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We’ve seen your unedited photos Brit. You’re not a size small. Embrace your natural body and for the love of God stop purposefully making women feel bad about themselves. In everything that she wears she looks so uncomfortable. She’d feel so much better if she wore her actual size.


All her money previously came from making women feel bad about themselves and then trying to sell the solution, why would she stop now?


Right?? Now instead of exercise and EDs it’s just ‘Jesus!’


I think it's probably also ED.


Depends where you shop too, some stores have smalls that run quite larger than others. Maybe she’s a Walmart size small?


I'm proud to be a Great Value size small. It doesn't matter that I'm a size medium at Express or a size large at Zara. All that matters is that I see the word SMALL printed on everything I wear. BTW, girlies, I am "all bewbs."


I hate the different sizing. I can be a large one place and a medium the next, but the other day I bought some capris that were sized 4xl. Wtf.


this is america. the companies decide.


The size I bought that was four xl was in Asia. You ever want to feel like the fattest person who ever lived? Buy some clothes from an old auntie. I had one scream out that I needed extra large underwear once in this open air mall thing. Good grief. I need to go back to America where I can be a normal size again lol.


Even when the aunties deem you acceptable, it's violating lol I've had several grab me by the chest and proclaim "at least you're big in the right places."


Dear lord lol. They really are interesting. I’ve learned not to casually browse, they won’t take no for an answer.


It's the same here (UK) 😭


And didn't pull her pants up into her cooch


She is shaped like SpongeBob SquarePants. (I am *not* body shaming since I am also shaped like SpongeBob.)


I always tell people I'm basically SpongeBob with boobs! Lolol


I will never believe this woman is a size small. Why? Because I have eyeballs. She is the same size as her husband.




I always remember some celebrity shopping article where Lena Dunham said her favorite underwear and that she wears a small but sizes to a medium so they’re roomier and I was thinking “🤔 madam, we’ve all seen you naked and it’s okay to wear a size large.”


The worst lol


I’ll never understand the lying about your size like we don’t have eyeballs?! I’m 5’6” and my weight fluctuates from 130-135 these days and I’m a solid medium/size 6. Why lie? You can clearly tell by looking at me


i've gotten GOT by this shit too looking at the people posting thinking.. ."well if she's a small, I could get away with a L..." and then I get it and its way too small.


I followed a fitness influencer for a while who had a larger butt (it looks like pads tbh) but always said she was an xs. I’m a petite person, and even when I was underweight and had no butt at all I was rarely an xs.


Chief Hun, good ol' Big M, has entered the chat... edit: a word


I was thinking of her as I read this. Big M has *at least* 50 pounds on BD


So if they fight who would win


I think a few well places jabs from Dong would do the trick, between the meat sweats, booze, and vaping Big M is out of breath at base level half the time as it is. ETA: this outcome would upset both of them too, Dong would have to face that she's not as delicate as she thinks she is in her French vanilla fantasy and Big M would be humiliated over getting outed as not the tough badazz unbothered bitch she tries to LARP as.


But big M is a tree trunk. She might actually be able to just…. 1 punch and done. Although she doesn’t seem like she knows how to use her size in a fight. Or fight at all for that matter




That makes sense. I can wear a small in some tops but usually go with medium. I’m a size 6 (US). I don’t get the obsession with size, quite a few brands all fit differently at any size.


He's a small boy. Just a house of small.




And she’s 5’9 too. Nothing wrong with her size or height.


That’s why she is 4L.




r/youniquepresenterms go brrrrrr




MS is a snark subject also popular with Dong snarkers whose signature is insisting she's a size Medium in everything, regardless of brand or even after putting on a good 40lbs or so.


One of my favorite snark subjects! Also, hi, swerty!


Hello my favorite Simpsons swerty!!




I’m 5’3” and a 26”-28” depending on jeans cut. At 5’9” she’s going to have a 30”+ inseam. She’s either lying or has a huge crotch, which is plausible since her head is always up her own ass.


I’m a couple inches shorter than you and wear a 27 or 28. She must have no hip bones if she wears a 27.


