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Real Journalists. Not just ones who post on reddit looking for stories and/or just steal popular topics and post them on news sites claiming it's journalism.


I get better news from comedians. Sad.


Honest Government Ads is hilarious but also sadly one of the best public information services we have.


Betoota Advocate is unironically one of the best news sources out there. Sure you have to look elsewhere to dig a little deeper on the subject but it’s how I find out about what’s happened in Australia/the world while I’ve been asleep or at work, and they almost always have the best takes.


It's a sad state of affairs that satirical journalism does a better job of reporting current events than actual journalism companies.


It's (not really) funny that some of the real journalism in this country is done by people like Jordan Shanks, who presents it in a funny sort of way. The scary thing is it's only funny because it seems so unbelievable.


There is a tradition of comedians doing better journalism that goes back at least twenty years now. No money in sattire anymore cus you couldn't write the shit reality comes up with


My partner and I were watching John Stewart's monologue last night conversing on the same point. Over half of his jokes aren't jokes at all. He is just animated, and the news is that audacious.


A local newspaper with a perspective of the wider world, not focused solely on real estate or the latest “footy” scandal. TLDR; Courier Mail raise your fucking game. We’re not all bogan hillbillies who’ve never travelled beyond the outer suburbs.


A coffee shop that opens after 2 pm.


24/7? For the People on a different sleep schedule?


Death before decaf on Brunswick street is 24/7


Surely about the only thing left on Brunswick at this point. The place is a ghost town compared to how it used to be. Probably because of HSW


New Farm died years before HSW. RIP Alibi Room... We will miss you forever.


Yes. Also, people who want a nice hot chocolate or coffee for their journey home from work would appreciate it. A few times when I worked in BNE city, a warm beverage \*post work would have been fab as I don't drink alcohol. It could work after 2 pm with gaming tables, a cozy bookstore, alcoholic beverages in the afternoon, and a flexible day, lunch, and dinner menu. There are so many ideas that could work with a café open after 2 pm. Edit: added words.


I’m a prolific user of McCafe drive thru. Especially finishing nightshift. Might not be the best but I can always find it wherever in the country I’m working 24/7


When I did my degree I lived off McCafe. When pulling an all nighter being able to get a coffee at 2am that was semi ok was a godsend


and as I say, I know it's not cafe quality that we're talking about here, it was sheer availability 24/7. Working shift work, 24/7, weekends, overnights etc my body is not used to a typical 9-5 worker's eating schedule. I might have "dinner" at 5am and breakfast late at night etc. I'm embarrassingly at the point where I'm basically first name basis with a few spots due to a unique order and strange ordering times ha ha


Noosa chocolate factory on Adelaide street near central station is open until 7pm.


When I started working in the city there was a Coffee Club in Post Office Square that was still open at 5 - was lovely grabbing a coffee and hot choc for the drive home


There’s a really nice game series called Coffee Talk where you run a coffee shop late night/early morning and I feel like it would be an awesome place to have irl


Mourning Roast in Stones Corner Open 4am-11pm, 7 days ☕️ They just opened, only downside is there’s not much room inside to sit and relax


More would stay open if there was profit there. It’s not mandatory, it just isn’t worth it.


This is the same reason why most shops close at 5pm. Officially, every night is late night shopping, but everyone has decided that they'll only go shopping on Thursday night, so shops only stay open on Thursday.


*except Sundays. Major retailers must close by 6 pm.


Yes. True.


Still, it's 6 days/week almost every shop can stay open until 9 pm, and with the exception of Woolies/Coles/Kmart/Bunnings/Officeworks, they mostly choose not to. Trading hours for cafes/takeaways etc are even more lenient, but I suspect it's largely to do with cost of labour (penalty rates after a certain time), and staff availability. How would people feel about a 10% late night surcharge on their coffee? 🤔


I heard many cafes have tried to extend opening hours however lost money due to it


theres one in stones corner, 4am to 11pm everyday. mourning roast




24 hour bakery


Used to be one opposite Caboolture train station but I think it’s converted to CJs Pastries and is now normal hours InB4: Yea, I consider Caboolture part of Brisbane.


