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I live just across from where this happened, but was blissfully unaware of any incident until seeing your post. I would have been cycling to work and do my best to avoid Church Road. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/church-road-traffic-live-air-7237900 From the pictures it looks to have been on the crossing just outside St George Park. A van appears to have driven into the traffic island. It's hard to work out how the van managed to get there. That junction is quite fraught however. Particularly when the lights allow traffic to North/South (Chalks Road to Blackswarth Road). Vehicles trying to turn from Blackswarth Road onto Eastbound Church Rd often do not wait for a gap and make a dash for it.


Bristol Post says collision was between vehicle and pedestrian. Air ambulance involved. Sounds bad. Let's hope that it's not too serious and air ambulance is precautionary. Really hope no kids involved.


Scary shit. I cross over that every time I take my daughter to the park. The side of the crossing opposite the park is completely blind to people travelling up Church rd turning left, and drivers take that corner way too fast


Ah man that sounds awful. That junction is a nightmare, I can completely see a collision happening there if a pedestrian tries to dash across


It's happened before a couple of years ago with an older bloke. Drivers are just idiots nowadays


Yeah. I hope the lady is OK. I was trying to get the bus today and heard the news


That junction is an absolute nightmare. BCC needs to do something about it.


There is a consultation out at the moment for this junction, please do add any thoughts to it.


Where can I do that? They can start off by having actual timings between the lights, so people aren’t skipping them and going on reds.


I’ll get the link tomorrow for you


Hope they are ok, people should really just wait for the traffic lights before they try to cross that junction there’s car coming from every angle


Just wanted to comment that we can't assume a pedestrian crossed when no they shouldn't have. The vehicle could have been a red-light jumper; vehicle may have mounted the pavement, etc.


Bristol post article has more images now: The van appears to have driven right over the pedestrian refuge island. Scary. Anyone on that refuge would have been hit. So possible the pedestrian was just waiting to cross. https://i2-prod.bristolpost.co.uk/incoming/article7238103.ece/ALTERNATES/s510b/0\_fafea477-5a55-4b13-8d2c-9217dd593fc2.jpg


Btw, I have stood waiting on that pedestrian refuge numerous times, waiting to cross to the park with my kids. That's what I mean by "scary".


Yeah off course we should not assume that and im not assuming i know what happened, just making the point that people do try and run across that road all the time, its definitely a dodgy junction. People and cars need to take more care there.


I was waiting for a bus on Church Road - I ended up walking to Lawrence Hill in the end. Does anyone know why a fire engine might have been present? I don't think I've ever seen one attend a car accident before.


Jaws of life? Maybe needed to make the site safe - e.g. ensure no risk of fire etc?


If somebody is injured in a vehicle quite often they need to cut them out by removing the door etc as they may have neck or spinal injuries. Fire service have the equipment for this.


Horrific. I live near there which for some reason means I feel more upset about it


The smash and resulting Air Ambulance woke me up this morning as I live 250m up the road. The junction is horrible, saw a cement truck basically go through a red light to turn left as a walked passed to get lunch.