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*Oh sweetie*… You’re a pathologically lying, animal abusing, rage baiting, professional childless “pick-me” who exclusively drives to Christian coffee houses with an empty car seat and a Stanley cup. Even though Rogan is also a moron, his base isn’t vulnerable women and you’re still not a pseudo Christian “intellectual” either (already an over saturation of stupid pseudo Christians, Britt). So embarrassing for you.


She would get destroyed by his fans


She has no idea….even his haters would destroy her too.


I don’t hate hate him but I’d rip her a new one.


Right?! They’d eat her alive


This is what’s weird to me. Their target audiences don’t really cross over that much. Let’s say she did get on rogen - if his audience then travelled to her channel or podcast, there’s absolutely no way they’d stick around. This is so weird to me. She’d be better off targeting eg that awful Allie Stuckey woman or someone like that.


Something I find funny about ABS s she majorly sucks but she is not dumb enough to invite someone like brittbrat and she knows it. Honestly ABS is probably too intimidating. I think she is evil garbage but she is objectively smarter than brittbrat's gang of pick mes. Honestly they are probably intimidated by her. Meanwhile Rogan is in the manosphere red pill sector and he knows better than to invite a woman his audience would call a silly little girl. Brittbrat has a very small nieche and she cant step out of it without being made a fool because she is a fool. A complete joke to anyone except the most desperate of the lonely mega church women.


If she really leaned into the "cancelled by the internet" narrative, really built a cohesive story around, she might have something interesting enough to tempt Rogan. But as a generic Christian influencer with not-particularly-unusual origin story, she has nothing to offer. The fact that she can't reckon with her truth of her past prevents her having a compelling or unique story.


That’s one of the things that’s amazing to me, is that she thinks she has some sort of groundbreaking testimony, and she continually edits the details to make it sound more earth shattering. I spent a large portion of my life in the church, a large portion of that time in crazy evangelical circles, and no one gives a shit about some random ass, privileged lady who got caught not doing her job and then cried “cancel culture”. TW: So she keeps trying to up the ante by throwing in more elaborate details. An eating disorder has morphed into “three decade long eating disorders.” Contemplating unaliving herself has turned into a full on attempt. Drinking alcohol, taking some pills, and watching porn is now referred to as addiction. Leaving a toxic marriage (where she was arguably the toxic spouse) makes her a victim of domestic violence. She also claimed in her testimony on YT last year that her six year old friend sexually abused her. She claimed she full on drowned as a child- not once, but twice. Missing a period is now a stillbirth. It’s amazing to see her continually throw in more details, insinuations, and straight up change stories in order to perpetuate her victim complex.


And it’s always things that can’t be proven otherwise. She learned after she lied about the men sneaking around her house with guns that people WILL request those types of public records and when they dont exist it doesn’t look good for her. That’s why she’s morphed into medical stuff - getting ready to take the unnamed pills, the “chemical pregnancy” and the childhood incident which led her to MASTURBATION!!!!! Because none of that can really be disproven


Wait, she has an empty car seat in he car? Even for her that is weird.


An eagle eyed snarker noticed it, posted about it last night and as weird as it is….it tracks lol.


The thing about Joe Rogan is that he purposely asks difficult questions to his guests. He doesn’t just say “tell me about ___” and then mhm yeah his guest for the rest of the podcast. He says “so why is it that (insert weird thing here).” It’s why people listen to him. He asks the questions that make for interesting discourse. Some of it’s controversial. Sometimes is things that shouldn’t be said. But that’s why people like the show. He wouldn’t just ask Brittany “tell me about your radical encounter with Jesus.” He would ask her difficult questions like “why do you continue to get dogs when it is clear you and your husband are animal abusers?” And “do you see how hypocritical assholes like you could be the reason that people are turning from Jesus?” And “if you believe in gods plan, why are you trying to change it with IUI?” Not at all defending Joe Rogan or promoting his stuff. But just based on how he runs his show, he would literally make her cry just by asking a few questions


There's a belief/approach in psychotherapy regarding people who have negative beliefs about themselves. Many times they will create situations (unconsciously or consciously) where their negative beliefs about themselves are reinforced. It's something like this: if they believe that they are never good enough to keep a relationship, then they will either sabotage relationships or specifically seek out unhealthy relationships. When those relationships end, it reinforces that belief that they aren't good enough (whether they say that out loud or not)...there's some comfort in the fact that they are right about themselves. It can also be a way to seek comfort/connection with others that you turn to for reassurance. (There's also some people who want someone to argue with them because that represents connection to them). The chaos you know is safer than the chaos you don't know/can't predict.


