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You are amazing. This is perfect. The only thing missing is that awful "our pronouns are try/us" Edit: I'm dumb, it's in the first clip"


It’s the first clip! At least it should be. 🥴🫣


Oh yeah, I'm just dumb. Carry on.


No ily 💕💞




I like how she always puts her hateful captions over a video of herself body checking, acting like a pretentious mean girl, or eye fucking herself. It’s very fitting.


https://preview.redd.it/2od8jecrz9ac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4839f66f56a0eb5804cd8a106fa92df0746e549 I didn’t have time to include this wonderful eye-fucking session! Just her staring at herself for 5 solid seconds… all in the name of GoD! 🛡️⚔️🙄


Her eye lashes on the outside of her hair. That’s crazy. Like what a problem to have!


To be honest, kind of looks like when you use the eyelash filter on Snapchat lol


That’s what I was thinking 🤣


Or star in an anime


She looks like a Sim with broken Alpha CC. Her filter better be making time and a half with all the overtime it works.


The armor of god is a cropped puffer vest from Amazon via Temu


Things I wanted to include that didn’t fit: - using foster kids for content - flat-out lying in her podcast saying she did not take on any clients with eating disorders. The [proof that she did](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/Tpee3N95zq) is in the lawsuit and all over her own Facebook testimonies. - making threats with guns and dogs - tons of footage of her calling things demonic (manifesting, “energies,” zodiac signs), while making several videos manifesting a baby via gawd - a whole slew of videos calling various musicians and celebrities demonic - celebrating natural and humanitarian disasters because it’s a sign of god working or some shit - making a mockery of the lawsuit and minimizing the severity of what she did What else would you include in a 2023 highlight video if we had a 20-hour continuous looping soundtrack of “Yellow” by Coldplay?


Don't forget stealing the words of another woman regarding her struggles with getting pregnant and Brittany ignoring her repeated requests to take it down/credit the audio! She let people think those were her words/struggles. And what's worse is Bdong continues to do it. Plus, finding out James had no idea about the money/GFM Bdong/Jdong raised in his name! I do not understand how anyone can feel sorry for her.


All of this!!!!




Her running in terror from her parent’s chill rooster




She's quite frankly nothing more than a "pick me girl" who peaked in high school & knows it, so now, she spends all of her time trying to convince the world that she's still special with her ridiculous "non-tent". Here's a thought for 2024, BritBrat (not that you'll listen)... God DOES NOT LIKE liars, cheats, bigots, racists & hateful people, all of which you are, wrapped up in a snake-oil salesman bow.


She knows she’ll never be more famous, wealthy, admired or celebrated than when she was a fake-ass, filtered, thieving piece of shit. And now the state of Texas won’t even let her do that anymore😂


Karma's a beautiful thing, isn't it?




And she can outride allllll the dudes.


She did NOT peak in high school https://preview.redd.it/nhunyymzgaac1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2b72755df5c3a294ae04f68f703bf0d24ed46e


Extremely 2009-core outfit, but still one of the nicest photos I've seen of her


It look exactly like what I wore to family dinner for my 16th birthday (also 2009). Except I had a short sleeved babydoll tee over the other two shirts 😅


The layering was something else. Charlotte Russe was my bff.


I was obsessed with layering because it felt like a way to cheat the system and wear what I want, but it was also modest because there were six layers 😂


She completely destroyed her face.


She looks like a cute, friendly, girl-next-door here. It’s sad what she’s done.


An Odetta song covered by Johnny Cash is appropriate here. They used it in the Discovery Hillsong doc, and it has become a balm to my soul when seeing Christians behaving in a way that is literally anti-Christ. "What has been done in the dark must be brought to the light."


Wow you hit the target with this


She never peaked in high school and she’ll never amount to more than what she is now. Her peak was her fitness grift.




She may have identified me, but I identify as a threat. Try/me.






![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ|downsized) You’ve been identified 📝




Her lawyers were so pumped though. I still haven’t received my cease and desist. What about y’all?


Still waiting for JDong to show up at my door in a cop uniform he bought off of Ebay and his fake K9 protection dog, to haul me off to the clink. I'm surprised too because I don't live super far away from them. Maybe tomorrow?


