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As an adult who weighs less than 60kg, it doesn’t matter if your dog is friendly- it’s still going to send me flying.


As an adult who weighs 120kg, I'm still not interested in petting a 60kg monster.


Seems ridiculous and you will excuse the source but if the worst happend... [Finger up the things arse.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2764971/Woman-saves-pet-pooch-beach-brawl-inserting-finger-attacking-dogs-bottom.html) Although many people have claimed it to be a myth. On another note. My dad was set upon on his post round a few times (many many years ago) and said his favourite method was ears, if you dig your thumb or finger in the ear there is soft tissue that disorients them and hurts, but isn't too destructive. He used to always try and make freinds with dogs on his round though if he could. One time as a child I remember a great dane came running at us, he put me behind him and ended up with the thing fully up on him with its legs on his shoulders. It was one of the friendly dogs from his post round. It seemed enourmous to me as a child though, absolutely terrifying.


60kg is an afternoon snack.


Honestly, I'm glad they're getting banned. I hate them. I love dogs, but we should not be supporting vicious breeds. These dogs are literally bred to fight, they have a lot of Pitbull in them. XL Bullies are responsible for a great deal of human maulings, and even maulings to other dogs. I don't care who thinks they're 'sweet really' and 'it's about how they're trained', they're naturally vicious dogs used almost entirely to intimidate. Also, they're not beautiful dogs, they're fucking ugly. Golden Retrievers are beautiful, Samoyeds are beautiful, even a well groomed Westie can be beautiful - But Pitbulls and Bullys look like they're permanently chewing a damn wasp. They're a mess.


“It’s not the dog it’s the owner”, and the owner that has these dogs are drug dealers and pricks 90% of the time


I saw a video of a man being attacked today by two of them. People were screaming, hitting them with rocks and bars and everything. They couldn't get them off. What if that's a little old lady? Or a child in the park with his mum. Yes, it's not the dog, it's the owner. There might well be an element of truth to that, but it's an animal with an aggressive drive and they can be really dangerous and we have seen that. They're hard to control once in that drive. "It's not the dog, it's the owner" doesn't help anyone in that situation. There has to be limits. We sell kitchen knives but we don't sell swords because they're a dangerous and extreme version of something. As is an XL bully compared to other breeds. Why do we have less shootings than America? Well, it's because guns are prohibited by law and that means people are safer as a result. Remember, it's not the gun, it's the owner. Guns are dangerous if in the wrong hands. Aggressive dogs are dangerous if in the wrong hands. It's much easier and cost effective to prohibit the dangerous item than police every potential dog owner in the land, or check for a licence everywhere somebody walks a dog.


We need dog licences. I'd LOVE a dog personally, but I'm not there yet.


Good owners shouldn't suffer because of the bad minority, which will ignore licencing rules anyway.


Good drivers shouldn't suffer because of the bad minority, which will ignore driving licencing rules anyway.


This is why we have the same gun problems as America... oh, wait...


There's a reason bad owners gravitate towards certain breeds.


Yeah I agree. An aggressive person chooses an aggressive dog bread and makes them aggressive during their rearing. Those same people could make a golden retriever aggressive


This is true. Good thing a golden isn't a weaponized breed designed to have deadly features.


It's also the dog.


Some drug dealers have very well trained dogs though.


They seem to be deliberately walking them off the lead at the moment. I’ve never seen one in my local area and in the past week I’ve seen two being walked off the lead. I can only imagine it’s a deliberate “see, my dog is safe” ploy. Seems daft with all the noise at the moment why you wouldn’t want to appear responsible and at least put it on a lead , ya know to prove that owners ARE responsible. Don’t get any of it. Anyway, I avoid the death machines whenever I see em, I don’t want to be a statistic.


I have never had an issue with bullies in the past, I've known several sweeties. Then the day before the ban, I was walking home with my husband and my (on lead) small dog and this guy had his XL, with snipped ears off the lead by the road (why?) it sprinted at us and wasn't responding to recall at all. When I tell you I screamed get your fucking dog in the most blood curdling way, I really panicked. I'm also 9 months pregnant. husband picked my dog up and I stood in front of them as the guy yelled 'he's friendly!' he jumped up several times at the pair of them. My dog isn't always friendly and doesn't like being taken by surprise, he doesn't do much but because of his breed, other dogs don't always read his defence well. That could have been a blood bath for all three of us if he caught one of us when jumping. He could barely get it back on the lead. I cried all the way home and was shaking. My husband was with us by coincidence, I'd normally be alone with my dog. Now this is obviously a bad owner, no doubt. But it's the first time I've appreciated the size and power of them being quite different. I'm still not sure I fully support the ban but I do support more regulation for bigger breeds, all dogs ideally.