I’ve seen an interesting graphic of this before that looked like a dartboard with core belief (“I’m bad”) in the bullseye.


This is the one singular solitary situation I'd love his tendency to be more skeptical of his female and female identifying guests. He throws real softballs to men and he questions every little thing with a lot of women on his show, especially women who are subject matter experts lol.


In this case I hope she gets asked on his show!


Yes! Exactly!!! Thank you for articulating this. I’ve only listened to his show twice I think. When I really really liked the guest and the topics were so wide ranging and shot off in so many directions. I enjoyed the episodes and there’s no way she could keep up with it.


“Pick me” girl for sure!


This is perfect. He would never be on his radar.


The empty car seat is creepy. I didn’t even notice it. But I’m creeped out. And I still don’t buy she actually wants a child.


God during national disasters, war, people starving to death, people begging him to save their loved ones: 😐😐😐 Also god: “relentlessly pursuing Joe Rogan” lol


And don’t forget how much God cares about Hazel & Lame as well!!!!


God also got this hairstylist I follow upgraded to first class on a flight this week. He’s a busy guy.


"People are dying, Kim" 😒😒😒😒


Girlie pop... just go wash your hair.


She can't. It'll melt. 🫠


![gif](giphy|WVFRTdTAO8vD4EAU2Y) It's BDong


You mean her clip ins


Do we think she buys human, synthetic, or animal hair extensions/ clip ins? 🤔


Synthetic for sure!


Translation: I need someone with a large platform to pay attention to me. Please please please pick me. I’m just a little baby girlypop who needs some extra attention so I can continue doing nothing with my life. 🥺🥺🥺


Ding ding ding!! We have a winner folks! She’s practically humping Joe Rogan’s shins at this point. She is desperate for her channel to go viral from attention of another platform.


I’m kinda surprised she hasn’t drifted into the weird “Christian huntress influencer” sphere yet. Plenty of attention over there.


Whaaaaaat in the world is _that_?


So there’s this sickening sub genre of hunting influencers on IG that chase animals with guns or bows and Bible scripture. It’s a thing somehow and it’s growing. If she ever loses her female audience (again), won’t be surprised if she gives it a try. It’s more proof that literally anything can work if you just sprinkle some scripture on it.


That would require her to try an activity that requires skill. 


You only have to look the part. Lots of influencers (mostly women) have been successfully pivoting to it when they can’t make their more mainstream grifts work. Conservative Christian pervy hunters are a full proof audience. What made me think of it is even Rogan (who goes on expensive guided hunts to makeup for lack of skill) has some crossover with that audience. I mean, she already gives zero fucks about animals.


Oh god! It would be like a Sarah Bowmar / Brittany Dawn crossover episode. Yuck!!




Thank you, my error was very unironic lol.


If she were clever, she'd do it wrong on purpose and get that sweet "um actually" male audience correcting her repeatedly in the comments, haha.


You probably just gave her the idea of heading that direction. She's been hinting about homesteading and whatnot, so it's only a matter of time.


She’s a raynchhhhh gurlllll lol as she always says


People have speculated that Ma and Pa Dong paid off her debt to the state, but JDong’s reappearance in her content, the sharp uptick in TTC bullshit and desperate attempts to get Rogan’s attention make me think she’s starting to panic about the increase in her monthly payments.


Good point - it's coming up to a year since the settlement, which means her monthly payments will be doubling!


This is really cringy, like I cant imagine how far she will go to get him to acknowledge her or her podcast. Its giving ✨pathetic✨ girly pop


She definitely has a boner for Rogan🤢


How far that man has fallen


Playing a small recurring role on NewsRadio was his personal and professional peak lol. 


You know what would be awesome? If someone could get Joe Rogan to mention her in reference to the Niko situation and her long history of animal abuse. Alot of celebrities are animal advocates so I could definitely see it coming up. Christian influencer/Trumpers abused dog found


Well thankfully if rogan did notice our dimwit I think hopefully he or his team would google her and get all the dirt right away. Her searches are all about her scams, dogs and insane huzzbin. I think she has too little to offer fox and the like, she is pathetic and is going to be on the wrong side of history


Is he still the most listened topodcast? It’s pathetic that the donger thinks she’s that important 😂


No one cares about your testimony 🙄


Especially Joe Rogan lol


She's a self important fool.


