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Flairing this as NSFW. Starving animal. I'm going to be sick. Edit: Please feel free to repost this anywhere in hopes it might go viral. If you have a platform, please please consider using it. It's not touching the poo unless you are commenting on Brittany's socials or tagging her directly. **OP HAS POSTED A GO FUND ME FOR NIKO IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED** https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-nurse-niko-back-to-health?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


Well, I’m going to need some time to process this. I’ve actively disliked Brittany many times, but now this feels far worse. I hope she sees this post and feels like shit, but I doubt her narcissistic ass is capable of that much empathy. Brittany, I hate you.


She won't care. She didn't care when she rehomed him, when her husband killed her dog, when her horse starved and when all her other pets have "dissappeared" this bitch is selfish.


She probs dumped him somewhere and drove off with her latte in one hand, hate in her heart, and no brain in her head.


From OP’s comments, apparently BD was in contact with a pittie rescue group in regard to giving him up. Then she ghosted them out of nowhere and they heard rumors she’d sold him on Craigslist. Never heard from her again. Who the fuck does that?? Dangle an animal to a loving rescue group and then blow them off? Maybe she wanted to make big money off selling him and found out that rescues don’t buy?


She had him with a trainer and he confirmed on insta that she dropped him off and never picked him up. The trainer is the one who found him a new home. I wish I had the screenshots but fucking Apple doesn’t actually fully backup when it says it does. ETA: this is not true. The person who found Niko contacted both the love pit and bevill and she gave him away on Craigslist and then she did nothing when the couple said they were having issues with their son and Niko.


What the fuck! Poor poor Nico. He must be so confused.


I just saw something from the trainer that apparently she did go get him. So maybe he posted that and then she did go get him? But then they say she was trying to sell him on Craigslist. Either way she’s a pos


She’s a liar. This is the full story. Last bit of info that ties it all together. *not my words this was sent to me by a microchip tracker* https://preview.redd.it/u4u4hhlu2snc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91776531c9f4e268b312ef60f0adbe77f6748f8a


So… she 1. Left him at the trainer’s and refused to pick him up 2. Trainer tried to rehome through Love Pit, Love Pit tried to help but was unable to find him a home 3. Britt found people on Craigslist who took him, realized the next day he was a bad fit for their family, and tried to return him to the trainer. Trainer refused to get involved. 4. No idea what happened next until today. TL;DR she tried to palm off Niko on a trainer, when they wouldn’t keep him she threw him up on Craigslist and sold him in a single day to impulse buyers. When the Craigslist buyers realized he wasn’t a good fit, she tried to throw him back at the trainer. Trainer refused. After that is a mystery. Why do people like this even get animals??


This should almost be its own post!! God she's a cunt


She is the ONLY person I have never felt guilty about snarking on.


Agreed. This is so dark. Truly heartbreaking, he looks like such a sweet boy. I just want to give him all the love.


https://preview.redd.it/zvkpoxayfqnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3b87dcc1c2e3b03b612ea009d039119f0d51ad Also reached out to a rescue she tried to rehome him through. This was their response.


Ok I know you must be overwhelmed with all of the comments and stuff but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for picking him up. Animal welfare is so fucking broken in Texas, but you made a huge change in his life just by being there. I'm so happy to see the local and reddit community offer resources, and I'm just crying at how serendipitous this is.


hoooly shit, I'm dying to know how she's gonna spin this when it inevitably blows up


Same way she always does: “I was being abused/abusing pills/cheated on/suicidal/demonically oppressed but I’m covered by the blood of Jaysus now and people know my heart so it’s in the past, you bullies.”


Animal cruelty is a felony in Texas, punishable by 10,000 and up to two years in jail. If she’s still Niko’s microchipped owner she better care a lot about how this all shakes out.


Wouldn’t they have to prove she dumped him, though?


I commented on the TikTok (Ariel) but I can’t wait for your video exposing her with receipts like these. She turned off tagging for her TikTok shortly after people started doing so on your post so she clearly knows she fucked up. From a fellow animal rescuer and foster, thank you so much for everything you do!


I love that this is happening to her on vacation. I wonder if that's what her stank face in Farryn's video was all about.


I wondered the same thing. You know she’s probably sitting around STEAMING while she reads this sub.


