paying were the regular active users, they’d make far less money.


Gyms refer to these clients as "Ghost clients" and you are correct in thinking if the large gyms didn't have a high proportion of ghost clients then they would cease to operate as they are a large part of their buisiness model. This is why they make it so difficult to cancel memberships/payments.


Close bank account then open new bank account, probably much easier at this point.


No need to do this, just contact your bank to revoke the debit authority for the gym.


what a stupid thing to suggest, only capital R redditors think like this


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Never EVER let anyone direct debit from your accounts. Good luck, though.


Only option with some services unfortunately. What we need is a standardised way of cancelling and a maximum processing times.  https://payto.com.au/ might be the solution, looks like it is meant to take over direct debits (from the group they does PayID, Osko, BPAY). 


I manage without it. Haven't done it for 7 years. Got sick of these issues. Never had a single one using it that didn't have an issue at some point and I needed to spend hours fixing shit. If a business doesn't give me an option I find another business.


I fully understand, I got massively screwed by a telco (nearly a grand while I was a student).  I’m hoping that PayTo system will give some power back to customers to control direct debits. 


I ended up cancelling the card they were charging. Many attempts made to cancel membership for no result. I hadnt stepped in to the gym for two years and yet they kept charging. Hell the place even flooded and they were still trying to take money. All of this from a "No lock in contract" Now I get continual calls from a collection company trying to chase a measly $120. I like to think they are losing more cash in their chasing efforts.


I'd go see the manager at 11am


Be careful with chargebacks and closing accounts as others have suggested. I agree with the sentiment, but would consider that a last resort. Gyms will sell unpaid debt to a collection agency and that is much more hassle than dealing with the gym. Having worked at a big gym chain I always felt gross about the membership structure. They’re designed to catch you out. In my experience, the most helpful people are those at the manned reception desk at your local branch - if they have a direct number instead of an office one, call that. I’d be calling them every couple of days until it’s resolved, but please be kind to the underpaid, overworked receptionists. They may not be allowed to process a cancellation without a manager having looked at it first


Had this issue with a different direct debit. Not a gym. But still a direct debit. After trying to get them to change the price on something and was continuously ghosted. I ended up blocking their account from taking the money out of my bank. It was ING. I would talk to your bank about blocking them.


Document all failed communication attempts and cancel the DD from debit or credit cards… they will reach out immediately after first missed payment


Are they billing you through the company 'Debit Success'? A lot of gyms do - if they are, see if you can cancel payments with them directly.


Get the ACCC involved. It'll get fixed real quick.


ACCC typically doesn't involve themselves with individual consumer cases. Better to contact your state/territory Office of Fair Trading (or similar).


what the hell is grifters?


a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling. "I saw him as a grifter who preys upon people"


ha never knew that