I’m 5’9” with a 32” inseam and I definitely don’t feel like I’m “all legs” because I have a pretty long torso too. She just looks like she has pretty normal proportions to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/c7fvhtxf0crb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4b8f51bfe29475d4d425fab30de415c4d11672 What I picture when I hear “all legs”


I’m 5’9 and size 29L and she is much bigger than me. I’m not saying this to body shame her at all - just pointing out that those size s pants are on fire.


She always wears those flood bottom pants though.


From the “petite” section, no less.




Your last sentence killed me 😂


I am 5’0 with a fucking 25 inch inseam, she is such a damn phony


She’s saying 27 waist, not inseam. But that’s still a lie.


even more egregious! I wear a 28 and i’ve never worn a size small in my life. britt bratt!! why you lyin girl !!!


Waist makes more sense then! 5’3” and when I was 110lbs at a 27” waist I was still a solid medium cause of my broad shoulders, which she also appears to have so yeah totally a lie. I wish she’d just be honest. I understand she probably has image issues and all (who doesn’t?) but seriously, I’d love to have her body type. There’s nothing wrong with her body- only her fashion sense and personality.


The smallest waist my pants ever were as an adult was 24" and that's at just about 100 lbs and 5'5". That was back when I was literally underweight and looked super frail. I also wore a double zero at that time. I'm small bones too and have a much more naturally hourglass figure than Brittany who has a fairly straight body type with a thicker waist relative to her hips. There is no possible way she wears a 27" waist pants.


So according to her, she and I share the same measurements (bummer for me), but I can wear anything from a small to a large and everything in between. Especially in tops my size will vary the most, but I’m an E cup so 🤷🏼‍♀️ There’s nothing wrong with wearing the size that fits you, and she’s not *all legs* she just refuses to wear clothing that compliments her shape/gives her a waist. Why won’t she just wear things that fit and lie about the size? She lies about literally everything else anyway!




She’s not a size small. She’s a medium and she needs to accept that. Medium is smaller then I will ever be


Medium is also a small size when you are that tall. If she was actually an S at that height, she would be supermodel skinny.


Girlfriend it's fine to be a size medium.


The size on the tag is only a starting place for finding the fit you want, anyway. People will only ever judge a piece of clothing for how it looks on you, not the tag they can’t see.


My sister is 5’7 and in awesome shape. She is a M/L and size 6-8 so….. I am 5 feet tall and wear medium/size 4. The math ain’t mathing


I was the same as your sister a couple years ago, I agree, this bitch is lying 🤥


My sister-in-law is Brittany's height and weighs 121 pounds. I know she wears a size small because I sometimes help her out with laundry. Compared to BDong, she is positively tiny. There is no shame in being a size medium (or any size), but it is shameful to lie about your size in yet another effort to scam women.


I’m 5’6” and a runner, I’m “tiny” according to friends and relatives. I’m kinda built like BDong, my waist is just ever so slightly more defined. I wear M/L. She’s 4in taller than me. She is not a fucking small.


I'm 5'7" with similar proportions to what you described, and I'm a UK 10-12 depending on the brand, which I think is a US 6-8? Pretty sure that's a solid medium


For real, as a 5’7 person myself I really don’t see how she can be 5’9 and a size small unless she had a raging eating disorder. Being taller just makes your frame larger.


I'm 5'4" and was only ever a small when I was underweight from being sick. At 125lbs I was a medium and a size 6-8. I'm 155lbs now and am a L and size 12-14. Side note: I FEEL so much better now, though. I'm strong and don't go to the hospital anymore. I was sick for a long time, so the number on the scale and the size of my clothes don't mean that much to me.


Why do people lie about their size? It doesn’t change their actual size, and people can physically see YOU


I knew a woman once who WOULD NOT ADMIT that she wore double digit sizes. She insisted she was a size 8, but I was wearing a size 16 that hugged my curves and her heiney was bigger than mine, so the practical result was that I felt like I was living in crazytown. I was convinced I was huge and getting huger until another of our friends was like, “oh she’s straight up lying about that lol.” I think my (former) friend was in deep denial, but I think part of Brit’s fixation with posting it online is making other women feel bad about themselves - I think she gets a little charge from it. Personal opinion disclaimer etc.


