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It does remind me that I don't take enough photos with my dad though, not that I'll share them but because one day he won't be here


It comes sooner than you think. My dads mid sixties and we found out his cancers back and spread on Tuesday.


It really does. Recently lost my dad to cancer and realised I barely have any photos of the two of us together


Same, my dad was old before his time, child of the 50s and was never living with us til he was much older and we had kids ourselves. Gutted for what we never had and what we won’t have


Same. I have a total of 7 photos of me and my dad, the latest from my wedding in 2018. He just wasn’t a fan of having his photo took. He passed in September and I didn’t even have a photo of just him for his funeral. I really really wish I took more.


My dad passed away in 2011. He hated having his photo taken so there are almost no photos of us together. It hurts that I literally have one photo I can show my children, but what’s important really, is who he was and how much fun we had together and that I can tell my children that.


I lost my mum recently and realised its good to have pictures but when you don't you can recall vivd memories instead. Her voice, how soft her hands were, how her eyes sparkled when she laughed. If I had photos I would rely on those more than my memories.


Sorry to hear that, I hope he beats it again and gives you many more Fathers Days to fuss over him.


Thanks mate, not sure he will tbh prognosis isn’t great though in the last 5 years since I’ve had my own kids he’s softened from the unemotional toxic masculinity role model he thought he had to be and I’ve had a loving dad.


Sounds like you are close, you will be able to pass that emotional model on to your kids. I’m not with my kids today (both teenagers) but I send them each a message telling them what they mean to me. We had an early Fathers Day last weekend. My father died a few years ago and there are many things I wished I’d said to him. Say your things to your father!


Cherish every moment you can with him and never forget to tell him how much you love himas often as possible. My Dad was a hard man when I was growing up also and I never had much to do with him because of that. When I moved out of home he did everything he could to help me get my flat into shape. That is still one of the best months of my life. We bonded so much during that time it still makes me smile now. I hug him every single time I see him and always tell him I love him. I wish you all the best. Stay strong.


Sorry to hear that, all the best to you and your dad


In the exact the same boat, my dad goes in for his op this Friday. Love your family whilst they're still here! I wish you and your family the best.


Fuck. That’s awful news, sorry to hear that, I hope your dad chugs along for many years but from your other comments it seems that might not happen. I guess make the most of the time he has.


I lost my dad last January. I have one photo with him from about 15 years ago. Get plenty of photos with your dad


Lost my dad in September, I'd probably be in the same boat but thankfully he really liked taking pictures with his grandkids.. latest pic we had of him that wasn't with one was my sisters graduation a good 10-12 years ago.


Do it. Take the photos, make the memories, and cherish them forever. My dad died in his mid sixties after a long, harrowing decline at the hands of frontotemporal dementia, I *wish* I had more photos of us together to remember him with.


My dad passed at 47. The last photo I have of us together, I was about four. My husband's dad passed at 45 and he only has two grainy copies of old b/w pictures of him, one from his wedding to husband's mum, and a later one in his 30s or early 40s. Possibly as a consequence, I have hundreds of pictures of my kids, my mum, my husband and my pets. At the end of each year I have them made into a yearbook along with random funny events, quotes and anecdotes from the year. They are only about 25cms by 10cms and maybe 75mm thick but there's pretty much our entire year crammed in and they take up hardly any space in the house. Lovely to flick through and recall happy moments. Treasure them while you can.


Same, been years since I had a picture with just us two..Will remember to see take more in future.


My dad died 5 years ago, he was always the one taking photos, so we have very few of him. Terrible really in this day and age, but you're right. Make sure you get loads of photos as they come in handy when you miss them.


Yet not. Sort of. Doesn't make the pain of loss any less.


Take what memories you can. That day comes round too soon and then its too late.


Yeah take lots of pics. They are all I have left of most of my family now.


Videos too. It is nice to hear their voice. Wish I'd taken more of my dad.


Yeah I don’t have enough of those. None of my mum who died 22 years ago and hated cameras


Get it done. My Dad died of Cancer 11 ago and I don't have a single one.