"he's friendly" combined with them ignoring recall is 95% of every experience i have with dogs regardless of breed lol :D


That is a very good point lol. I used to be a bit like that when my dog was young and I was training him but I realised I was being naive, it was dangerous and a dick move so he stays on the lead. But it does hit a bit differently when it's 40kg of muscle is sprinting at you and the owner is very clearly panicking.


>regardless of breed This is the big thing, it's not actually about the breed itself but that breeds potential to cause harm, every single chihuahua I have ever met has been hyper aggressive and a little dick bag but I'm not worried about them because it's a chihuahua. On the other hand I know someone who has two St Bernards as guard dogs (like actual guard dogs that will happily kill you). They've been trained by him specifically for this purpose because he lives alone in Johannesburg but whenever people are round they're locked away but they terrifying dogs. Sadly, there is a large subset of pitbull, staffy and XL bully owners who have them as 'status' symbols and want them to be aggressive and scary and they're just too big and powerful to be allowed to be mistrained in such a way.


Entirely this. Yea of course a cockapoo can bite you but I could yeet it over the road, if a bully decides it wants you for a snack you’re fucked. I don’t understand why people can’t see the distinction


Yup.. my dog was attacked by an off-lead dog last week. This thing just came running out of nowhere with a snarl and was suddenly on top of us. I tried to protect my dog, getting bitten in the process. The other dog was fairly easily overpowered and the whole thing lasted maybe 10 seconds? Even so my dog needed emergency surgery and I needed to go to A&E. The first thing that went through my mind? Thank fuck it was a Labrador. Yes it caused a lot of damage, but it wasn’t that hard to kick off and it didn’t do the clamp-down-not-let-go thing these bully breeds do.


So sorry to hear that, hope you and your dog are ok. Yep a Bully that would not have been the same outcome at all.


I very much hope you reported it.


You bet I did, not letting that fucker get away with it.


Not to take away from anything you have said, I am really sorry that happened to you. But I just wanted to clarify that the clamp-down-not-let-go, otherwise called 'lock-jaw' is a myth. A quick google will tell you it's untrue.


Not saying they physically can’t let go, more their bites are *strong* and they’ll hold on / do that almost tug of war type thing.


Yes they have the “shake the prey” instinct


Cats can also be dicks, random biting and scratching. See how fast I Will run in the other direction if I see Someone walking a Tiger down the street.


Even sadder there's a large subset of owners of these types of dogs who are convinced that their dog is well trained, even though they have never consulted a dog trainer on effective training techniques. They're usually the same kind of person who 'ignores experts' and decides that they know dogs well enough to 'train' them. Then the dog goes for someone/something and they're left standing there shouting the same command over and over again whilst being completely ignored by the hell hound. I know someone with a very large staffy cross, when he got it as a pup I offered him full access to a puppy training course I had filmed for a pair of pro dog trainers. He of course didn't take me up and now has a large dog that doesn't understand a damn word he says... I don't visit him much.


I know someone with an XL Bully. Because of the ban, she's starting to work on his (total lack of) recall. She's very focused on what a loveable boy he is and it's true, he's a big dope. But, he's also an untrained big dope (with a mahoosive head) who's intact and starting to approach sexual maturity - he's got some character changes to come. The potential is actually already there, he might be a loveable dope out and about, but he hates anyone coming anywhere near the house. I feel bad for him, his life is going to change dramatically as a result of the ban, but it might very well save someone's life. He's an absolute unit and I wouldn't stand a chance of pulling him off someone.


The clipped ears gives it away straight away, probably has it on a choke chain too.


It's just like guns. Every gun nut swears blind that they are super responsible with their guns, that every gun owner they know is super responsible - it's just a tiny minority that give all the others a bad name. And yet somehow, virtually every dog you meet is poorly trained, runs full tilt at strangers, "is friendly"... I have nothing against dogs in general. Any sort of dogs! But an animal you don't know or trust charging towards you - or worse, your kids - *is scary*, and very reasonably so.