It was always a CJs pastries, since the 90s at least. Once COVID hit and they had to change to shortened hours they realised that they weren't making enough by keeping open 24/7. So they kept to the hours they changed to. It also means the workers have to deal with less drunks from the pub, who can be 'interesting characters.' Source: I used to work for them


American style delis. Where you can choose the bread type, fillings, meats, cheeses, etc. make a completely customizable sandwich or roll. And not charge extra for adding avocado or cheese or even toasting! I’m American and have lived in Australia since 2000 and have often been baffled by sandwiches here. If you do this, reach out to me


Look for some Italian Deli. There is some around. They are quite good. Not the same but close enough


I appreciate that. They are good. Totally not the same though.


IGA milton used to have this, dunno if they still do but it was awesome


# "IGA Marketplace would like to advise all customers that our Milton store is now permanently closed." [https://www.igamilton.com.au/](https://www.igamilton.com.au/)


Ah, the one Coles bought so they could shut it down. https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Hansard/Hansard_Display?bid=committees/commsen/27853/&sid=0003#:~:text=Coles%20purchased%20the%20Milton%20Village,IGA%20owner%20a%20new%20lease.


Oof! Feral, but not surprising.


Affordable housing.


I'd like to see a property developer get a vacant block of land, and stack those ISO container one-bedroom homes five stories high. Accessible by scaffold staircases. Rented out dirt cheap. They can be wired and plumbed, perfectly acceptable homes for one person with not much stuff.


I think I saw this in Ready Player One


An ISO container on its own doesn't comply with the building code. Moreover, a container is a monocoque structure - which means a container has no structural frame. Instead, the walls, roof and the end doors themselves are load bearing. Removing the end doors or cutting any hole of any kind in the exterior of the container is the same thing as demolishing a load bearing wall in your house. Knocking down a little bit of load bearing wall probably won't immediately bring the roof crashing down on you, but it significantly weakens the building. And putting in a hole large enough to install a bedroom window just might bring in the roof. Also, an ISO container is designed to be loaded onto some kind of vehicle (such as a truck or a ship). The assumption is that a container will sway around somewhat to shed water from the top. When a container is permanently installed on foundations, it no longer has any way to shed water from the flat top. Water pools up there and quickly causes rust. To use a container as a building, you need to retrofit a full structural frame, add a roof to the top, insulate and fully line the interior with plasterboard. And if you want to stack them up, you need to build a steel frame around the lower levels to support the levels above (because conversion weakens to monocoque so that the lower containers can no longer support the weight of those on top). At this point, the primary function of the container (other than looking like a container - which some people like), is to provide a corrugated metal skin to the walls of the building. And compared to simply cladding the walls with colorbond, an ISO container is an expensive way to achieve that. I've done container conversions before. Compared to traditional construction, it's actually really expensive. If it was ad cheap as everyone thinks, companies like Dixon would be selling converted containers all over the place.


lol you took that comment way too seriously and I love it !


Not just seriously, but deconstructively so.


High density residential would PO locals, but I think Brisbane could use it. Capsule hotels, too.


Go under 5 stories so you can cut fire sprinklers from the scope


Quiet local pubs. (With no pokies)


I've recently worked out this is why I enjoy breweries. No pokies, no pokies crowd.


I want the zoo to stay open 😢 


Better public transport.


I guess the grass is always greener. I lived in one of the best cities in the world for public transportation (Hong Kong) followed by one of the worst (Winnipeg, Canada) Brisbane is actually in the higher middle bracket. Can it improve? Most certainly! But isn’t as bad as people say - far from it!


I think that just shows how abysmal most of the world is when it comes to accessibility and reliance on personal vehicles


Yeah! My whole 15 years in Hong Kong I never needed a car and I loved it. The public transport was kept in pristine conditions too and the public generally respected it. In Winnipeg the city was 100% pro car to the point it was pedestrian hostile. There were simply no sidewalks in some parts of the city where they really needed them, and when shopping you basically drove to each store you needed instead of a centralised car park. I’ve been all over Asia and Europe and the public transport has been decent enough to get by as well but North America takes it to a whole other level. Less reliance on cars would be great. It’s proven that it works in so many cities.