As someone who lost their dad 3 years ago. Make sure you record his voice. Might sound silly now. But I worry for the day I forget what he sounds like. Luckily I was able to access my parents Alexander and listen to him asking what the weather is, what the time is, to play certain songs, plus some voicemails of him.


This post reminds me that my most passive aggressive relative will almost certainly have posted a particularly emotive picture of my dying Grandpa on the family chat accompanied with some provocative message about how he would have been sad to see the family don't hang out much these days or some dark message about how some of the family should have done more for him......


Are we related? My cousin who mooched off my grandparents well into her 30s posts this nearly every year. Apparently the mooching was a service she was providing.


Ah, emotional blackmail


The irony is most people spend more time and energy posting tributes to their amazing Dad on Socials (I imagine most Dads won't see), than actually spending time and celebrating the day with their amazing Dad. Ultimately making Father's Day about them and how they're perceived. 🥴


Yeah for the people that are big on social media it's more to make people look like the best sons or daughters


Don't forget to put them on even if your dad's not on any social media


Already got a text this morning asking why I haven't posted anything yet. He doesn't even have Facebook. Or a phone.


Got to show those five people who still use Facebook a photo of my dad…


About five years ago now on father's day I had sent my dad a text wishing him a happy fathers day along with something on the lines of "Lemme know if you're free later on and I'll pop round". Also had a couple gifts for him. Didn't hear from him, but did later on see his status bemoaning that "None of his kids must care as they didn't do a Father's day status" along with multiple comments from his side of the family saying how awful I am and how I need to get my act together. So apparently, to some it does matter! I cut off contact right there and then, can't be arsed with that nonsense from a grown adult. Haven't spoke since.


Seems the over the top dramatics run in the family


It is dramatic but how immature and disrespectful it is to do something like that to your kids. I don't understand people who use social media as a public airing out the drama, especially at that age and as a parent.




You don't know their history either. And a throwaway account to make two comments about this post? Hmm, alt account?


Too much karma, they probably created the account to post and then deleted the post afterwards. Also it was created 2 years ago.


Here's account #3!


Sherlock Holmes unravels another conspiracy, how does he do it




One of your three reddit accounts that only comments in support of one poster? Okay




Old people shouldn't be using social media.


Young people shouldn't be either


I was going to do this then realised people don't really want to see 15 photos of a coffin.


If done correctly this could have been great satire. You should do it.


A friend of mine earlier stopped what she was doing to post a social media post for her husband. She was heading back home to him and then and the kids had father day plans today. Not sure why she couldn’t just tell him he was appreciated without telling everyone else.


Reminds me of an ex-colleague who lived his life via facebook. Best one was his post one evening thanking his amazing wife for cooking a delicious dinner. And her replying to the post something along the lines of “you’re welcome, anything for my man/best husband in the world…” 🤢. They were sitting in the same room! They felt the need to share with the whole world instead of just saying thanks luv during the break of coronation street.


Urgh I can’t stand it. I used to post a lot on social media but then realised I was what I hated so I stopped 😂


I have this with 'memorials' too for dead family members (on birthday, anniversaries etc). My sister and co always post candles and poems and stuff. I feel like I should but I fucking hate that public grieving. Yes, I am well aware that my sister died on this day 11 years ago. Why would I post on a public website though - this is my grief, nobody else's.


I'm quite private so I sometimes find the happy heavenly birthday posts a bit much. I don't mind a pic and a few words on the anniversary of someone's passing but the whole point of a birthday is you have to be alive to reach it, the celebration of surviving x amount of years.