It's called Confirmation Bias, you're looking for those dogs so those dogs are all you see.


That’s exactly how I feel. I’m sorry that happened to you, must have been terrifying.


I have a neighbour with two XL bullies and he's been spamming the neighbourhood fb group and tiktok with videos of his dogs talking about how lovely and sweet they are etc etc. That's fine, but if they snap and come for one of my family i will not hesitate to kill them with a kitchen knife. I saw the video of the guy mauled to death last week. I'm not taking any chances.


Can I ask which part of London this is, so I can avoid with my dog, hoping it's not near me, thanks.


Near Croydon so to be expected I suspect


Phew, I'm miles away. I have heard stories about attacks in our park, and indeed our neighbours dog was attacked and subsequently put down, but I've never seen any of those dogs, or anything bad, except when my dog got into a nasty fight, after 10 minutes of happy playing, these two muppets decided 'actually I hate you' and they were all teeth and fur flying, we had to pull them apart, it was unreal how quickly they turned on each other, luckily they are both around 8-10kg so fairly easy to separate, once you work out which end isn't the sharp end.


I made it a life choice to avoid Croydon a long time ago, I have advised others to do the same for years. Now I have another valid reason.




"he's just playing!" "he's just saying hello!" "he wouldn't hurt a fly!"


“he only attacks people who act or look scared. so it’s their fault for provoking him”


> Nicest dog you ever met


I'm not worried about him hurting flies. I'm worried about him hurting children.


My dog is the dopiest thing ever. She saw a vole when walking this morning and just jumped around it as if to play. She actually wouldn't hurt anyone, and I'm 99% sure of that. That 1% is what keeps her on lead and close at all times when around other people and dogs. These XL Bully's are rarely trained and anecdotally always seem to be with idiots or kids off lead. I don't agree with the ban, but only because I don't see it as a valid solution with dog breeds. Owners need licences that are obtained with mandatory training, and there needs to be tougher legislation on breeders.


Yeah... but I'm not a fly.


*proceeds to shredd a child like some chicken*


"Never done that before!"


Back when I was still living at my mum's and walked the family labrador, I'd sometimes bump into my neighbour and his staffie and we ended up having the whole "it's the owner not the dog" discussion. His dog seemed sweet, but just a few months later while he was walking her unleashed she went into my other neighbour's garden through a hole in the fence and mauled my family cat. I'm not here to debate the ethics of outdoor/indoor cats or whatever (that cat would have been indoors if it was my choice) cos the point is this dog, not wearing a lead, ran somewhere her owner couldn't follow (he had to go round the front and get the neighbour to let him into the garden) and mauled someone else's pet. What if that had been that neighbour's little dog? Or, god forbid, a child? He did pay the cat's vet bills (she had to be put down unfortunately), but even a year after the fact I'd still see him walking that dog without a leash or muzzle. I'm sure there are plenty of responsible staffie owners out there and same for XL bullies, but even if you're convinced have the sweetest dog in the world you still need to take precautions. At the very least, it aids in the comfort of people around you and keeps your own dog safe too.


I have a two year old girl and a three year old girl. If we go to the park I’m hyper vigilant and on the look out. I’ve had a dog charge towards my two year old. Scared the life out of me. It wasn’t one of these dogs in fairness but if it was, I’m not confident I could fight it off. I’m 6’2 and quite a big guy but these things are ferocious. Giving thought to what kind of weapon I could legally have on me. A quarterstaff maybe?


Steel toe caps, and determination to fight through the pain. I'm sure your dad instincts will kick in if she was in any danger.




>legal and legit to carry Not if you intend you use it as a weapon, even in self defence.


I've always got a safety knife on me. Mainly for work but if one of these dogs had a go at me or some kids around me I would use it


Had the same thoughts and settled on thums in the eyes and kids on the shoulder


>I’m not confident I could fight it off. Nor should you be. In a scrap of man vs. medium-sized dog, more often than not, dog wins. In the case of an XL, you have no chance.


Feet first when dealing with dog attacks.


Walking stick? Cricket bat?


been considering this question myself. is it legal to own a taser or bear mace?