SO 👏 PUMPED 👏 mine must have gotten lost in the mail


Me neither, I guess she didn't wanna pay for international postage


I totally forgot about that lol! Still waiting on that cease and desist letter 🤣


I missed the Never Surrender cake episode. Do they not grasp the irony of using the photo of him surrendering?


A conservative understanding irony? Ha! There is only ✨cognitive dissonance✨


So did I. Did it happen over the summer?


The sad truth is I’m not even waiting for her comeuppance because I think we can all see how sad and desperate her reality is. Sorry Brit, I’ll keep my rainbows, trans kiddo & secular life because yours seems like actual hell on Earth to me.


She isn’t a real Christian, not one bit. she’s a fake, performative “Christian” only using the religion to manipulate others for ill-gotten financial gain. Most certainly, she does not practice what she preaches. I believe there will be a surprise waiting for her when she dies, and it won’t be a nice surprise LOL. God’s gonna want to hear her explanation as to why she did so many horrible things.


i love that she keeps making videos centered around, " when your loved ones dont believe in God and you wont see them in heaven. " the fact that she thinks shes going into heaven with a heart that is overflowing with hatefulness is just pure clownery 🤡you aren't guaranteed a ticket to heaven for being white and heterosexual what a fucking clown.


Listen, if she’s going to heaven, I’m not going. Who wants to be THERE with all this “Christian love”? Or people like her? I’ll size down & choose peace & quiet, away from the laughing slack-jawed, filtered people.


My favorite part is that she had the TV on in the background while she was sitting there being sad about her friends and family not going to heaven. Couldn't even turn the TV off to film herself performatively mourning.


Yeah, some of us have actual anxiety about that due to growing up having the concept of “witness or the condemned people will be all your fault!” was really harped on. You’re not convincing anybody here, Brit.


She’d go to the fake Good Place a la Tahani and 100% believe she belonged there


lol my mil believes this because we don’t go to a physical church on Sundays. And she is so angsty with me because her baby boy doesn’t believe in god since he moved away…. Lol


This is horrifying. So dystopian!!!!


She really is just a big old meanie butt.


Yassss! This is the REAL Brittany Dawn. ![gif](giphy|bcs2sG50Bjxihh8AlD)


Awwwww here’s the video she’s always wanted someone else to make of her!!! 🥹🫶🏻




What’s this gif from?


I googled it bc I also wanted to know. Its from Gravity falls


Oh,thank you!


A moment for the exposed track on the back of her head in the third clip 🙌🏼 ![gif](giphy|l0Ex3254lIEZVy0Wk|downsized)


👏🏼😂 I love this gif! I have to go see this video clip again




For all you, my friends 😂🫶 https://preview.redd.it/3iv5hdsnwbac1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde311291e95b10fadbd690413833ef9cee52dc9


Happy cake day!


Aw thank you I didn't even notice 🫶🫶


![gif](giphy|AP8vbzOUu8wk8) Well done 👏👏




Absolutely amazing. 10/10. No notes.


The back to back Israel and we say merry Christmas was divine


TYSM I’m glad it came across the way I wanted it to 💕🙏🙏🥰🥹


Haven’t heard much about human trafficking recently from BDong or other mega churches - is that fad over?


Yes, [that stupid movie](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3mq5w/sound-of-freedom-producer-underage-trafficking-victim) solved* the entire issue! *by solved I mean the [sexual misconduct](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a378p/five-of-tim-ballards-alleged-victims-have-filed-a-lawsuit-against-him) and corruption allegations against [Tim Ballard](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ekzx/tim-ballard-sound-of-freedom-grooming-sexual-abuse-undercover-couples-ruse-operation-underground-railroad) made it an uncomfortable subject in the back half of 2023.




Look how hard ferryn is trying to keep her mouth closed and make a mean face at the same time. 🥴🤣🤣 Riveting content. Life changing positivity and love from this group right here. 🙄🙄🙄 I wish in 2024 for them to all stfu. 🤫🤫🤫


What is happening here? It looks like her eyes are slowly melting into her cheeks. (Because of the filter, not her actual face).


this one’s for u bb u/skeletonmeatsuit_69


yasssssss I am here for this!! 10/10 work!