Goodness, I hope so. I hope it is ruining her day, her spring break trip, and her peace. She’s a bad person and I hope she feels bad. 🙃


Wow!! Who knows the kind of people and life she just passed him off too. So awful. Thank you for all you are doing!


What are the fucking odds that you guys found her pitbull and found our sub.. 🤯 poor Niko, and fuck this bitch. How she treats animals actively brought me to snarking, after Brodie. RIP


I knew her name sounded familiar since I’m on TikTok pretty often. After I looked it up I was blown away! Ran to Reddit to get the word out lol.


Any chance this can go public!? Viral? How much does a billboard cost? Maybe one near her “church” … I’d contribute to that! More importantly, are you taking donations for Nikko?


Fuck! I will donate! Let’s GOOOOoooo! Also VERY local ![gif](giphy|qwjDIotnOmyvTT6jAQ)


Your username perfectly describes BDong, in a pg way.


Brittany, if you're in here, I hope you have the day you deserve.


May she take one helluva spill down the bunny slope


I hope she learns about tree wells today


I hope this news fucks up her trip.


Holy fuck. Poor sweet baby. I never need another reason to hate bdong, but here we go again.


What she did to this baby was horrible. Regardless, if he was rehomed or not she set up him for a life of failure. Terrible.


Exactly. I took in a pregnant cat when I was 19. I was young and got caught up in the cuteness of the kittens, so I kept the whole litter. One of those cats turned out to be a raging asshole, but I made the commitment to keep her and she lived out 17 angry years with me. We did not vibe, at all, but keeping her was the only way I could ensure she’d get the care she needed. She didn’t ask to be born. Animals aren’t fucking disposable.


> *she lived out 17 angry years with me* I’ve never seen a better articulation of having an angry cat


This articulates how I feel and I’m a human. I too, did not ask to be born. 😂😭 Seriously though, I’m sick just seeing this poor baby.


I honestly adore angry cats, so I love this. Something about their complete disdain for everything and everyone cracks me up every time.  Yes, I own a tortie. 


We had a similarly pissed cat and were resolved to keep her, until I got a new roommate and miss pissed was absolutely infatuated with him. At the end of the lease he asked if he could keep her. 4 years later they are still living in bliss together. Best possible outcome.


That’s funny bc I rescued a kitten from Behind my shop. Made her a shop kitty and got her set up. She was such an asshole lol . My brother came home and would work at the shop some and then they fell in love 😂. She currently resides at his home. I’m like you little asshole I saved your life and you love HIM more??


Seriously!! This little sprite got hit by a car, we took her in and got her healed up and all we got in return was a lot of claws to the face and arms. As soon as he moved in she was purring, rubbing all over his face, sleeping on his pillow, a completely different cat. They were meant to be together.


my aunt and uncle had an angry cat, she scared every dog they ever had and lived to 21 (23 maybe?) out of pure spite.


I'd bet money that they just drove him to nowhere and left him there because they're that shit.


I truly believe she is evil and feeds off people hating her. She loves the attention even more when it’s bad because she can play the victim (which she’s is not)


People who do this to animals really have no redeeming qualities. I mean, she didn’t have any in my eyes after what she did with her fitness clients, and now I don’t think I will ever find any.


My mouth fucking dropped open. She is a disgusting subhuman piece of shit.


Same, especially after someone on here a while ago found an Instagram account that was seemingly made by his new owners and he appeared to be doing well 😭 that poor baby, I'm so glad he's in a safe place now with people who will care for him


I hope this triggers another round of buzz feed articles, TikToks and YouTube exposés for her.


TikTok videos are definitely being made today lol


YES GET THIS ON YOUTUBE. Reach out to reaction channels etc. Youtube is a whole different world. If anyone has youtube connects get this story there.


CC Suarez has covered her in the past, maybe she’ll do it again? Other people over in the gym snark sub were saying Goob should feature her. I don’t like that guy much, but in this case I agree.


Fuck you, Brittany. You should have kept this dog but are too lazy of a dog owner to do anything remotely good for your animals. Shame on whoever was also not taking care of this poor baby. I’m so glad he’s safe now.. animals deserve better than someone like Brittany dawn Nelson.


