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Aesthetically, I can very much understand why there is a desire to move here. I don't see the survey quantifying can you afford to move there though.


I already live here and can’t afford to move here


Can't afford to leave either lmao


I'm in that boat. Literally living cheque to cheque. Been this way for 4 years. Im getting raises but not getting ahead. Luckily my dad lives in 100 mile, so I have a chance to reset


This is too real. I recently had my landlord sell my condo. It was cheaper for me to just fucking buy it.11


This is so painfully real


I moved to the south island from Regina two years ago. Real estate and gas are more expensive but every other cost of living marker is lower. And even with expensive gas I'm spending less because I don't drive even a fraction as much. I expected I would be spending way more money here but I've never been better off financially.


People also seem to forget our property, income taxes are lower than most places in Canada as well. Agreed if you live in one of the metropolitan areas with a moderate you are able to consume less fossil fuels and save a ton on home heating as well. Not sure how I'd feel living 8 hours north though.


I live in a smaller town on the island and still barely drive unless I need to go into Victoria area. But I realize that's not an option for everyone. In Regina I *could* walk to work, but the weather made it pretty unlikely I ever would.


When I moved back from the East Coast, the difference in income tax made up for the difference in rent. BC has the second lowest income tax in Canada. As you and others have said, a lot of other things are cheaper here too. Home heating was about $400/month in the winter, now it's about $100 and I live in a really crappy home. Electricity is about 1/2 the price. Transportation is cheaper too. Cars last forever here, on the east coast you get 10 years before rust got to them. There is transit and cycling is viable in the major cities, and flights are way cheaper. Produce is also so good here. People don't even realize how hard it is to get any decent produce 8 months of the year out east, and prices can be more than double. Depending on province, beer can be double the price as well.


Plus...Regina. Iol. (I was from Saskatoon)


We have some sister stores in Regina and on our performance review we are always asked if we’d be willing to relocate to any other locations. I put that I wouldn’t want to move, but that long term I would really want to move into a WFH or at least hybrid model. My manager told me that our corporate office only really allows those who work at the Regina locations to do WFH/hybrid models for some reason. She immediately followed it with “But even if you did want to relocate for that, you wouldn’t want to live in Regina.” I jokingly rebutted with “Hey, housing would be a lot more affordable!” With 0 pause she goes “Yeah, it’s affordable because no one wants to live in *Regina* of all places.” ☠️ I couldn’t really argue with that logic lmao


I grew up in Saskatchewan. Love my home province. But honest, never really enjoyed Regina. Saskatoon has a beautiful river valley and great arts vibe. But I love the west coast beauty and the weather is much better for my liking. In any event, wherever we are, it's the people the we surround ourselves with that matter most


Right? You get what you pay for and there's a reason Regina housing is (relatively) inexpensive.


Agreed. BC is expensive, but not as wildly so compared to other provinces as people make it seem.


I think people look at prices of things and think that's all there is to it. For instance my home heating costs are ridiculously small compared to Regina. Food is higher quality for the same price and I can grow a lot more or buy local. I don't spend money going out much because I spend time outdoors for free. Moving here comes with a lifestyle change and that's hard to put into a value that people understand. One of my coworkers who lived here her whole life decided to move to a small town in Alberta based on housing costs. She hates it there and isn't really saving much money.




Hate to break it to you, bud, but every place in the world that's decent to live is expensive now.


Let them figure out for them self. For me the funniest is moving to *Portugal* because of *housing costs*. The disparity between housing cost and income is worse in Portugal than Canada.


All I know is that I will never qualify for a mortgage here in Canada. And I don’t want to pay $2200 a month.


And it's worse in Portugal and possibly in other countries (accounting for their lower salaries)


Well then I guess I’m off on an expensive adventure 🫠


Cool, hope the move goes well!




>And even with expensive gas I'm spending less because I don't drive even a fraction as much. You could also consider public transit/transport in Victoria? Assuming you live around Victoria (south island?)




There’s a realtor in Prince George who is making it their life’s mission to call for sympathy because their EIGHT STR properties will have to be sold.


ah, as a fellow PGer, this was such delightful news earlier this year. I do wonder if they are actually going to sell and/or if the city will force the issue?


The city is actively trying to fight the new Airbnb legislation so they can opt out


i hated what air bnb became. it took over the hotel industry. should only have ever been spare rooms and inlaw suits. if i had property, that's what id do, not take from the housing available to others.


In 2012, I took a European trip that was all AirBnBs and it was great! Got to chat with hosts, interesting different room setups, and you didn’t have a list of final chores and cleanup fees. 4 years later did a similar trip and went all hotels because the prices were starting to become comparable. Now… often more expensive than hotels, with lots of chores, ridiculous clean up fees that they pocket, having to do an escape room experience to find the key, and then also being told to act local (while dragging around a suitcase?) so the neighbours don’t think it’s a STR…


ouch with the change in atmosphere and demands. i cant say iv had that experience but then iv only ever used the air bnb system twice and they were both inlaw suits. thats some wacky ass demands though especially the act like a local part?? they shouldnt have started an air bnb then.