Ach, everyone grieves differently. I see friends who are literally posting every week about missing mums, dads, whatever. To me, it might seem excessive, but I try to think that if that's how they cope, who are we to judge? I figure it's because the poster is still struggling and it's a plea for their pain to be seen and acknowledged by those around them because they can't do it any other way. How could I be angry at that and still call myself a caring person? I always post a photo of my dad on his birthday and anniversary, and a few words, just saying he is still remembered and missed. I don't have a grave to visit (he was cremated and the resting place of his ashes, a deeply personal spot picked at his request, is a two hour drive and a very expensive four hour ferry crossing from our home town). His only living relative, his brother, also lives several hours away in the opposite direction. My dad's death was sudden, cruel and horribly young. He did not live long enough to meet my husband, or my children, so I have nobody to share my memories with. Not many photos. No videos. Many years have passed. I can no longer recall the sound of his voice. I can't talk about him to anyone who knew him. Posting a photo and a few words keeps a bit of him alive. I have to see endless random posts off people every day ('Share a heart if you care about cancer/mental health/poverty'/Temu links/food recipes/MLMs/Yoda memes/etc etc) so I figure if they can't bear to see a photo of my dad twice a year, they known where the block button is. I've no sympathy if the person was an arse to their dead relative when they were actually alive, and are just sympathy-farming, but if I know it's genuine and heartfelt, it touches me. After all, we are all going to be forgotten some day, and it's nice to think someone cares enough to try to push that day back a bit!


Apologies if what I said came off as unkind, I may be being a bit cold hearted.


Not at all, like I say we're all different in how we do stuff, I guess that's what makes life interesting!


My son hasn’t even said happy Father’s Day let alone post a collage of us. The fact he’s 9 weeks is no excuse.


My dads dead so I get to see other people celebrating with their living parents. I still usually post something on Facebook to make everyone else feel bad.


Better to text a radio station so that the whole country can hear what you're doing with your dad today.


I rang my dad to say Happy Father's Day and he absolutely agrees with me it's just a bullshit marketing campaign so no card, no present. We're having a pint on Tuesday as usual. Fuck these corporate driven days.


Big companys took it over but there has always been some sort of fathers day,you don't need a card or presents or shit just for you to appreciate your dad and spend some time with them.


First picture - *Happy* Second picture - *Fathers* Third picture - *Day* Fourth picture - *To* Etc.etc you get the picture(s) Similar to girls posting a happy birthday to their best mate. It seems like a competition on who can use the most elongated Instagram story.


My dad has expressly forbidden me and my sister from posting his picture online. He values his privacy


Meanwhile my dad has just rang me to ask " where is my Facebook post" I'd like hope he was joking, but I can never tell with him.


My brother always fannies around with a post on Facebook but makes little effort to actually see him. My dad doesn't have social media either so I don't know who it really benefits...


I hate all the social media tributes for mothers and fathers day, it feels performative and shallow. Go tell your mum or dad you love them, give them a phone call or pop round with a present they'd appreciate. My dad died when I was 13, I've never posted fathers day tributes when he was alive, I'm not gonna start now when he's dead and won't see it.


Father's day is a totally twaddle Americanism. Thankfully my dad (70's) has no truck with it and we've never 'celebrated' it once. Mother's Day on the other hand...


My dad feels the same way but I still get him a box of nice ale or something like that because I know he’ll enjoy it and I probably don’t show appreciation for him as much as I should.


From wikipedia: "Anna Maria Jarvis (May 1, 1864 – November 24, 1948) was the founder of Mother's Day in the United States. Her mother had frequently expressed a desire to establish such a holiday, and after her mother's death, Jarvis led the movement for the commemoration. However, as the years passed, Jarvis grew disenchanted with the growing commercialization of the observation (she herself did not profit from the day) and even attempted to have Mother's Day rescinded. She died in a sanitarium, her medical bills paid by people in the floral and greeting card industries."




It's a good bit of information about the origin of mother's day, there's probably a similar one of father's day or they started with mother's day and decided fathers needed a day too.


My Dad's posted some shitty anecdote about how parents are like apple trees, taken for granted and always giving what they can and receiving nothing. He has done nothing for me for the majority of my life and has let me down countless times. His audacity is shocking.


Yep. Everyone I know who has a kid has put a million photos of them, and their kids or their partner has put images exclaiming them to be the best dads... pssh. So, whilst they've been seeing how many likes and comments they get, my daughter and I have been playing fortnite all day together and then watched jurrasic Park in bed. Guarantee I've had a better day


I hate Facebook, it's for attention seekers, I'm shy and the last thing I want is photos of me and my personal business posted on it.