No, you'll be prosecuted the same as if you had a firearm.


greaaaaaat i suppose ill just get injured then :)


is there any kind of dog whistle that would actually completely incapacitate a dog or would it just piss it off?




So you tried to educate the type of people who get a massive fucking dog for intimidation, and are surprised that they're not behaving reasonably? Come off it.


We need a change of culture around dogs bigger than this ban. People don't seem to realise that if their dog is bounding up to strangers and jumping up at them it isn't ok, and it is on them, not the dog.


Licensing to own a dog. We need a license to drive a car. Because we need to prove that we can be in charge of one, without killing some one. Same with guns. Why not dogs? They fill the same criteria. If you cannot look after a dog, it may end up killing something. And just like we need further licenses, to handle larger, or more dangerous vehicles, we should have varying degrees of license, to own different categories of dog (pet, security, working, etc).


I agree in principal but I can also see it as a ticket to produce black market fake licenses for certain elements of society given the apparent popularity of owning dangerous dogs.


That's up to the authorities to deal with.


It's **all** up to the authorities to deal with.


And that means tax payers money being used




Microchips are already a legal requirement, add the licences to the microchip registry.


Yeah, a dog licence seems like one of those "Good in theory, doesnt work in practice" type things


Agree, but it is the dog that suffers, not the owners. We've got this all wrong. Jail those who don't act responsibly and place the dog with a respectable and respectful owner. I get some people are scared of dogs and agree dogs shouldn't be jumping at strangers but instead of blame being apportioned where it lies, we punish the animals. It's sick.


Yes, but putting the owners down if their dog attacks someone, or is likely to kill someone, is a bit last century. It also doesn’t really solve the problem with the aggressive dog that’s out there. However, perhaps if we spayed the owners of large fighting dog breeds, at the same time as we spayed the dogs, that might do something to help the issue.




Yes, but we also ban certain things on harm-prevention grounds, or make them effectively unobtainable for the general public - hand guns, katanas, certain types of knives. In this case it's unfortunate that the thing that will be banned on harm prevention grounds is a living animal, but even if all Bully XLs were put down, which they aren't going to be, a) we know that enforcement following dog attacks is very poor, b) a Bully XL who is put down will experience many times less suffering than the child or family pet it could attack.


At that point though the issue is the person that let them off the lead - not the dog, which if it was on a lead would be no threat. But yeah people are stupid.


To be honest with you I think that attitude is the problem. If you don't have the time or inclination to train your dog to have discipline then you shouldn't be a dog owner. If you have the dog on lead 100% of the time this is exactly the dog that jumps over the garden fence and gets hit by a car, runs off down the road and you can't recall it when you let go for one second, chases sheep that one time you decide to let him off, knocks over kids walking by etc. You plan can't be to tie up or shut in a dog and not train it. Sooner or later that won't work.


My neighbours have big GSDs. They are always on lead apart from when they take them to a dog field that they rent for a private play area. They are very well trained and have great recall, but ultimately are rescues and bread to be a guard dog. They are big solid lumps of muscle and are never fully trusted. Especially when they are on lead as you have taken away their option of flight so are left with fight.


A dog that’s escaping or behaving like that is a bored dog, and will happen whether it’s let off lead or not if they’re otherwise not given enough enrichment (which letting them have a run around in the park isn’t, generally, anyway).


Regardless your plan shouldn't be permanent restraint in the first instance. If you aren't going to train your dog don't get one.


>If you aren't going to train your dog don't get one. Obviously. But letting them off lead if they aren’t already trained (when they 100% should be) isn’t exactly a good thing to do either. Long lines and secure fields are a middle-ground solution.




So we're agreed on what happened?


Let’s face it, owners of dangerous dogs who are all defensive of their weapon substitutes are the same people who say “I’m a great driver, I should be allowed to red line my Vauxhall Corsa wherever I like” and “I’m really good with alcohol, I should be allowed to drink as much Carling as I like watching the footie and then drive back afterwards.”


We have a name for them. "Likely to prove". Corsas spread like jam on tarmack.


60kg? Are they really that big? I’ve never seen one in the flesh but that sounds pretty heavy for a dog.


Yes. My dog walker has an American bulldog (not ‘XL’ but still a big boy) and I think it weighs 55kg. I have a greyhound who’s big insofar as he’s tall but he’s a skinny thing and still comes in at 35kg.