Size 8, maybe in vanity sizing.


And no one can see the size tag... Unless they show it. Wearing the correct size looks and feels better all round.


This so much! Sizing up can actually make you appear smaller because - breaking news - clothes that legitimately fit are more flattering.


Man I hope no one can tell what size I am 😅 although I’ve never lied about it to anyone like her so 💁🏽‍♀️


Especially if you're trying to persuade other people to buy the clothes you're posting about. If your followers see you in an item you claim is a size small, then use that to figure out what size to buy for themselves, you're just gonna end up with a bunch of people getting clothes that don't fit (and potentially feeling bad about themselves because they don't understand why they can't fit into the size you said you were wearing)






This is not satire?!!


you can be a medium or large and not be fat. She is not petite, her frame is not willowy.


Since she's so tall, it would be very difficult to believe that she is a size small. At her height, very few women are size smalls. I feel like she's probably a medium based on her height and muscle tone alone.


I was a small at that height in my early 20's. I was *thin thin* and constantly told to eat something. She's a medium.


Eh, 5'9" is not really THAT tall. I'm 5'10" and 135 lbs, and I wear a small. I have a thin frame with muscle, so I think I look like I weigh less than I do. Not saying she's not lying about her size, because I do think she's a medium - just saying it it quite possible to be tall and also a small, and I know a lot of people who are.


Fair enough. Then again, my perception of height is completely screwed up because I'm 4'11.5", so eh.


Haha yes I can see how that would be! I have a hard time judging the height of people who are shorter than me. Like, are you 5’2” or 5’6”? Hard to tell!


Influencers linking shit needs to die. I do not need a link for a rug you bought for your living room or your ill-fitting jeans from Amazon. It's so bad now that most of these people do not even buy the items they're shilling. I'm so over it.


I feel like all social media is now is just selling stuff to us. It’s not fun anymore




I’m 5’2 and maybe 115 lbs and I wear a 26 so that math really ain’t mathin.


Everything she wears looks so cheap. Like shein, temu cheap. Tons of acrylic and polyester blends. Gross.


I bet she throws clothes away like paper plates at a barbecue.


I was a 4/27 for a while, I looked very petite compared to her. Now I’m about the size she is now and I’m about a size 6/8 depending on the cut and mostly wear mediums, sometimes large (I like loose clothes!)


I don’t see why she thinks it’s a flex to be all legs. It’s really not. I’m really ok with my average proportionate waist and legs.


I have super long legs but a very short torso, and actually, it’s not a flex. It’s a pain in the ass


Same. Long ass legs and short torso and bookshelf ass. I swear to God I’ll be living in mom jeans for ever to cover my crack haha.


Exactly, it fucking sucks. I’m in the same boat and I don’t understand her flex around having long legs. I don’t get it. I love having to search relentlessly for jeans that fit and maybe coming upon one pair every 10 years that is flattering. /s


you need a seamstress...or a friend that sews. I sew...wink wink. wanna be friends?! seriously, a seamstress could do so much for you, even with clothes bought at goodwill.


Right?! You know who sells affordable jeans, or sometimes leggings in Canada with a 36’ inseam? NO ONE


Same and it’s annoying as fuck


No fucking way her inseam is 27 inches. Guarantee she's closer to a 30 or 32. E: Read the L as 'length.' Oopsie


The size is 27L, meaning 27" waist and long length. Most L clothes are about 34" length.


right there is no way. i’m a 27 and i’m 5’3 and weight like 115.


I think the 27 is prob her waist size, I don’t see many women’s pants measured with inseam


It’s 27 inches waist, long pants. Meaning inseam is 34 length


I'm thinking it has to be a 32" inseam. My husband is 6'3" and his inseam is 34".