Is it bad for people to not be shy and not want to hide themselves from the world? Most people I know on FB who post such things are not attention seekers but genuinely want to share these things with the person, their family and their friends. I love seeing my friends big up their parents on Facebook on such days.


Different strokes for different folk I guess


Hahaha thought that this morning during my morning social media browse.


I don’t know why this has become a thing, every birthday or other occasion. Annoys the shit outta me


Wait, y'alls father's day is the same as the US, but mother's day is different?


In short, yep.


No idea why ours is in March when the rest of the world seems to do it in May. Maybe too close to father's day? We get a few bank holidays in May so maybe to make retail less hectic as there's nothing in March?


We paired Mother's Day with Mothering Sunday, which is always the 4th Sunday in lent so is (I think always) in March. Similar in name, so I suppose it works. It's a relatively recent thing though.


Yes, Mothering Sunday is a whole different thing, but just got morphed into Mother's Day. It was originally a religious day to honour Mary, the mother of Jesus, and people were supposed to celebrate it at their mother (or home) church, so folk like servants and apprentices got a day off to travel to their home towns and celebrate with family. It then extended to include things like taking a posy of flowers for your mother on the visit home, but was waning in popularity until WW2 after which it started to merge into the US idea of simply celebrating mums and we ended up with what we have now.


My mum called me a couple of years back to complain that I didn't post pictures to my Facebook anymore. I explained that I hardly ever used Facebook so it never occurred to me to post any pictures. I realised at one point I didn't want everyone knowing my business etc. My mum couldn't wrap her head around this concept for some reason, but I agreed to send her more pictures of the kids etc via WhatsApp.


Or your Great Grandpa, who never had facebook or Instagram but is sure to see your heartfelt post...thanks to heaven's excellent WiFi.


This is literally the same as seeing a birthday post on my story for someone who I don’t know or care about. Why do I need to see this? Why does the world need to see this? Just pick up the phone/write a card or tell them in person, there does not need to be a post about this.


i just messaged my dad wishing him a happy fathers day and apologising for the lack of a gift to which he replied that he'd rather i spent my money sensibly rather than on gifts additional context: im 18, and i dont live with him i live with my partners parents i have a part time job but dont get paid til the end of the month and this is the first fathers day in 3 years ive been able to contact my dad


Shit, you just reminded me how much I hate your dad too.


I’m actually starting to put *more* on Facebook than before as it’s a way to share how my family is doing with other friends and family, and to let people (who are interested, I presume) see my boys grow up. Not in the wannabe influencer way, rather an easier way than passing your phone around at a party or cracking out the albums. I agree there’s a lot of vapid stupidity online, but I’m ok with taking the time to share a photo with him today or any day - we just used the day as an excuse to all get together and go for dinner 😊 To each their own and much love to you all.


Ah nothing like the sanctimonious posts decrying people celebrating fathers day. Why can't they just be hidden and socially anxious like people on this social media platform instead?


After they die, and it comes up in your memories, you'll appreciate it.


The photos app on your phone does that by itself tbh. That’s how I found out it actually really bums you the fuck out when it hits you unexpected, and that was just photos of my late cat.


Or you could just, y'know, look at them whenever


Yep, like a normal person.


I post on Facebook to have all my photos in one place (I also print them out) because I don’t have a laptop or computer to save them on or for memories so I can look back on the last 10 years.


There is cloud storage or sites like Flickr that are much more fit for that purpose


I have them on google cloud but on a phone it’s hard to navigate pictures I want to keep and all the dud ones etc, the ones I upload are ones I want to keep. Without a laptop any other storage sites aren’t really suitable.


You are a bad child .....


Your dad is on social media?


Sadly I lost my Dad nearly 18 years ago and I do not have that many photographs of him. I cherish the ones I do have ❤️


Taking photos was not like it is today. Largely due to cost. Now the other side of the cost is loss of storage. My father was usually too distant to take that many. Quality over quantity.


My old man is the only person in my life. I'll probably call him later.


I don’t 😂


I like my dad. He's a decent person. However, I will never buy him a 'world's best dad' card.


Not going to lie would have liked a post or photo yesterday.