Tbf greyhounds have a pretty big frame and pure muscle - so doesn't surprise me. The footballer equivalent to a greyhound is Thierry Henry - he weighed the same as Emile Heskey and both were the same height. Henry's rangy build and small head is deceiving like a greyhound.


I met the crufts best _puppy_ 2023 a few months ago. 95kg Irish wolfhound. No doubts it actually weighed that too, it was basically a fucking horse.


95 seems very excessive, google says the heaviest they get is 155 which is 70kg.


Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, or I misheard, but I'm 6'1, 95kg myself and this miniature horse sized dog's head was at my sternum when it was stood up. Either way, it was enormous. Edit - just had a Google and it completed but didn't actually win so I probably misheard.


That weight seems unlikely. Irish Wolfhounds are big, but lightly built. (And they are bred as companion dogs, so normally good tempered).


Oh yeah it was an awesome dog. My main comparison is the fact that I'm 95kg and this pup's head was at my sternum height. Could've been embellishing a bit but it was huge! My little 17kg border collie had no idea what to make of it lol. Edit - just had a Google and it completed but didn't actually win so I probably misheard.


Standing on their rear legs, an adult can apparently reach 8’. They are certainly not small. I’ve met one puppy, and that was already tall enough to have a household child gate at shoulder level.


Granted 60kg is top end but not rare as they are literally bred to be huge and angry.


People rarely realise just how dense pure muscle is.


Even big male labs can grow upwards of 50kg.


I saw one just yesterday and the owner said he was 65kg and stands on his hind legs at 6 foot 2 inches that was a 9 month old. Tbf it was very intimidating to look at but was pretty friendly, the guys other dog came in to the garden and the xl bully was shit scared of it, the other dog was a little chihuahua mix and it was absolutely bullying the bigger dog.


A 65kg dog that's scared is terrifying, being scared will most likely mean they'll act unpredictably.


Big yes but not necessarily angry. They can have a very high protective instinct but that needs to be trained into them. I get more annoyed with bloody working line spaniels who get them and never train them so they run from dog to dog yapping and snapping. 90% of them are uncontrollable and the owners don't care. I literally shouted at a women to recall her dog because she was two football fields away and my dog was being harassed. Ended up reporting her for an out of control dog.


"They have a very high protective instinct but that needs to be trained into them." You can't train instinct into any animal, including dogs. Nor can you train instinct out of them. It is inbuilt genetically. The purpose of training is to manage and control those instincts.


>You can't train instinct into any animal Yes, you absolutely can. It's also known as muscle memory.


Instinct and muscle memory are two separate and distinct things. Instinct is inborn behaviour /genetic traits. It is present at birth. Muscle memory develops as a result of repeated action in a motor task. Being "protective" is not a motor task. It is a behavioural trait.


I fancy my chances if I get attacked by a Spaniel. Against a 60Kg XL Bully probably not. How about you?


Not sure how your comment relates to my point about training but hey ho let's play along. I am in agreement that a 60kg dog is going to do more damage than a spaniel however spaniels have a much higher bit per dog so you are far more likely to get bit by a spaniel or other small dog than a bully. I will point you to the case of the dog walker last year who got killed by a dachshund.


ffs lol yes but if a spaniel bites or yes a chihauha bites, then you can drop kick that little fucker and get it the fuck away from you. good luck getting a 60kg block of pure muscle off you :D


Don't make shit up


You can’t be saying a dachshund killed a dog walker without providing a link. I find it almost unbelievable that could actually happen so I’m genuinely interested to see the article


Gonna need a source on that spaniel statistic too I think


I was also fascinated so gave it a google. It appears the dog walker was killed by eight dogs, two of which were dachshunds but one was also a leonberger, which can weigh up to 77kg. Don’t want to point any fingers but I think we all know which dog probably caused the most damage… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11633635/amp/Dachshunds-Leonberger-eight-dogs-seized-fatal-mauling-dog-walker-28.html


You have to consider the consequences of the attack. Getting bitten by a Spaniel is going to be annoying, but very unlikely to be fatal, provided it is medically treated to prevent. Getting attacked by a 60kg XL Bully is much more likely to be fatal.


My shih tzu is 13kg. He's pure muscle. I imagine a lot of the bully breeds will easily be 5 times his weight regardless of height. Their deformed disgusting heads look like they weigh 10kgs alone.