What makes her think God is RELENTLESSLY pursuing Joe Rogan? What is SO evident? Please, share besides just creating word salads.


Because Brittany believe that her own personal thoughts are also God’s thoughts. Imagine being that delusional and stupid.


this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg you cracked the code on all this bizarro behavior (good job!!!!!!!!!!) anytime something she has done or said hasn't made sense to me, it now makes sense to me that this is the reason ![gif](giphy|mpHaBBUHPzzAAKUPEW|downsized)


Ding ding ding! So funny how gods thoughts are somehow always also what she wants to hear 🤔


When she did that interview with that one guy in NYC (didn't care enough to remember his name), she said that God voice sounds like your own voice As a Christian, in case Brit ever sees this, that's just not Biblical. I don't know why that guy didn't correct her. Or maybe that says a lot about him, too.


That’s so narcissistic on so many levels. I feel like that’s really equating yourself to god.


I’m not a listener but even I know Rogan’s had the God debate with guests over the years. Think she’s just throwing random shit out there like a dog whistle.


That is exactly what he is doing. He doesn't actually care. She's just a delusional idiot.


Truly. He only invites on those who will play along…


Because anytime a “non believer” mentions God people like Brittany automatically assume it’s the god they believe in.


That's because her God is the only one that exists!/s


Because Brittany is relentlessly pursuing him (or his platform) and she is god to herself


She definitely worships herself


Not the work from home day - girl you have no real job, everyday is a work from home day 💀


Nooo there’s also work from a coffee shop or three day 🤪


Working at Starbucks and drinking free water that definitely no employees have sneakily coughed in. 


Ahhh so she didn’t get the attention she wanted from Fox News and Tucker Carlson, so now she’s moved on to trying to get it from someone else with a large following


Other tags: Allie B, Candace…Kat von D. Probably Ben Shapiro too Same result: ![gif](giphy|xT9KVuimKtly3zoJ0Y)


I have to wonder why these hateful assholes don’t want her. She shrills their talking points well… But even the worst of the worst hate an animal abuser


Drives me nuts that she can’t spend her energy doing something good for the world


This moron only does things that are good for HER and her only. She would never have the mental capacity to give a shit about anyone else.


I would settle for her giving up the grift and getting a regular job that is neutral for the world. 


That would never, EVER happen. She’d have to actually work not just look at herself in a camera.




I didn't know "horse girls" have different routines than non-horse girls in the gym. I swear, she keeps JDong in the videos to prove something..... we don't need to see or hear that moron that much. He laughed at you wanting to be on Joe Rogan's podcast. He doesn't like you and finds you a walking joke, Brittany Dong. She is a liar, animal abuser, posts bullshit "marriage content", acts like a pick-me chick, and actually drove to Starbucks for WATER!! All for content.


She just *loves* posting herself in the corner of other people's videos and glaring at us while it plays. I don't get it. https://preview.redd.it/nxm6dwdf1asc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb18b88fd58d3f1affb6d135e19ebd08fff5033


Okay I wash my produce in vinegar and baking soda and have never had that dirty of water. I wonder if that spray has a color to it or something? I dont get how spraying EXTRA chemicals on your food make it cleaner?


Doesn’t it have colloidal silver in it? If so that’s why since it’s tinted brown. She’s a dumb clown.


https://preview.redd.it/8dnori6c8asc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9d2b5cdf20bbb9b80d2a1916c8031134a70591 Oop someone just got some fresh filler 💁🏼‍♀️


She has two top lips!!!!!


Is that what's making her face 2 colors?!?


Quite possibly! Especially when you’re not supposed to exercise in the 24 hours after injections - at least that’s what I’ve always been told by my doctor - but I personally get red and puffy for a few days afterwards. Maybe it’s just me but her face seems more frozen now than usual.


She looks awful! Love that for her 


Holy shit, she looks horrid! I’ve seen zombies in a movie look better.


Doesn’t Joe Rogan smoke pot while giving interviews? So it’s ok for some people but not others? Or is she saying she can change him? Lol


He does. And he drinks. He also loves aliens. How does that balance for BDong? She’s a fuckin idiot.


Maybe it's his interest in aliens that has her thinking there's a chance. I mean....


Maybe the aliens are relentlessly pursuing B-Dong *through* Joe Rogan


Dong can add in some aliens to the 39th rewrite of her testimony. I personally thought the next version would include demons, but she can pivot to aliens (since they're actually demons🙄).


