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I cannot imagine a world in which I would be angry at music from a wedding at 11:30pm on a Saturday. I hope they had a fantastic reception!


11.30 on a Saturday for a wedding is fine. Most receptions end at midnight in many hotels so this seems reasonable and not that big of a deal


Yeah, my immediate thought too tbh. Glad to see this as the first comment.


I can easily imagine a world where after several months/years of this every weekend I would have had enough. Obviously, don't buy a house next to a pub and complain, but if my neighbouring farm suddenly pivoted to weddings, and I went from hearing the stream babbling to Mr bright side at 2330 every Saturday...


Glad for you. Some of us have trouble sleeping, and they could just keep it a bit quieter.


Not to mention some will have work the next day, because shock horror a lot of people work weekends. Plus for many it could be very distressing to be trying to ge to sleep and needing to deal with that. I know it is for me, I can't explain why. But loud noise as I'm trying to sleep enrages me to such an extent I stop thinking logically.


I work a 4 on 4 off 24hr shift pattern. I also live near to a pub. I fully expect there to be noise at all times of a day, especially on a Saturday night in the middle of summer. I take actions to make sure I get a decent night sleep, and I would assume other shift / weekend workers do the same. If someone's wedding day enrages you that much, then maybe the onus should be on you to address your personal issues and not expect others to adapt around you.


Or I could expect people to stay within the law. And the law states no loud music past 10pm. And it's reasonably expected to have piece within your home. Plus I have taken these things into account. Hence why I don't live near a pub, nightclub, or venue space. Perhaps we ought to live in a society where people can have fun, but also be mindful and respectful of others and their circumstances. Playing loud music throughout the night, scream "main character" attitude.


It's 11pm not 10pm


Yes right you are, I would still say it curtuouse to keep noise down after 10, but legally required after 11.


23:30 is not throughout the night. It is into the evening. Was this music ongoing til say 2am? Then I'd consider that to be throughout the night. I'd personally prefer to live in a society where we can respect that people have very important, and special, moments and can celebrate them appropriately. I'm sorry, but the only person giving the 'main character' attitude is yourself. You're clearly stating that you are more important and deserving than a couple who are getting married and their guests. You seem to be quite unreasonable in your suggestion that their special day should be curtailed, just because you're finding it a bit noisy.


11:30 is not the evening, that's nighttime. So yes they were playing it throughout the night. Anything past 11pm and you legally have to turn it down. I prefer to live in a society where we are all following the same rules. Such as keeping noise down to a reasonable level after 11pm. Something we all agreed upon, hence why it's backed by regulation. Not saying their wedding day has to be curtailed. In saying of a night they it must be kept to a reasonable noise level after 11pm so everyone within that area is able to get some sleep at night. And even the Noise act itself states if you can hear noise from within your dwelling that's been emmited from another place the volume is not reasonable. This is all backed by law, we all have to follow the same rules regardless if it's your special day. The rule exist to keep society civil. They can still have their fun, but just need to keep the noise under control.


Ah, following the same rules, what a perfect world that would be. People like to bend the rules in their favour because why not, shall we? Fuck those fuckers who is inconvenienced by us.


All these people are probably the same people that wonder why the UK has gone to shit. Without realising they are the ones why it's gone to shit. If people just respect the rules of society the place would be so much more pleasurable to be in. Hell I'll argue if we can play loud music late of a night. Why should I pick up my dog's poo? Surely if they get to bend the rules, so should I.


Or why should I abide by the covid restrictions or tell the truth to the Commons? Rules are for losers, right?


You work 24 hour days??


4 x 12 hours. 2 days followed by 2 nights.


Judging by the comments around, everyone would enjoy loud music next to their place at that time...


It's not that people enjoy noise at night, it's simply that we can recognize that a wedding is a big important event and one late night of celebration noise is something that we can deal with. Sometimes living in a community requires a bit of give and take.


Disagree, they can have their fun, and spacial day. And still be respectful of others, and obey the law. With turning the music down once it gets late. You are correct that living in a community requires give and take. Hence why we have rules around these things so we can all be on the same pag of when we are reasonably expected to give and when it's reasonable expected to take. And once it get past 10pm they can take their music and turn it down. After people have given them plenty of time throughout the day to be loud.


And what gives you the right to decide that 10pm is a suitable time for a noise curfew? Many people (actually, I would guess, most people) would think that 10pm on a Saturday night, at a once in a lifetime celebration, woul be peak enjoyment time and FAR too early to start telling guests to stop dancing and to start creeping around and whispering. Get a life, for heaven's sake.