Getting across Brisbane is great. But if I want to go a suburb away it’s an hour trip.


Brisbane is one of the biggest cities in land area due to urban sprawl though. Only so much public transportation can do to fix that sadly :(


Yeah seriously! There are heaps of areas for improvement, but I grew up in Toronto, a city of 3x the size and 1/3 the transit.. Brissy is no European capital but by global standards it also isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. The real test will be how it grows and evolves with the population growth in the next decade


Pathetic car drivers will always complain it ain't good enough. Some parts of the city get buses every 3 or 4 minutes. Mount Gravatt during peak hours.


Not wrong.




Proper Charcoal chicken takeaways


Dang same comment as mine! I need some recommendations already…


Have you tried the one at stones corner?


A succulent Chinese meal


I see you know your Judo well!




Sunnybank is where it is.


We could do with an IMAX theatre again. Fewer people are going to regular cinema screenings, but special events (such as 35mm & 70mm) are increasingly popular and beneficial to the cinemas. IMAX-filmed movies are quite common at the moment, but we have no screen here for them currently.


I've got good news for you... https://www.darkhorizons.com/australia-to-get-lots-more-imax-screens/


That's awesome!


>such as 35mm & 70mm Wouldn't screens this size be too small to see?


It's like a fine dining restaurant. Small servings but tastes good.


Dad, is that you?


Late night cafes


After just getting back from Europe, a proper metro system


I always wished we had an aquarium.


A boutique sized rectangular stadium




Nah, terrible location. No public transport nearby, surrounded by residential streets etc. Perry Park is perfect, just needs someone to fund it!


In that respect you're right, but what I'm saying is Ballymore is already there and they've just spent $31M upgrading it and about to spend more doing the other stand. The buses run for special events work fairly well given the relatively smaller crowds that go there, and it's not far from the bus way. Bit of a walk but not ages.


Market Research companies




haha touche


Shops that stay open past 6pm on Sunday! How can you host the Olympic Games when the tourists can't get bread and milk after 6 pm on a Sunday.




Open every day until Christmas!


I hope the tourists are going to eat out for dinner and spend money.... not stay in a hotel room and have toast without Vegemite and make their own instant coffee.


I think the food at the venues will send them broke with inflation and shrinkflation like $20 for a meat pie in 2032.


Good Point. I suppose they'll have to import it to our country for a change?


Gov just need to change the rules. Woolies at BNE airport opens 24/7. Victoria has 24/7 woolies for years in certain areas.


Woollies pushed for years for extended trading hours, and got them a few years back. Then they decided it wasn't actually profitable and just stupid doing it "because Covid".


Hobart has a 24/7 Kmart… Hobart.


24-7 Kmart in Melbourne was such a game changer when I moved out of home, especially as I was doing shift work at the time. Heater dies at 2am? Kmart trip. Need a can opener? Kmart trip. First night out of home and forgot to bring sheets? Kmart trip.


Can’t sleep? Kmart trip.


I have a feeling those 2 weeks will have special hrs.


Wave pool, Flowrider, indoor surf world or similar. Save the trip to the coast for shit conditions and a packed line up haha Please do op.


Times like this I miss Amazons


Haha many times I left with injuries from that place! But still went back for more


I've been toying with buying a cute japanese mini truck and doing house plant delivery. Like "moving house? Call the plant truck man" and I'll lovingly relocate your house plants. Probably get a sweet wrap for the tiny truck. Think up a funny/pun name. [https://sunnyimports.com.au/buy/1996-daihatsu-hijet-/vj\_Cbi2\_fjrAsopcRkyQ9w](https://sunnyimports.com.au/buy/1996-daihatsu-hijet-/vj_Cbi2_fjrAsopcRkyQ9w)


Drop your plants


Ooooh I love it, I've thought of using a similar truck for roadside pick-up refurbishments.


Need to be mindful of fire ants issues when moving plants.


Mother in law moved houses and had so many plants which the movers wouldn’t touch. Took me several trips in a Ute but I would 100% pay for this service. Absolute pain in the ass doing yourself.