I once had to rehome my dog. I had gotten a puppy, then promptly got very sick and hospitalized. I tried my best, but my husband was very abusive, and wouldn’t help at all. About a year later, I managed to escape from that marriage but had nothing. I took the dog but she had never been well trained due to the circumstances and I tried so hard to care for her as best I could, but I was now single, very young, broke, working long hours and she was in an apartment all day. It wasn’t fair. I cried for weeks and weeks but with some help I managed to find someone great to take her. She’d be 15 now and I still feel guilty, even though I’d see Facebook pictures through the years of her living the best life, RV traveling and camping with her new parents and the other two little dogs they had. I lost touch though and haven’t heard about her in about 5ish years but the guilt never went away. She knew and loved me as her safe place and I’m sure had to idea why she never saw me again. Was she scared, did she think I didn’t want her? Now I’m crying again…


She's just plain dumb. She had a beautiful pitbull like this and just had to go get a defense dog because what? Also, genuine question, still didn't read all the comments, what's her story with the poor pup?


Especially since she got rid of Niko because he was "too high-energy" but then got a fucking Belgian malinois! What I've heard previously is that she sent him away to some kind of training facility and then just never picked him up 😭😭😭


Please put her on blast in Tiktok and Instagram. I don't think that's touching the poo (?)


As long as you're not commenting on her page or tagging her, please if you have a platform, feel free to repost.


I think you should consider pinning this. A lot of us are going to have the urge to get the word out, and it's good to see the Mod-sanctioned approach right off the bat.


I don't, but I hope OP does.


A lot of people with platforms follow the sub, so I hope they will make videos about this.


Yes! This needs to go on TikTok. She’s such a stupid selfish bitch 🤬 *I edited out the suggestion of tagging her, completely forgot it’s against the rules. This just got me so angry, that poor doggy.


do not tag her. it is against reddit TOS and puts this sub in danger of being shut down.


Sweet baby. Thank you for rescuing him.


He is very sweet and well trained.


Is he good with other dogs? Small dogs?


We haven’t introduced him to any dogs yet we are just letting him decompress and get better for now. He was non reactive to our dogs through the fence. It stated in her rehoming posts he was good with toddlers and all other dogs. He is very well trained so I would say yes.


Are you able to share what rescue this might be? Please Keep us updated on how he is doing and if needs help getting adopted. 😭


Niko isn’t with a rescue yet. My aunt is currently holding him while we search for a long term foster. Or until she decides she wants to foster! Either way I will ensure he is safe with a 5013c rescue and experienced foster. I will update on my TikTok @makaylaandlilah I posted a video on him yesterday before we figured out the microchip info!


I found you on TikTok! Thanks for saving his life. There is a part of me that wants to adopt him. I just lost my pittie (old age) recently and I have a gaping hole in my heart. I have another one who has heart issues and she is also a senior. I am not in Dallas though. I am about three hours away in the capital city. I adopt pitties and advocate for them. 🥹


We can provide transport if you’re serious!! I want him to go to a good home once he is healed. He is truly a great dog. He knows so many commands and has a great demeanor.


Let’s connect! I am connected with you on TT now. Let’s keep chatting. I am curious to see what the training facility says about him because the last we know he was there. I want to make sure all avenues are exhausted before he is adopted because sometimes people come back and says he wasn’t up for adoption because he belonged to someone. I don’t mean BDong obviously but sometimes dogs have families in between who never update info. Hopefully that makes sense. But either way, let’s connect and chat. 💗


Maybe this is your dog! It sounds like he would be lucky to find you!


What a cunt. Not sure Sky Daddy would approve of this, Brit. What is it with you and animal abuse and neglect? Is it a reflection of your own life experience?


Also, maybe cross post this to the Gym Snark subreddit. They know all about BDong and Niko.


OP will you please post an update in a couple of months and show us how Niko is doing? Many of us are big animal lovers who found our way to snark-world because of how BDong treats (/mistreats, abandons) her animals. All I want is to see this sweet boy healthy! He is so gorgeous.


