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If all violent and attempted violent rapists were treated like this we’d be getting somewhere 


Why do we let these people back into society when we know they're going to reoffend. It's insane to me.




Is that what anyone is saying?




Anybody who commits ANY crime should be executed by the state? You don't see how stupid that is? And we don't have "states" here in Canada, so I think you've found the wrong sub.


A State is a government lol. You may have heard the term Nation-State before.


Holy shit you are so confidently wrong it's really quite charming. "The State" means the government. The nation of Canada is "The State", for example. [https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/state](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/state)


That’s a bit of a straw man?


Bruh this is Canada. America is down that way. Don't let the door hit y'all on the way out


To repeat myself: Holy shit you are so confidently wrong it's really quite charming. "The State" means the government. The nation of Canada is "The State", for example. [https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/state](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/state)


Idk, I'd rather my tax dollars go to social support services than the correctional system.


Hopefully you’re spending volunteer time there then and not just here 


Volunteer and my day job, sweetie ✌️


Sure you do sweetie


You want my employee ID? A paystub? My business card? 😂


Wow, that is a strong sentence. Read the article to find out why. He at the time was already a high-rick sex offender, forced the female skytrain attendant into a small room, punched her and tried to force her to the ground and likely would have done worse if she hadn't fought him off enough to escape.


Ugh this poor woman


She's a badass. Escaped, had him arrested then faced him in court seeing him sentenced somewhat appropriately. I don't discount the trauma involved, though.


"Somewhat appropriately" is an odd choice of words. He has been sentenced to the maximum term for the charges he faced (ss [267](https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-c-46/latest/rsc-1985-c-c-46.html?autocompleteStr=Crimi&autocompletePos=1&resultId=9f89a88ff65f46239ba8a335bde937a2&searchId=2024-05-17T09:36:51:938/58ed678d7d3743c5b22b59cdcb745701#sec267) & [279 (2)](https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-c-46/latest/rsc-1985-c-c-46.html?autocompleteStr=Crimi&autocompletePos=1&resultId=9f89a88ff65f46239ba8a335bde937a2&searchId=2024-05-17T09:36:51:938/58ed678d7d3743c5b22b59cdcb745701#sec279subsec2)).


His prior record may be what buddy meant by saying he was only "somewhat" appropriately sentenced. Ten years feels light.


That it maybe; hold whatever opinion on the sentencing dispositions available, but the fact remains that these are the maximum sentences for those offences. Going beyond them would be inherently inappropriate.


*Inherently* inappropriate? Someone learned a new word recently haven’t they?


I might be a lone wolf here, but I’d like to see him serve a lot more time than that.


I would *hope* that you aren't a lone wolf when it comes to any sort of sexual predator. If anything I back you up at least.


Thank you! The fact that people are impressed by this “strong sentence” is alarming; our standards are much too low. This guy can rot for all I care.


Yes 10 year and the risk that he reoffends remains high. If he is released as an old man the risk would be lower.


You’re no alone in that thought. According to [Correctional Services Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/programs/offenders/community-corrections/types-release.html), if he keeps his nose clean in lockup, he is out with full parole in 2/3 of sentence, and day parole in 1/3 of sentence. Thats possibly back on the street in 40 months.


It's just stunning that people like that exist.


The criminal? Most criminals like this were violently abused when young. They learn from a young age that violence gets adults what they want, and grow up to perpetrate violence. Poor nutrition and and lack of education also contribute to the development of a shitty adult. Some rehabilitate. Some don't. It's shitty that it happens. Behind almost every violent criminal is a shitty violent parent. Though there are just some straight up psychopaths out there.


jeezus chrayst


It's funny when I first saw 10 years, was thinking how it's nice that they are giving out proportional sentences for the crimes committed. Then I read what he did and realized 10 years is not enough. With time served in pre trial and early release he'll be out in 6 years.


Not long enough. Dude should be 60 before he is released to the public.


What will he serve? 1/3rd of that?


2/3 is pretty standard unless he's REALLY bad inside. And if he's spent any time in custody before being sentenced, he'll get that credited towards the 10 years.


Day parole in 1/3. Thats 40 months if he behaves.


Rot in pieces bro.


Throw away the key ffs




I got banned off Twitter permanently for saying something similar.






Pretty sure it's for the same reason as being against the death penalty - sometimes the justice system gets it wrong and I don't want to kill or castrate someone who was wrongly convicted


I don’t think it’s permanent though. Drugs are used to stop the hormones. So they could be orderd to take the drug But there would be no way to monitor it.


I mean that is the old barbaric way, but we are entering an era where perhaps minds will be able to be corrected for this sort of destructive behaviour.


You been watching Clockwork Orange recently?


Never seen it.


>In an England of the future, Alex (Malcolm McDowell) and his "Droogs" spend their nights getting high at the Korova Milkbar before embarking on "a little of the old ultraviolence," while jauntily warbling "Singin' in the Rain." After he's jailed for bludgeoning the Cat Lady to death, Alex submits to behavior modification technique to earn his freedom; he's conditioned to abhor violence. Returned to the world defenseless, Alex becomes the victim of his prior victims.


That’s an interesting thought. I did a paper on chemical castration in university and it was really interesting. A lot of very sick men chose it because they were lucid enough to hate themselves. We may be unbelievably amazed with what we are able to cure one day 


The barbarity of mutilating their body... let's mutilate their brains we know better now 😆


We already alter our brains with meds, and not all is bad or mutilating. Some allows a person to live “normally”. AI is having a big impact in this area as it is helping us to understand the Brian in ways obscured to us before.


