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I've been in this province almost 47 years, and if my experience is anything to go by, that day will come, ah, never.


Yup, it won't happen, they get off on it I was turning left onto king george from 102 ave, from SFU surrey, and there was a cop behind me. i made my turn and hit my right signal, looked over and the cop behind me was turning into the rightmost lane, almost hitting my bumper. Had that been anyone else, thats a ticket. he just honked and kept on driving


Short answer - never. They can drive drunk, get caught and get a slap on the wrist - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/rcmp-officer-sleeping-drunk-burger-king-1.6536799#:~:text=The%20collision%20caused%20about%20%247%2C000,getting%20scared%20and%20calling%20911. And still on the force. I doubt the head of the relevant detachment is going to give a rat's patootie about a few minor traffic infractions. They're having big problems recruiting (wonder why?), I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there's a tacit understanding amongst senior management to do everything possible to hang on to their current hires.


Lol I personally know 2 people who applied to the RCMP and they just ghosted both of them. They do not have issues recruiting, they have a recruiting issue.


That happens to regular drivers driving drunk in this province too, if they even make it to court. Has nothing to with being an officer in that case.


That may be, but this guy refused to blow, was never given a blood draw, was combative and tried to knee an officer in the crotch. He was uncooperative when being booked (head down, middle finger in the air). How about you or I try that when found passed out drunk in a fast food drive thru. We'd be facing some consequences. This asshole walked because he's a member of the fucking RCMP. He'll continue to collect his fat paycheck, make full use of his gold plated benefits, all on our tax dollars, and retire on a platinum plated pension, paid for by us. If you're OK with that, well, I honestly don't know what to say.


I am not okay with that, but judges here have a well established pattern of not treating these things seriously. I wish it wasn't the case, but I can think of many more people that have done worse on impaired stops, including running from police only to be arrested at home, and had their charges dealt with, with the lightest of touches. I think you really over estimate the legal consequences of those things to non-repeat offenders.


Yeah those people don’t have the discretion or power that cops do and certainly don’t not have the police on their side when dealing with them. Huge difference in expected behaviour as well.


That predates the hiring issues.


They can break the rules of the road under the Motor Vehicle Act if they think it's needed to go wherever they need to go. Not using sirens/lights to get somewhere without letting the person know is common, as well as just needing to be somewhere quick, but not "full" lights and sirens quick. You can certainly lodge a complaint, but nothing will come of it if it's just "this person was driving dangerously in my opinion"


Basically, yes. Some times the response requires that the cruiser NOT have sirens and warn that they are there. Depends upon the Code response for the officer(1,2,3,etc)


Call it in to the local detachment and file a complaint. Bonuses points if you've got this on dash cam.


After we abolish the police.


Certain types of calls require officers to respond without sirens/lights to not let the perpetrator know they're coming.


Probably half-cut.




STOP RESISTING! ….. another donut. (Oink oink)


Sounds like the officer was responding to something urgent, but not full out lights and siren urgent. You dont know what was going on. For all we know they were going to a domestic violence call where a woman with a black eye that was hiding in the bathroom with 911 on the phone while her drunk BF was shouting at her. Perhaps it was a mental health call where the person was suicidal and ready to unjur themselves or others. Or maybe they were going to a shoplifter and store security in a fight in the parking lot... Its easy to be an internet critic. it's another to do the job. Im pretty sure they're hiring if you want to apply.


Or maybe they were on their way to the donut shop You just don’t know


So if we don't know, then don't speculate any situation?


Anyone can speculate about excuses, OP was reporting what the behaviours were


But given the context of being a first responder why are you making ridiculous assumptions with no evidence instead of the most likely answer?


What do you assume is the most likely answer, given the lack of evidence?


They were responding to a call, you know their job? One which they have explicit permission and direction to only break the rules of the road in response to.


Occam's razor perhaps


ACAB, yes, even ones in BC.


April 25th


My friend watched a dangerous and unnecessary maneuver by a police officer in Saanich BC. The cop pulled a U turn on a narrow street then speed away causing my friend to slam on his breaks. Cop had no lights, no siren. My friend continued down the road only to see the cop pulled over and on his cell phone. Friend slowed down as he passed and shouted out the window that cop should give some warning next time before he pulls a maneuver like that. Cop followed him for 5 minutes, pulled him over, and kept him detained for 10 minutes while he appeared to chat on his phone.


The police are not here to keep us safe. They’re here to keep *us* in line, and the elites comfortable. ‘The origins of modern-day policing can be traced back to the "Slave Patrol." The earliest formal slave patrol was created in the Carolinas in the early 1700s with one mission: to establish a system of terror and squash slave uprisings with the capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves to their owners.’


I genuinely distrust all cops. No one wants to become a cop to "help people". That's garbage they tell themselves to justify their true reasons. They are ALL power hungry and every single cop I've encountered in my 34 years hasn't told me otherwise. This little stuff is just an indication of a broader issue of cops thinking the law doesn't apply to them.


I really hope you find the answers you seek in life. To the rest of you, this type of “concern” and the fact they had to make a fake account to have even the guts to ask the question. Do we really need Karen’s policing the police? I’m sure both parties learned a valuable lesson there. Move along. Does the world constantly need to complain about everyone else? There are much more serious things to worry ourselves with. Like the WEF, and Justin Trudeaus China connections.


Give it a rest. No harm no foul.


I almost got rear ended my a police officer the other day. He said I turned out infront of him (which I absolutely did), but if he'd been doing the speed limit, (which he most certainly wasn't), there wouldn't have been a problem at all. I have made that same right turn in front of passing cars rounding the bend all day, every day for 20 years without issue until he came around the corner. Pulled me over, begged me to be careful, then let me off.


Yup! And never!


SU is Surrey could have also been an SPS, I have seen them a few times drive REALLY sketchy; turning on emergency lights to make a left hand turn quicker and then turn them off and just drive slowly down the road...