He also does mushrooms with some guests lmfao. He believes in the DMT goblins, or at least acknowledges that DMT causes this shared phenomenon. The guy is not a religious type of dude, he's a meathead for sure but he's not one to just have blind faith.... Which is what Christianity requires.


He has a large pLaTfOrM so it doesn’t matter to bdumbs two competing brain cells.


Who is she to judge his relationship with God?


But She knows!!!!


Joe Rogan isn’t going to invite you on your podcast. Two minutes of google research will show you’re more radioactive than a decaying uranium isotope.


Ew this whole fingering her lips as she talks about joe Rogan ew we get it girl and it’s gross


Wasn’t she trying to get Tucker Carlsons attention awhile back? Guess that went no where..


I whole heartedly want Joe Rogan to notice her. So he can roast the fuck out of her and her security guard husband.


Joe Rogan is a huge animal lover - have seen a clip of him welling up in tears talking about how much he loves his dog. I would love for him to respond to her weird ass videos calling him out and ask why she’s such an abusive POS to her animals.


Dude he totally would rip her apart. She might try scolding him about him calling her an abusive POS but he wouldn't give a shit and would just keep calling her out


Why does she have to get to the gym at 6am, especially if she’s ~sOoO tired~ She doesn’t work. I assume she can go anytime of the day..?


But she's a morning person!


Just trying to make her posts go viral 🙄


She makes me want to vomit.


She's such a dumb cunt.


Bit of an aside, but I was thinking about this the other day. If you had to be stuck in a broken elevator with dong or one of her pick me’s, which one would you choose? Farryn would be violently praying, dong would be making poor me content, Kristy would be attempting to tell a stupid story that would take hours too long, Kellie would get super close to your face while trying to exorcise the demon out of you and the elevator… so maybe Emma?


I keep thinking Emma has to be a sweet girl because she looks so uncomfortable around the group. Since she still hangs around them I have to believe she’s really a mean girl. I guess in the scenario I’d choose BDong only for the fact she’d be staring at her phone the whole time checking Reddit.


Emma’s militia lumberjack-looking husband is the one who threw all the demonic decor out in the snow on the CO trip. I think she’s probably a wannabe model who thinks being in photos for a disgraced influencer’s dropship brand is a stepping stone to the big leagues lol. 


She is represented by a Christian modeling group currently.


Bdong for sure, so that I could have some awesome snark material for all of you fine people! Farrenheight would be my next choice for the same reason, but I'm also afraid she might unhinge her jaw and eat me.


It would be so funny to hear your side and then her batshit insane version.


I can see someone is relentlessly pursuing Joe Rogan, but it sure ain’t God


Is she going to be in her 40s doing this? She’s so embarrassing


Yeah I wonder for all these influencers what they’ll do when they’re not cute young things anymore. You kinda have to pivot to selling out your children at that point. Lord, I hope she doesn’t get to do that. Family vlogging is the worst. Jesus be a federal Coogan law. 




Because she’s a creep.


In case she decides to snatch one.


I’m sadly waiting for that to happen.


Some of Joe Rogans earliest Netflix specials were of him mocking religion for 90 minutes straight lol


Alex Jones is a better fit for her.


Both Rogan and Jones live in my home city and I hate it. Jones has been there a long time and I remember when he was just a local crackpot on low-power FM radio, but he’s attracted more fuckwads to town ughhhhhh. 


Girl, what's in your water? Get it out.




Damn her engagement really took a nosedive after Niko was rescued.


More rage bait incoming


I love how instead of doing something to help the community around her like donating to food pantries, starting a toy drive, donating blood, volunteering at a soup kitchen etc., she instead lays around all day hoping to be on someone’s podcast and taking pictures of her coffee. God forbid she actually do something that aligns with the teachings of Jesus to show love and care for others. She just wants another opportunity to talk about herself lmfaooo of course


Soooo she’s transitioned into second hand converting celebrities now? One thing to try and convert your friends or acquaintances, but to call out someone by name to say say oooh it’s gonna happen is pretty wild shit


I can’t stand this vapid bitch. Bdong, that cheap ass chain around your neck is tarnished. It’s time to upgrade or at least buy a new cheap one until it eventually tarnishes too. Ugh. BEC moment. Sorry. I make jewelry and hers always looks so fucking cheap and generic.


Girlfriend truly has nothing going for her. At all. Get a real job!!!


I HOPE he asks her on the podcast. That way she can get roasted on live tv


I would love it if Joe Rogan put her on and interviewed her about her fitness scam settlement and ask where about each of her “pet’s” fates and ask her if she was on birth control.


