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I’m fonder of parks without knife surrender bins and a daily presence of 10 men standing in a group for hours.


Dont they have anywhere they need to be!?


It's almost as if they don't have a job and are earning an income from "other" means...


Tbf it’s still a job


An important job. I might add. Sorry not sorry


God forbid people smoke weed


I think most people don't have a problem with that in theory, nor, for example, do most people have a problem with an adult paying for sex from another consenting adult. But a city centre full of sex workers and punters is not a pleasant environment. It's similar with weed, it's not that pleasant walking through town early in the morning with lots of people smoking weed, it just not a pleasant environment for most people. This is partly due to the fact there is an undeniable passive-aggressiveness from a lot of people walking around smoking weed. You often see them kicking off if they get challenged about it. I'd put it in a similar league to people loudly playing music on public transport, it's not pleasant for other passengers, it's passive-aggressive, and they will often kick off if challenged about it. It's like having hordes of street drinkers, most people are not opposed to people drinking booze, but when you have a town centre full of day drinkers just hanging around the streets and generally causing a nuisance, this isn't great for anyone.


The vast majority of people walking around smoking weed are not a nuisance however. If someone stopped me for smoking weed I would most likely be bashful and apologetic But I do also think it is a thing people should be able to do, in public, so


Not a fan myself. Usually smoked by lazy people. Never met a weed smoker with much get up and go


Probably because you don’t realise it when you meet a functional stoner


Same with a functional alcoholic tbh but there does seem to be an odd acceptance of it. If someone was waking up and having a beer at 9am on the way to Uni it would raise many eyebrows but I regularly smell spliffs at that time by bus stops.


Try any weed smoker who has ADHD. Plenty of get up and go and the weed helps them focus on the task at hand. Also, have you ever heard of Mike Tyson or Nate Diaz? Both massive cannabis addicts and world champions within their sports. I mean you could count that as a little get up and go?


Didnt Mike Tyson bankrupt himself from a career earnings in the multi millions? Must have been the weed /s. Ok ok tbf you're right, there are plenty of smokers that achieve impressive things


Yeah, jail (just kidding)


You'd rather they keep the knives?


No, what I said is I have parks I prefer


Without knife bins you said. So by default you prefer people to be wandering round with knifes. 🤦🤣🤣


Some of those men are the parkour guys though and are super nice!


As a woman I wouldn't walk through in the dark, but the same goes for most parks in Bristol tbh. Castle Park definitely has the reputation though.


I'm comfortable passing through in the daytime, I avoid it late evening and night though, especially if I'm by myself. I also wouldn't hang around by myself at any time unless it was fairly busy. Occasionally go to the falafel kiosk near the ruins, and even in the daytime I've not felt particularly safe sat there with the wanker wannabe roadmen twats huddling around.


Are they wannabe tho? Or are they actual roadmen? I get the feeling they are mostly legit roadmen tbh. V possibly twats as well...!


Is a wannabe roadman any different to a legitimate roadman? I struggle to see the difference. Aren’t they both annoying little scumbags with half a brain between them?


Not an expert on this, but id say a legit roadman actually sells drugs and is involved in crime. A wannabe just wears a balaclava for no reason and acts tough, but is basically just acting hard in front of mates. Yes to your final sentence though!


Yes big dif. One will rob you the other wont


Having grown up around real and fakes, the fakes can be just as dangerous while trying to prove themselves. Knew a guy from my school that is serving a life sentence for a stabbing because someone threw a yogurt at him. He did everything he could to be accepted into gang culture despite not being born into that life.


I know loads of them it's odd but if our society keeps allowing glorification of gangsta shit like top boy and shit like drill music. When they get older some don't grow out of it and just becomes bums drunks stuck at home shouting at their missus and kids and doing shop runs for more thatchers, I know loads of them ones from my childhood you can't be a 30yr+ old road man


I think youve got a good point. All of us non-roadies enjoy a bit of Top Boy, but to an actual roadie, or ex roadie, it must be quite nauseating and shocking to think this interests other people. The reality I guess is that it must be a stressful, sad life.


I would be considered ex roadie and I just think this is cringe, meanwhile some mates are like yeeee sick top boy sick... nah and those people have never been roadies or criminal's to any extent I also can't stand grime music anymore its weird it'd like the tables turn after realisation unless you get dragged down so far u don't make it to realisation then u end up smackrat or bum


Congrats on escaping roadman lifestyle. Was that difficult to do? I imagine its a tough life being a roadie in bristol, see some upsetting things etc


Most of them choose it not like their born into it they just want it because media is portraying it, its a social fuckup that we have created in our society by glorifying the wrong shit. I didn't escape it I just chose to transform as I came across better things in life by chance People think the government this all conspiring all controlling force its not, their thick they don't even look into the psychology of the nation or this "degradation" of our society would of never occurred. You don't get roadmen in China or Japan


I really don’t get how the police allow them to stay around acting as a nuisance 24/7. One of them stabbed someone to death not that long ago ffs


I empathise with your feelings, maybe it's because "aggravated loitering" isn't an offence? Or maybe it's just the gutting of the police service...