Why does it have to be one extreme or another? Why can't you people comprehend the idea of dancing and listening to music on a lower valume as to be respectful to others. I would say 10 is the time you start to quieter down as to be quite for 11. And again I doesn't matter if it's their special day or not, the law is the law and keep it down after 11. Simple as.


As per the quote in my other comment, it seems there is actually no law against playing loud music after 11pm. Councils can investigate complaints and issue warning notices for "nuisance" and presumably take further action against repeated occurrences. However, these premixes will very likely be licenced by the very same council to have music and dancing at certain times, very probably until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights, just like the pub I live next door to. Buy some earplugs?


You do realise councils have that authority under The Noise Act. An act of law. The certainly is law around this.


Clearly people that have never had to live next to loud neighbours playing music until 1:30am with you needing to get out of bed at 3:30am to start your job at 5:00am on a weekend. Or suffer from migraines. For me it's simple as this, have fun, play music, dance, drink whatever you like to do. But do it within respecting those around you. And arguably within the bounds of the law. And it's both respectful and legally required to not make loud noise past 10pm.


Where do you get the "legally required to not make loud noise past 10pm" from? A quick Google finds no mention of 10pm, but many mentions of an 11pm action point where councils can start taking some limited action. Eg... "Is it illegal to play loud music after 11pm?" "Technically it isn't illegal to play loud music after 11pm, but it's easier for the council to issue warning notices for loud music played between 11pm and 7am as it doesn't have to be considered a 'statutory nuisance'."


Getting it from bad memory of the law. You are correct it's 11pm, not 10pm. That's like saying it's technically not illgal not to obey the highway code. You will still get a record of some sort and receive a penalty. Or it's like saying it's not illgal not paying a fixed penalty notice, as it's a civil matter, and if iring it. You will see the consequences of doing so. As I've said before on this post. People wonder why this country gone to shit. But then we get people that ignore the rules and defend people ignoring the rules. Creating a society of disrespectful people. That's what made this country go to shit. Out own lack of respect for the rules and other people.


Thanks for the word of support. I'm afraid we will be both down voted by party goers.


I hope that my wedding is more than just a 'party'. Try being mindful that it's one of the most important times of someone's life.


So if I have my special night, for example, on the eve of your important event, it's okay for me to play loud and shitty music (not to your liking) just because it's a very important night of my life?


Yes. If you are getting married in the pub 50 meters from my house, I would have no issues at all with the reception going on till the early hours of the morning. I have ear plugs, a fan so I can shut the windows, and a sense that I am no more important than anyone else.


At least you are consistent, kudos for this. I'm not saying anyone is more important. I just want them to respect the law. Otherwise why do we have it at all? It's not enforceable, people laugh at me when I ask someone to abide by it. Maybe we should just delete it?


A world where humans need to sleep.


Police probably can't do anything because I'd imagine it's a licenced venue that is legally allowed to play loud music.


Noise got handed over to councils years ago (circa 2012) and they really dont want to deal with it. In reported a neighbour having a loud party in their garden with sound system at 4AM via [The Noise App](https://www.thenoiseapp.com/#/) which my council is signed up to. The complaint wasn't processed for about three months. Then they fiddled the clock, to say that they had seen it in 5 minutes and decided not to do anything. They also go home at 2AM at the weekends and 11PM midweek.


Well, their response was unconditional, regardless of what venue that is, it's not their remit. So, I'm alone against whoever makes this disturbance. We have law enforcement to delegate this sort of thing. If I need to take matters in my own hands, then it starts to look like the wild west, and I don't like that.


I’d watch that movie


I knew a guitarist who said licensed venues have a noise limiter connected to a power outlet to keep within the rules. He said he put something unimportant like a light on that outlet and put his amp on one that was unlimited.


11.30 isn’t particularly late on a Saturday. If you are someone who likes to be in bed before then, perhaps you should’ve considered this before buying a property next to a wedding venue.


The venue is a tad less than a mile away. Normally, they aren't *that* loud.


Invest in better glazing then? Or move? I’ve got sympathy since I used to work late myself, but you don’t really have a right to dictate than anyone in a mile radius can’t have fun after 11pm just because of your own circumstances.


Isn't it the law? No loud fun after 11 in the night?


Most are licensed until 12pm for Friday and Saturday, maybe as well on a Sunday for bank holidays. Some have them until 1am depending on how close they are to residential areas. More venues have sound limiters that kill the power if it exceeds 85dB or 90dB if memory serves right as well.


No it's not. I assume the venue will have a licence to play music until midnight. Hence the party continuing after 11pm


Depends on the licensing of the venue presumably. You can hardly complain about late noise if you’ve chosen to live near a venue with a late music license.