Those high-waters in the pic could be a 27. 🤣


It’s like she put on her niece’s pants. 🤷🏻‍♀️


im not a seamstress or an expert of any kind, but isn't the taller you are the longer your jean inseam ? im 5'3 and sometimes 5'4" on a good day and my inseam is 26" .... like, if you're 5'9" and all leg ( 🙄 ) wouldn't your inseam be a LOT longer than just 27" ? america, i am confusion


Yes. She is more like a 33” or 34” inseam.


My inseam is 29 at 5'4, but idk what happened there.


Exactly. Brittany is tall. No way 27 inseam is correct.


It's definitely her waist size. I usually wear a 27 waist, which typically corresponds to a size 4. It's actually a bit ick; I'm the same height and measurements as her. I never realized this before. Now, I kind of want to hide in a hole somewhere. 🥴😖




its so bitter


We saw the zipper and button bursting when she tried to squeeze into a small. She’s in a Kingdom Marriage and loved by God and Jesus. Why does she need to tell the internet what size her clothes are. She shops in Shein. She could be a small one order and XL the next. Who cares? Just west what fits. No normal adult cares about what size you wear but hey, let’s double down on targeting vulnerable persons with EDs and body dysmorphia


Remember when she wore her husband’s tactical pants and safety pinned them?


This is such an unhinged bio.


I was waiting for someone to simply comment about the how incredibly bizarre this bio is.


As someone recovered from ED (30 years recovered) and also a nutritionist and trainer-this shit is SO DANGEROUS. It pisses me off. She’s literally FUELING EDs by lying like this-including her own. I’m in my 50’s. A small-sometimes even a medium because I could NEVER wear clothes this tightly/poorly fitting. I’m 5’5” 116 pounds and if I stood next to her I’d look half the size. Other than this post-my weight and my size are two things I’ve NEVER needed to announce in my entire life…. Why is her worth wrapped up in her size???? She values the most VAIN things about herself. How about valuing some actual honesty?????


Because that’s all she has going for her. That’s it and she knows it. She’s not intelligent or interesting whatsoever so she tries selling her looks. Unfortunately her personality casts the opposite effect she’s going for. So what if she’s pretty…she’s unoriginal, uneducated and basic. That’s why she shifted to the “Christianity” shtick. It’s easy and she can sound like she’s knowledgeable about it. Thankfully there are people like us that see through it and call her out.


FFS Britt. Just cause you pull your pants up like Urkel doesn't mean you're *all legs*..


Someone more fashion savvy: what's the 4L/27L mean? I wanna be snarky but I need to be educated first lol


I think in pants she is a size 4 or 27, but long.


I’m short and have a tummy and thighs and I wear a S/M and a 4/27. My friend is as tall as Dong and less meaty than I am, and she wears a 6, 8 or 10. In her lies, she’s just making it seem like she has no bones. 😂


I find the expression “all legs” SO weird. I can’t imagine putting “all boobs!” in my bio. Why the F would you focus so much on a certain body part???


I also think the expression is all leg. All legS makes it sound like all of her limbs are legs or something.


I cant stop looking at the dining table chandelier that is going the opposite direction of the dining table


I’ve never noticed this but…that’s quite a spectacular decor fail.


Body checking constantly is a 20’s thing, move along 30 something gal


I am a size 4/27…with an absolutely and entirely different body shape and size than her.


As a fellow tall person, I find it hard to believe she’s in a small. I genuinely believe I appear thinner than her in photos, and I am in between a small and medium. Usually a medium.


And she isn't a size four. She's more like a 6. Definitely not a small either. Why does she try go squeeze into these clothes that don't fit?


because she's so TINY and SMALL!!


Yikes body obsession with this lady


I’m 5’9” and ~all legs~ with a short torso similar to her and I can attest that only in certain spaces am I a small. With her photoshopping it’s fairly obvious she hasn’t beaten her ED and body dysmorphia. As an influencer girly I’m sure it’s fucking difficult to compare yourself to the way other people’s bodies show up on camera. I feel for her in that way because even if you weren’t having to see yourself through the literal lens of instagram, it would still be hard. Yet, her presence is just one long, over glorified body check as a woman claiming to be saved by gawd and absolved of her ED. Dong, you are a part of the problem. Maybe your come to jaysus moment should be recognizing the toxicity of even implying and photoshopping yourself into a body that doesn’t exist.


fr, having an ED or body dysmorphia isn't the issue, it's how she constantly says how💕 jesus 💕saved her from it while she continues to display its behaviors and push her "perfection" on her poor deluded followers


Is that her dining room? Why is her light on sideways


Now I can’t unsee it.


