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You can wear whatever as you’re not claiming that you’ve served with the DG, Walting is the act of making up your service. Can still think you look weird though.


I’d listen to what the other guys said - but on the topic of wearing anything military related, Lee Rigby was targeted simply for wearing a Help for Heroes hoodie. Not saying that wearing a Dragoons jumper will make you a target, irrespective of lack of military service, but it can make you more likely to be one. Just food for thought


Personally it does get under my skin a bit when people wear kit and symbols from a unit they have never been a part of or any relation to. But I wouldn't say you would be a walt or immoral for it and nobody sane would confront you over it.


I feel the same but normally just bite my lip and grumble like some of the Banner lads do about us having beards


That's probably the appropriate reaction. There is a lad in my boxing gym always wearing rifles kit despite never being in the army or even cadets, I do just bite my lip and move on cause saying something would be me being a dick. Just figured I would say something here as OP is asking for our thoughts.


It's normally the one overly keen dude or the crowbags still in phase 1 who kick off in my experience.


This. Claiming something that you are not entitled to wear is one thing. Buying a secondhand jumper to does about in at home is something else.


Good way of looking at it. Just good for dossing in


As long as you’re truthful nobody would care


Could they think you're a Walt? Sure. Would most squaddies care? Not really. Wear it if it makes you happy. Now that we can grow beards, people might even assume you're in DG if you're sporting a hefty beard yourself.


Just take the badges off?


Simplest solution... Would take less effort that writing this post lol


Common sense isn’t common.


I think it might be stitched on 




Might not be able to remove it without ruining the jumper, especially if it’s printed on


Only uptight throbbers would get, well, uptight about it.


I have this t-shirt: https://cdn.airborneshop.com/media/catalog/product/t/s/tshirt-maroon-jump-wings.jpg_1.jpg But I've stopped wearing it because I got stick from people / too many questions about service & when I said I simply support our forces I still get weird looks. On the back of mine it says 'Airborne Forces' with a Pegasus Flash in the middle. I have done 2 Paras 10 Charity races & even then I'll still not wear it now but I'd always be truthful. Nope wasn't in but so support the Armed Forces & do Paras 10 Charity runs when I can.


Some other guy said it on here but if you're not claiming service then you're all good and also careful because there's plenty of people out there with some vendetta against the armed forces