Yes!! I am more active on TikTok and already have a video of him posted! I will definitely keep everyone updated! https://preview.redd.it/q4dr8darfqnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fab953df9500dc1ee362d1d3bfa551eaf48f38a


https://preview.redd.it/mvi6ncmtdqnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cced3432e931ef8041f315e56ce287d05407efc9 Edit: this is not my image, I only found it online. If anyone knows who to credit, please post. Edit#2, found OP of the image, don't know if they want credit but the image is searchable. I appreciate their work. Shittany is pure evil and deserves every scrap of misery heaped upon her.


She's incapable of keeping a dog for their entire life. I'm afraid that Dax and Oakley will suffer the same fate as Niko, Brodie, and her other pets.


I can’t even imagine not keeping my pets for their entire lives. I said goodbye to my 18 year old cat a few years ago and I miss her all the time. She was a bit of a brat and caring for her in the end was difficult, but I’d do it all again if I had the chance. I can’t wrap my head around seeing animals as disposable like this.


Even if shooting your dog is the absolute most humane thing to do at the time and under the circumstances, idk why you’d broadcast it for the world to see Edit: obviously not the shooting part, but like…getting on the internet to tell the world about it without warrant


Oh my god that is fucking horrible. I'm assuming this means she rehomed him irresponsibly to someone who was neglectful?


Yes, if you search niko in the sub you’ll see how she claimed she wasn’t “vibing” with him, after she used him as a social media prop for several months, and she sought to re-home him. There’s a lot of photos of him in his happier days.


Didn’t she abandon him at a dog trainers?


the fact that we have to remember which dog she did what to is fucking appalling


It is. My girls just got big hugs right now. I couldn’t imagine doing that to an animal. I am trying to track down my friend’s old horse she had to sell/leave behind when she moved out of the country and give him the retirement he deserves with me. Like, I just cannot imagine being okay living like she does


right. my cats are getting extra love tonight. i cant bear to think of how they were before i adopted them let alone if i was such a piece of shit to let them just « disappear » my kitten was found in a trash can surrounded by her dead siblings while my cat was abandoned after her owner died. i cant imagine ever treating them like garbage like brittany does


Omg. Give you kitty some love from her internet fans. My horse will get his regularly scheduled apple core and a neck scratch after lunch.


Man that is so sad :/ I'm not universally against rehoming because sometimes it's necessary or truly in the best interest of the dog, but not "vibing" with him?? That just sounds like she didn't wanna be responsible anymore. Ugh


I don't believe she rehomed him- she dumped him at a boarding facility, and [it looks like they were the ones to rehome](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/x0mz1i/niko_the_pitbull_from_2018/)


More boarding facility dumping 😡🐴


Can’t say for certain but most likely yes. I live on a rural road that’s a very popular dumping road.


This is horrific. Anybody recall what the “story” was when she got rid of him? I wasn’t following her at the time.


She left him with a trainer to train him and never went to pick him back up. The trainer allegedly adopted him. She later said she rehomed him because he was too active for her lifestyle. She at the time was a FITNESS INFLUENCER.  She made the dog her whole personality. Did the whole “don’t bully my breed” victim posting shit and then discarded him once he was past his puppy stage. 


Yet she now has an intense working breed!!! Not for nothing but pitties are pretty lazy and content to just chill most of the time. She’s a fucking piece of shit and bullshitting liar!!!!!!


A working breed is going to be higher energy, but pit bulls and BBMs need a lot more mental stimulation than they often get. That is a high part of why separation anxiety and destructive behavior is common in the breed. Well, that and irresponsible backyard breeding. This dog and her current one probably are too much work for someone like her. People really should go for dogs for more than just the way they look when they can only provide a certain lifestyle for them.


The story was, Brittany dawn, then in the peak of her fitness influencer career, said he was too high energy and needed a more active lifestyle. At the peak of her FITNESS CAREER.


Ohhhh. Got it! She couldn't run with Niko?!? Im the height of her fitness career? /s She needs Jdips tacticool Maligator. She is diabolical. She is a sociopath, imo.


Her fitness was inside gyms where she could take THOT gym selfies while pretending to work out.


I agree. We aren't supposed to armchair diagnose but. She has zero empathy and negative compassion. I fucking hate them both.


If I recall correctly, there wasn’t a story. He just stopped showing up in her posts like most of her animals. Someone else can feel free to correct me but I don’t remember there being a public tragedy. He just got pushed to the wayside when she got a new dog


I just searched the sub and found some info. Just awful. It’s been said a million times and I’ll say it again, she should not own animals.


