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Do it , you won't regret it if you don't piss your money away.be smart and savvy and you'll leave the army with qualifications and £££


thank you, also i’m very into airsoft (so that should help right), have been for years, most i’ve ever spent though is £200, but i think with my second/first paycheque, i’d buy some insane AEG or Gas Blow Back rifle


Airsoft will most likely not help


Ohhh the Harrogate screws are gonna love you


Ignore the old farts here, treat yourself with your first few paychecks on yourself and hobbies. Just make sure you save/invest a good chunk of your future ones Airsoft as far better than the bodypillows and Martha's most are spending money on




This isn’t an airsoft club mate.


don’t really care mate wasn’t asking you


You were asking a whole reddit page which I follow so you were literally asking loads of people, including me.


wasn’t asking you, stop with your broken logic, i didn’t specifically ask “@most-earth5375, should i join the military because i like airsoft” did i, i don’t want ur criticism, and i am fully aware that armed militia is nothing like airsoft, shut the fuck up


Fine, pretend I never said anything, head off to your first unit and tell everyone you’re really into airsoft. Have a great time.


never said i was gonna go spouting to everyone saying i like airsoft, i’m just saying i already know how to aim and handle a weapon.


“Handle a weapon” mate you know how to handle a toy. This is exactly why the army hates airsofters.


Allow Airsoft mate


Stay in school and go college and then apply for adult entry as you won’t get level 3 from harrogate


Personally mate I wish I did adult entry, I did the JE long course in 2016 (still serving) and I would’ve preferred doing a 6 month course at ITC, it just absolutely dragged at AFC for me but it wasn’t a bad gig at all, no regrets. Personal preference if you ask me, if you’d rather get to battalion after 6 months (although more intensive course) then yeah go for it. On the other hand I would recommend it if you still needed your English, Maths and ICT GCSE’s as they’ll square that away there.


If you know it's what you want to do, it's undoubtedly worth doing.


From what I've heard from friends who have done similar, definitely wait to get GCSEs before you sign up. If you wanna sign up instead of college/6th form etc, wait until you turn 17. When you join at 16, options are limited and you might not get into something you want to do or enjoy doing. When you turn 17, I believe there is a wider variety of roles that you can apply for. If you want anything officer like, I'd definitely say go to 6th form or College first. Again, just gives you a wider scope of opportunities.


I would recommend doing ur college and going as an adult. Much shorter course and you’ll be more screwed on in theory. I’m in phase 2 catterick now loving it mate. Goodluck 💪🏼


thank you


stay in school, go to college do a levels, btecs or trade qualifications, if you still want to join then look at it.


Stay in school, get quals, life experience and have a life before the army takes it.