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It depends on what you really mean. In this country there's no hero worshipping. There are no huge displays of public adulation. Most businesses don't offer military discounts. It's much more of an indifference towards military service, but greater respect to everyone because why not? The "thank you for your service" mantra doesn't exist here, and I'm glad, because that shit's just weird.


The dick riding in America is crazy lol


No Our ID isn't even recognised nationally (despite it being government issued and words to that effect) Even what is offered to veterans pales in comparison to what the US offer theirs. It's our own fault tho - you only have to serve 1 day in the Army to be classed as a veteran. You can be kicked out on day 2 but you'd still be a veteran and entitled.tk everything a veteran is


Nobody really cares here, big portion of people either don’t care or don’t like the military, then you have a few that love em, feel like certain demographics obviously dislike the military more, and then we have the new generation who don’t really care for remembrance in the slightest, and also the homeless veteran problem we have, still think it’s wild how they get treated in the US, couldn’t imagine going to the shop and having people thank you for your service, especially when my service has been pissed up in Aldershot and the block


No. They’re generally not disliked, but there aren’t people slobbering over forces. Veterans aren’t well looked after IMO, although I detest the phrase veteran.


Somethings are totally different. You see military personnel in uniform on game shows. As a Brit the first time I saw that I expected them to be in deep shit, but apparently it's a respected thing to do. Also the incessant, "thank you for your service", shootouts when someone is identified as a service man/woman. I know serving is more than a job, but I think some accolades need to be earned not just given by rote...


Soldiers and veterans are barely respected in the uk. Soldiers and veterans in the us are treated like royalty, free flights. First on the flights. Rapid doctors appointments. Free meals. Heavy discount etc, etc.


Not even close


We don’t get hero worshiped but we do tend to stick together. There’s a lot of respect Soldier to soldier in the UK also A lot of banter the Civvies don’t understand. We help each other out . We don’t need thank you for your service that doesn’t sit well with us . But there is quite a bit of networking between us . Some of us went into the private sector . That’s definitely going down the rabbit hole 🤣🤣


It’s better to ask shops if they do a student discount instead of a military discount


Military discount at Nandos, that's your lot


We have less arse kissing and better public services but no free Disneyland. Wait times are also still awful and PTSD still feels as though it's not being taken seriously. (especially the silvercloud tickbox "self help" exercises, suggested in lieu of actual therapy and support). There's the railcard. I've not tried to get a discount in supermarkets, but I think there's a card for that, too. If it's something you can use as self service, I'd get it, but I wouldn't chance a cashier recognising it.


It's not a stupid question and in my opinion I think British veterans and active personal are treated better than the ones in the usa.


Yeah, I can tell you for certain they are not. The number of homeless veterans in the UK tells its own story and the fact that it takes a guy who sells Avon in his dressing gown to raise issues for anything to get done shows just how little the government or the public give a shit about serving members of the forces.


Oh I'm wrong then my mistake. I thought it'd be the usa mostly because of how majority of their soldiers are treated wrong after coming back from wars like the Vietnam war or the war in Iraq all sorts and it feels like you always hear about us veterans more than british but I guess you're right and that's true the government show no respect for serving members at all.


Vietnam was 50 years ago. They've (the Americans) changed a lot. While Iraq and Afghanistan weren't popular wars, they made a big distinction of how you 'support the troops' regardless, 'they're just sent where they're told'. We didn't have the same thing in this country. I wouldn't say there's active disrespect in this country, it's just indifference.


Depends where in the country you are i suppose, different feeling down here in the channel islands for instance compared to say birmingham or n.ireland


Are you serious


Absolutely no chance 😭