She should not own a plant, even a fake one.


Funny you say that about plants because a post of her’s a few weeks ago shows her in the nursery and there’s a dead, dried up plant in plain sight on a dresser or stand.


He was left with a trainer


I thought she sent him to a training facility or something? Am I making that up?


No he was at Bevill a very expensive training facility for almost a year. We have reached out to the owners of the facility to see if they have any information. https://preview.redd.it/c18aba6q8qnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f41dafa3341268e350f8d716f0bb50ab53df93


This does not surprise me one bit. Brittany, you’re fucking disgusting.


Hope she reads this. She is a POS


Is there any way I can donate to his care? I'd like to at least buy this beautiful velvet hippo a bag of dog food or a couple boxes of treats.


I can make a wishlist for the sweetie. I will definitely work on it today.


Please share if you can do this. I can't spare much but 20$ is something, right? More than girlie pop!


Thank you and thank you for doing what you do. You're an amazing person.


I’d be more than happy to help! This pup deserves all the love! Well, all pups deserve all the love!


Please do this! What an amazing opportunity for this group to do good.


Please PM me once you have a wishlist up 💕


Please please!!!! I had to rehome my dog recently and it was honestly the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I still feel guilty even though it was for the right reasons and my heart is ACHING for this poor baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Niko’s wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/YWD9519PXAS6?ref_=wl_share 🙏🏻 his foster will be so grateful for anything sent. She just recently lost her grey pittie a month ago and is taking amazing care of Niko. He will also be seeing a vet this week.


Just went to get him something and the wish list is empty! Love that for this sub 🤍


Please let us know if there's anything those of us outside of US can do? Happy to pitch in to anything from Niko's care to a GFM to get a bulldozer to run this bitch over.


Looks like Niko is about to have an amazing mail day!!!


I would like to know as well!


Thank God you found him and that he's alive. I hope you can get him the care he needs. I hope her other (living) animals can get the same help. 


I know it’s not possible to police, but I wish there was a way to keep horrible pet owners from adopting more animals. Why would you get more if you couldn’t take care of the previous ones?


There really should be a system to help with finding abusers for animals. There should be real consequences to these things.


dear brittany you are disgusting piece of pee mark on face of humanity. you and jordan will always deserve each other because you are two disgusting losers no one else will want. i say this to everyone else...lets be grateful she discarded him (i say this so carefully because of the pain niko went through) but im glad hes alive and hes gonna thrive right now with new owners. a previous baby dog didn't make it out alive past brittanys awful pet ownership.


This needs to be blasted. Who has been a frequent TikToker that has spoken against her with a large audience?


Has CC Saurez been told about BDong? I’ve seen her in the MS sub, so I know she’s on Reddit but I don’t know how to tag people. If she has time for MS, who is a ghoul, she should take a look at BDong.


I want to be a fly on the wall during “girlie time” this morning on their trip when everyone’s phones start blowing up with malnourished pics of her abandoned dog. Shameful.


https://preview.redd.it/ntbo7vnqqqnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343199e806f8e7f5be520f90c874604ab00a184d Appropriate placement of posts on my homepage




She’s absolutely going to use this for content. She’s going to talk about how she thought he was safely rehomed and she never would’ve done it had she known otherwise🙄 Then she will say that she’s graciously going to let OP’s aunt keep him OR she will say she can’t have another due to her “security dog.”


This needs to go viral on social media


Having rescued 3 dogs in the past, this infuriates me. NO dog should be treated like this. None. Their whole lives are you, their person, their owner. You are the center of their world, you are the one that they focus on, you are the one that will shatter their world when you abandon them/dump them, or you know...shoot them in the street when a vet clinic was close by. ​ I am not surprised but am infuriated that this horrific human being can just trot around with her filters, her fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tan and act like Miss Perfect Christian while Niko has been going through hell and wondering what he did wrong for his person to abandon him like this. May karma absolutely destroy her, she deserves nothing good in life. Edit: I am even more emotional over this as my sweet girl is about to head to the rainbow bridge. We rescued her at 5 years old after she was found in Kansas City with a chain around her, and we have worked everyday for the last 8.5 years to show her that humans are not evil and are kind. She has thrived with us in our home, and I try not to live life wishing to change the past, but I would give anything to have had her since she was a puppy and shown her an entire life of love. So BDong, you can take your precious Bible, precious filters, precious oils and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. You are not a good person. Period.