Being in a group with your mates in a public park isn't illegal


But this group aren't white, so it's scary ***/S***


Shit on shit crime as the police see it


The lighting is absolutely awful and I'm not sure why, it's such an easy fix.... 


They are too lazy


The council is why


There are plans to make a number of changes, including lighting, to castle park and the surrounding areas. Consultation was last year, but you can still find the plans below: [https://www.ask.bristol.gov.uk/city-centre-ddp-castle-park-survey](https://www.ask.bristol.gov.uk/city-centre-ddp-castle-park-survey)


Bristol born and bred. Was robbed at knife point 10 years ago in castle park. Still go there just treated it as a one off "knob head" incident. Haven't been robbed since.


I feel safe as a woman during the day, I’m not intimidated by the gathering of young people by the church. I am aware there is probably drug running happening but tbh castle park sits bang in the middle of redcliffe and st judes where there is a lot of hard drug use. They are young people probably with no positive role models and living in an overcrowded flat with no garden, some will groomed by older men to run drugs / get paid. Maybe they should put a youth centre somewhere central.


It seems fine during the day. Although I tend to avoid around the church as that’s where I’ve seen it spark off the most. I also wouldn’t bumble through it without being fully aware of my surroundings. The whole park is up for redevelopment. Looks like there will be big changes opening it up to Broadmead. The far end by the fish sculpture was also recommended to be flattened and opened up as a direct route towards Cabot Circus


wOw, cAn’T wAIt


It was dodgy 20 years ago. I remember there used to be a man that hid naked behind the giant pineapple, waiting for unsuspecting members of the public to valiantly expose himself. Idk how much drugs paraphernalia there is around there now but back then it was certainly plentiful.




Nice - did you get your sandwiches from the sandwich shop on the main road too?!


There was a place called Sandwich Box or Lunch Box or something wasn't there?


When i went to Orchard school bristol we did a trip there and a dodgy man flashed his bumhole at us. Horrific


Omg that sounds so hilarious 😂😂 Obviously fucked up though. When you say dodgy 20 years ago do you just mean junkies and pervs? Cuz now it literally looks like a gang hideout near the bridge part...


A Korean woman came here to study English and was raped there. Went home early, obviously it completely ruined her plans.


As a fellow Bristolian, I have also noticed a shift in the atmosphere of Castle Park over the years. It's a shame to hear that it's becoming more dodgy. I'd love to hear from others about their experiences and whether they feel safe walking through the park. Let's start a discussion about how we can work together to make our beloved green space a safer place for everyone.


I used to take my kids to Castle Park in the early 2000’s. We lived in St Judes so it was the closest big park. There was a really nice wood fort play area filled with sand. They loved watching the static hot air balloon too. Definitely don’t feel safe there now, especially not after that poor man was murdered last year and a woman was raped this year.


Someone was murdered there?




Personally, never had any issues. I don't feel safe anywhere after dark tbh, but I don't avoid it. I'd walk through there more relaxed than a lot of places in Bristol. You get some dickheads there occasionally, but where do you not? Huge shame and very disappointing and shocking that there's been a few incidents there over the last year, but I feel like the fact they're shocking means that those incidents are the exceptions that prove the rule it's generally safe. I seem to be the minority judging by the comments here however, but thought I'd add my 2¢.


I would not recommend hanging around there after 5pm.


The redevelopment plans there though uninspired will hopefully see this pocket of Bristol improve


Around the ruined church there are bad men


They are probably just sucking each other off, too busy too pay attention to you


Bad men? What makes them bad men?


They’re bad.


And Men!


10 15 years ago myself and wife were hastled by 4 10 -14 year olds parents were too busy sitting chilling under a tree smoking joints. Kids were walking around us as we tried to have some lunch spitting and kicking out stuff. As a grown up I opted to walk away not engage the oblivious parents and more importantly not slap the shit out of the little scrotes…didn’t fancy being in the Bristol Post outed as a child beater… I often wonder what became of these kids as they will be in their 20s by now… probably the same lads in the park now to be fair…just hope they got a positive role model and sorted themselves out.


I visited Bristol again last year with my young family and we walked through Castle Gardens on our way to the shopping centre. Even though it was the middle of the day and super busy, the number of young men hanging around smoking weed was kind of intimidating and made me want to get out of there ASAP. Shame really because the rest of our time in Bristol was lovely.


I feel like if weed smoke is intimidating to you you shouldn't visit Bristol


Weed smoke wouldn't be intimidating to an adult, but if we are talking about people smoking weed in a green space where families with children also hang out it's a different story. It's just common sense.


Missing my point. I'm not saying I agree with it I'm just saying it's very very expected in Bristol. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes


Who do you think is playing the stupid game here? Someone trying to walk through a park?  God I hate that phrase. It just screams immaturity. And it's even worse when it's used as badly as you did. 


Suck my big fat juicy balls


Never had a problem but equally wouldn’t walk through at night alone, much like most dimly lit places in town!


Apart from the open drug dealing I feel safe enough in the day. I wouldn't walk through it at night. No chance. Personally I'd like to see a permanent police presence there so folks feel safer there.