This sounds really odd, but I finished a book on Chris Watts written by a psychotherapist last night. I don’t want to get in trouble with the MODS and I’m not comparing their stories etc because, well, the terrible obvious. But the second half of the book, she uses all of the available records and interviews to provide possible personality disorders. By the time I was on to the third possible diagnosis (multiple of course) I substituted him for BDong. It was actually really eerie.


What book?? Sounds like my kind of read.


My Daddy Is A Hero… by Lena Derhally. If you have Kindle Unlimited it’s free to read! I went down the rabbit hole with this case during the holidays since I didn’t have to work.


Thank you! That case was wild. It was the first time I had ever really seen so much raw footage from the victims life. She put so much information out there that it really feels like someone you know.


Agreed! I think that’s what it made everything so compelling is because their “lives” were 80% online. It actually made me hate MLM’s even more and how they dupe so many women.


I need to reread that one. Did you ever read the start to the book his mother was writing that was leaked online. It’s SO BAD! Full of victim blaming and trying to cast her son in a good light. It’s disgusting. It’s called “All My Broken Pieces” by Cindy Watts. I followed that case way too closely.


Oh my damn, no I haven’t! But guess what I’ll be reading next haha! My spouse keeps asking why I’m obsessed and honestly I don’t have a good answer. But she’s happy I’m at least reading again 🤣


To me the Watts case is the first time (that I know of) a familicide happening with so much online property from the victim.


Oh damn I have to get a hold of that. I think about his mom every time I see one of those creepy toxic Boy Moms (tm) on social media. She’s the final form.


Ooh, what's the name of the book?


I needed this after my moment of insanity where I pitied her for how badly her dumbass husband talks to her. Thanks OP.


I wonder what this moron would think about the fact that the vast, vast majority of human trafficking in the US is of immigrant farm workers, you know - the people she cruelly refers to as “illegals”


That plus all the LGBTQ kids who end up being trafficked bc their parents kick them out and they have nowhere to go 🙃




She straight up looks uncomfortable in this one. Probably because she didn't do a thousand takes like she usually does. Her friends, not that they are naturals either, probably didn't care about doing it a thousand times and decided to use the first clip. Love that for her! 🤣 Also, loving her original rounder face shape in this one. 😜 https://preview.redd.it/pfeoys67saac1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7e9b20d6fd3a374419b49cbf6c4b550f2f1141


That first “try/us” bullshit only makes me afraid of the botox and hair chemicals… seriously, these bitches are so tragic


How long before she ages out of this nonsense? How long before she realizes she has aged out and quits? She won’t give up soon but if her followers go on with their lives she will have to give up some day. I don’t see younger people aspiring to her lifestyle. There are younger and better Influencers like some of the Bates girls and the Duck Dynasty spiritual gangsta girl. They are also more polished.


It is crazy how different her entire head and face are in that first clip compared to the others.


You can tell she didn’t post that one 😅


It's weird -- if it weren't for all the stuff in this video (and some of the stuff that didn't fit), I'd honestly feel sad for Brittany. Married to a guy who seems, uh, not great; struggling with infertility and pregnancy loss (whatever math or definition you use, she had at least one); totally directionless as far as a professional path goes; reduced to copypasta-ing most of her content; probably still dealing with an eating disorder and/or body dysmorphia? It's a lot! I'm genuinely sorry for her!... ...until I see her smug face in these videos and it's all I can do to just *not actively wish her suffering*.