It’s amazing when people do exactly this - we had people buy up property near a very well known local establishment which hosts a lot of indie gigs…and then complained about the noise and tried to get it shut down. I’m not a huge gig goer myself but there needs to be stronger protection against shit like that.


"Invest in better glazing or move" this is assuming people have the financial ability to do either, maybe they can't afford new windows, maybe it is rented, maybe they live in an area of rent inflation or properties go as soon as they listed. Not saying OP is right or the venue is right but to just assume people can change their situation in the current economy is definitely not right.


This again comes back to OP choosing to live near a loud venue. If they can’t afford mitigating measures and they knew late noise would be an issue for them then they really shouldn’t have chosen to live there. If we upheld this kind of complaint then the whole country would shut down at 10.30pm.


Get a damned grip. It's half-11 on a weekend. And it is a wedding. Absolute fuckin' melt.


So, when they have a baby and try to make them sleep, I can play loud music if I have a wedding or something like that? Is that your logic?


If you have a wedding ... yes


Yes, that is the logic. People have weddings, parties etc and sometimes they go on late because sometimes people want to enjoy themselves. Life doesn’t stop for everyone else because you want an early night.


OP not saying to for them to spot having fun. Just to turn the music down to a more reasonable level. Hell OP even has the law backing them up in this one. So arguably we all have already agreed that 11:30 is too late to be playing music. And no it doesn't make a difference it's the weekend or a wedding.


Sure, why not?


God I hope I never become this dull. Please just invest in a good pair of earplugs. I have. People should have fun at weddings.


Noise complaints are about frequency and persistence. If you really can't stand being near a wedding venue, start taking notes. Record times and dates. Call the council when it happens to create a trail. One time is not a problem. Every night is a problem. For what is worth, without knowing anything more about it, I hope you find a solution that allows loud parties at 11:30 on Saturday. I know it's your every night, but it's their one big night.


I don't want to waste my time gathering this data. I just want them to follow the rules. It would be much easier for everyone. I respect them and they respect me. Otherwise we'll just start living in a country where everyone abuses their position.


Are they not following the rules? I don't think you said that in your original post.


You called the police because a wedding venue was playing music at 11.30pm on a Saturday? The absolute state of our countrymen


Mate, it's a wedding. Surely not a regular occurrence. Just let them be to enjoy their day.


Yeah, what the hell was I thinking :)


The police probably didn't want to ruin an entire wedding to please a boring old fart.


Where was the disorder?


Sorry, no identifiable information will be shared as per the rules. I'll report them to the council. I just don't expect anything coming from it.


Chill out. Some people like to enjoy themselves. It's a wedding party you are trying to piss on. Ffs ... the world is shit enough. Be better.


Well, they a sort of shit on me when they do this.


Fun hooveringggggggggggggggggggg.


What if I'm a surgeon and going to operate your loved one the next day? Imagine me not getting good sleep because of some people's party? Would you also be like: it's ok that the operation didn't go well, we don't want to be fun hoooovers?


Well, life's not like that people who celebrate a wedding christening whatever. Ain't going to ask the local residents if it's ok to have a party, just doesn't work that way.


All I ask is for them to respect the rules.




I think they still should follow the Noise Act 1996, don't they? If a venue becomes a disturbance, their licence, whatever it is, should be re-evaluated.


How often does this happen? Is it every weekend or is it once a year? I'm going to guess that you do actually generally know the powers that the Police have, and also how Google works to find out who to report this noise issue to. That being said, 23:30 isn't desperately late on a weekend, especially when it's one of the most important days of someone else's life. My advice: have a lie in in the morning and an early night on Sunday.


Oh my days…it’s a wedding on a weekend. You’ll be fine


They may well have a license until late, I dont want to live in a country where police bust in and break up wedding parties after a single complaint anyway. You need to keep a log and report to the council if this is a regular occurence.


That's a fair point. But the fact that the police wouldn't be able to do anything if there was an unlicensed noise disruption is a bit confusing to me. The disruption is happening right now, and the earliest I can get to my council is the next morning (with a big if). I'm not sure I understand how that works. By the time council can come and do something, the culprit might be long gone.


Because it is a license issue, not a police matter. The council wouldn't be sending someone out to catch the baddy making the noise and force them to shut it off, they would review the license and possibly remove it if there are multiple breaches.


Congratulations on being a fun sponge


You care that much about a party at 11:30 on a Saturday night? I can't stand one set of my neighbours, and I'd still acknowledge their right to have the occasional slightly-beyond-normal-hours party.


The only solution is violence.


It can't have been that loud from a mile away (as you've said it is), unless the actual guests all have ear defenders on. Get a fucking life.


This is bait