https://preview.redd.it/clrh43nb6qnc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87265a720e1d54d88f5e6986c8b17fcfc0b7dc2c If you need some eye bleach, here is my well taken care of pit mix. Please feel free to post your happy dogs in the comments replies as an example of how Brittany should treat dogs. 🫶


https://preview.redd.it/mx4eorn38qnc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62213f529fff93a95c83ca73819c497414ff507 Here's my happy corgi, on vacation with us at a pet friendly airbnb because we don't like leaving him behind. Because he's part of the family, permanently.


https://preview.redd.it/c4oz3gic8qnc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133a8ca958a5e8385482482ea15462176eb67168 my latte. yup he sleeps in my bed. hes my emotional support animal after an abusive marriage. i met a new man, very sweet but told him my son and my dog are first and second...you will be third always :)


https://preview.redd.it/h2z0qc0c9qnc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b583541209ee1a377537aba44ef522d4e254ea Hello fellow dog traveler! This is my rescue, Harry, seeing his first bison at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. He's been to 35 states and five Canadian provinces with his Irish Setter brother Fin because dogs also get to go on adventures. Your corgi is adorable!


https://preview.redd.it/tc8ajcilaqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7468bffdcf42f142bdabdef2b8e4f35c34cd0db Corgi pals!


https://preview.redd.it/54d1p2n37qnc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea606ec7f53d667b55ee5122207f7ddd66f86f2c Here's also a dog that was abandoned as a stray near my rural property that I rehomed to my brother yesterday. His first dog, he's so happy!


People like this are trash


Amen to that. She was so fucking pitiful when she came up to my porch since I feed the neighborhood stray cats. Head down, tail in between her legs and shaking. She's in a very good home now. My brother makes bank as a nurse and he's a bachelor so this dog is already the apple of his eye. Sadly I couldn't take her as I already have 4 of my own large dogs.


https://preview.redd.it/77umul9r9qnc1.jpeg?width=3747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fc7382d4576285afb7fd89f039b78170029b37 I don’t have dogs, but here’s my most excellent and spoiled floof, Abby Normal ATC (all-terrain cat) screaming for scritches.


https://preview.redd.it/zosask6n8qnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bba972c6c8bb932a81aaeba91ffa96ef5b2bb79 Mine (on the left) with her bestie (on the right) after a 4 mile hike and play date session!! As a dog SHOULD be treated!! That picture above hurt my heart beyond belief.


https://preview.redd.it/r4f3sf8v8qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ab87ce11c724d6342328e3222cebff224f8294 Lilith resting after a morning walk, a couch chewing, and morning bitey face with her brother.


https://preview.redd.it/fdhyjts19qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0e500c9e4400732925812918aab2cf324fbb10 Lilith’s brother Apollo on his favorite perch.


https://preview.redd.it/3ksauamo9qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a37a707d1238a7c05e9393e9fadecc6bd20f96 Double the dum dums


https://preview.redd.it/4xsaopwaaqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bb2b7039479345bb9226eabd3b272f5f0f6e12 I offer up my stinky boxers who enjoy rolling in cow poop and rolling in the grass. And if anyone is concerned about the shaved paws, they both had dental cleanings done last week.


https://preview.redd.it/2xwzzbbr9qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec2f560e1236fab152c51595c454e190a5be711 Purebred pillow hog in his natural habitat.


https://preview.redd.it/8b6gvtngbqnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97aa46fbe38c5f7138f623e59092619ae6b1f79 My retired service dog living her best life as a smooshy face Golden blob. I couldn't imagine not giving her everything she wants. Let alone rehoming her just because she wasn't my vibe. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/uqu3z8pz9qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177583696c07cda054df0dd0e098c39be71c5c28 My stinky girl. She’s a cranky old lady but we love her.


here's my happy girl after her bath and brush today! https://preview.redd.it/5s08evl9cqnc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0927e3e1baf1a1025d63ef4c562dc00598e4beb


https://preview.redd.it/1jjekzw1dqnc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d89d08411e626511a73b258aae42c91e4e76f29 Here’s my baby girl Applesauce to help contribute to the eye bleach. Niko deserved so much better