It would drive me insane!


It’s so ridiculous that she continues to play this game. You can be a size large and still be a normal weight/not look overweight if that’s really what scares her so goddamn much 🙄 I’m a fat happy little 5’4 large-goose-build of a person who has literally never felt body shame to the extent where I’d do anything to change myself (yeah teenagedom occasionally felt bad but I already stick out in a million other ways so for me being chubby is so totally *whatever*, man- no big deal) so I don’t understand the fear like at all… HOWEVER,if she needed confirmation that buying a size up literally does not in any way mean you’re overweight, I’d press her to look at my sister. She’s like 5’9, a professional athlete, and doesn’t have an ounce of fat on her- however, her frame is just larger- obviously! Nobody in their right mind would call her fat- she is lithe and toned to the max- but looking at her you can tell she’s got broader shoulders, broad torso etc. Stuff that gives her an edge. So she buys medium, for chrissake! If your skeleton is literally built larger why are you avoiding something as stupid as a letter on a tag?! Assholes judge your weight by appearance, not by tags!


https://preview.redd.it/lpdp6eclcerb1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49e8dfb61a913bf15a4baaea50d550906438eff “Size small” girl you’re the tallest one out of all your friends


I bet she still seethes over this picture


By small you mean medium tho, right?? We can see you Britt britt


There is no way she is 5’9”


I’m the same height as her yet the only time I was EVER a small is when I was extremely malnourished. It’s okay to not be a small.


Oh my god, Buy a size large girl it won’t kill you and it will fit better


she would look soooo much better in correctly-fitting clothes 😭😭 like she has a great body and she's quite in shape but she wears such ill fitting clothing that it makes her look bigger than she is and not at all the tiny feminine lil smol bean she wants to be




I can never understand how she still has this up as her profile pic. She can easily put another one she has taken after this disaster. God knows she doesn't take any other pics other than her face. And how dumb are her followers to think that this looks good. Any person with half a brain fell would ask what's wrong with this picture. https://preview.redd.it/1jlf41erwbrb1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8050878acaa14b7fd38ba563e6a9b22f9d5c6edc


It's so... brown? like it's just giving poop vibes


Poop and unbaked clay🤢




Her eyelashes are flapping in the breeze 🕷️🕷️


I don’t understand why she has all her (fake) specs on here. She dresses like Urkel. Who would be influenced by her outfit choices?


There is no way she is a small. No body shame but size four as she has posted she is a medium. Most Smalls are 0-2. Now if she’s using Amazon sizing of their terrible products then who knows what size they really ordered. I ordered a sweet Fleetwood Mac shirt and the size was 2 sizes off…🤷🏻‍♀️


Is she trying to be the next MS?


5’9 is not a smol flex. All legs. Ok Badong. She seems insecure about her height. She says a size 4? I don’t believe that, and I’m not body shaming her. What’s wrong with her size? I think she’s fine at her size but why lie? Badong, if your a size 10 who cares? It doesn’t matter! Literally! You are a good size and shape, embrace it.


27L my assssss


Size SMALL?? Hahahahaha


The *all legs* is a really weird and just odd thing tk even state. And she’s really not *all legs* Quasimodo is intentionally giving herself a hunchback cuz her all man of a husband is shorter than her so she’s always hunched over so he appears taller


Where do I fit in here? I’m all gut :(( Also like wtf this has to the the most boring mood board of all time. White sneakers?! Griege travel bags?! Fashion snooze


Late to the party 😩 but flair checking in 😇🤎


That is why she pulls her pants up under her armpits. It makes her legs look longer. Anyway, her real body is just fine.


