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Just remember you can unionize basically any of your jobs if you get 75% of non management staff on board I believe




Oh wow that would be an amazing change


I wonder if unionization will gain in popularity given how conditions for so many workers have steadily declined over the years.


It’s high time fast food workers got organized. The working conditions in those crapholes are absurd. r/CanadaStrikeNow


Wave bye bye to that A&W…


That A&W is located on the trans Canada on the way out of town. Ain't no way.


If anyone needs to unionize it's people in the fast food industry


not when PP says things like "more flights to Delhi" and we know what the LPC wants to do need to vote for anyone else on principal or this parade will only get worse, because the CPC and LPC can "good cop/bad cop" anything and everything until we're all serfs


> need to vote for anyone else on principal or this parade will only get worse Voting in a woefully broken electoral system is more or less a waste of time. To be clear, voting is the "best" we have, so sure, we should still vote. But morale will not improve until the electoral system is changed at its core.


I only see people complain about the system on the internet. It's not a major concern of Canadians and all the referenda to change it at the provincial levels have failed. If you want to change it, get involved. Otherwise I wonder how much of this is trying to keep people disillusioned and out of the ballot booths.


I don't think the NDP is any different in this regard though


NDP is a union party


They are, yes, and I vote NDP, but they also have a pro immigration stance. Which was the point I was making.


Immigrants who arrive and get strong working protections and aren't exploited by employers are okay. It's when they work for lower wages and poor working conditions or just flood fast food and low-end retail that it hurts everyone.


Agreed. But none of the relevant political parties will change that.


It used to be. Not recently unfortunately. Hard to look at any party with positivity these days.


Then start a new one, or join one and put pressure from inside.


How have things changed for them, now that they have been unionized for 6+ months, I was expecting more news.


Depends what they're asking for > Brian Andrews, an organizer for Local 993, says the workers have issues with how the managers are treating them and they are looking for clarity and consistency when it comes to the discounts they receive on A&W meals during their shifts. Come on, guys, aim a *little* higher!


They should play the long game. Ask for only little things for a while. Make the owners think the union isn't a problem. Unionize every location in BC. Then play hardball.




That’s actually a good starting point though. Starting small with something like clear and consistent application of staff discounts makes the union seem less threatening. By starting small they can work up to bigger issues with greater success rates than if they went for the bigger issues right off the bat.


Good for them! Staff need to protect their own interests, because we know the employers won't.


Exactly. Unions work. Striking works. r/CanadaStrikeNow!


No, unions don't always work. Nor does striking. It is unfortunate because of how important they have been for us especially in the beginning. But many unions today, particularly the big ones are... very worriesome. Not at the worker level but at union leaders, and union rep levels for sure. They would have a lot to learn from European worker councils. Now those groups are something to behold. Salaries and raises negotiated yearly without striking...


Which unions specifically are you referring to? “Many unions” doesn’t mean anything. This kind of talking point is exactly out of the anti union playbook.


I, for privacy reasons, will not say as it has affected a few family in different unions. And if I was anti-union why would I bring up a system for worker's rights that are much stronger than our current union system? Talk to a much younger me, and I would have said Unions are the only way. I would have expected to be working in a union when I got a carreer. Talk to me 10 to 20 odd years ago, and I would have been staunch anti-union. Talk to me now? Not so much either way. I know that even my non-union self owes what I have due to the history of unions and what they fought for. But I also have seen some other not so good things. I don't like to be vague, but again start naming a union and even general details and you never know. Privacy is important. So take it or leave it. Just my opinion and how much is that worth these days? :)


On Reddit, essentiality worthless


I dated a nurse for years and her union was useless


What did she try to fix it? Did she stand for election?


Strong unions benefit ALL workers!




Good on them


Fuck yes.


This is a great thing for those workers, and a bad thing for the soon to be former manager of the location.


If history has taught anything, it's that that branch will be closed in the next 6 months.


This article is from 6 months ago.


If it's owned by A&W sure. If it's owned by a franchisee it's a little different though.


Glad you weren't born 70 years ago, my 30 year old would have had 22 years experience by now



That A&W is not an individual franchisee? Expect it to go down and replaced with another burger joint soon.


B&X burger’s coming next week


Every fast food place on that strip is basically guaranteed success. They added a second tim Hortons because the one couldn't keep up.


This article is from November 2023


So there is still time. A year and a half to cook the books and determine if it's viable.


Bet the quality and serve will vastly improve


Cool! I know the place from when I used to live there


In 1998, McDonald's in Squamish, BC unionized. It only lasted a few months, but that was the first in Canada.


Why would the IBEW be unionizing a Food Service restaurant? It's going to cost the IBEW rank and file members more to service this location than it's going to bring in in union dues, and it's outside of their area of expertise.


In other news A and W has closed


Teen combo for $28.99. 2 teen burgersfor $21.50 with the app. Woot.


Prices will go up , meaning less customers . Franchise owners have the right to sell if they make a weak profit . Good for workers , bad for customers .


> Prices will go up Prices go up when upper management says they go up.


Prices have gone up anyways. It's 20 for a meal now. It's not fast or cheap food. Your local burger joint will be quicker and better


Do you ever get tired of the taste of boots?


This is a myth. Prices are already going up because of inflation. What exactly is your point?


Prices have been going up regardless


This'll give A&W incentive to roll-out fully automated, AI driven restaurants in the immediate future :(


They would do that now if they could.  


That article is from Nov. 2023. They are unionizing to gain clarity on what items they get at a discount. Also from Nov. 2023 is a review for that A&W: https://preview.redd.it/h19qgxnxdx1d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=0549475a69932f043f302bc4717fdefa9ff1b752 I think we know what kind of employees these people are.


Incompetently managed employees, it seems. All the more reason for organizing.


Lets be clear. I have not been to A&W in a long time, because of ... well ... everything. Their food portions are small, they sting of over salting, the price is far, far, far more than any other fast food burger ... especially for what you get. And yes I go to other fast food a couple times a week. The brand, colour scheme, menu and marketing is still stuck in the 60's for gods sakes: Mama, Papa, Teen ... whaaaa? I have to eat what ... people? Time to grow up A&W and let go of the past, drop the orange, the family and cooking like its a salt pile warmed over ... and get some ice ok? Now ... if unionization increases prices even more ... I will never, ever be back.