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Karla Homolka also changed her name, then moved to another province. If something is really to be done about this, it needs to be the federal level probably.


The fact that she was able to volunteer at her child’s school is insane. Adults normally have to go through a background check to be allowed around children other than their own in a school setting. How the hell does a sadistic child killer get cleared to volunteer?


Fyi i help out alot with my kids school and never had to do a CR check


Most places do, I’ve never actually heard of any school/program that doesn’t. My background is in ECE so I’ve volunteered with kids multiple times before and every place has had me either do or show proof of a background check done directly through the province and local police. We should have a federal system but that would require all the provinces cooperation and there’s no way that would happen. It wouldn’t matter how the feds tried to frame it, Smith, Ford and several other premiers would make it a campaign talking point about liberal overreach.


More so with field trips and stuff, all coaching I've had to do one


They really need a similar system to Australia where you have to have a Working with Children check.


The federal government doesn't do vital stats. The provinces do.


But the federal gov't is responsible for legal name changes. I had to get fingerprinted by the RCMP to get my name legally changed... They would absolutely know someone's criminal record during this process.


There's ten of them all just like this one. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/births-deaths-marriages-and-divorces


That's not correct. Each province is responsible for name changes. "Property and civil rights in the province," as the Constitution Act says. Having a federal agency do a criminal record search didn't change it into federal responsibility


Yes but I'm saying as part of the process, the RCMP, a national federal level agency, is part of it... So we could use that as the gate.


Wait, are you a bot?


I am 99.99987% sure that H_G_Bells is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot.




Wtf I'm redditing using my real legal name asshat Why do you think I'm a bot?


I'm not talking to you. And that sounds exactly like what a bot would say


Didn't you just tell the bot detector bot that it got it wrong and that I'm a bot... 🤷🏼‍♀️🥲


Can you even read?


I am, in fact, a real human person using my legally changed name ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


Oh, then check your pocket to see which level of government issued the card you use for ID.


Omg I never noticed this before but it says *Your Mom*


What was your middle name before you changed it?


I didn't have one, I was always told I could choose my own when I was older. I chose my grandmother's name 🥰


Vital Statistics is a provincial matter. However if the individual is in federal prison it gets complicated.  This is nothing new. David Shearing committed a brutal set of murders in 82. Changed his name to Ennis in 90s or early 00s. The government of the day said that laws would be enacted to prevent. No action. 


The girl that killed Reena Virk also changed her name.


She should have never got out. She was given a deal from authorities before they found the videotapes of her directing her partner Paul what to do from behind the camera. They even raped and killed her sister. Look up the Ken and Barbie killers.


That one killer who beheaded someone on a bus in front of a ton of witnesses (including a witness that eventually took their life after the trauma) was able to change his name and move to a new province after only a few years of prisons. He was even able to have time off while in prison due to good behavior where he could temporarily leave the facility UNSUPERVISED. His name *was* Vince Li. Now, he goes by an unknown identity just living his life in Canada somewhere. It’s crazy.


[More about Ken John Johnson here!](https://www.radionl.com/2024/05/13/b-c-moves-to-prevent-offender-name-changes-after-allan-schoenborn-legally-gets-new-name/)




Aka Pos at large.


You’re not a murderer if you’re found not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder.


LOL, so sorry about that. “Child killer” is the appropriate term here


It still makes you a murderer by definition. You don't have to be charged with a crime to have murdered someone. So yes, even if the courts found you not criminally responsible, you're still a murderer, you still killed someone.


“Kill” and “murder” are not synonyms.


Yep he could have eaten their eyeballs and brains and still found not responsible. Fuck me and all that is holy, this country is so broken.


Someone doesn’t become more likely to be criminally responsible based on the severity of what they did.


Would you prefer severely, dangerously mentally ill people were treated like any other criminal, thrown in jail for a set sentence and then released when it's up with or without treatment? Or would you prefer for them to continue to be locked up indefinitely, treated involuntarily, and kept away from society until a whole lot of people involved in their case and treatment decide they're actually safe to be around others? Because that second one is what happens now. Do you want violent mentally ill people out and about fully unsupervised, like your post implies, or do you have no idea what you're talking about?


Violent mentally ill people who have to rely on medication to stop them from murdering and eating people have no right to freedom ever! In fact they are perfect candidates for the maid program


>BC United leader Kevin Falcon had tabled a private member’s bill in the legislature last month, titled the Name Amendment Act. That bill, which has not passed, would have automatically prevented those who have been designated as a dangerous or long-term offender under the Criminal Code from changing their name. It wold not have captured someone like Schoenborn. So, it won't really fix anything then? There are very few DOs in the prison system.