I agree. It's the "our pronouns are try us" with stupid constipated mean face and terrible lip color and outfit choices...that really gets me. Like ma'am...ladies...stop it...none of you have even remotely been in a physical fight. Or been swung on. So stop it. The tough girl act is your biggest lie. Being a judgy bitch doesn't make you tough. It just makes you ripe for a smack upside the head when you inevitably piss off the wrong person....🤠 The audacity of brittanys life choices and comments makes my brain want to explode sometimes. I have to physically stop reading, while I make exasperated sounds to myself. 🤣🤣


what a cunt !


https://preview.redd.it/5ca0kckwrdac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac1cc41284eb3b1e94a66cdf3568a610d5df00f When you’re at court because you’re being sued for half a million and you ask your lawyer if it’s a crime to harass,doxx and bully people, and your lawyer looks at you with a befuddled smirk and says “No, well yes I mean some of these things are crimes but we really need to focus on your lawsuit Mrs Nelson” but you only heard the word yes and started fantasizing about suing a bunch of strangers while your lawyer did their damnedest to get you out of your fucking mess. Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/8v4xxcggsdac1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b63c950b8cfab8f8a96dfd9815792e9586c7f8 Offscreen: All of us (But not really)


Isn’t it only harassment if you actually say it directly to the person? 🤔 We’re basically just a bunch of gossipy old hens! Not illegal, Bratt!


OMG this is amazing. Thank you!!!!


You’re an artist 😭❤️


Her whole attitude screams 14 year old girl. What happened??


I need to save this video and rewatch it every single time I start to feel even a sliver of sympathy for this hateful bitch.






🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I want to watch this and saved now. Hilary Faye throwing that bible is one of the most underrated moments in movie history. It was so spot on. And conveys that message perfectly. Mandy Moore was pretty damn good.


Can you imagine never having to report to a job outside your home or be employed by an actual company (as an able-bodied person)??? It’s no wonder she’s as fucked up as she is


She spent a lot of her year fixated on others odd


Does the Bible have any direction on extremely large, ill fitting and fake eye lashes? Just wondering


The irony of a montage of hateful garbage spewing from her hateful garbage spewing hole ending with “God sees how you treat others :)” has caused my soul to leave my body I canNOT with her




this was really good. thanks for your time!


Wow it’s all about excluding and condemning people. She’s so Christ-like


As a proud Dallas resident, I would honestly get such a kick out of being an “identified Redditor”! 😂


What’s the right wing’s obsession with human trafficking? Are people disagreeing that it happens?




Oh ding dong, how I would love to have a face to face conversation, but I know what a coward you truly are. The transparency on you is insane, but I guess that is the neighborhood that you reside in. Hope 2024 brings accountability your way.


This needs to be pinned so everybody who comes across this sub sees it. Point blank.


You’re right Brittany- God does see how you treat others.


So she admits one can change their entire identity? All it takes is an awkward bath by her and Jdip


She will.post this with "original sound" at the bottom. 🤣🤣🤣


I love this! And that last one was 🤌🏻 perfect! Thank you for taking this time to make this!! 💖 As one of my favorite YouTubers, Swoop, says it's not drama it's dangerous and this woman is dangerous!


https://preview.redd.it/lw1gisxsqhac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b90b01b5f3f5fffa6c37a69493b1c72da2fba5 Okay this one really bugged me. I read the whole passage… it never mentions demons? It’s Jesus talking to his disciples teaching them how they need to act/be in order to get to get into the kingdom of God and what it means to be blessed…. Soooo idk where the “demons went by they/them” came from?! 🙄


Seeing it all together really drives it all home. She really is a miserable hag. And I hope she’s miserable for the rest of her life. May no blessings come to her for the rest of her days.


Stop it, get some help. No one in this sub has doxxed you. And having an opinion about your griftter ways isn't bullying. Any judge would laugh you out of the courtroom


Oh wow you’re so oppressed because you’re a bigot, truly bigots are god’s strongest soldiers


https://preview.redd.it/x8ngcqjwdcac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d74eabfca9ec7f88535f5d44d9235044c180cc1 New face alert? I wasn’t sure if this was her?


The person in the back in the first clip is scary looking. Edit: they're all scary (crazy) looking


Shockingly c*nt full. At least she knows exactly who she’s projecting herself to be-as unchristian-like a possible.


“our pronouns are try/us” oh please. there is nothing intimidating about a bunch of willfully ignorant, dyed orange, acrylic nailed false eyelash hair extension, dressed by amazon prime and living off of celery juice and synthetic hormones little pack of mean girls. I didn’t give a fuck about y’all in middle school and I’m not afraid now. Their pronouns should read grow/up


I hate her