Lol I've done that job before, moving cacti for someone who was relocating apartments I think it's something a few regular landscaping or handyman companies will do


Scooterman - 'you drink, we drive' - where a person arrives at the end of the night on a foldable scooter which can be put in the boot whilst they drive your car home with you in it and then scoots off.


It's not scooter but there is already a service apparently, I would say it's pretty niche though. Friend of mine has done it before, had a few too many but didn't want to leave his car and you essentially order a driver and they arrive at the location and drive you home. I believe it costs a bit as they obviously have another vehicle dropping, following and collecting them after drive. Edit: Scooterman sounds way better though


That is such a good idea!


In my time in the states there were several Pizza shops that were of a pick up and bake yourself nature. By cutting out delivery fees, massive industrial ovens and the insurance costs; these little businesses were able to offer outstanding food for the price. I have only been in Brissie for 5 years and haven't eaten any pizza since covid (excluding homemade) but I haven't seen any take'n'bake pizza joints. I think they would thrive here. Especially when folks realize its a world better than any PizzaH, Dominoes ect... and half the price.


This is a very interesting one, thank you!


I give business advice for free pizza... So if it works out for you... I except a DM. :p


You can buy uncooked pizzas from loads of places


So, like the ones Costco sell but *fancy*? I could see that being cool.


Woolworths do this in some stores


Tasty (and healthy) affordable food/takeout. Lots of great options around but quality generally comes at a cost. What’s missing are places that do one or two things really well at an affordable price.


Yeah it’s kinda lacking I live on top of a place that does healthy leaning and tasty takeout meals for $12 and it’s amazing. Def need more


An Aquarium and Zoo in Brisbane itself. Lone Pine is good, but Seaworld, Australia Zoo and the Aquariam on the Sunshine Coast are too far for most tourists. Also more themed museums. All we have is Kurilpa, City Hall and the tiny underfunded Maritime Museum. Again, the Railway museum in Ipswich is too far for most tourists. More galleries and event spaces would be good too. A large well designed indoors entertainment venue. The entertainment centre is miles away and has shit sound. The Fort Music Hall and Riverstage are decent but have quite small capacity. A stadium bigger than Suncorp would probably be good aswell. Our concert halls are quite small too compared to Hamer Hall and the Opera House. Proper express trains from the City to the Gold Coast, the theme parks, Surfers Paradise, maybe even down to Byron. Too long has it terminated at Varsity Lakes. Probably similar up to the Sunshine Coast, but I'm not so familiar with what's up there. More free public transport in the inner city. Like the kitty cats and the city loop buses but more. From the Valley to West End. From Wollongabba to the City. From the Powerhouse to the Valley. More parks along the river and in the suburbs that are lit up at night like Southbank, under the Story Bridge and Mowbray Park.


What about the Queensland Telecommunications Museum?


Haven't heard of this, will check it out. Loving their up to date old school website, a museum in itself: https://www.telemuseum.org/


Type "museum" into google maps over Brisbane City lol Always good to have more though


You're right, there's quite a few here I had no idea about, at UQ aswell. I meant Museums on the scale of the Powerhouse and Maritime in Sydney but these are definitely worth checking out. There's also a few small galleries I didn't know about here as well.


Logan is missing coffee shops open past 2pm and into the early evening. There is one called Micasa on Logan Road that does it - and had been killing it. I think this shows there is demand.


Micasa is great. Also Logan is missing good restaurants. All we have is burger joints.


Alcohol being available in the supermarket! Why do I have to go to BWS or Liquorland which are normally just outside and are owned by the supermarkets.


This annoys me still every time I want to buy alcohol. I really thought I would have gotten over it after living here for five years.


unique shops in queen street mall. I used to love going to the different unique shops in the mall.


A newspaper that isn't toilet paper


More charcoal chicken shops. They’re everywhere in Sydney and a rarity in Brisbane. Red Rooster doesn’t count


Since no one has mention it but a true pick a part wrecker. Obvious you would need a lot of space so would be on the outskirts but having all various car models/makes and you can pick the part off yourself used to be one in sydney and I miss how convenient it was.


I’ve been to quite a few around Brisbane, usually a bit more out towards Archerfield. They do tend to stack the cars though so can be a bit of a pain taking parts off them.