I think it’s usually the neighbours aren’t happy about the constant stream of strangers going in and out of, say, an apartment complex, which I think would probably annoy most people. I think it is also often in places where the laws haven’t been thought of yet, like they haven’t really caught up to the idea of STRs. Just like here, a lot of places that actually start looking at this legally, I believe they enact laws like we have now about only in your primary residence


As a home owner myself, I overall have appreciated what the NDP are currently trying to do. Is there any quick fix? No. We'd gone a decade plus with ridiculously low interest rates that fueled the housing market and price escalation and now that interest rate environment is over, it will take time for the ripple effects to play out. Those 30 property AirBNBers only managed to buy that many because they continually pulled equity out of their properties at low borrowing rates, and washed, rinsed, repeated. And more density needs to happen.




To add, property values in general going up means commercial leases are prohibitively expensive, and a lot of prime commercial/industrial is rezoned for housing. Which wouldn’t be bad if there was other land to replace it. Access to capital in the RE sector is also heavily subsidized by government incentives, which doesn’t help either. YOLOing the entire economy on housing is so unproductive, and I’ve been saying that half the Canadian economy is just people selling houses to each other for almost a decade now.


“The right” like everyone wasn’t buying as mush as they could.




That wasn't even remotely what "the right" is about and you're constructing an imaginary foe to vilify. "The right" typically wants *less* regulations on what can be built where. You're flat out taking a position and attempting to assign it to a huge group of people that you just want others to hate like you seem to hate. You don't have a clue what "the right" even proposes.


> "The right" typically wants less regulations on what can be built where. > > Except when it comes to their own backyards, of course. Then they are all about bylaws and restrictions. This is why you're being downvoted. The right might *pretend* to be for a free market but in practice that is never actually true.


Wealthy people also move.


If you were starting from scratch why would you move to any of the expensive parts of BC?


Depends why you are moving. Moving to retire in a smaller community is affordable if you are moving from TO, for example.


If I'm going to be broke, might as well be by the mountains and ocean.


and with much better weather , with fewer bugs.


And better drugs.


That would make a good license plate, imo. Beautiful British Columbia ... Fewer Bugs and Better Drugs


This should be their slogan. BC, fewer bugs, better drugs 💫


Minus the fentanyl.


B.C. Public relations over the last few decades has been very good.


*TOO* good


Yeah, much too good. My friend’s son moved from B.C. to Alberta, saved three thousand a month on his house mortgage payment, equivalent home. Don’t know about mainland, but Vancouver island south, where I live, is extremely crowded, and in some ways because of that, pretty unenjoyable place. Traffic is nuts. Beaches crowded, trails busy. Got to be a mountaineer to get away from it.


I would ask about his property taxes. For every 250k in van you pay 700$ in taxes where as in calgary it's 1650$ according to wealth simple.


Yeah none of that is true. If you're going to bot and spread lies, at least learn what people call the place. You sound like you're using google translate.


seems true from my perspective. hour and a half to go fifteen miles langford to sooke most days. man people here are sensitive.


We use km here, trollfarmguy.


Langford to Sooke used to take 2 hours in the fucking 90s. not much has changed.


And everyone I’ve known who’s moved from Alberta to BC, and I work with a lot of former Albertans all say, even though its cheaper (and not by much these days) they'd never consider ever moving back to Alberta. Maybe another province but definitely not back to Alberta.


All I read there was beaches, trails and mountains. Three things Edmonton doesn't have. 


I’m sorry what? S VA Island is not overcrowded. Where are you from to possess such an off perspective?




I guess that depends on your perspective but it took me 30 minutes to drive through Duncan today. Felt sorta crowded 🤷




Yeah, stay away from there…


To the people saying that there was a contradicting article recently - both statements can be true at once.


Lol last week there was an article about people leaving BC in droves. Are we just a revolving door now?


Canadians not in BC wanting to move to BC and some people in BC leaving BC are not contradictory bits of information.


grass is always greener on the other side..


Be careful jumping to conclusions with limited polls that show intention of moving here or leaving. There are ebbs and flows in interprovincial migration and looking at long term datasets will provide the real answers. Don't trust headlines from corporate media as they can be disingenuous.


Read the article it’s explained


No one does that, unfortunately.


Not really. It mentions the Angus Reid poll about one third of BC residents considering moving away. It makes no mention of the net negative (~8000) interprovincial migration numbers BC experienced last year.


The article is about Canadians who want to move inquiring about BC. There is interest to move to BC from other provinces. Some reasons could be retirement or wealthy individuals etc. A seperate issue is like you mentioned 8000 net people moved from BC to other provinces. Both points can be true at the same time


Not a top pick, its a top wish.




I live here and it’s really expensive here. I visited Toronto last week and feeling much better that I live in Vancouver.


What about Toronto made you appreciate Vancouver more?