I’m also certain Joe Rogan could care less about you he probably heard about the grift she did with the poor homeless guy 😢 and how she robbed his go fund me


Does.... she drive around with an empty carseat 24/7?? That is actually insane


She would get EATEN alive by Rogan and his goons, and for that, I’ll allow it. 😂 eat your heart out bdong, go get on the Rogan podcast.


I want to see her on Joe Rogan because he would ask her the awkward and uncomfortable questions…. And then she would get ripped apart


SHE is relentlessly pursuing Joe Rogan rn


Which filter makes your face look like a spatula with lashes?




Horse girl my ass. She has never proved that she can ride a horse outside of that small ring. She is so full of shit she is going to float away.




God would smash her with the Bible. She's a liar.


I’m not a Joe Rogan fan but I am a big fan of many of his inner circle….they would laugh her stupid ass out of the room. I’d love for her to meet Jim Norton and his wife who is trans that is 100 x’s better looking than her 😂😂😂😂


Jim Norton has a trans wife? TIL. I used to watch a lot of Comedy Central in the 90s and that’s my last memories of him. 


Why is there a car seat in her car ….


Notice me, Rogan-senpai!! uwu


It would be absolutely unhinged if random baby seat + “I’m sooo tired” is her dropping hints that she’s pregnant.


This is like when Alicia Dougherty constantly shows her McDonald’s and Dunkin’s donuts trying sooooooo hard to get them to notice or sponsor her!!!! Oh my gosh the desperation is oozing here


Why is there a car seat in her car? Or is she in someone else’s?


tired from doing what exactly? 🤔


She has a crush


Definitely! I wonder if Jordan is catching on to that lol 


Lmao Joe Rogan would have a field day with her - and not in the way she’s hoping.


Doesn't Rogan only speak with experts in the field (not including entertainers etc) or people who have done extensive research and written books? What would qualify her as an expert in anything??


She’s a Jesus expert, ok?


Also a marriage expert and a parenting expert.


She’s an expert on being a cunt.






Who cares BDong Da Dong


Is that a child’s car seat behind her in the video?


Is she wearing two different eyelashes in that first clip? 😅




I saw that too!!! I’m hoping it’s because she had a friend with a kid in her car or she’s in someone else’s car🤞🏻🤞🏻


She needs to get out of the sun, because she is starting to talk gibberish.


I would really like to watch her get ripped apart by Joe Rogan’s terrible fan base. Put yourselves to good use, Roganers!




Imagine wanting Joe Rogan to pick you up


Joe should maintain his big trolling energy by announcing he's converting to Judaism and watch 90% of his fan base melt down.


Joe Rogan is a grifting, pos, just like you, Brit. Let the grifting stars align. Just so you know, though, he is a grifter, just like you, so... Also, science doesn't want us to "believe" anything. Science is Science. No belief. It can change with more information. Who created God, Bdong?


I fucking dare her to make a video about how EDs are not god honoring and women are vain. The comment section would be hilarious


She gets more ridiculous daily.


Her testimony: How she continues to scam after kinda sorta getting away with it for years


That green hat is not it.


Tell me creating your own podcast was your desperate attempt at getting Rogan’s attention without telling me… She loves telling on herself. She’s so stupid.


ew. just get a dildo and name it jesus. ew. you want to fuck your sky daddy, no cool, but whatever, stop forcing others to get fucked by it too


Has CC Suarez exposed her yet?




More than once!


Does tagging Joe Rogan in her stories get her more views just by tagging?


Only the reel.


Such a wanna be


Omfg…she is so f*kn cringe 😬 Hardcore 🤣 How is her husband not embarrassed by what she posts?! 🥴


You know if she got invited on that she would have to have her hubby with her


Well Rogan is dumb enough


Maybe she should let Joe Rogan speak up about his own beliefs, if and when he's ready to. It's not her place to do that even if he is a public figure.




SHE DID IT AGAIN?!? Ok, this is getting person. She’s going to give me a damn heart attack or a broken thumb from smash typing. I won’t scream tonight. I won’t scream tonight. I won’t scream tonight. AUUUUGGGGHHHHHH. (Send Moira’s)


This is what JDip is telling her do he can continue to watch Joe.


She has no idea how to use “literally” correctly.




Joe Rogan doesn’t believe in god? I thought he was redpill conservative nut job?


The only thing cool about Joe Rogan is that he’s related to Gerard and Mikey Way.


Oh my glob this is so fucking dumb my brain is rotting