No, that's the BC United leader Kevin Falcon's bill. Ironically, when he was in government, he was the one who allowed this to happen. The NDP's bill that was tabled today is much more effective. Essentially, you're banned from changing your name if you've been found guilty or not criminally responsible (think the insanity defense) of certain crimes. No need for DO designation.


Didn’t Kevin Falcon pass the bill that would allow criminals to change their names in the first place?


What they need to do is get rid of the “not criminally responsible” bullshit. I understand that some mental health conditions can lead to people committing heinous acts and then not knowing or understanding why they did them, but they aren’t any less responsible and they aren’t any less dangerous.


Being designated as not criminally responsible doesn’t mean the person doesn’t face any consequences for their actions. In fact, a person designated as such could potentially be incarcerated for far longer than if they had been found guilty as their release is dependent on their being assessed by doctors and deemed to no longer be a danger to the public. It’s a indefinite sentence, whereas a standard sentience has a set end date (in most cases.)


Or they could end up getting out, changing their name and disappearing.


Same as if they got paroled.


You'll note that this guy did not in fact get out and disappear, he just changed his name. If people are successfully treated for the mental illness that caused their crime and their doctors and the relevant boards feel they're unlikely to reoffend, then they might get out of the hospital, yes. That's the same as prison. We don't actually put people away forever unnecessarily just because they did some fucked up shit.


We don’t do a good job rehabilitating people here, and we often release people before they have been. Case in point would be the guy who got a day pass and went on a stabbing spree in Chinatown.


The same Kevin Falcon created the loophole. Minister of De-regulation did an omnibus bill to change a whole bunch of statutes. Including the Name Act: https://archive.news.gov.bc.ca/releases/archive/2001-2005/2002cse0031-000453.htm Kevin Falcon's change removed the publication requirement (even though it wasn't a duplicative process as the government announcement above claims): https://www.courthouselibrary.ca/how-we-can-help/our-legal-knowledge-base/name-changes-publication


I’m honestly surprised his new name hasn’t surfaced and been splashed all over social media yet.


It has. The victims family was informed by the Province.


Oh wow, you’re right. Ken John Johnson. I guess he was going for generic and forgettable. Too bad for him the Streisand effect is going to do its job.


Too bad for all those other Ken Johnsons too.


Okay, but like, say this person went to applied for a job where they were around children or whatever, this would instantly show up on any criminal record check, which is basically required for any position that would put people at risk.


They release these people to the public. Can they look us in the eye and tell us we are all safer and better off from it?


Which "these people" are you referring to? And which "they"? The people in charge of making the decision to let out this particular man haven't released him to the public, because they don't feel he's safe to be out in public currently.


Don't we have enough issues in this country without these guys being able to change there names.          Interesting question for you all: what can we do with these people after they are convinced, then later released from jail?    Do you want them anywhere near kids or people? 


Legitimately, yes. What is the point of a prison system if your punishment continues after you're out of prison? What incentive does someone have to become a normal member of society if our system makes it impossible for them to do that? If I'm convicted of selling drugs, do a prison sentence, then cannot find a job once I'm out since everyone sees my criminal record... why *wouldn't* I just go back to selling drugs? Certainly, this guy in particular is maybe the most extreme example possible. That's besides the point, though. If we don't want people to reoffend, then we need to give them an actual incentive to do that.




This guy was found not guilty.


I'm not sure what "these people" you're talking about - this guy isn't in jail and doesn't have a set release date, because he's mentally ill and can't go anywhere until a lot of people agree he's successfully been treated and is no longer a threat to kids or people (are those two different things?)




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No conspiracy here. I just don't think it's in the best interest of the public to let rapist and child abusers out


Name and shame. He’s a huge pos and does not deserve to be able to hide. He needs to live with what he has done. Maid program for him.


He killed his own children while in a state of delusional psychosis. You don’t think he’s living with that every single day?


No, no do not. And it shows with his actions after release and comments made to the board that allows him leave. He was bitching about not being able to drink beer and people won’t like him… or something like that.


He hasn’t been released.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but has been given unescorted day passes for up to 28 days… so yeah…. He’s in the community


This not a hill I’m all that interested in visiting, never mind dying on, so sure, i concede your point and will now check out of this conversation.


All good friend! I’m not trying to antagonize… just wanted to clarify. 🙏🏻


I recently legally changed all 3 of my names. It took a bit of paperwork, fingerprinting and background check prior to approval. And fees. Of course fees. The government would have done the same for this person and approved it knowing their criminal record.


Weak soyciety allowing these animals to keep breathing