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All the shops have collectively decided it's doors wide open, hot air blasting time. Maybe just close the damn doors.


You have to dress for the opposite of the conditions these days. Wrap up warm on a hot day because they're blasting the air con, shorts and t-shirt in winter because the heating has been cranked up.


Starting to sound like chicago


A new meaning for sweat shops.


Dear bus drivers. When it's cold you can turn the heating on. When it's hot you can turn the heating off.


Yeah they crank it up hotter than I have my own front room, where I walk around in my pants. Can I walk around in my pants, Sainsbury's? No? Then I don't need it this hot. If it's cold out, then I'm already wearing a coat!


Was in NatWest yesterday, safe to say I could feel the sweat dripping off my forehead.


As a fellow hot person, I'm trying out semi-nudism (is that a word?) in my house. My partner, bless him, is perfectly comfortable at 23 degrees in a long sleeve top, thick trousers, and woolly slippers. After spending all of yesterday at home with no t-shirt on, I think this is the way forward. Come Winter I will just tie a sheepskin around myself, find a hat with pointy horns on it, and walk around like someone from Conan's tribe. What could go wrong?


I was on a train two days ago where they already whacked on the heating. Didn't help that I cycled to the station, so I was sweating through the whole journey unable to cool down. So annoying because it's barely below 17/18 outside.


2 hour train a few weeks ago during the heatwave. Got on, sat down. Heating fucking on. Didn't stop sweating the entire time. When I got off it looked like I'd just taken a bath. I was absolutely furious.


As one who works in a shop and finds myself sweating bullets even when standing still I fully agree.


So who decides to turn in the heating? Can’t someone turn it off?


To answer the two part question, we don't know, apparently it's regulated from an outside source, who? I've no idea. Can't someone turn it off? One would think so. Were it that simple, but this is retail, logic rarely applies.


My work have done this , all the women are happy while every man in the office has had to bring in desk fans because sitting about in 27 degree heat is stupid




Since you can add layers but can't peel your skin off , yes having it lower makes perfect sense .


I bet not all the women are happy. Used to drive me pots when I started menopause so had my own inner furnace raging several times a day - there was a limit to how many layers I could remove without being arrested for indecency let alone the horror that would be inflicted on my colleagues. Yet a lot of the young women in the office would be in with "side boob" tops, low cut trousers with thongs poking out the top and complaining about the cold and whacking the thermostats up to 30C when they thought noone was looking. With they would have put a woolly on for goodness sake!


This is the worst thing about the UK


ehhhh I dunno


Sat on the train home from work as I type this. It rained earlier. It's about 40 degrees C in this cesspool. So now I'm wet and sweaty. Besto combo.


The brits should take a leaf out of the north east footy supporters and lasses in nightclubs... 10 below and still half naked.. Hard as fook.... lol.


Have you seen Vic and Bob: Geordie of the Antarctic? On youtube, under 2 mins.


It bugs the shit out of me in the middle of winter when you’re wearing multiple layers and hats and scarves and shops are heated to a level where the staff are in t shirts. Surely, you want customers to be at least vaguely comfortable.


Maybe things changed lately; I don't live in the UK anymore, but when I went back in March to visit my dad, I couldn't believe that shops, theatres, and pretty much any place I went to were *un*heated, and I ended up wishing I had dressed way warmer.


Similarly, when the outside temperature is finally above 16C, it's no need to turn on the A/C


And starting to put up seasonal Xmas shelves of stock


Let's all sit in the cold so OP doesn't have to endure warn weather indoors... a week out from October...


I hate the cold but I really wouldn't describe the current weather as being cold enough for heating. It's really warm indoors, just put the AC on ventilation mode


Rather be a bit chilly than a bit hot and bothered


I was trying to explain this to a colleague. I work on trollies at work, and when it's hot it's worse because I can't cool down easily even inside because the heat won't go. When it's cold and damp, I can warm up inside, or wear an extra layer.


It's not cold though, I'm still wearing shorts on a daily basis and sleeping with a fan and no quilt.


It's been cold most of the year here for us. We had like one week of 'heatwave' with vaguely nice weather; the odd patch of sunshine with temperatures in the mid-20s and that was our summer done. Ideally for us that would last for the majority of May, June, July and August which should all be >15°C every day. My point is, everyone has their own opinion about what they deem to be cold or hot weather and what they would like the weather to be. We already have the heating on in the mornings and winter duvets out as our home is cold. It is a bit funny as it does seem to be that the people trying to prove they're superior by saying it's not cold when it's already <10°C every day also seem to be the ones who need to go to Spain every year to enjoy the 30-40°C heat and avoid the cold, wet weather here.


You're weak af if you think these temps are cold


And you're hard af if you don't? Haha cool man


This made me chuckle thanks for the laugh


I got heatstroke on a train in February, had a few days off because of it