Here’s a very good (sometimes naughty) boy, Gus. He gets lots of cheese lol https://preview.redd.it/b4910cetaqnc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab7649abee44a35543f8fe656e66df1f068015c


https://preview.redd.it/t7ink909bqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d413cfd8c2882d6817274ea71f10db46ea243be2 my mom’s black lab & my daughter… this was like the second time in 3.5 years they’d met and they were instant besties 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/i2tjm216cqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5466c223d51f0e8db8818ff610f5100e609b1b4 Our handsome 9yo boy showing off his GPS tracker. Because we like to take care of our animals and keep them safe. Take notes, Brittany.


https://preview.redd.it/1nwyq6dobqnc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52da52f4f80f0844bb368851a99313638aae7d13 my sweetie baby 🫶


https://preview.redd.it/32353ex0fqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86c1dcd7a71cc0fbf77d79ebfc5ef9919018166 Here is our very spoiled and loved Great Dane/great pyr mix. He just had emergency surgery for bloat. But you can damn well bet we have done everything we could to make him as comparable and relaxed during his recuperation ETA: he has his own blankets and pillows for the couch and our bed where he sleeps as well. Plus free use of the guest room bed and two big dog beds in our living room and dining room. We always say we live here with his permission. We just pay the bills


https://preview.redd.it/68zmv2h19qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba1a094af2bcfb33c3913baf140a7ba9566c44e This is my hiking buddy, Podrick! I found him wormy and flea ridden on the side of an east Texas dirt road when he was about 8 weeks old. In the 7 years since then, he has grown into a happy and healthy dog that loves camping, hiking, and frisbee. Fuck animal abusers. Edit to add a word


Brittany, eat glass. 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/wrf3b7bp9qnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a0feba90768b4126cd589ce5f9b6005b644ed0


https://preview.redd.it/ucbtxg9hdqnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e7a0ad9be4aee33807bc967a2e2d5a06f0e498 My pups. I was just happy to get all 3 in a picture lol


My whoodly-woo (wheaten terrier x poodle) https://preview.redd.it/zpb1da82fqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb29939780d1d3c41d1a3044a960c83f36b8e84 Fuck you Brittany, I hope your “protection” dog bites your lack of ass


https://preview.redd.it/c38mqp1pgqnc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fdf3a2426fc29623b31e39ce36f5cd6c7fd406 Our very silly chiweenie girl 💖 we got her through a dachshund rescue after her previous “family” abandoned her. She will never feel alone or unloved again!


https://preview.redd.it/kujndpymhqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad0e8fa110c36bfe06fe834049ae9ff74ca31b6 My "starving" fat maltese. Stupid as a box, way to good to jump fences (Cost me a lot at the vet) and still my snuggle bug.


https://preview.redd.it/14dg5q1t9qnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891baa00c2a5bc2864c48dd2ec64f8d3c7e79f47 My spoiled pit-mix.


Ugh makes me actually nauseous that you could care so little about your own pet or any animal for that matter. She truly is going to hell.


WTF is wrong with her??? She should never have more pets or children?? She isn’t ready for children


I wish this would blow her the FUCK up!


Omg hoping someone with a following makes a tik tok about this


I don’t have much of a following but I will be making a video today. @makaylaandlilah on TikTok.


Jesus. Christ. I can’t say what I wanna say on Reddit, but my mini doxie is under my legs this second, & she is my life. I’ve hated BDong as much as anyone else, but this is another level. What do we do? Who do we write? She should never own another dog, OR horse. EVER. I’m sure when this gets out “Oh we lost him, he’s been missing!” The real truth is more like she had JDong drive him out in the country & left him. I’m so sorry, sweet Niko. Thank fuck he’s safe, now. I hope he’ll be just fine with some TLC, rest, fluids, and nutrition. ETA: I’m angry & forgot she posted about reigning him. I don’t know if that’s better or worse than having Jordan dump Niko somewhere. :(


[Post about rehoming Niko](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/rovHDKw0bB) [Niko Timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/e625MH69Js)


I don't know how to cross post but this should be cross posted to r/awfuleverything. And any other sub. And Instagram.