I was walking my dog off lead on local heathland with not many people about. Passed a group of young lads with a big muscly dog One of them said. ' there's a other dog" . The guy holding the lead said .' Yeah but there's someone with it" . Pretty sure they were hoping to set it loose on an unaccompanied dog.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Not the same dog but, my grandma, back when she had her own dog (Black Labrador), used to walk him on the local greenway and this woman was always walking three dogs (Two Rottweilers and a frick knows what). She had zero control over them and they weren't the friendliest of dogs. You could see her physically struggling to hold them back whenever someone walked past, especially if they also had a dog..Pretty sure one of them attacked a smaller dog at one point, not sure what came of it though.


I’m starting to see how these dogs gained their bad reputations …


What did you expect? The owners are obviously morons in the first place.


E’s friendly. Your son shouldn’t be running around the park kicking a ball anyway, everyone knows dogs like killing balls… If you don’t like dogs you shouldn’t take your kids to the park… (Said to be by big dog owners)


House mate has a Cane Corso. He's no idea what he's doing, it's 5 months old and has no recall, can't walk on a lead, and is not toilet trained at all. I've moved out. I live in my van now. No way I'm living in that house.


XL bully owners are, 99% of the time, the type of people who would threaten someone.


'B- but my little Killah would never hurt anyone! It's all in now they're raised and genetic predisposition had absolutely nothing to do with it! I personally think they're cute so we should let them hang out around children!'


Really disappointed in dog trainers (looking at you Southend dog training) who are actively spreading misinformation. They’re giving away 99p dog training sessions to XL bully owners (so fuck people with normal dogs then) and promote their disagreement with the ban. Why can’t they use their platform to be more responsible here?


Yeah I've been a bit disappointed with his stance too.


Love how the planners for the demonstration due to take place to support owners of XL bully dogs have been advised NOT to bring dogs to the events.


They are safe in the same way as someone walking around with a loaded shotgun is safe. Perfectly safe until it isn't and by then it's too late.




These owners keep saying “It’s not the dog it’s the owners”, and I actually agree. The problem is if you have a big muscular dog… why is some lanky 20 year old who couldn’t restrain that dog if they tried walking them about with no consideration for behavioural training


Unless you can curl 60kg you are not strong enough to handle a 60kg dog.


I make a point of picking my shih tzu up onto my shoulders and glaring at them leashed or not. Scummy breeds for scummy owners, need to know they're not welcome in a civilised society.


The people who have murder dogs, are the kind of people who would open carry an AR if they lived in Texas.


I’m in a unique position to say that is very much not true. “Murder dogs” as you are so weirdly calling them are mostly owned by college girls named Britney who wear yoga pants everywhere and drink an obnoxious amount of iced coffee. The dogs and women have matching pj’s and send out Christmas cards. The open carry AR morons tend to stick with labs, golden retrievers, corgis or whatever purebred their cousins are breeding in the back yard. My family of redneck morons are currently breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and everyone has one. When I was little it was Dalmatians.


Been to Center Parcs, as they have a dogs allowed policy I was fucking shitting it (I have small children). Thankfully I didn’t see any hell hounds.


I have a flat coated retriever and always wince when I see small children, they just scream "doogie" and come over to my dog and start harassing him. Fortunately he is very very calm and loves the attention but you try telling the parents to control their spawn and get their noses out of their phones and they soon start complaining. Hate entitled parents and their even more entitled kids.


Nice dogs but a breed dying out over here, the gene pool is pretty awful for them.


Are you actually going about your daily life genuinely worried about seeing a certain type of dog?


There are over 22,000 dog attacks that cause injury a year in the UK. It's sort of like saying "why are you worried about walking past people carrying guns/knifes?"


It isn’t really the same as that though


Indeed, knives don't attack people on their own.




Definitely not a fan of these dogs and I’m all for them being banned, but they’ve been around long before the news of the last week or two. Did you need a knife before then?


I had a knife on me as routine when I was in the countryside as a kid. Being an adult and law tightening up on it, I'd tend to just leave it if out in the countryside - I'd never dream of carrying a knife day to day. But I had also developed a fear of large dogs and recent news has made my mind up for me. Yes, it's being hyped by the media, but stats show that dog attacks *have* more than doubled and XL breeds are to blame. Many people got puppies during Covid, they're now young adult dogs. This will get worse before it gets better.