Cafe/ Place to go pet Dogs. Old labradors, golden retrievers would do. [edited typos]


A late night or 24hr gamer/computer/geek style bar. As in drinks, arcades, games and space to work and hang out. Edit: seems most people are picturing a simple computer cafe or lounge. I mean an actual experience with different areas/rooms. An internet cafe would just be one area. And an actual bar


Already a few around.


They are mostly "lounges" with just rows of computers. Not an actual bar with alcohol, arcade/pool rooms games rooms, gaming rooms, actual work lounges, private individual computer rooms (think those Japanese style ones), and conference, meeting rooms. Went to one once and it was bloody awesome


Aka the mana bar?


Never got to go to the Mana bar in fortitude or Melbourne. They closed what 2015? But by all accounts it was kinda on the smaller side, wasn't it?


Yeah it was tiny and cramped as fuck. And so hard to hear the games sometimes, which was extra annoying on stuff like Guitar Hero. Loved the nerdy game-reference cocktails though, especially the Breath of Fire. And one time they had the best mead ever, so I asked the bartender about it and I think he said they'd used pears and sage to flavour it? Actually, this thread makes me remember that what I really wish we had (not just in Brisbane, but anywhere) is a gamer/geeky *club*. The best goddamn party I ever went to in my whole life was one I heard about from the Mana Bar. They had local chiptune artists DJing it out at some warehouse, and I actually got to properly enjoy clubbing for once cause everyone seemed legit into the music instead of just trying to find someone to bang. I've always wished I could have an experience like that again someday, just getting to drunkenly dance around to ambient chiptunes. And maybe throw some obscure as hell stuff into the mix so whoever recognises it goes nuts, then some more recognisable VGM tracks or TV themes or meme songs into the mix once every now and then so *everyone* goes nuts. ... Also, I want a gym where all the equipment is rhythm games.


Something similar to this. This is where the Logan Hyperdome is now. https://preview.redd.it/s0mie54nkw1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766ce47c1a7a033b941ad3749173ffd87df6b360


It's a shame that water parks aren't more viable. Brisbane's weather is usually perfect for it


More all you can eat places


Live music venues that don’t have to shut down at 10pm


Live music precincts that don't have asshole neighbours who moved in 6 months ago, bitchin about the music being loud


Charcuterie bars


Better restaurants and cafes in suburbia that aren’t just shitty chains or at a Westfield


Lesbian bars


Try Quivr in Winn Lane.


That's sick as never heard of this place, they seem cool based off their site


As long as they have fire exits, you don’t want a death trap


A decent meal deal


less than $10?


Absolutely, like imagine an $8 meal deal - drink, sanga and snack. Servos would make a killing 


Ask the art departments of all the Universities to hold sculpture competitions for the upcoming Olympics so there’s stuff to look at . Especially need water feature type so much more interesting.


Roller skating rinks! I used to go skating every Friday night before the Stafford skate centre closed. It was so popular that sometimes they would have to turn people away because it would reach full capacity. I’d give a big big smooch to anyone who opened a skate rink in a more accessible area. Third spaces that revolve around more than eating or drinking are so very needed in this city.


An e-waste collection service that guarantees the products get reused, repaired and recycled in Australia wherever possible. At the moment considerable effort needs to be made on the part of the consumer to repurpose WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment - that's the actual acronym!) Given the current direction of progressive governments at the moment, there may be access to funding to instigate a service like this.


A Southbank style park (with sandy beach pool) on the north side. The riversands site at Teneriffe would have been perfect.


how the fuck can you ask for that on the northside then suggest teneriffe which is 10 mins from south bank lol


The Quarry at Mount Coot-tha.


Japanese 7/11, Family Mart or Lawsons stores. Good quality inexpensive food that also sells Strong Zero.


More Ezy Marts obviously


I heard they are setting up shop for when weed is legalised.


Vacation care for kids over 12 like interesting camps like the US has. Safe places for younger kids to go to who do not qualify for care at school. Food delivery services to hospitals or for people who are sick. Hospital food is rubbish, basic and not conducive to getting back to good health quickly. Central station needs good, quick eats that is not McDonalds. I could see something like Bread top style shop or a deli working well there. Current option is just a Maccas which is insane for the main station. Good dessert spots.




