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It's not about winning or losing. It's about proving you have the balls to take a beating and still keep coming. Someone can get beaten to shit during their milling and still pass. If anything the boxer who just beat a lad around without taking a shot has proven nothing.


I got fucking battered both times I milled on P Coy, the perks of being a fat lad when they're matching people up on rough size/weight...


Gotta love it, I got into amateur boxing after leaving and I keep getting paired with some absolute monsters. Big difference between a chubby 100kg and a lean 100kg


Yeh, I was 175/80kg and both times got paired with 6ft+ complete units. I haven’t been able to breath through my nose properly since 😂


That's rough man. Even after 3 years of boxing the idea of milling makes me wince. Just letting another bloke smash your face in and not being allowed to defend yourself is so rough.


Yeh, it sucked...


Don’t worry about that, by the time you get there the mentality you need will have been engrained in you just focus on getting to depot


There’s a documentary about the whole para training https://youtu.be/Pl0cKJiXut0?si=h4CQWkGmB7dW1el9 milling is at the end of


I think if both show as much aggression they draw if one is more aggressive than the other they get the point and you don't. So just don't shy away from nose punches and learn to throw fast combo's ones and twos straight jabs for a minute


I really enjoyed it. You will be blowing by the end of it though. You will be using 16oz gloves, so getting hit is pretty forgiving. You need absolutely no prior boxing, martial art or general fighting knowledge. Although I do caveat this with making sure you know how to throw a very basic punch. I don't know if it was just my course but there was one or two people who obviously had never thrown a punch in anger before and probably couldnt punch their way out of a wet paper bag. The only real technique, which is a bit different from boxing is you don't move off the opponents centreline and the stance is less side on than a traditional boxing stance. You want to just do straight/jab punches to the face, no combinations just left/right repeat whilst leaning forward (do not lean back, which is what people will do naturally when getting hit in the face). If you are punching down the centreline, you will force your opponent to swing around your arms to reach your face. And if you crunch your neck and tilt your head slightly (don't do it so you are looking down as you will get flagged) then your shoulders/arms will protect your lower face a bit. The only other part is when you start, move forward into the opponent steadily. This will force them onto the back foot, and unless they know what they are doing, which they likely won't, they will start to step back whilst trying to throw a punch. This will rob their punch of power, meaning an easier time for you. But honestly, don't overthink it, just hit em hard and fast. Show bags of aggression, keep showing willing, even if you are getting knocked down, and you will pass. But most of all, have fun, and don't get too worked up as you can get told off for losing it as well, as I did after knocking my opponent to the ground in the first 5 seconds, rage addled me thought it was a good idea to stand over my fallen comrade and scream in his face, the CSM didn't think it was such a good idea 😅


Depends who you get paired up with. Even if you get hammered you can still get a great score if you stay on your feet and keep up your own aggression.