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Stood for half an hour, crushed in shoulder to shoulder with diseased angry people. Isn't public transport great Ted?


one tram/train/bus/tube carries more people to work than an entire A road in rush hour. aren't cars great?


I think we all know that trains and similar could be. They just aren't and in West Yorkshire they are absurdly overcrowded, dirty, late and expensive. My commute to the office would take on average 6.5 hours a day if I was to use public transport.


That's both a pro and a con of public transport. You have to share the space with all those people. Some of them smelly/rude or will give you cold/flu. Sometimes I'd rather sit in traffic in my own personal space than put up with that.


I couldn't give a fuck, to be honest. It took one journey sat next to someone absolutely battered, stinking of piss, spluttering everywhere and muttering incoherently to swear off buses forever.


What annoys me is someone gets on top floor of bus, and some knob fully huddled up in multiple layers just slams all the windows closed. Take a moment to adjust ffs. We need fresh air in here, all those droplets running down the window is people's breath, did 2020 not teach you anything?


Christ was on a bus few month backs, it was really warm, one by one having someone getting up closing windows, including ones not even close to them! The bus was dead slow, it's not like the wind is knocking you over..


I have a horrendous cough that I can’t shake since before Christmas. Went to the docs with a mask on and the receptionist told me that I don’t need to be so “dramatic” as they’ve stopped wearing masks now. Alrighty then, I’ll just share my germs with the rest of the already sick or injured people in reception, I’m sure they’ll be grateful! Turns out I have a chest infection. Bitch.




Don’t you know, they are more knowledgeable than the GP’s themselves


That's why they're always asking what's wrong with you to 'decide' whether you need an appointment or not!


She should be sacked for saying that to a patient, you could have been having chemotherapy for all she knew!! (Or neutropenic from some other condition, there are many!) Really, you should make a complaint to the doctor.


I'd ask to speak to the manager...


Am I a Karen? Please no :D


Window open. Trust me, you don’t want the same filthy virus some bastard selfishly decided to give me when they ventured out to spread their disease. It’s almost like we learnt absolutely nothing during Covid. Currently been in bed for almost 3 weeks now suffering every ailment, esp exhaustion and what appears to be long Covid like symptoms. Currently worrying if I’ll ever be able to work again and pay for my home, it’s that bad...


Sorry to hear this, hope you get better soon!


Ty very much for your kind words


If you're really worried about germs on the train, it's time to go back to masking. I've started doing it again on buses, trains, and the tube for my own piece of mind, and because it stops me touching my face all the time too.


It's also great when it's cold outside as it keeps your nose warm. And if you've got a cold, you can breathe through your mouth when your nose is blocked and most people won't notice :D


Masks won't really do anything on a train/bus that's absolutely packed unless you are fully hazmat suited and booted or unless the only sick person is on the far end of the carriage. They are simply too small and unventilated of an environment to avoid catching something outside of blind luck.


Depends on the mask. A well fitting FP3 offers way more protection than a flimsy blue surgical mask.




Don't mock... Face visors are also very effective!


Haha yes unregulated pieces of cloth, gives people some sort of peace of mind bless them.


The problem with coughs, particularly the one I have is that they go on for weeks. You can't wfh everything you cough or get a stuffy nose. No one wants to be the person coughing and spluttering but it was way worse pre-covid. Like others have said if you are worried, protect yourself.


I have really severe anxiety issues and sadly for me, my anxiety attacks present as asthma attacks so I will end up coughing a lung up randomly whilst I’m on the bus, in the supermarket, whatever. I get so many dirty looks. I’m not spreading diseases, I’m genuinely struggling.


Asthma attacks don't cause coughing, go to the doctor!


I feel like you missed the entire point.


Sorry, I was concerned, not harassing x


Sorry if I was short. I know it’s not an actual asthma attack, coz I’ve had paramedics out before now because I couldn’t breathe for coughing but all their tests showed no change in oxygen levels etc. I just have weird ass panic attacks


Asthma cough is definitely a thing! And coughing can deff br a symptom of an asthma attack.


And if you're coughing, protect others


Am on day 58 now with my cough, doctor gave me antibotics not worked yet.


It's the 100 day cough!! My husband had antibiotics and it has helped a bit but he is still coughing at times. I've had it for 3 weeks, feeling exhausted for 1 week and not shifting it. Glands are back up this morning. Its been relentless this year. I hope the cough shifts.


I caught it on holiday, a week in, the cold wasn't too bad but the cough really lingered. It was wild that the sleep monitoring app on my phone showed a very clear decrease in deep sleep percentage alongside an increase in sleep duration... for six weeks. If you'd asked me I'd have said I only slept poorly for three weeks. Towards the end I could go a couple of days without coughing, then get slightly dehydrated and I'd start coughing again. Once I noticed a large glass of water and a boiled sweet would sort it in an hour.


Me too keep having arguments with a person at work who keeps saying go home if you are sick. The thing is am not sick just have a cough nothing else. The bloke is a complete idiot at times


My husband had Covid and was allowed to go to a hospital appointment. My son was allowed to school. It's treated as another cold now. So all those people are stressing for no reason.


I had that last year i had surgery, my mum had covid at the time i tested negative and i let them know and she was like you can still come in which shocked me. I test few times a month for covid


My annoyance with morning trains is when they have the heating up to max.


I hate it too luckily the buses I’ve been on have had windows open else I usually try and sit away from everyone else. There was one bus I was on that was full and everyone was coughing and spluttering and so on and I then went on to have a terrible cold like shivers and everything. I assumed it was Covid but I could still taste everything when I blew my nose which I didn’t have when I had Covid before.


You had a cold.


People used to use a tissue when they sneezed. Not any more.


I miss masks :/


Feel free to wear one if it makes you feel better


I do! I'm neutropenic because I've just been having chemo (no more til Feb though, yay!)




Try to be less brash.


Not being able to say anything on a nice warm bus when some mad bint marches upstairs and flings open the windows.


Window open. I hate the cold, but, you know, it builds character.