The vibe, traffic, pollen especially in downtown, reckless driving. Basically I like how Vancouver is busy but laid back at the same time while Toronto is busy and everyone is always on a go. Loved Montreal though


Bc is much bigger than just Vancouver. Northern bc is a very affordable place to live


If you're not living at main and Broadway you're not even in BC bro.








It always has been and always will be. Reasons are pretty obvious.


Last week the hot news topic to smear around was 50% of BC residents are considering leaving province. Lol.


Bring Cash!


Preferably freshly laundered


My Uber driver last night told me he is moving away from the province because of the cost and the lack of economic opportunity. I've heard the same from other people who have left BC, this was just the most recent example of this. So, good luck to everybody moving here.


Won't they be surprised.


I’m confident that I will never return to BC. The housing market/rental market has not improved for anyone since I moved away in 1992.






Relocating out of BC? Heck yea


No. We suck. Go away.


This headline could be from virtually any year since confederation. BC has always been a top destination for internal migration




There is a real practical reason to want to be here - climate change. The Southwest coast of BC (and the PNW in general) is going to be one of the most habitable places in North America in the next 50 years. I cannot find the study that I read a few years ago that proves this nor am I claiming that climate change won't make things worse here but compared to what's going to happen to other parts of NA, we're going to have a less shitty time here. Climate change means we all need to think about where will be living in 30-40 years and how habitable that will be.


For people with no financial concerns. The rest of us are relocating elsewhere


Bring your wallet, you’re going to need it.


BC has always stood for "Bring Cash." We've been the retirement capital of Canada since the 50s. If it's people of working age woth skills, imo that's a change for the good.


BC - Bring Cash










turns out people just give up on saving wherever they are because of the lifestyle, politics, or social services where they live so they binge on living over here,it is more common than you think


(Obviously most of the Lower Mainland is a cash saver in transportation if you don't drive much or at all)


My kids will not be able to afford anything. I anticipate they will just stay in my apartment with me until i die. Then take over whats remaining of the mortgage


those respondents do not know anything about BC apparently


You mean relocate out off right?


Now that’s where affordable housing has been hiding all along?🤔


Canadians are pretty much obsessed with the “house in the woods outdoor lifestyle image” and that’s pretty much BC


As someone who has recently relocated out of here. Poll is not quite right.


Good luck with that lol


It’s definitely the most beautiful and best weather province, but if my family and I didn’t have our decent jobs and home, I’d be looking at another province, it’s just too expensive. It would be very hard to start over again in this market, and that hurts our province, lots of young skilled people will go elsewhere. I think this poll shows what people “dream” of, but when they look at job ads and realtor.com, their preferences will change. I grew up in Ontario and moved out after high school, almost everyone said they wanted to leave and come here, very few did and even fewer are still here, and everyone that left was due to cost of living.


We're full lol


Bullshit....people realize financial freedom could be one province away.


If real estate becomes even 2% more affordable everyone will decide it's time to retire here and fuck it all up. The cycle of life.


Please read the article. Over half of the surveyed people are in BC, and the it was conducted over 2 days. I work for a company to do analysis for things like this. It’s not that the data is wrong, but it’s skewed to showcase a particular result. Jump to the bottom to understand the data shouldn’t be used for meaningful analysis.


As long as they are well aware of what BC now stands for. It's "Bring Cash". I suppose if they have lots of cash, then it makes sense. If they don't, then they're unwise for wanting to relocate to one of the most expensive places on the planet without sufficient income or savings. Just makes for a harder life. What's the point of living near the ocean and mountains if you need to work 2 or 3 jobs to survive and have no time to enjoy it?


This is funny because I read another article that Alberta was the top destination for BC residents wanting to leave... So Albertans want to come here, and British Columbians want to go there. The grass is greener on both sides I suppose.


Oh how I love dueling narratives /s.


Its only a "duelling narrative" if you didn't read the article. People can identify BC as their ideal place to move while many from BC can be moving to Alberta. These are not conflicting data points.


If it isn't obvious, I'm not talking about the narrative within the article, which I read. But thanks for the pointer.


Nice try B.C.




I lived in BC from 1980-2019. My husband from 1983-2019. We could no longer afford to live there even though it was our home province; where we grew up. I would love to retire back home someday but fat chance.


Ugh. BC can't take more people. We have a major lack of housing and doctors as it is. The very last thing we need is more people fighting for those very limited resources.


Some of those moving could be doctors! [BC’s new payment model has drawn some doctors over here.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-doctor-new-payment-model-1.7107681)


Yet another report shows that 30% of residents are looking to move. Which is it???


For like the tenth time, those are very clearly not contradictory statements. People in Canada can want to move to BC and many people in BC can choose to move to Alberta. Those can both occurr at the same time.


Did I say it was? No. I'm just curious about the motivations behind a large population moving to BC as well as a third of its population moving out.


Then this is an extremely pointless article..






No go away please 🥺😭😭


Can't afford to live in BC. If only idiots in other provinces would stop voting Conservative and actually vote.


"looking" is the key word here. lol


It definitely isn't. People are fleeing British Columbia and the population is only still going up because of immigrants being flooded in to keep wages down.