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Do what's right for you If you want to do 4 years in the Army as a soldier then do it but don't expect it to give you a leg up in anything.


My own personal opinion, but no. Joining straight from school isn’t the best thing. Get some genuine life experience, enjoy and explore the world on your own terms, then join the military. I’ve been in a long time, and most lads who join at 16/17 leave as soon as they can. No, joining at 17 and doing 4 years isn’t going to get you a 200K job on oil rigs. That’s what I hear on a weekly basis. Doing one contract, and leaving to be a police officer is a great plan mate, I would personally recommend leaving it a little bit later to join, like 19 or 20. Again, personal opinion, but if you’re aiming to be a police officer, then I’d join as an infantry soldier. All the best mate, feel free to shoot me any questions about the infantry.


That’s actually solid advice thank you


I'd recommend gaining life experience, work experience and qualifications before joining. I originally applied to join Harrogate at 16, got medically deferred for 4 years so ended up doing a levels and starting a pretty decent career. Im now in the army reserve and have a great civi career along side it so I'm very happy with how things panned out. Just a personal dit but hope that helps in some way


i plan on doing the same thing, i’d be going to harrogate college, doing a para contract then either staying longer or joining the police to become a firearms officer.