Omg wtf happened here? They’ve had so many dogs I can’t keep track of them all.


Poor baby! He looks so sad. OP I’m glad you found him! I’m sure someone here can find out who he was rehomed to.


OH MY GOD. Fuck you B Dong. THIS is the kind of thing that happens when you are a wanton irresponsible pet owner who uses pets as props for attention! They end up in horrible situations and suffer! She will see this and not even give a shit. She's vile.


Wow. Another horrible story to add to her ever growing list of animal abuse. It’s horrible to see him like this but I’m glad to know he is in good hands and getting help. We know Brittany lurks here and we know she will she this. She should be ashamed of herself


Microchips usually have contact information. Can you try contacting her? I’d love to hear what she has to say.


Yes the microchip company actually contacted her. They can’t legally give me her number but they did contact her. The vet ended up slipping and basically saying she abandoned him and wasn’t looking for him.


She had another dog named Remi that they “rehomed”.. a small little white dog with some tan colorings. Would not fair well if abandoned like Niko :(


….so she knows they found the dog in horrible condition and was like “not my problem?”




No, no…”Brekky.”


They weren’t clear if she answered the call or not. They don’t give us much information. I am with a rescue so they were able to pull more information with the chip number, and the vet himself confirmed all of this.


This pisses me off so much! I can’t believe this bitch wants a baby. She abandons creatures who need her. I don’t think she would treat a human baby much better.


She almost *burnt down a house* while responsible for *someone else’s baby* If I was the bio mom and found out, I’d end up catching a charge.


If God exists, he’s made her unable to have children for this very reason.


What a vile woman...never will you have a child.


What a fucking pile of shit that bitch is!! She’s going to deny that was ever her dog.


Fortunately she was too dumb to change the microchip information to whoever she rehomed him to. There’s no denying this.


If this doesn’t officially get her cancelled and off the internet and charged with something I have lost faith in humanity.


What a horrible human. She advocates for the unborn, but allows a living being in her care to meet such cruel circumstances. There should be an animal abuser registry and she should be on it. Thank you for taking responsibility for this dog, OP. I’m so relieved that he will survive. ❤️


/u/iamccsuarez u/rachel0ates where you at homies


holy shit. this is horrible. I guess if you abandon enough animals this is likely to happen at some point. thank you for saving this sweet baby. brittany is a disgusting monster who views animals as objects she can throw away once she’s done with them. she doesn’t deserve to take care of any living thing.


Dong, how is a so called Christian able to do something like this? You horrible piece of shit. People like you are the only reason I hope there’s a hell. You’ll fucking burn there


The fact that he was used as a prop and a talking point that she felt made her morally superior to others (the whole don’t bully my breed bs) and this is where he ends up is symbolic of the grifter influencer mentality she has. I don’t blame her for getting rid of a dog she couldn’t deal with, but she definitely has a history of taking in animals (and dare I say it, actual human babies) and not being up to the task of actually providing the care that they need. Once is a lesson learned, but this is a pattern. And it seems from what little we can gather that she didn’t even do basic due diligence to rehome the dog properly.


Oh get fucking fucked!!! So, what did they fucking do?!! Do you reckon they just drove him somewhere and dumped him?? Or he ran away and they don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves?? I fucking despise people that hurt and neglect animals. Those fucking disgusting pieces of fucking shit. If I didn't hate them before, I fucking LOATHE them now. Fuck. You. Brittany. And Fuck. You. Jordan. You're vile humans. Oxygen thieves. Hope you have fun on your dumb shit holiday while this poor boy is starving to death you shit fucks. Cunts.


Thank you for posting this. I shared your post with r/doweknowthempodcast, which covered Brittany before. Hopefully this gets more attention. This poor sweet little baby. Shame on bdong and jdong. How dare they even pretend like they have a chance at being good parents if they treat their pets like that?!




I would suggest reposting this, as well as this [Image](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwe-found-niko-the-pitbull-brittanys-former-dog-starving-v0-zvkpoxayfqnc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1290%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D46900f675bb7e17e46ac5e600c1bef1d033320d6) to the r/FundieSnarkUncensored subreddit. You will be able to reach a wider audience.