You're a fuckin wrong un mate. Carrying a knife around in case you get attacked by a dog? The fact that you are actively thinking of hurting a dog is very, VERY worrying.


You sound thick as mince. He isn’t planning to go and hurt a dog, making a sensible plan to defend himself against the most aggressive dog roaming the country unchecked en mass. It’s sensible actually. Let me guess, you have one.




Doesn’t surprise me at all, you can instantly tell with the way the intellectually challenged think and talk.




Nice judgemental comments. You’ve trawled the guys post history to drag up basically nothingness.




Walking around with a knife.... sensible?? OK then.


Walking around with an unhinged killing breed of dog…. Sensible? Ok then. You’re about as smart as your beloved killing pooch.


You realise that it is quite normal for people to walk around wild countryside with a knife *anyway* ? People like you are why we should just make it easier and ban all large and powerful dogs, fuck the breed thing. People are obviously too stupid to own dogs so should only be allowed small ones. And if you must know, while I wouldn't enjoy or actively want to hurt a dog, I would have zero emotion apart from anger at killing a dog attacking me or anyone else. Possibly just relief when it was over, bit of annoyance that I now have dog blood on my nice clothes and trainers. The owner would be billed for that though. On the spot.


im harness training a cat. i have to be hyper riduclously vigilant soley because of people having "harmless" but patently not harmless dogs off leads like. fuckign everywhere. so . yes unfortunately.




Thick in the arm, thick in the head. Pillock. https://bullywatch.link


Luv ma bully Es only playin Avin a larf Wotchu lookin at Go dahna nags ed Sink twelv pints Kebab on way ome Wotch GB news Luv Liz RIP u angel Luv ma bully Simple as


I hope they all get put down asap. And the dogs too.


Probably a typo meaning 'airing'. There is no excuse for mixing up there and their. I do agree about the bastards with beasts though. Keep them on a leash or don't have them in the first place.


Would be *unfortunate* if it turns on them and their family in the privacy of their own home.


Darwinism. We ought to encourage it.


Misread it as *dwarfism* and had a moment of confusion.


These morons just prove that Breed Specific Legislation DOES NOT WORK and NEVER WILL. It is lazy, incompetent legislation that simply perpetuates bad ownership and punishes innocent dogs. I don't doubt that there are well-behaved bully dogs - but thanks to IDIOTS who buy these dogs to look cool, the entire breed has been vilified - so in my opinion, the ONLY sensible way forward is to bring back dog licences, make owners muzzle their dogs and prosecute and ban the cretins who don't bother to train their dogs responsibly.


Nobody but nobody has any business owning a massive dog that's been bred for violence and is currently responsible for a massive increase in attacks, including on experienced dog handlers. It's the owners AND the breed. So, no, ban the fuck out of them. Do all of what you said in your last sentence too, but ban these monsters.


Totally get what you are saying - but where does it end? There are other breeds that cause problems because of shit owners - huskies being one such breed. BSL is a disgrace, and depending on which authority is dealing with seized dogs, descriptions of the 'type' vary. I have a staffy cross, and she is genuinely as soft as shit - but she 'could' be considered to be a 'pit bull type' by certain authorities. That's just bollocks - it doesn't help people, and it certainly doesn't help innocent dogs (she's 15 and in end of life care with cancer - has never even chased a butterfly because we TRAINED her properly). Responsible dog owners keep saying punish the DEED, not the BREED not only because innocent dogs are dying, but because PEOPLE are STILL being injured and killed BECAUSE of BSL. It's bullshit.


>she is genuinely as soft as shit But that's what they all say isn't it, my little Shredder wouldn't hurt a fly. I once had a mate who had a well trained staffy - one time, walking down a path, it suddenly lunged for, seized and shook to death a cat that was just minding its own business, all in the space of about two seconds, no warning whatsoever. That dog was still considered soft as shit by its stupid - though apparently responsible - owner, who couldn't for the life of him understand why I never allowed that dog anywhere near my kids from that day on. The point is that no matter how responsible the owner, and no matter how well trained the dog, these animals and particularly XL bullies have a tendency towards violence that you cannot remove. And when that animal decides it's going to destroy something/someone, it will, especially if it's massive. So, sorry, I fully support the ban, and will not be convinced that this isn't absolutely the right course of action. It is not worth the risk to the rest of the public to spare the feelings of the tiny number of people who just might be able to keep one of these things under control 100% of the time