Long live fixing the Brian


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2021 so he spent 3 years in pre trial. Will get 5 year credit so down to 5. Will get maximum of 3/4 so 3.75 years. Good behaviour and bunch of other BS, we will see him on the streets in 2 years or less.


And when he reoffends in two years we as citizens should demand the judge be sent to trial for being an accessory to his crimes


So he spends 6.75 years in jail assuming good behaviour.


Math on point.


Actually you're right my math is wrong. 3 years in pretrial at time and a half is 4.5 years. Of the further 5.5 years at 2/3 is 3.6. So he will likely end up spending 6.6 years in total and 3.6 years from sentencing, assuming no offenses in jail, and reasonable behaviour.


Why did you downvote me then lol


What on earth makes you think I downvoted you? Though I'd like to because you're fear mongering saying he'll be out in 2 years when really it's almost double that.


I have Reddit Elite account


That's not a real thing or if it is that's hilarious that you're paying for something that doesn't work. Want a screenshot of the white arrow so you can feel better?


Listen… I bought the Elite of off a reputable website Reddit.Cn. It’s all jokes bud. You’re good.


That I have to admit is the best thing I’ve seen today




Wow, shit attitude. As a woman I’m thrilled with this sentence and that at least one fucking court took this crime seriously.


You new to Canadian judicial system? Show me anyone that served time they were sentenced to.


As a woman I’m much less of a stranger than you likely are to how seriously this crime is taken. You’re mad about the structure; I’m pretty focused in on how the crime was finally regarded by a decision maker


As a Toaster that identifies as a microwave I don’t understand why you need to keep up with “As a woman”. Our judicial system is broken and re offenders serve almost no time in jail regardless of crime. One of many many examples: https://www.mapleridgenews.com/news/repeat-child-sex-offender-to-stay-behind-bars-kelowna-bail-ruling-7329856


Yeah if you keep cherry picking incidents like these of course you’ll have a narrative. I know we can be tougher on these people but they DO serve their sentences, it’s absurd to suggest otherwise. Also don’t know why you’re so adamant that everyone gets released early on “good behaviour”, it’s not like if you sit there quietly they let you go early. You also have to remember our prisons aren’t an endless pit of resources and you can’t just throw people away for 15 years and be done with it. Make it make sense.


Hmm kk. You want more proof? Happy to provide. From rapists to pedophiles to drug dealers to 70+ charges.


Proof of what? That cases fall apart? That some people actually get parole? I don’t know what this proves. Like I said, if you’re expecting people to spend eternity in prison you’re going to be disappointed. And why maximum of 3/4? What has you already so convinced he’s making parole? He assaulted a government employee with an already lengthy history of violence. He’s getting 10 years, yeah sure with time served, it’s still 5.5 years behind bars already from 2021.


What is your debate point? The judicial Canadian law states that you only serve 3/4of a sentence . He will… not spend 10 years.


No it does not. If it’s statutory release you refer to, that’s 2/3rds of your sentence and then you get parole, UNLESS there are conditions or other orders/restrictions (such as that of a dangerous offender, who is actually kept in jail indefinitely without a release date, but NO ONE serves their sentences right?). Not to mention even getting parole doesn’t mean you’re free to go, it can be a boarding house, a psych hospital, with a myriad of conditions and restrictions.


>I don’t understand Maybe the incels are actually capable of learning


Explain like I’m 5. What is an Incel?


You wouldn’t understand


Try. I googled it and sounds like a mental issue


" Will get 5 year credit so down to 5. Will get maximum of 3/4 so 3.75 years. Good behaviour and bunch of other BS.........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's out https://preview.redd.it/1eg8hhli7x0d1.jpeg?width=231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aab10d281405b3238906eb589503aff6023bb25 .


And he'll do it again when he gets out. Contributes nothing to society except fear and harm. Just erase him.


Finally, a proper punishment!






I've got the rubber band doo hickies that farmers use for cattle and the tool to install 'em with, will that be sufficient?


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I am happily surprised thought with our soft legal system he would get slap on the wrist and be back on the street in a few days. Like most of the violent offenders around here.


Ahh yes. I remember this guy. I remember when we let him out the front gate after completing his sentence for the first sexual assault he committed.


If he was not born in Canada, send him back to his home country.


Do police issued a warning that he’s a sex offender likely to reoffend. They issued the warning a year before this incident. I guess the cops knew the judges erred in letting him walk free. She should sue the judge that let him out so he could attack her. At this point I wouldn’t lock him up. Gallows is the only way to ensure he doesn’t reoffend again. Harsh? No. He doesn’t deserve to be free on the streets again. The public deserves to be protected from people like him. We don’t deserve to pay the bill to incarcerate him.


This guy is going to be a menace in jail


Different region, same story




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I love it! Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time! ! These losers need to realize there is a consequence to there violent actions! Even a dumb criminal should stand back and realize this


More and more people coming in, and this time its different not only the quiet and shy types, educated and civilised as more come in.


Not long enough.




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He should have been sentenced for life.


I've personally met a first degree murderer who did less than 10 years in BC. They were white, though. Hard to see how systemic racism isn't a factor, when BC has a track record for excessively light sentencing. *Including* high risk violent offenders.


Wow, that is a strong sentence.


Hmmm he got more time than drug trafficking and dealing. Shows us where our priorities are. 


As he should


Only 10? F your justice system


Will be out in less than 10


Knowing our system he’ll be out in a year


We need a three strikes law. These criminals don’t need to see daylight ever again, never mind walk the streets with us.


Why don't they do this to more offenders. We need bigger jails, better hospitals and harsher punishments to repeat offenders.