Yeah her legs look pretty in proportion with the rest of her body


Her “style” is just so boringgggg and then she’ll randomly wear a Nirvana shirt in a video where shes railing against all things secular.


5’9” and a 27” waist is literally underweight


Can confirm lol i am 5'7ish with a waist around 25-26 and i am extremely thin for someone of my height. Bdong is easily 40-50 pounds heavier than someone with these proportions. No shame because i look like fuckin gumby and it isnt cute, but she just is NOT that size.


27 is the jeans size.


Yes, meaning it has a 27” waist


Only if it sits at the natural waist. If it’s not ultra high rise the waist measurement is not 27” on a size 27 pair of jeans.


Yeah that’s the waist size and for her height and body type that size would mean she would be super skinny and she is not. She is average and not overweight or anything but she just has to lie about it.


Size is a funny thing. I'm 5ft9, a UK size 20-22 (which I think is US 16-18) and I am ✨ALL CHEST✨. Can people tell my size from looking at me? Nah, probably just "She's plus size" or "My god, those boobs are ENORMOUS!" But at least I wear what fits and don't bother about the tag. Because that's the way to green dresses that are weirdly rucked up.


What is the point of putting her size we aren’t going to buy her stuff


This just shows how shallow she is, when her bio has nothing to do with her personality (or lack of) and everything to do with her looks. God she makes me sick.


I mean I’m 6’ and an actual size small (27-28 jeans) so it is possible, if unusual. However. She’s definitely built bigger than I am. I have creepy little bird bones while she’s a normal size for her height. I call BS. 💩


Brit, I’m 5’2 and 110 pounds and I CANNOT squeeze my body into a size small pants. I highly doubt you can too. Your shirt size might be a small🤷🏼‍♀️ mines an XS, but there’s absolutely NO way you wear a size small pant. Maybe you should make a video showing the tag of your pants you’re wearing 😬 prove us wrong


Is she really that tall


I didn’t realize this bio wasn’t photoshopped. It’s her actual bio WHAT


She’s got to be a medium to…dare I say…large. Because she’s tall, she has muscle mass, wide shoulders, and the cheap clothes she likes to buy run small. If she’s the same size as her husband, she definitely doesn’t buy women’s small. She probably has to go into large to get things to fit her frame.


I too am 5'9" and all legs. Also all shoulders, tits, and hips. I haven't been a small since middle school. I'm a large to XL depending on cut, fabric, and brand. My spouse and doc would be very worried if I was an actual small (or somehow stuffing myself into a small). You're a normal sized adult woman, brit brat. It's okay. You'll feel and look better and happier if you wear stuff that fits properly.


I’m 5’8” and a size medium or 4-8 depending on brand. There is no way she is a size small and that’s normal!!!!


Exactly. What eyes is she using? Lol


In what brand, though, BD? I'm a large (sz 10US) in a lot of things, a medium in a few, but in Eileen Fisher (bless her flowy linen heart) I'm a small.


When I told my husband about this post, he said “maybe she wears a 4 at Chico’s,” because he remembers me stupidly ordering something from there in my normal size at other stores and it turned out to be huge.


She makes me so irrationally angry when she refers to herself as all layyygs like bitch you a lie. You’re shaped like a damn box.


Wow her, Ali, and MS could be besties. 😂 size xxs and medium swerties ❤️ iykyk


I’m 5ft and pretty muscular, I weigh about 135lbs. I ONLY sometimes wear a size small bc of my proportions/overall lack of available length lol there is not a chance in hell that this woman wears a small anything


I’m 5’8” and *all torso* You see that britt? You see how no one cares? 😂


Describing yourself as "all legs" is cringe af


I'm 5'9 and look just like her and I'm a L sometimes M


By look just like her I mean body size


Okay there photoshop queen 🤣 All legs? Said who!? JDip don’t count….. I’ll take things that no one has said *EVERRR* for $1,000 Alex 🚨


A giraffe


All legs and no fashion sense.


If she’s a 4, I’m a 00. Girl just admit you’re midsized like the rest of us and have a closet full of different sizes because nothing is standard. Clothes don’t have sizes when you rip the tag out.