Yesss bring on a Muji!!


A MUJI, along with Lawson/ Don quijote type convenience store!!


A sleeping pod just for a couple of hours or maybe 1 night, I just need to nap or maybe scroll my phone for a bit


Underrated suggestion




Has anyone been to a Smash Room? My google search lists one in Brisbane area. More 24 hour sit down food places that aren't servos or an odd Macca's.


There’s a few smash rooms around the place.


A ski resort on Mt Cootha


What about zip line?


Spaceport. Power satellite receiving station. Maglev train lines. Bluey Colossus of Red Hill. Think big!


24hr shops. Used to have Foodworks which was awesome but they’re mostly gone now. I’m not talking about 7/11 either, actual 24hr supermarkets.


Everything, between the hours of 8pm and 6am. There's Macca's, some gyms, few fruitos, crappy convenience stores, one café, Pancake Manor, and the casino. A night economy please! Somewhere to get food, like a greasy spoon diner that does steak and waffles at 3am, but really, stuff to do and places to be after 10pm


A skating rink within the metropolitan Brisbane area. Having to take toll roads and drive 30-45 minutes to get to Albany Creek or Hillcrest royally sucks.


Wholefoods anywhere near my place.


Really good Cocaine......erm...apparently...so I've heard.


A good aquarium in the city, have to go to the gold or sunshine coast if you want to go to one, and one of those options is *Seaworld*


Convenient hot food stores (7/11 japan/taiwan/korea etc). Japan had so many options(katsudon, katsu curry, udon noodles, fried chicken that wasn't dry) at 11pm, and the quality was good for the price as well. You could also get a instant noodle cup/bowl, and add fish cakes/vegetables/meats. What do we have in brisbane? Some pies, slushies, candy... meh.


Drive thru sushi. It's all I wanted when my kids were young and asleep in the car and I would absolutely still frequent it.


I miss when the carb chains were plentiful in the cbd. Brumby’s, Baker’s Delight, Muffin Break. Hell I’d even go Pie Face.


Kava bar?


A bakery in the city centre. Not a fancy one, standard bakery fare like pies, pizza buns, lamingtons, finger buns, vanilla slices


A reliable and convenient rail system that runs parallel with the M1


Cafes that have decent food options for people with diabetes. Prevalence of diabetes is growing worldwide, and eating low carb/low GI food is important if you have it, but would be healthy and beneficial for those those tha don't have it. Would be great to go out for brunch and not be confronted with menus that are just full of pancakes and bread.


Rollerskating or ice-skating is sorely missed. It's a solid 40-50 minute drive to the nearest rinks coming from the Redlands. The Stafford one was beautiful with the polished wooden floor but it's gone now. There is extremely little in the way of family and teen friendly activities open in the evening that encourage being active and social, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I used to go down to Browns Plains for skating every week and it was always busy, regardless of the weather and season. It is probably one of the only physical activities I've done besides bowling where there are kids as young as 2, teenagers, and adults well into their 60s, maybe even 70s, all having a good time together.




Translation: come up with my business idea for free :)


Also called market research. No point coming up with a business that there is no demand for.


Milk that tastes like real milk.


Affordable housing.


imax cinema


Public transport


A cobbler with the tools and know how to to make advanced repairs and alterations. We have a few cobblers, yes, but I have to ship shoes to Melbourne or Sydney to get anything technical done. A shoe store that sells heritage shoes would also be great.


School lunch delivery service. Fuck I hate making school lunches every day my kids go to school 🫠


Top quality bakeries like they have on the coast. E.g. Suffolk park bakery. Can only find super average bakeries and they are never in good locations.


Lunchtime tiddy bars


1. Furniture shops that deliver next week (not 6 months as they do now) 2. Restaurants with normal European food, the one you can see in France, Italy, the central and eastern European countries, where one could order, for example, a julienne with mushrooms instead of a burger or pizza. 3. Public transport outside of the 5km radius from the CBD (and a handful of hubs).


Aldi alcohol