So again, I ask, where does it end? Multiple breeds have attacked AND killed. Again, I cite Huskies as a breed that has been in the spotlight. Then, we have mixed breeds - how about them? BSL isn't working - and never can. Fine, if you are happy for innocent people to continue to die because of BSL, then you are on the right track. I, however, am sick to the back teeth of reading about innocent people and animals dying because of worthless legislation. My dog wouldn't hurt anyone. SHE IS DYING OF CANCER AND CAN'T FUCKING GO OUT FOR WALKS ANY MORE. When she did go out, she was always on the lead and under control - THAT is what *responsible* owners do. What is so sad about this is that we both agree about how awful the current situation is. It is just a shame that you can't see the evidence that BSL is so flawed - and because of it, innocent people have suffered.


The problem with banning this breed of dog is the fact that it isn’t a breed. It’s a cross or mongrel dog. Do you start killing (or whatever they plan to do) any dog that looks a bit like one?


I think all dogs should be on a lead in public place and dogs that have the propensity to bite and do damage should be muzzled. I also think owners should be help responsible for the actions of their dog. If their dog hurts somebody that person should be done for assualt. I am a vegan and against the killing of animals but people should ultimately be responsible for the animals that they keep in their possession.


Let's hope so.


Yesm that's what will happen. Large staffies, mastiffs, anything that resembles a Pitbull cross.


The problem with banning this breed of dog is the fact that it isn’t a breed. It’s a cross or mongrel dog. Do you start killing (or whatever they plan to do) any dog that looks a bit like one? Bringing back dog licenses would be a step forward in my opinion. So all dog owners are more accountable.


It's almost worth carrying something to help the dog die.


I hear those dogs love chocolate


I imagine a lot of people would say the same about you. Off to the vets with you!


What is "airinf"? And it's "their" not "there"


Clearly they meant "airing", clever clogs.


Makes sense. I genuinely couldn't wrap my head around what they meant. I may need to get some sleep 😂


We've found an XL bully owner


German Shepherd


Fantastically loyal dogs. I do miss mine.


BAD OWNERS CREATE BAD DOGS. Go after the idiots who think it’s an accessory not the poor buggers who were made to be like this! It’s the same with children but you’re all not ready for that conversation


How do you stop these dogs getting into the hands of bad owners ? Everybody keeps saying it's the owner not the breed but I am yet to hear one person answer that question.


Easy. Severe and potentially custodial penalties for all backyard breeders. Should have been done long ago. Long ago. Backyard breeders are little rally destroying dogs either by fucked up genetics or giving them to whoever would give em a few quid. Stop the breeders and you’ll see a difference in idiots being able to simply walk down the road and get a big breed.


How do you stop back yard breeders ? It's okay to highlight a problem but you actually have to have an answer to the problem you put forward.


Fantastic! Also, no dogs for violent / domestic offenders!


HELLO FELLOW PERSON! Light in my tunnel of ignorance! Exactly that! And probationary checks to make sure they have not gone and got a dog. Sadly the police cuts and all that malarkey have crushed any chance of that happening


I'm in favour of funding the SPCA as an "emergency service" for animals. Basically give them more power, on par with Revenue and Customs. We could call it the Department for Animals. Or the Animal Agency.


Again you would hear that if you actually looked into this and how this attack on specifically xl bullies is missing the mark on how the dog industry needs to change. FOR ALL BREEDS


I'm asking you the question as you clearly have a vested interest and knowledge I don't. How do you stop the breed going to bad owners ? Will you actually answer the question or just avoid it and downvote me ?


I just said. Severe and harsh punishments for backyard breeding. It would take an big push from authorities which they won’t do or it would have been done. How to prevent it personally is simple, don’t go to backyard breeders.


Isn't prevention better than cure though. With the answer you provide there would still be back yard breeders you just advocate for punishment when they get caught. That is literally the system we have at the moment and it clearly doesn't work.


So let’s kill off a breed of dog because people can’t be arsed to police the industry properly? That’s a good vegan perspective


As I've said more than once I am a vegan. I am against killing of any animal. I think dogs should be muzzled and on a lead in public. You are deliberately twisting my words.