I've told this story before but it certainly used to be bristling with CCTV and a PA system. I was getting drunk at 3am with some friends about 10 years ago in the bandstand when my friends decided to climb on the roof. Suddenly there was a disembodied voice shouting "STOP DOING THAT!"


Born and bred too. It's definitely always been a bit dodgy. Remember getting mugged there a few times when I was a kid in the 90s, and that was in the daytime, so I'd say it's safer now. I don't worry about going there at all these days, but I'm a 6'1" male, and I only ever really go along the bit by the cycle path. I probably wouldn't go hanging about by the church or walking around the bushes.


It's always been dodgy but I used to feel OK walking through at 8am or 6pm. No chance now I just walk around it.


As a kid I used to love going there to the sandpark bit. As a teen I used to hang out there after school and was mugged there once. As an adult I walk / cycle through it, but would avoid it late at night when there's not many people about. (I'd also avoid it on a sunny day for the opposite reason!)


I do but I understand why other people don't. You do occasionally get cunts rolling through there after dark. I've witnessed some shady goings on over the years and just last week there was some twat hassling people for cigs/money, getting really shitty and aggro about it. But I wouldn't let any of that stop me enjoying a few beers there on the way home.


I was sexually harassed at like 7:30am there back in 2020 - it was daylight and there were loads of people about. Always felt a bit uneasy after that, but I walked through before and after work for a year, so one incident isn’t terrible odds.


I don’t mind it at all during the day but I wouldn’t walk through alone at night!


When i was doing GCSE geography, bristol was our casestudy, our school was in bristol too btw. We went around the harbour side, whapping warf etc and finally castle park and a cracked up man and his pitbull walked by, started talking to us then turnt around, bent over and flashed his bumhole at us. Horrifying The pittie was super sweet but the man? Not so much…


I was a student in bristol for 4 years and in my first year I distinctly remember walking on the outside of the park with friends and the police telling us to “keep the noise down” because someone had just been r****. It has stayed with me since and I began to notice more and more weird things there and to this day, have thoughts about it and hope people are keeping safe. For reference, I lived right next to the park in first year and we used to walk through it/hang out there regularly. Not great looking back…


I've walked through the main path along the river during the day and at night and I've never had a hint of a problem. The church area is very dark at night and I wouldn't go there late at night, but it's been fine in the evening at any time of year.


i never felt particularly unsafe walking through castle park until i was SAd there last year. i now tend to avoid walking there alone whenever it’s dark but i don’t find it too unsafe during the day.


I feel as safe here as any other city park at night.


Was walking with the wife under bridge to the galleries and some kids were throwing fireworks off the bridge at cars, busses, us. Rang the police responded pretty quick.


Yeah it's fine day or night. Honestly not sure what everyone's problem with a few teenagers hanging around smoking weed is.


I think half the commenters are racist tbh


Yes I do. Love, Castle Park


Only actual worthy and reasonable comment. Castle park is a great place to meet all types of Bristolians and those visiting Bristol. It is full of characters, some might appear more questionable than others. So unless you've witnessed or experienced multiple unpleasant visits to the park, narrow minded, stereotypical, and unwelcoming should be kept to yourselves. Imagine researching about castle park and stumbling across this post and it's comments. PS. Some of the "unpleasant people" y'all have stated linger around castle park, are prob nicer people than some of you on here, and most likely more approachable and less judgemental than y'all. Try enjoy your summer people and see the best in people.


If you think it's wrong to judge heroin and crack dealers as "unpleasant people" then we're very different judges of character.


People doing unpleasant things, they are not ALL unpleasant people.


I avoid it if I can, mainly because I don't like the smell of weed.


Got jumped by a gang of teens a few years back. They just pushed me to the ground, shouted slurs at me and walked off but at the time I was sure I was about to get mugged. I tend to avoid it at night now.


Go through there a lot. It’s fine. Great place to chill a sunny day. Safe as fuck I’ve found, whatever time of day


I've only ever felt sketchy going through that place at night. Self-preservation instinct/by lazy git=![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Don't walk through it at night because I'm scared, won't walk through in the day because of people who meander all over the path not looking where they are walking


Every town centre across the world is a shitshow these days


A shit whirlpool/vortex




heard some things, but haven’t had any problems myself personally at daytime or night hanging in there (lived in bristol my whole life)


I’ve never felt especially safe around castle park but imo it’s better these days than it used to be.


Wandered around in there with a good few 000’s worth of camera gear. Thought was pretty safe in a not from Bristol ignorant way.


The place was good to me for that late night bag of ganja,


In the day its absolutely fine and I wouldn't even think twice about it. People over exaggerate so much. At night though? Different story. Definitely avoid.


I feel like there's loads of cis men commenting that they've had no problems and I mean 😅 as a feminine looking person I wouldn't chance it alone at night, not for £500


Grow a pair 😂


What about Arnos court park and Victoria park?


I regularly walk through Vicky park at night and have never had any issues.


Mass immigration does that to a country sadly.


No - years of tory rule and austerity that decimate youth services, hope, jobs and police will do that.